摘要:Context: Professional athletic training education must transition toward instruction of evidence-based practice in order to maintain progress with other health professions' clinical practices and educational standards. Objective: To evaluate athletic training educators' experience with implementation of evidence-based practice concepts in CAATE accredited professional athletic training education programs in order to establish the current state of instructional approaches and incorporation of evidence-based practice concepts. Design and Setting: Interviews of emergent design and modified-grounded theory. Instructors currently teaching at 11 undergraduate institutions were interviewed regarding their experience and perceptions of teaching evidence-based concepts. Participants: Eleven educators (3 males, 8 females; average [SD] years teaching 14.73 [7.06]) were interviewed to evaluate their implementation of evidence-based concepts within their courses. Measure(s): Instructors' experiences regarding teaching of these concepts was explored qualitatively through coding by the researcher. Established categories were triangulated and member checked to establish trustworthiness of the findings. Results: The analysis determined that instructors have three primary approaches to evidence-based practice concept implementation within their programs: curricular emphasis, teaching strategies, and student activities. Analysis also revealed that teaching objectives for concept implementation transcended the cognitive levels of Bloom's revised taxonomy. Conclusions: Athletic training educators should be creative in how they implement EBP within their programs and share their experience with the profession. The teaching objectives, strategies, and activities presented should provide other educators with a foundation to initiate evidence-based instruction. Educating the future of our profession in EBP concepts will promote critical thinking, potential research interest, and further development of the available body of knowledge of our growing clinical practice.