Identifying, promoting, and assessing reasoning focused on analysing.
Bragg, Leicha A. ; Herbert, Sandra ; Davidson, Aylie 等
Identifying, promoting, and assessing reasoning focused on analysing.
This article provides a classroom resource for identifying,
assessing and promoting one aspect of reasoning--analysing--through the
Assessing Mathematical Reasoning Rubric. Practical examples of student
work and rubric levels are offered.
Reasoning is the glue that holds mathematics together (Kilpatrick,
Swafford, & Findell, 2001). Consequently, developing and promoting
students' mathematical reasoning must be a goal in every
mathematics lesson. Satisfyingly, reasoning has enjoyed a growing focus
over the last decade (see studies by Bragg & Herbert, 2017; Clarke,
Clarke & Sullivan, 2012; Herbert, Vale, Bragg, Loong, & Widjaja,
2015; Stacey & Vincent, 2009), possibly as a result of its place as
one of the four key proficiencies introduced in the Australian
Curriculum: Mathematics [AC:M] (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2017). However, despite this focus and an
assumed universal agreement on the meaning of reasoning (Yackel &
Hanna, 2003), the definitions of reasoning in curriculum documents and
research studies are numerous and often contradictory, thus leading to a
lack of a shared definition of reasoning (Jeannotte & Keiran, 2017).
Our research on reasoning has shown primary teachers hold diverse
perceptions of mathematical reasoning (Herbert, et al., 2015). Hence,
this lack of clarity can impact the successful enactment of reasoning in
the classroom.
While we acknowledge the differing views of reasoning others hold,
we hope to add clarity to the discussion by shining a spotlight on the
reasoning action of analysing, and offer teachers opportunities to
explore analysing with their students.
The importance of analysing
Analysing a mathematical problem systematically is key to forming
conjectures, establishing generalisations, justifying a stance, and
making a logical argument. As part of the reSolve: Mathematics by
Inquiry collection of supportive resources for assessing reasoning
(Australian Academy of Science and Australian Association of Mathematics
Teachers, 2017) the authors and their colleagues developed the Assessing
Mathematical Reasoning Rubric (see Herbert & Bragg, 2017 for Version
1). This is built in part from the following definition of analysing,
and is based on the works of Lo (2012), and Lobato, Hohensee and
Rhodehamel (2013), in exploring comparing and contrasting; and Bills and
Rowland (1999) in generating examples to form conjectures. Our
definition of analysing is as follows:
Analysing involves exploring the problem using examples provided or
generating examples to form or test a conjecture. Analysing occurs by
comparing and contrasting cases to notice:
* what is the same and what is different, and to sort and classify
the cases.
* what stays the same and what changes and to recall, repeat or
extend the pattern.
Analysing involves using numerical or spatial structure, known
facts or properties when sorting cases or repeating and extending the
pattern. Categories of cases and patterns are identified by labelling
using terms, diagrams or symbols. (Vale, Herbert, Bragg, Loong, Widjaja,
& Davidson, 2018, p. 4).
Understanding what constitutes analysing is the first step to
raising one's awareness to notice students' enactment of
analysing and supporting subsequent assessment of when and how analysing
takes place. Figure 1 illustrates the five levels of the analysing
action in the Assessing Mathematical Reasoning Rubric: Not evident,
Beginning, Developing, Consolidating, and Extending.
To assist in identifying, assessing, and promoting analysing, we
offer the Number Tower task (adapted from the Noyce Foundation, 2012),
along with examples of students' responses against each level of
analysing actions. Further examples of tasks employing a differing
reasoning actions using the Assessing Mathematical Reasoning Rubric are
located on the reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry website: http://www.
Number tower
A Number Tower is created by distributing the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5 along the bottom row of a blank tower (Figure 2). Each pair of
adjoining numbers are added together, and the sum is written into the
cell above, e.g. 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 5 = 7, etc. Whilst on the surface this
task appears to encourage simple addition, the goal of the Number Tower
task is to create a tower which results in the highest possible number
at the pinnacle of the tower. Hence, students are required to analyse
the problem and trial various number combinations to form and test
conjectures, ultimately establishing a rule (generalisation) for
generating the highest number on top.
The Number Tower task builds on the following content areas from
the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (ACARA, 2017).
ACMNA054: Recognise and explain the connection between addition and
subtraction. Demonstrating the connection between addition and
subtraction using partitioning or by writing equivalent number
sentences. ACMNA055: Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and
related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental
strategies for computation. Combining knowledge of addition and
subtraction facts and partitioning to aid computation.
Setting up the reasoning task
We introduce the Number Tower task using the Jane's conjecture
scenario (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The Number Tower Task scenario.
Jane's conjecture
Jane thinks to make the largest total at the top of
the tower, the largest number needs to be the first
number on the bottom row. Do you agree with
Jane? Why or why not?
Students' analysing actions and reasoning prompts
The Number Tower task offers many opportunities to explore
reasoning through analysing, generalising, and justifying (see Herbert
& Bragg, 2017). This section contains examples of students'
responses that illustrate analysing at each level of the Assessing
Mathematical Reasoning Rubric and might assist in assessing your
students' work. The suggested reasoning prompts are offered to
teachers for supporting or extending students' analysing based on
their responses.
Level: Not evident
Student response: Creates a tower though does not attend to the
rules for constructing each layer of addition. Does not add the
adjoining numbers.
A student who does not notice the numerical structure of the tower
would be classified at the Not Evident level. In this instance it is
important to firstly ascertain if the child had simply misunderstood the
nature of the task by asking them to explain their reason for
constructing the tower in this way. This approach would assist to
clarify any misunderstandings. Reasoning prompts to assist students
might be: "What totals can you make using the numbers 1-5 on the
bottom row?" or perhaps offer an enabling prompt such as a
simplified tower with a reduced number of levels in the tower. As the
focus is primarily on reasoning, maybe offer a calculator to students
who are exhibiting difficulties with the addition aspect.
Level: Beginning
Student response: Attempts to sort the number towers based on a
particular position of a number (Figure 4).
In this example, the student notices similarities across examples
and attempts to sort cases based on a common property, i.e. the position
of the 4 in the bottom row. Reasoning prompts to encourage an analysis
of alternative properties might be: "Change something (e.g. the
position of the number 4 in the bottom row) to see what happens to the
Number Tower." "If we change this what will happen?"
"Sort or organise the following according to ... (4 in different
positions or a different number in the bottom left-hand corner)."
Level: Developing
Student response: The student numbers each tower and orders
accordingly from lowest and highest totals to explore what stays the
same and what is different (Figure 5).
This student commenced with trial and error via randomly placing
numbers, then worked systematically to sort and compare the towers
according to a common property (the low and high values of the top
number in the tower). Reasoning prompts for this student's response
might be: "What do you notice? Describe what stays the same and
what changes."
Level: Consolidating
Student response: The student investigates how the position of the
numbers impacts the distribution of subsequent totals and then the final
total (Figure 6).
This student is demonstrating the Consolidating level of analysing,
as he has noticed a common property (i.e. the importance of the central
position of the highest number in the set) by systematically generating
further cases and communicating a logical argument to complete the chain
of reasoning. The student has reasoned, correctly, that the power of the
highest number is reduced when placed in the outer blocks. To extend
this student's thinking these reasoning prompts would be useful:
"What happens in general?" "Are there other examples that
fit the rule?"
Level: Extending
Student response: The student describes the impact the position of
the number on the bottom row has on subsequent totals (Figure 7).
Through generating further examples using an alternative set of
numbers (0.1 to 0.5) this student analysed their conjecture that the
largest number should be in the middle of the bottom row and the lowest
numbers to each end. Here the student noticed and explored relationships
between the numerical structure of patterns. The student may be
encouraged to clarify their thinking via the reasoning prompt: "How
can you explain the rule to someone else?"
Further exploration of the task
As demonstrated in the work of the student in the Extending level,
to further students' exploration of this task and promote analysis,
the use of an alternative range of numbers might be employed.
* Repeat the task using any set of 5 numbers such as 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
or 2, 7, 10, 11, 24
* Use a set of numbers which include decimals, such as 0.1, 0.2,
0.3, 0.4, 0.5
* Increase the base of the tower.
The teacher might ask themselves: "Do the students apply
similar strategies to those employed in the initial task to these
follow-up tasks? Does the range of students' strategies in the
initial task hold true for these sets of numbers?"
Concluding remarks
While mathematical reasoning is defined in various ways (Jeannotte
& Keiran, 2017) and enacted from diversified approaches, this
article has attempted to delve further into one aspect of reasoning,
namely analysing, to provide primary teachers with a tangible resource
for identifying, assessing, and promoting analysing in their classrooms.
The purpose of utilising the Number Tower task was to encourage
analysing via conducting trials using number facts and noticing additive
properties of numbers. The analysing actions in the Assessing
Mathematical Reasoning Rubric (Figure 1) is a useful guide to assessing
current student actions and planning for future reasoning opportunities.
The prompts offered for each of the levels of analysing are demonstrated
in one task, however, we encourage teachers to adapt and modify these
prompts for the multitude of activities undertaken each week in the
mathematics classroom.
We would like to acknowledge the Australian Government Department
of Education and Training funding of the reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry
project, and the project team from Deakin University, Colleen
Vale/Sandra Herbert, Leicha Bragg, Esther Loong, Wanty Widjaja, and
Aylie Davidson.
Australian Academy of Science and Australian Association of
Mathematics Teachers. (2017). reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry. Retrieved
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2017).
The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved from https://
Bills, L., & Rowland, T (1999). Examples, generalisation and
proof. Research in Mathematics Education, 1(1), 103--116.
Bragg, L. A., & Herbert, S. (2017). A 'true' story
about mathematical reasoning made easy. Australian Primary Mathematics
Classroom, 22(4), 3-6.
Clarke, D. M., Clarke, D. J., & Sullivan, P. (2012). Reasoning
in the Australian Curriculum: Understanding its meaning and using the
relevant language. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 17(3),
Herbert, S., & Bragg, L. A. (2017). Planning and assessing
mathematical reasoning in the primary classroom. In R. Seah, M. Horne,
J. Ocean, & C. Orellana, (Eds.). Achieving excellence in M.A.T.H.S.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Association of Victoria 54th Annual
Conference, (pp. 48-54). Melbourne, Victoria: MAV
Herbert, S., Vale, C., Bragg, L. A., Loong, E. & Widjaja, W.
(2015). A framework for primary teachers' perceptions of
mathematical reasoning. International Journal of Educational Research,
74, 26-37.
Jeannotte, D. & Kieran, C. (2017). A conceptual model of
mathematical reasoning for school mathematics. Educational Studies in
Mathematics, 96(1) 1-16. DOI 10.1007/ s10649-017-9761-8
Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J., & Findell, B. (Eds.). (2001).
Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. Washington, DC:
National Academy Press.
Lo, M. P (2012). Variation theory and the improvement of teaching
and learning. Goteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Lobato, J., Hohensee, C., & Rhodehamel, B. (2013).
Students' mathematical noticing. Journal for Research in
Mathematics Education, 44(5), 809-850.
Noyce Foundation. (2012). Number towers. Retrieved from http://
Stacey, K., & Vincent, J. (2009). Modes of reasoning in
explanations in Australian eighth-grade mathematics textbooks.
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 72(3), 271-288.
Vale, C., Herbert, S., Bragg, L. A., Loong, E. Y-K., Widjaja, W.
& Davidson, A. (2018). Assessing mathematical reasoning:
Teacher's Guide. In reSolve: Mathematics by inquiry. Australian
Academy of Science & Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Retrieved from
Yackel, E., & Hanna, G. (2003). Reasoning and proof. In J.
Kilpatrick, W G. Martin, & D. Schifter (Eds.), A research companion
to principles and standards for school mathematics, (pp. 227-236).
Reston: NCTM.
Leicha A. Bragg
Deakin University, Vic.
[email protected]>
Sandra Herbert
Deakin University, Vic.
[email protected]>
Aylie Davidson
Deakin University, Vic.
[email protected]>
Caption: Figure 2. Blank and completed Number Towers.
Caption: Figure 4. Student work sample of Beginning Level of
Caption: Figure 5. Student work sample of Developing Level of
Caption: Figure 6. Student work sample of Consolidating Level of
Caption: Figure 7. Student work sample of Extending Level of
Figure 1. Analysing actions in the Assessing Mathematical Reasoning
Rubric-Version 1 (Herbert & Bragg, 2017, p. 50).
Not evident * Does not notice numerical or spatial structure of
examples or cases.
* Attends to non-mathematical aspects of the
examples or cases.
Beginning * Notices similarities across examples.
* Recalls random known facts related to the
* Recalls and repeats patterns displayed visually
or through use of materials.
* Attempts to sort cases based on a common
Developing * Notices a common numerical or spatial property.
* Recalls, repeats and extends patterns using
numerical structure or spatial structure.
* Sorts and classifies cases according to a common
* Orders cases to show what is the same or stays
the same and what is different or changes.
* Describes the case or pattern by labelling the
category or sequence.
Consolidating * Notices more than one common property by
systematically generating further cases and/or
listing and considering a range of known facts
or properties.
* Repeats and extends patterns using both the
numerical and spatial structure.
* Makes a prediction about other cases:
* with the same property
* included in the pattern.
Extending * Notices and explores relationships between:
* common properties
* numerical structures of patterns.
* Generates examples:
* using tools, technology and modelling
* to form a conjecture.
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