Mining Data Streams for the Analysis of Parameter Fluctuations in IoT-Aided Fruit Cold-Chain.
Juric, Petar ; Bakaric, Marija Brkic ; Wang, Xiang 等
Mining Data Streams for the Analysis of Parameter Fluctuations in IoT-Aided Fruit Cold-Chain.
1. Introduction
Unlike the "classic" Internet which interconnects
computer networks, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to various areas
with a common characteristic of connecting networks and devices from
everyday life which can be uniquely identified on the Internet. IoT is
used for monitoring and measuring parameters of interconnected physical
world objects with the aim to improve business processes by data mining
models and technics [1].
The first IoT prototype was devised by the scientists at the
Auto-ID Centre of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when they
suggested designing a global network which would rely on the Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for connecting devices. This
network would enable identification and intelligent control over
connected objects [2]. In the same year Kevin Ashtonn coined the term
IoT to refer to an idea of using connected RFID devices within a
distribution chain. Since data are generated by RFID and sensors,
computers which have access to these data can observe, identify and
understand the environment, and communicate (machine-machine) without
limitations imposed by manual data input (time, concentration and
precision) [3].
RFID technology in combination with wireless sensor networks
enables monitoring environmental conditions important for quality
preservation of temperature-sensitive food [4]. Beside temperature, it
enables real-time humidity monitoring of agricultural products during
transportation and storage in order to reduce loss and ensure high
quality standards of these products [5]. State of the art devices also
monitor other parameters that can affect food quality, such as shock,
acceleration, light, temperature, sound, and combine these information
with external information delivered over the Internet, such as rainfall,
wind intensity, and route conditions [6].
IoT can help solving scalability and communication problems within
sensor networks since it enables real time communication between sensor
networks and cloud locations where data are analysed [10]. However,
classic data mining methods cannot be applied since these systems
generate Big Data [11], which is also stream data [15, 16]. This paper
focuses on food cold chain data processing and proposes IoT cold chain
model and its respective implementation with the support for
simultaneous analysis of various environmental parameters and processing
multitude of cold chains in both, online and offline modes. An example
of processing data in time windows [17, 18] is provided. The purpose is
to build an optimized system with quick autonomous reactions for food
quality preservation.
2. Mining wireless sensor networks data
Applying wireless sensor networks (WSN) data mining algorithms can
be seen as centralized (collection node) at the location of the computer
centre and data warehouse or distributed across the network (sensor
nodes) [7]. Centralized systems have more computing power at the expense
of real-time data processing. Updating and sensor reactions are hence
delayed or subsequent. Distributed systems process data real time and
react quickly in case of deviation, but they do not enable more complex
analysis due to low computing power [8].
Regardless of the system setup, the main goals of data mining
entail frequent pattern detection, sequential pattern detection,
clustering and classification. Data mining in distributed systems is
mostly used for optimizing processing efficiency, energy consumption,
and data and memory flow. Centralized systems are mostly used for
prediction, raising result precision, and rationalization of operational
costs [9].
Data mining within these systems faces scalability and
communication problems when other sensor networks need to be
IoT can help solving these problems since it enables real time
communication between sensor networks and cloud locations where data are
analysed. This meets the requirements for smart connecting devices and
context aware observation activities [10].
3. IoT and Big Data
Since data generated within these systems has Big Data
characteristics, classic data mining methods cannot be applied [11].
Observation, identification and understanding data generated by IoT
systems is achievable by applying advanced machine learning algorithms
adapted for real time Big Data stream processing.
Big Data is defined by three big Vs: Volume, Velocity at which data
are generated and sent to a system, and Variety (structured,
half-structured and unstructured dynamic data) [12]. Machine to machine
(M2M) communication adds two more Vs to IoT Big Data complexity:
Variablility, which refers to the oscillating speed of data generation
and system input, and Value, which refers to the fact that not all data
are equally important for analysis, i.e. those that can improve the
process or model are more important. Data mining social networks can
additionally raise complexity with other Vs like Veracity, which refers
to data accuracy in expressing personal attitudes with regard to
subjectivity [13].
4. Mining data streams
Big Data is mainly stream data. Stream data is every ordered pair
of sequences (i, t) where i is an n-tuple and t is a positive time
interval. Data size cannot be directly limited since stream data
sequences are continuously generated in different intensities and spans.
Thus it is potentially unlimited [14].
Classic data mining algorithms access file data or relational
database data. on the other hand, stream data mining algorithms are
applied at the very stream [15]. Stream data mining results are expected
in real time. Single pass data processing is common for all stream data
mining algorithms. It is usually done by using time windows, micro
clustering, limited aggregation and approximation [16].
Windows can be defined physically by time spans or logically by the
number of elements [17]. State of the art algorithms seek to determine
optimal window size.
Data processing in time windows can handle data streams and
important variables in the following manners:
* summative and continuously from the beginning of measurement with
equal weights (landmark window)
* summative and continuously from the beginning of measurement with
different weights--more obsolete data have lower weights (damped window)
* temporarily within defined time spans, e.g. only last 60 seconds
(sliding window) [18].
The process of mining multiple data streams includes alignment,
approximation, combination, building the model and adaptation to concept
drift [19].
5. Stream data mining model within cold chain logistics
The analysis of wireless sensor network data produced by food
distribution chains from the source to end-users can lead to process
optimization which, in turn, can affect food quality preservation [20].
IoT solutions in food supply chain make parameters relevant for
food preservation visible to all the stakeholders and enable cooperation
between manufacturing, storage, transporting, selling and buying in
order to perform automated activities in real-time with the aim to
achieve maximum food quality, on-time delivery, and food preparation
under optimal conditions [21].
Although cold chain and IoT in food transportation imply raising
prices for end-users, due to implementation and maintenance costs and
due to an increase in energy consumption, the acceptance of such systems
facilitates process efficiency. Efficiency is reflected in raising
standards for food safety and loss minimization [22].
IoT for supporting cold chain logistics is made possible by
integrating the Internet and the existent system of wireless sensor
networks. Data mining of these IoT systems should support M2M
communication between the system for collecting data, namely sensors,
and the system for real time knowledge extraction from multiple data
streams. The goal is to build a system which would enable quick
autonomous reactions and optimization in logistics of different cold
chains for fruit quality preservation.
After careful observation of the IoT cold chain, we propose
modelling data with approximate time windows. The window size should be
defined by the time needed for detecting deviation of the combination of
discretized values of elements that can be influenced upon (temperature,
humidity, S[O.sub.2] concentration) from their limit values [23]. This
model upgrades WSN and the respective model for managed traceability
system (MTS) [24] in grape cold chain [25] with autonomous machine
(computer) for detecting critical C[O.sub.2] values (values which
indicate senescence), and for managing temperature, humidity and
S[O.sub.2] concentration in order to preserve optimal grape quality. An
example is shown in Figure 1.
The window interval is made up of the following: the measured CO2
concentration (dotted = optimal, diagonal = passing, trellis =
critical), time t, time intervals i for data processing, window time
span w, and the combination of temperature, humidity and S[O.sub.2]
concentrationy'. The example given in Fig. 1 has a window size of
60 seconds which is updated every 20 seconds. The change in the
concentration of C[O.sub.2] from optimal to critical is detected after
three intervals. The sensor data is sent twice per interval. The last
detected C[O.sub.2] value in the interval is taken as the reference
value for the interval. The window size should be adapted to real
conditions in order to achieve timely and precise reactions based on M2M
The problem with centralized WSN systems is reflected in their
impossibility for timely reactions, i.e. real time reactions, since data
are saved and loaded from the database instead of analysed as they are
recorded [26].
The centralized IoT system capable of real time data mining and
sending results back to sensors and computer devices within the cold
chain in order to adjust to micro climate conditions can be achieved by
using the proposed model and the newest technology for processing data
streams. The system implementing such a model would need to deal with
Big Data scalability, heterogeneity, and timeliness [27] considering
that it would simultaneously analyse data of a number of cold chains,
and potentially a number of groceries. From the IoT perspective, this
system should be built as a cloud service [28].
The system could be based on open-source technologies for machine
learning and for Big Data analysis of a third generation which enable
real time data processing [29]. Systems suitable for cold chain data
processing are Hadoop and Spark [30]. The proposed IoT cold chain model
is given in Figure 2.
When designing such systems, problems and security threads which
can affect data availability and data integrity need to be taken into
account [31].
In order to ensure better data availability and data analysis,
software technologies supporting clustering (e.g. Apache Kafka) could be
used for input and bus architectures for data sent from multiple WSNMTS
[32]. The real time stream data processing functionality of the system
could be achieved with Spark Streaming [33]. A drawback of this approach
is the failure to deliver data and real-time reactions when offline. If
it would rely on the Spark architecture [34], the system would also be
capable of on-demand batch data processing [35], i.e. Big Data mining
over the entire dataset stored in the Hadoop file system [36] and
supported data warehouses.
The combination of both data processing modes is a prerequisite for
improving classification accuracy and evaluating stream data mining
model. The system could be updated in online and offline (batch) modes.
Such approach would lessen the problem with Internet connectivity
because the system could base input reactions on the last version of the
cumulatively trained offline model. The model could even be stored on
computer equipment used in warehouses or vehicles, although this might
negatively affect energy consumption.
6. Conclusion
The paper deals with the problem of real time communication between
sensor networks and cloud locations in food cold chain. We propose a
model for the centralized IoT system capable of real time data mining
and sending results back to sensors and computer devices within the cold
chain with a special focus on the part responsible for monitoring
fluctuations of temperature, humidity, and concentration of gases.
Lastly, we discuss and evaluate possible technological solutions for the
proposed model.
In our future work we will deal with problems which relate to the
failure to deliver certain variables important for analysis and
prediction due to sensor failure or signal loss. Since in such cases
real data are delivered with delay, the problem of resynchronizing
multiple stream data occurs [37]. Therefore, system implementation would
have to take advantage of techniques memorizing the last known state or
compensating the stream with virtual data approximating the trend until
DOI: 10.2507/27th.daaam.proceedings.109
7. Acknowledgements
This work has been fully supported by the University of Rijeka
under the project number
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This Publication has to be referred as: Juric, P[etar]; Brkic
Bakaric, M[arija]; Wang, X[iang]; Zhang, X[iaoshuan] & Matetic,
M[aja] (2016). Mining Data Streams for the Analysis of Parameter
Fluctuations in IoT-Aided Fruit Cold-Chain, Proceedings of the 27th
DAAAM International Symposium, pp.0756-0761, B. Katalinic (Ed.),
Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-08-2, ISSN
1726-9679, Vienna, Austria
Caption: Fig. 1. Example of a discretized stream data mining of
WSNMTS within grape cold chain
Caption: Fig. 2. IoT Cold-chain model
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