出版社:Sociedad Mexicana de Administración Agropecuaria A.C.
摘要:The aim of !bis study was to evaluate tite tlteoretical model Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to diaguose tite leadership profije of sludents io agronomy from tite University of Sonora, Mexico. We used tite self-assessment procedure on a sample of 168 students. A 45 questions iostrument was usoo, witlt Likert scaliog, validatiog ita content and iotemal reliability (Cronbach's alpha for each dimension). The statistical analysis iocluded tite general descriptive and use ofstructura1 equation modeling (SPSS 16 andAmos, 16). Model resulta iodicated tite data are consistent witlt tite proposed research model, witlt a Chi' of36.4, a ratio Chi'/gl ofl.26ap-valueofO.16,aTLIofO.98,aRMSEAofO.039,andaCFlofO.99. There was a positive correlation oftransformationalleadership, transactional and performance witlt tlteir respective tlteoretical sub dimensions. We found a positive relationship between transactionalleadership and performance iodicators and!hat !hat transformationalleadership has a marginal effect on performance iodicators, but nevertheless has a strong relationship witlt transactional leadership, giviog evidence of tlteir status directly relates to transactional leadership and lack ofdirect relation to tite performance iodicators.