标题:Engonoceratid ammonites from the Glen Rose limestone, Walnut clay, Goodland limestone, and Comanche Peak limestone (Albian) in Texas. American Museum novitates ; no. 3221
摘要:"Ammonites of the family Engonoceratidae, commonly referred to as pseudoceratites because of their distinctive suture, are locally abundant in rocks of early to mid-Albian age in Texas, but have received little or no attention since their original description. Ten species are dealt with in the present publication in the following order: Engonoceras elegans, n. sp., Engonoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903, Engonoceras stolleyi Böhm, 1898, Engonoceras hilli Böhm, 1898, Engonoceras complicatum Hyatt, 1903, Parengonoceras roemeri (Cragin, 1893), Metengonoceras inscriptum Hyatt, 1903, Metengonoceras ambiguum Hyatt, 1903, Protengonoceras gabbi (Böhm, 1898), and Platiknemiceras flexuosum, n. sp"--P. [1].