其他摘要:The current status and trends in personality research in the field of Japanese psychology between July 2016 and June 2017 were investigated. A total of 120 journal papers and 375 conference proceeding papers were extracted from personality-related research, and then classified and investigated from quantitative viewpoints. Japanese personality-related research accounted for 48.0% of all the papers published in eight major Japanese psychological journals during the target period; moreover, 47.2% of all presentations from two major psychological conferences (a total of 222,986 research participants) included 132 newly developed personality scales and items. Statistical causal analysis methods characterized by SEM were widely employed in these studies. Trends in research themes and implications of the status of personality-related research on personality psychology and the science of individual differences are also discussed.
其他关键词:personality ; personality-related research ; Japan ; science of individual differences