Model of Fuzzy Logic for Selection Infrastructural Investment Project of Wind Farm Locations.
Aljicevic, Zajim ; Kostic, Aleksandra ; Dautbasic, Nedis 等
Model of Fuzzy Logic for Selection Infrastructural Investment Project of Wind Farm Locations.
1. Introduction
Increasing environmental concern during the 21th Century has moved
the research focus from conventional electricity sources to renewable
and alternative energy solutions. In renewable power generation, wind
energy has been noted as the fastest-growing energy technology in the
world, due to the fact that world has enormous resources of wind energy.
Bosnia and Herzegovina also has a big wind potential which need to be
At Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC, in April 2016, it is noted
that wind power had another record-breaking year. After passing the 50
GW mark for the first time in a single year in 2014, it reached another
milestone in 2015 as annual installations topped 63 GW, a 22% increase.
By the end of last year, there were about 433 GW of wind power spinning
around the globe, a cumulative 17% increase; and wind power supplied
more new power generation than any other technology in 2015, according
to the IEA[1] (Source: GWEC--Global Wind Energy Council)
Many studies have been proposed to optimize wind power generation.
Shata and Hanitsch [2] have evaluated different wind sites in Egypt
using classical statistical analysis to estimate the best wind site.
Kogak [3] focused entirely on wind speed persistence during weather
forecast, site selection for wind turbines and synthetic generation of
the wind speed data. Herbert et al [4] developed models for wind
resources assessment, site selection and aerodynamic including wake
effect to improve the wind turbine performance and to increase its
productivity. Lackner et al [5] utilized ground-based measurement
devices instead of meteorological towers for wind resource assessment.
They investigated the use of a monitoring strategy in more than one site
to determine the best wind sites.
This paper utilizes fuzzy logic to evaluate various sites in the
bases of their benefits and costs to adopt the higher priority sites in
terms of different criteria. The paper is organized so that in Section 2
is given a general overview of the installed capacity of wind power. In
Section 3 are given wind characteristics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In
Section 4 is shown fuzzy logic methodology. In Section 5 are presented
fuzzy logic rules. In the sixth Section is explained defuzzification.
The conclusion was made verification using data on existing wind farm in
Podvelezje, and plan future research.
2. Renewable resources
Today, new renewable resources provide only a small share of global
energy production (Figure 1). However, the global market for wind power
has been expanding faster than any other sources of renewable energy.
The world wind power capacity has been duplicated around twenty five
times from just 17.4 GW in 2000 to reach over than 432.8 GW at the end
of 2015 (Figure 2).
In 2015, increase in wind generation was equal to almost half of
global electricity growth. This was surprising but welcome news. It
became apparent from new IEA analysis revealing that, for the second
successive year, global CO2 emissions remained stable despite growth in
the world economy.
It is generally known that we need to invest in wind power. The
main problem is how to choose the best location for investment in wind
power plants.
This paper utilizes fuzzy logic to evaluate various sites in the
bases of their benefits and costs to adopt the higher priority sites in
terms of different criteria, i.e., same benefits factors are: wind
resources, prevailing wind direction, above ground level, site capacity,
site accessibility, soil conditions, site elevation. Cost factors are:
land cost, land roughness, temperature, cultural and environmental
concerns, aviation/telecommunications conflicts, nearby resident's
concerns, site environmental issues (corrosion, humidity), and distance
to transmission line, as is used in [6].
3. Wind characteristics in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the previous period in Bosnia and Herzegovina wind
characteristics have been measured at weather stations. Study of
Energetic sector [7] shows average annual wind speed at height 50 m
above ground for the period 1997-2006. (Figure 3)
Therefore, the first analysis, research and examinations of wind
power potential are linked to the area of south Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In April 2002 at the location Podvelezje Mostar the first measuring
station with appropriate equipment is installed, and then the other ones
followed. Inclusive to 31.12.2007, at 13 areas the total number of
locations where measuring equipment has been installed is 33. [8-10].
4. Fuzzy logic methodology for decision making
Fuzzy logic has a wide range of utilizations in decision making
since it condenses a large amount of parameters into smaller fuzzy sets
In this paper, we have selected Mamdami method because of its
closeness to human understanding, since we had a large number of rules
in decision-making.
The Fuzzy input/ output combination is shown in the Figure 4.
The fuzzy logic decision selection of the sites options was applied
according to benefits and costs:
B1= Wind resource,
B2= Prevailing wind direction,
B3= Above ground level (AGL) (m),
B4= Site capacity,
B5= Site accessibility,
B6= Soil conditions,
B7= Site elevation.
C1= Land cost,
C2= Land roughness,
C3= Temperature ([degrees]C),
C4= Cultural and environmental concerns,
C5=Aviation/Telecommunications conflicts,
C6= Nearby resident's concerns,
C7= Site environmental issues,
C8= Distance to transmission line (m).
The fuzzy logic methodology is applied taking into account each
site parameters for location Podvelezje [8-10]. The inputs in tables 1
and 2 are considered to be the fuzzy variables, each variable can vary
over a fixed range.
The linguistic variables used in the fuzzy methodology are: Very
low (VL), Low (L), Normal (N), High (H), Very high (VH), Poor, Marginal,
Satisfactory, Good, Excellent, Rock, Mostly rock, Rock/soil, Mostly
soil, Soil, Moderate, None, Extensive, Negligible, Minor, Average, Very
close, Close, Not far, Far, Very far. Each fuzzy set is addressed as
listed in Table 3.
5. Constructing fuzzy rules
Sixty five rules were used in the current fuzzy method
implementation to predict the most preferable options or option out of
the Podvelezje site.
Fuzzy logic enabled us to dense large amount of data, collected to
compare between different sites, into a smaller set of variable rules,
to make a decision in the basis of their merits and barriers to produce
higher power output at low cost as well as to capture as maximum wind
power as possible.
The benefit to cost ratio is shown in Table 4.
6. Performing fuzzy interface
Finally, the mapping process takes place to provide the final
decision as shown in Figure 5.
Defuzzification process assesses the outcome in the decision making
process. The parameters are analyzed individually, and in this process
it is possible to observe two parameters and decide which of them more
influenced our results.
This is especially important and helpful in choosing a location for
a wind farms. It helps in determining the optimal location. For example
in the case that we have two locations with similar parameters then
based on those parameters which are different we can make analysis and
bring the correct conclusion that the location is favorable.
Also, on the basis of this method it is possible to perform a
number of conclusions. For example analysis parameters, land cost and
distance to transmission line can be concluded that the land cost is
much more important in the decision-making process (Figure 5). The image
is clear that the parameter 8 (distance to transmission line) has very
little effect, and its only effect is that if the transmission line is
over a distance of 10 km, or more than 10 km while any change in
parameter c1 (land cost) leads to changes in the final results.
7. Conclusion
The purpose of this paper is to use fuzzy logic and MATLAB for
predict the best location for wind farm.
In deciding the used 15 input parameters, where seven parameters
presents benefits and eight parameters represents costs. Used a total of
65 rules for decision making.
This model includes all relevant parameters to determine the
optimal location for the construction of a wind farm. The advantage of
the model is the possibility of determining the advantages of a
parameter to the second parameter to a certain value. It is notable that
in some parameters higher changes their values do not lead to large
differences in profitability of a wind farm until some parameters and
their values minor changes lead to great changes in profitability.
For verification of our solutions, we used data on existing wind
farm in Podvelezje. Based on our model, we concluded that the choice of
location in this case was quite good. Normalized benefit relative weight
0.905, normalized cost relative weight 0.816), or by defined outputs it
is between high and very high.
In further research is necessary to collect all the relevant
information for potential locations where it is possible to build wind
parks. These data would be used in the current model presented in this
paper to determine the viability of investments in the wind park.
DOI: 10.2507/27th.daaam.proceedings.107
8. References
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Symposium, pp.0672-0677, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM
International, ISBN 978-3-902734-07-5, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria
This Publication has to be referred as: Aljicevic, Z[ajim]; Kostic,
A[leksandra]; Dautbasic, N[edis] & Karli, G[unay] (2016). Model of
Fuzzy Logic for Selection Infrastructural Investment Project of Wind
Farm Locations, Proceedings of the 27th DAAAM International Symposium,
pp.0743-0748, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN
978-3-902734-08-2, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria
Caption: Fig. 3. Average annual wind speed at height 50 m above
ground for the period 1997-2006
Caption: Fig. 4. Fuzzy input/output combination
Caption: Fig. 5. Fuzzy implementation sequence
Table 1. overall fuzzy weights for the selected sites
based on benefits
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
Podvelezje (BiH) 1 0.7 50 0.8 0.9 0.3 825
Relative Normalized
weight relative
Podvelezje (BiH) 0.737 0.905
Table 2. Overall fuzzy weights for the selected sites based
on costs
C1 C2 C3 C4 C4 C6 C7 C8
Podvelezje (BiH) 0.2 0.1 15 0.65 0.1 0.4 0.5 10
Relative Normalized
weight relative weight
Podvelezje (BiH) 0.394 0.816
Table 3. Fuzzy sets
Linguistic variables
Parametres Symbol Variable
type 1 2
Wind resource B1 INPUT VL L
Prevailing B2 INPUT Poor Marginal
wind direction
Above ground B3 INPUT VL L
Site capacity B4 INPUT Poor Marginal
Site B5 INPUT Poor Marginal
Soil conditions B6 INPUT Rock Mostly
Site elevation B7 INPUT VL L
Land cost C1 INPUT VL L
Temperature C3 INPUT None Moderate
Cultural and C4 INPUT None Moderate
Aviation/ C5 INPUT None Moderate
ations conflicts
Nearby C6 INPUT Negligible Moderate
Site C7 INPUT None Minor
Distance to C8 INPUT Very close Close
Linguistic variables
Parametres Symbol
3 4 5
Wind resource B1 N H VH
Prevailing B2 Satisfactory Good Excellent
wind direction
Above ground B3 N H VH
Site capacity B4 Satisfactory Good Excellent
Site B5 Satisfactory Good Excellent
Soil conditions B6 Rock/Soil Mostly Siol
Site elevation B7 N H VH
Land cost C1 N H VH
Land C2 N
Temperature C3 Extensive
Cultural and C4 Extensive
Aviation/ C5 Extensive
ations conflicts
Nearby C6 Extensive
Site C7 Average Moderate Extensive
Distance to C8 Not far Far Very far
Parametres Symbol Range
Wind resource B1 0 - 1
Prevailing B2 0 - 1
wind direction
Above ground B3 10-80 m
Site capacity B4 0 - 1
Site B5 0 - 1
Soil conditions B6 0 - 1
Site elevation B7 0-2100 m
Land cost C1 0 - 1
Land C2 0 - 1
Temperature C3 -40 -
Cultural and C4 0 - 1
Aviation/ C5 0 - 1
ations conflicts
Nearby C6 0 - 1
Site C7 0 - 1
Distance to C8 0-30 km
B 0 - 1
C 0 - 1
Table 4. Benefit to cost ratio
Normalized benefit Normalized cost
Site relative weight relative weight
Podvelezje (BiH) 0.905 0.816
Site B/C B/C
Podvelezje (BiH) 1.109 0.671
Fig. 1. Shares of world electricity
generation (EIA, 2015).
Coal/Peat (41.3%)
Natural Gas (21.7%)
Hydro (16.3%)
Nuclear (10.6%)
Oil (4.4%)
Others (Renew.) (5.7%)
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Fig. 2. Global cumulative wind power capacity
(Source: GWEC 2015)
2000 17,400
2001 23,900
2002 31,100
2003 39,431
2004 47,620
2005 59,091
2006 73,957
2007 93,924
2008 120,690
2009 159,016
2010 197,946
2011 238,089
2012 282,842
2013 318,463
2014 369,705
2015 432,883
Source: GWEC
Note: Table made from bar graph.
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