其他标题:Special Edition: 1981 JICST Classification Table•Thesaurus : JICST Thesaurus on Science and Technology-Compilation of Thesaurus by use of Computers-
其他摘要:This paper describes fundamental functions of vocabulary management system which is a system compiling terms by computers, and the system improvements on 1981 edition of JICST Thesaurus on Science & Technology and its operational results with some real data. Also it discusses some problems derived from the above operation and future progress. The functions of vocabulary management system consist of checking and verifying headings and their attributes in the Thesaurus structure, checking and verifying the basic relations among headings (most adjacent relations) and inconsitency checking and verifying level structure of the Thesaurus. In each stage of checking and venfying general-use chinese characters compilation system as well as display editing system are introduced in order to raise the efficiency of thesaurus maintenance.