摘要:Evidence-based practice (EBP) is now a well-known paradigm for the athletic training (AT) profession. The Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education accredited programs have required EBP as an explicit focus for professional education, and researchers are gradually producing insightful and relevant evidence concerning the education and implementation of clinically based EBP in educational programs. Likewise, many clinicians are attempting to incorporate EBP into their daily practice in order to guide and enhance patient care, and the Board of Certification has mandated regular EBP education in order to maintain national certification status. Although there remains much work to be completed before AT can claim to be a health care profession that is saturated with EBP, there is growing evidence of positive momentum toward that goal. However, the extent of EBP implementation remains limited to clinically based, patient-oriented outcomes. To date, there is little suggestion that the profession of AT has used an evidence-based approach for other related aspects of its professional practice. To that point, a multifactorial and more comprehensive model for evidence-based AT (EBAT) is presented with the intent of better situating and centering the potentiality for a larger evidence-based culture to inform and guide the AT profession's 3 critical subcomponents: practice, regulation, and education. We attempt here to expand upon the paradigm for EBP as a precondition for an overarching, more inclusive EBAT model. To do this, we will introduce and interconnect 2 other critical aspects of professional practice: evidence-based regulation and evidence-based education. Alongside EBP, both evidence-based regulation and education are fundamentally interrelated and vital components of an effective, comprehensive, and progressive evidence-based profession of AT, or EBAT.
关键词:Evidence-based practice ; athletic training ; policy ; regulation ; education