A Design Method For Determining the Optimal Distance between Artificial Reefs.
Tian, Tao
A Design Method For Determining the Optimal Distance between Artificial Reefs.
Since the mid-twentieth century, fisheries resources in most of the
world's coastal countries have been threatened by overfishing,
which have all shown signs of deteriorating year by year, (1) as well as
the deterioration of the environment in coastal waters, and global
climate change. Many species are now on the verge of extinction.
According to a FAO report, at present, nearly 90 percent of the
world's fish stocks are subject to overfishing or have reached
their catch limit. How to ensure the sustainable development of marine
fisheries, and how to provide high-quality marine animal protein for
human consumption on a continuous and steady basis, have become urgent
problems faced by scientists and marine fisheries workers.
In 1971, the term "marine ranching" first appeared at a
conference organised by the Japanese Department of Aquaculture,
suggesting a concept for a system of sustainable food production from
marine biological resources. In recent years, with the continual
development of science and technology, marine ranching has received
considerable attention as a new form of modern marine fishery
production, and has so far achieved good results where it has been
carried out. (2)
In Europe and America, marine ranching (also called ocean ranching)
is most often referred to as stock enhancement. It involves mass
releases of juveniles which feed and grow on natural prey in the marine
environment and which are subsequently recaptured and add biomass to the
Releases of captive-bred individuals are common responses when
critically low levels of fish populations occur due either to abrupt
changes in habitat, overfishing or recruitment failure from other
causes. Captive-bred individuals are also introduced both inside and
outside the natural geographical range of the species concerned in order
to build up new fishing stocks. (3)
However, in Asia, and especially in China, marine ranching is often
regarded as a novel mode of marine fisheries production. Because
providing stable and high-quality marine animal protein for humans is
its main purpose, marine ranching is also referred to in Asia as the
"blue granary." It stands to reason that, in order to produce
a continuous supply of high-quality seafood, we need to repair and even
transform the marine environment.
Alluding to the grazing of cattle and sheep on grassland, on a
basic level marine ranching can be interpreted as grazing animals such
as fish, shrimp and shellfish in the sea. Reef fishing offers a salient
example. While reefs readily attract fish, in recent years natural reefs
have declined as a result of marine engineering practices and
destructive fishing methods. In response, artificial reefs are springing
In terms of marine ranching, the formation of artificial reefs is a
fundamental ecological project. By forming artificial reefs, we are
reconstructing the habitat of fish destroyed by bottom trawling. This
practice, especially the scraping of nets across reef areas and seaweed
beds, causes major damage to the sea floor. These compromised places are
often habitat and spawning grounds for fish. There is an obvious
parallel with grazing sheep: if the grasslands that sustain them are
destroyed through desertification, then the stock will have nowhere to
Thus it is important to support the restoration--and
proliferation--of fish habitat. We can consider artificial reefs as
apartments or houses for fish, offering habitat and shelter. Because
this is analogous to building homes for people on the land, artificial
reefs are often referred to as artificial habitats. (4) Many fish spend
their lives on and around reefs. As they do not migrate long distances
like species such as salmon, if shelter is provided for them these kinds
of fish can be attracted to make their homes there. As man-made
structures in the sea, artificial reefs have the function of restoring
and optimising the marine environment for food production. (5)
Following the construction of an artificial reef with a particular
size and configuration in a suitable area of the ocean, the ecological
environment of the reef will be modified. First, factors such as the
flow field around the reef, the light field created by the light layer,
the sound field and the bottom type form a variety of
environments--including places where animals can attach themselves,
hide, avoid harm, lay eggs, lure prey, make homes, and so on--which will
provide artificial habitats for different marine organisms.
Second, after construction, various organisms can be introduced to
artificial reefs. Because aquatic plants absorb nitrogen and phosphorus,
they enhance the water quality and improve the marine environment. Large
numbers of fish will begin to gather in the reef area, leading to a
steep increase in fishery resources. The artificial habitat for the
accretion of marine life thus provided will improve both the quality and
quantity of marine biological production and fishery production in the
area. The construction of artificial reefs is a vast marine project. The
United States has formed them by placing decommissioned aircraft
carriers on the sea floor, Turkey has used airplanes, and other
countries have chosen reinforced concrete, steel, stone and other
materials to make reefs of various forms, experimenting with particular
structures and layouts.
As with building a house on land, structure and design needed to be
considered when constructing bodies in the sea. If houses are built too
close, lighting may spill over. If they are spaced too far apart, land
will be wasted, so it is important to consider the distance between
houses. The same is true for artificial reefs. Although the design of
artificial reefs is usually based on previous experience, it often fails
to achieve the best results. If the reefs are too close, the number of
reefs per unit area means that construction costs will be maximised. If
the distance between the reefs is too large and they are effectively
scattered, fish will be vulnerable to predation due to their inability
to form large protective schools.
The question of how to configure fish reefs and set the optimal
distance between them needs to be carefully considered. The simplest way
is to determine the productivity and density of a single fish reef based
on its size and the production costs involved, but this is difficult due
to the absence of information relating to the environment and the
biological reactions involved. Some researchers seek to solve this
problem through hydrodynamics--the distance between the reefs can be set
by simulating and measuring current flows. (6) However, this method
fails to consider the reaction of fish to modified flow fields in the
area and their distribution. Because we form artificial reefs to create
fish habitat and optimise reproduction, we should first consider the
behavioural responses of various fish species to the configuration of
We have adopted a new method to determine the distance between
reefs based on the behaviour of fish. We selected two common species
found in the northern coastal areas of China, Sebastes schlegelii and
Hexagrammos otakii, two of the most typical reef fishes in this area.
They spend their entire life cycle in the rock reef zone. Following the
creation of artificial reefs, these species can be attracted to live,
feed and reproduce there, allowing us to easily protect and restock
them. The proliferation of fish resources in such areas has great
Based on the living habits of fish, as well as previous research
findings, we have designed a method for calculating the escape distance
of fish according to their burst swimming speed, or the speed of fish
According to this method, having calculated the escape distance of
the fish at full speed when they encounter a threat, the optimal
distance between individual reefs is determined by this distance.
Following the construction of reefs according to this method, when the
fish in the reef area are threatened by predators, they can escape by
swimming at full speed to nearby reefs.
The burst swimming speed is the fastest speed of which fish are
capable. Lasting less than 20 seconds, a fish uses its burst swimming
speed to catch prey, escape from predators or scare them off, and swim
in strong currents.
The specific experimental methods deployed were as follows. A trial
fish, which had been fasted for 24 hours, was introduced to the swimming
channel and allowed to acclimatise for 20 minutes. Then the fish was
provoked into swimming by tapping the swimming channel and prodding its
back. When the test fish stopped swimming, stimulation was re-applied
until the fish tired. The performance of ten individuals was measured in
this way. Experimental video was used to analyse distance and swimming
time and calculate the speed of the experimental fish. The results
showed that the burst swimming speed of Sebastes schlegelii specimens
with a body length of 10-22cm was 76.68-118.18 cm/sec, and the burst
swimming speed of Hexagrammos otakii individuals (10-22cm in length) was
81.69-121.25 cm/sec.
The maximum escape distance for the two species was estimated based
on the burst swimming speed and the maximum swimming time at this speed
(20 seconds). The burst swimming speed of Sebastes schlegelii
individuals with a body length of 10-22cm is 76.68-118.18cm/sec, with an
average value of 96.11 cm/s; the maximum escape distance is 15.33-23.64
m, and the average value is 19.22m. The instantaneous burst swimming
speed of Hexagrammos otakii individuals with a body length of 10-22 cm
is 81.69-121.25cm/sec, and the average value is 96.75 cm/sec; the
maximum escape distance is 16.34-24.25 m, and the average value is 19.35
According to these results, we estimated that if the flow velocity
around the reef exceeds the burst swimming speed of the fish found
there, and lasts for more than 20 seconds, it will directly affect the
life chances of these two species in reef areas.
In addition, according to the results, the escape distance of the
two species was estimated at 15-25m. The space between the individual
reefs that form artificial reef systems can thus be set at this
distance. In addition, if we want fish to thrive in reef habitats in the
future, this study will inform those seeking to fish between reefs using
movable nets. The methodology used here also offers potential for future
research on artificial reefs through the study of the swimming behaviour
of fish. Our results require verification through future experiments and
field investigations involving existing artificial reefs.
As an area involving multidisciplinary study, artificial reefs
cover many fields, including material science, spatial structure and
resource assessment; many related studies have been carried out in
recent years, including evaluations of different configurations of
artificial reef.
The design of artificial reefs should also be adapted to local
conditions. This process should take full consideration of environmental
conditions, especially ocean currents, and consider the ecological
habits of the species under investigation. It is only through such an
approach that artificial reef construction can deliver the greatest
benefits. Future research would do well to concentrate on the
development of artificial reefs focused on ecotypes and
multi-trophic-level combination reefs, as well as new design models, so
that people can grasp the ecological and economic benefits of marine
ranching more intuitively.
Tao Tian is an associate professor at Dalian Ocean University,
(1.) B S Halpern, M Frazier, J Potapenko et al., "Spatial and
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Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation Drainage & Rural
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