出版社:Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:Para-atlet dikenal juga dengan sebutan atlet yang menyandang disabilitas pada bagian tertentu. Pembagian cabang olahraga pada difabel atlet hampir sama dengan atlet umumnya, namun memiliki penyesuaian terhadap jenis cacat fisik yang dialami. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi profil antropometri dan pemenuhan asupan zat gizi pada atlet difabel tenis meja. Metode yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu atlet difabel tenis meja di bawah pengawasan Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga, Indonesia yang sedang melakukan training centre untuk persiapan Sea Games 2017. Sampel yang diikutkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh populasi atlet difabel tenis meja nasional yang berjumlah 16 orang. Data antropometri yang diukur yaitu tinggi badan, berat badan, persen lemak tubuh dan somatotipe. Data pemenuhan asupan zat gizi didapatkan melalui wawancara makan dengan kuesioner recall 24 jam. Pengukuran antropometri menunjukan bahwa atlet tenis meja laki-laki memiliki tubuh yang lebih tinggi dan berotot dimana atlet perempuan cenderung lebih banyak presentase lemak tubuh. Hal ini didukung dengan nilai persen lemak tubuh atlet perempuan dan komponen somatotipe bagian endomorf yang lebih tinggi, sedangkan komponen somatotipe mesomorf yang menunjukan otot lebih tinggi pada atlet laki-laki. Rata-rata pemenuhan asupan zat gizi makro pada atlet tenis meja laki-laki dan perempuan diketahui < 80% yang masuk dalam kategori pemenuhan asupan makan yang kurang. Identification of Anthropometry and Dietary Profile on Table Tennis Para-Athlete in Indonesia Abstract Para-athlete also known as an athlete who has physical disability. The division of sports in difabel athletes is almost the same as athletes generally, but it has an adjustment to the type of physical disability experienced. The aim of this study is to identification anthropometry dan dietary profile on table tennis para-athlete. The study used quantitative descriptive methods. Population of this study is table tennis para-athlete under supervision of Ministry of Youth and Sports on training centre Sea Games 2017. Sample that include in this study is all of 16 table tennis national para-athlete. Measurements of atnhropometry are height, weight, body fat and somatotype. Measurement of dietary intake using food recall 24 hours questionnaire. Anthropometry measurement shows that male athletes have a higher and lots of muscle posture when women athletes have more body fat. The data also shows value of endomorf somatotype and percent body fat on women higher than male athletes. Dietary intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat shows < 80% which mean inadequat intake of daily food.
其他摘要:Para-athlete also known as an athlete who has physical disability. The division of sports in difabel athletes is almost the same as athletes generally, but it has an adjustment to the type of physical disability experienced. The aim of this study is to identification anthropometry dan dietary profile on table tennis para-athlete. The study used quantitative descriptive methods. Population of this study is table tennis para-athlete under supervision of Ministry of Youth and Sports on training centre Sea Games 2017. Sample that include in this study is all of 16 table tennis national para-athlete. Measurements of atnhropometry are height, weight, body fat and somatotype. Measurement of dietary intake using food recall 24 hours questionnaire. Anthropometry measurement shows that male athletes have a higher and lots of muscle posture when women athletes have more body fat. The data also shows value of endomorf somatotype and percent body fat on women higher than male athletes. Dietary intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat shows < 80% which mean inadequat intake of daily food.