摘要:The formation of tolerance among young people has recently become an important aspect in the research of scientists of the psychological and pedagogical direction. This is due to a number of aggressive manifestations that are unacceptable for modern society in students of schools and universities. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop a scheme for the formation of tolerance to asocial phenomena and experimentally prove its effectiveness in the process of professional pedagogical education. The research was conducted by 72 students – future teachers with the use of the author's scheme for the formation of social tolerance in the holistic educational process at the university. The peculiarity of the author's development was the use of interactive teaching methods and methods of the theory of solving inventive problems. For statistical evidence of the effectiveness of the implementation of the author's research, the Wilcoxon T-test was used. The practical implementation of the experiment showed the effectiveness of the author's development in forming students' tolerance for differences in society, culture, behavior that does not go beyond legal norms, and intolerance for violation of moral norms of behavior in society.