出版社:Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh latihan squat menggunakan free weight dan gym machine terhadap kekuatan, power , dan hypertrophy otot; dan menguji perbedaan pengaruh latihan squat menggunakan free weight dan gym machine terhadap kekuatan, power , dan hypertrophy otot. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain two group pretest-posttest design . Sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan teknik random sampling berjumlah 32 orang. Instrumen untuk mengukur kekuatan menggunakan back and leg dynamometer merk Takei buatan Jepang. Instrumen untuk mengukur power menggunakan Jump Duration of Fright (JDF) seri TKK 5114 buatan Jepang, satuan sentimeter. Instrumen untuk mengukur lingkar otot paha menggunakan meteran dengan satuan sentimeter. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis multivariat pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan squat menggunakan free weight terhadap kekuatan, power , dan hypertrophy otot, (2) ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan squat menggunakan gym machine terhadap kekuatan, power , dan hypertrophy otot , dan (3) ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara latihan squat menggunakan free weight dan latihan squat menggunakan gym machine terhadap kekuatan, power , dan hypertrophy otot. Persentase kenaikan nilai pretest dan posttest kekuatan, power , dan hypertrophy otot menunjukkan kelompok latihan squat menggunakan free weight lebih baik daripada kelompk gym machine. The influence of squat practice using free weight and gym machine on the strength, the muscle and the hypertrophy of the muscle Abstract The study aims at testing the influence of squat training using free weight and gym machine on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle and at testing the differences between the influence of squat training using free weight and the influence of squat training using gym machine on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle. The study is an experiment with two group pre-test-post-test design. Then, the samples for the study were selected based on the random sampling technique and the total number of the respondents was 32 people. The instrument for measuring the strength of the muscle was back and leg dynamometer Takei made in Japan while the instrument for measuring the power of the muscle was Jump Duration of Fright (JDF) series TKK 5114 made in Japan with centimetre unit. Furthermore, the instrument for measuring the circle of the tight muscle was a gauge with centimetre unit. The results of the study show that: (1) the squat training using the free weight has significant influence on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle; (2) the squat training using the gym machine has significant influence on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle; and (3) there has been significant difference between the squat training using the free weight and the squat training using the gym machine on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle. The increasing percentage from the pre-test score into the post-test score in the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle shows that the training group that performs the squat training using the free weight has better performance than the group that performs the squat training using the gym machine.
其他摘要:The study aims at testing the influence of squat training using free weight and gym machine on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle and at testing the differences between the influence of squat training using free weight and the influence of squat training using gym machine on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle. The study is an experiment with two group pre-test-post-test design. Then, the samples for the study were selected based on the random sampling technique and the total number of the respondents was 32 people. The instrument for measuring the strength of the muscle was back and leg dynamometer Takei made in Japan while the instrument for measuring the power of the muscle was Jump Duration of Fright (JDF) series TKK 5114 made in Japan with centimetre unit. Furthermore, the instrument for measuring the circle of the tight muscle was a gauge with centimetre unit. The results of the study show that: (1) the squat training using the free weight has significant influence on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle; (2) the squat training using the gym machine has significant influence on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle; and (3) there has been significant difference between the squat training using the free weight and the squat training using the gym machine on the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle. The increasing percentage from the pre-test score into the post-test score in the strength, the power and the hypertrophy of the muscle shows that the training group that performs the squat training using the free weight has better performance than the group that performs the squat training using the gym machine.