出版社:Sociedad Mexicana de Administración Agropecuaria A.C.
摘要:This study presents Ihe results ofan administration instrument used to measure and ana1yze Ihe entrepreneurial skilIs of young people between Ihe ages of 18 and 29 years in order to determine Iheir skilIlevel as entrepreneurs for starting or managing a suceessful business in Ihe Mayan region in Ihe northem par! of Ihe state of Campeche, located in soulheastem Mexico. The cultural, social and political conditions of Ihe mostly indigenous population have remained at a social and economic staIemate, a situation !hat has not allowed Ihem to take full advantage oflhe development opportunities provided by public and private entities for starting a business and/or for growing it effectively. The results show Ihat an orientation toward entrepreneurial business (agribusiness) development is more common!han Ihe capacity to do so in Ihe youlh ofthis region, suggesting Ihat Ihese young people may have Ihe qualities for starting a business, but lack technical and vocatioual training for Ihat purpose. Therefore, vocatioual and professional training airoed at entrepreneurial development is more influential on entrepreneurship Ihan Ihe possession of personal qualities for suited for business. The results suggest Ihat institutions of higher education, government, private institutions and olherrelated orgauizations mustjoin forces to identify Ihose individuals wilh Ihe best entrepreneurial skilIs, encourage support for Ihe creation ofagribusinesses, and provide Ihe necessarytraining and information for Iheir growth.
关键词:Entrepreneurs; entrepreneurial skilIs; Mayan zones; Camino Real de Campeche; training ofyoung entrepreneurs. Emprendedores; competencias emprendedoras; zonas...