出版社:Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
摘要:This Circuit Training was done using a part of the time of the regular physical education class in a senior high school. The subjects were 40 senior high school boys (Age 16-17), who were grouped into two groups, experimental and control; evenly. Conditions were as follows; I. 6-7 items were picked up in this training. II. Training 3 rounds needed 7 minutes. III. The load was their own body weights. Compared with the effects between the test group and the control group, slight changes could be seen on the form of the body, but as to the function, remarkable changes were observed. They are in baby lift, grip strength (left hand), breath-holding time after exercise, and physical fitness. Even though the training period was increased year by year, as 2 times per week in 1961, 3 timed in 1962 and 4 times in 1963, the effect of the training was the same according to the test.
其他摘要:This Circuit Training was done using a part of the time of the regular physical education class in a senior high school. The subjects were 40 senior high school boys (Age 16-17), who were grouped into two groups, experimental and control; evenly. Conditions were as follows; I. 6-7 items were picked up in this training. II. Training 3 rounds needed 7 minutes. III. The load was their own body weights. Compared with the effects between the test group and the control group, slight changes could be seen on the form of the body, but as to the function, remarkable changes were observed. They are in baby lift, grip strength (left hand), breath-holding time after exercise, and physical fitness. Even though the training period was increased year by year, as 2 times per week in 1961, 3 timed in 1962 and 4 times in 1963, the effect of the training was the same according to the test.