摘要:Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) assumes to use dedicated soft-ware for controlling machine tools and similar devices in the process of workpieces manufacturing. CAM is, in fact, an application technology that uses computer software and machinery to simplify and automate manufacturing processes. CAM is the inheritor of computer-aided engi-neering (CAE) and is often used conjunctively with computer-aided de-sign (CAD). Advanced CAM solutions are forthcoming and have a large coverage, from discrete systems to multi-CAD 3D domain. CAM does not supersede the necessity of human factor intervention, as produc-tion engineers, programmers or operators, but intercedes the knowl-edge of experimented manufacturing engineers by using performant devices, while enhancing the competences of new professionals by having access to latest modern equipment. CAM runs along with CNC machines. The purpose of CAM-CNC system is to reduce as much as possible the intervention of human factor, thus reducing human error. The present paper follows to highlight the advantages of CAM-CNC sys-tem on a 3D workpiece manufacturing.