Mechanical Functionalisation of Cutting Inserts by Machine Hammer Peening.
Reiter, Manuel ; Krall, Stephan ; Bleicher, Friedrich 等
Mechanical Functionalisation of Cutting Inserts by Machine Hammer Peening.
1. Introduction
Over the last years, the process of machine hammer peening (MHP)
has grown to an important method for influencing the surface properties
and the mechanical state of the subsurface material layers (see e.g.
[1]). By the use of MHP, the treated surfaces may show increased surface
hardness and residual compressive stresses in near-surface layers [2].
These characteristics may be advantageous when it comes to cutting tools
that are exposed to extremely abrasive wear. In the present work,
cutting inserts (insert code: TCMW 16T308; cemented tungsten carbide
base body with Ti-Al-N coating) that are usually applied for the
simultaneous machining of a material combination (a casted
aluminium-alloy with a wire-arc sprayed coating; for further relevant
information regarding material combinations and machining types, see
[3]) get mechanically functionalised.
During this simultaneous machining process, the cutting
insert's rake face is exposed to significant normal stress
gradients between the cutting areas of the malleable aluminium and the
abrasive, wear-resistant spray-coating. For this reason, the rake faces
of the mentioned cutting inserts are treated by means of the machine
hammer peening technology to induce residual compressive stresses that
should prevent tearing up of the coating (initially caused by the
occurring tensile stresses in the coating due to the normal stress
discrepancy on the rake face).
2. Machine hammer peening
Machine hammer peening is based on the oscillating movement of an
axially guided ram with a tool tip on its end (mostly spherical in
shape), which periodically comes in contact with the workpiece. The
actuator, by the company accurapuls, used for this research work
functions using an electromagnetic principle. A magnetic reaction force
is generated by an alternating sinusoidal current applied on a plunger
coil within a magnetic field in the MHp-system. The therefore resulting
Lorentz force accelerates the ram over the stroke distance towards the
surface, where the impact of the tool tip at the surface transforms its
kinetic energy into elastoplastic deformation of the surface [2]. The
ram may be equipped with different spherical tool tips, in order to use
appropriate materials for the various applications of the machine hammer
peening process. The NC-control of the machining centre, in which the
actuator is mounted, provides the relative movements between tool (the
oscillating MHP-actuator) and workpiece.
The composition of the actuator and the relevant process parameters
are depicted in Fig. 1.
Previous works like [4],[5] have shown that due to the preceding
MHP-treatment on metallic materials, significant residual compressive
stresses have been detected in the near-surface layers of the covered
areas. These are higher in orthogonal direction to the tool path than
parallel to it [5]. Moreover, it is obvious that the smaller the
distance of indentation and stepover distance as well as the lower the
feed rate are chosen, the more overlap and therefore higher energy is
induced [6]. The distance of indentation is influenced by the choice of
feed rate and the applied frequency of the actuator's oscillation.
In general, for ductile materials the surface roughness will be
decreased by increasing the tool tip diameter. Apart from that,
increasing stepover distance, hardness of the tool tip and feed rate
will lead to greater surface roughness. For most applications, the main
cause for an increase in work hardening of the surface layer is a
decreasing tool tip diameter [6]. In addition, the microstructure may be
influenced by MHP, which is further investigated in [7].
3. Machining setup for the mechanical functionalisation of cutting
To ensure the machining of cutting inserts by the use of machine
hammer peening, a clamping system was designed and manufactured (see
Fig. 2a). It should provide appropriate fixation and orientation in the
machining centre of both the clamping and the cutting tools to be
processed. This clamping system consists of a substructure out of
conventional hardened steel with a plate of carbide metal mounted on its
top. The top plate has four recesses, which represent the precise
negative form of the cutting inserts. Moreover, the substructure may be
used for additional top plates according to other types of cutting
In Fig. 2b, the setup for MHP-treating of cutting inserts in the
machining centre is shown. Herein, the MHP-actuator as well as the
designed clamping system is depicted. The research work was carried out
on a 5-axis machining centre (Hermle C20 U).
4. Configuration of the machining process
The main advantage of the MHP-process in combination with
NC-machines is the precise machining of workpieces. Therefore, different
NC-strategies for the exact movement of the oscillating hammer peening
device across the cutting inserts were investigated. The final form of
the tool paths on the cutting insert's rake face is shown in Fig.
3. This strategy was chosen due to optimized results compared to earlier
attempts that led to damaged cutting inserts, as used tool path
arrangements were placed too close to the cutting edge or even across
the cutting edges. The finally chosen strategy could be placed at the
required distance to the cutting edge without damaging it.
Furthermore, the process parameters have been investigated and
tested. As already discussed in section 2, the stepover distance and the
distance of indentation were set very low to create a high percentage of
overlapping tool paths on the processed areas. This is also the reason
for a relatively high stroke value that delivers a significant amount of
kinetic energy to the ram, which is transformed into mechanical
deformation of the cutting insert. The subsequently applied process
parameters are listed in Table 1.
Various materials of the tool tip were investigated, with the best
results reached using the carbide metal tool tip. Other tip materials
that have particularly higher hardness, e.g. ceramic materials, showed
poor wear behaviour like flat spots after just a single machining
sequence, fine cracks on the spherical surface, etc. Moreover, the
amounts of induced residual compressive stresses on the cutting insert
resulted in considerably smaller values (see also section 5.2).
5. Effects on the processed surface layers
To verify the orthogonal distance of the MHP-treated area to the
cutting edge and to gain knowledge of the reached depths due to
mechanical deformation on the cutting insert, optical measurements were
carried out using a digital microscope as well as a 3D surface measuring
device. The detection of residual stresses in near-surface regions of
the MHP-treated cutting inserts were carried out by means of X-ray
diffraction measurements.
5.1. Optical measurements
In the upper section of Fig. 4, the corner of a cutting insert
right after MHP-treatment is shown, where no postprocess cleaning had
taken place, and therefore marks of abrasion are still visible. For this
specific insert, that was processed with the above presented NC-strategy
(Fig. 3) and process parameters (Table 1), the orthogonal distance of
the MHP-treated area to the cutting edge was just 0,7 mm. The image was
taken using a Keyence VW-9000 digital microscope with a 100x
magnification. Further measurements, especially to get quantitative
knowledge of the mechanical deformation of the MHP-treated areas, were
carried out using an Alicona InfiniteFocus G4 3D surface measuring
device, with a vertical resolution of 250 nm and a lateral resolution of
5 [micro]m regarding a 10x magnification. Concerning this, the lower
section of Fig. 4 shows the false-colour plot and the belonging depth
profile of the marked area on the cutting insert.
The orthogonal distance between MHP-treated area (composed of the
strung together tool paths) and cutting edge of 0,7 mm was defined as a
default value. Former experiments using this distance and the favoured
process parameters (Table 1) showed positive results, thus the stable
processing of the cutting inserts have been ensured.
As visible in Fig. 4, an overall depth difference (from the
untreated to the treated surface) of 1,8 pm was measured for the marked
area of the cutting insert's rake face. Due to this significant
mechanical deformation respectively material compaction, residual
compressive stresses should be induced as well as the hardness in the
subsurface layers may be increased (see section 5.2).
5.2. X-ray diffraction measurements
X-ray diffraction (XRD) belongs to the group of non-destructive
testing methods for residual stresses on material surfaces. It bases,
according to its indication, on the diffraction of ordered structures
like in crystalline metal. As a result of mechanical stress, the spacing
between atomic planes in the structure change, which leads to different
diffraction patterns before and after applying the load. The resulting
values deliver information on the strains in the material, and therefore
the material's residual stresses can be calculated. The underlying
principle for this kind of diffraction is the so-called Bragg equation
(1). For further relevant information regarding Bragg's law and
X-ray diffraction, see referred literature, e.g. [8],[9].
n * [lambda] = 2 * d * sin[theta] (1)
n ... integer (typically 1)
[lambda] ... X-ray wavelength
d ... lattice spacing
[theta] ... diffraction angle (so-called Bragg-angle)
The X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out using a Bruker
D8 Discover device. As the coating has a thickness of approximately 10
pm and the depth of the X-ray diffraction is under 10 pm, the induced
residual stresses in the coating could be measured. The measurement
point was placed in the centre of the machined triangular area, but the
XRD-measurements were performed in orthogonal direction to the cutting
edge (see schematical drawing in Fig. 5b). This is the crucial direction
for the cutting tool, because the material cutting occurs also in
orthogonal direction to the cutting edge. In Fig. 5a, the resulting
residual stress values in the subsurface layers of the cutting
insert's rake face are shown. This specific cutting insert was
machined as follows: Corner 1 functioned as a measuring reference (no
MHP- treatment, cutting insert respectively coated material in
as-delivered condition). Corner 2 was MHP-treated with the presented
process parameters (Table 1) and NC-strategy (Fig. 3; with the default
distance of 0,7 mm to the cutting edge). Corner 3 was machined in the
same way as corner 2, but was MHP-treated twice.
After the machining, corner 2 showed an overall depth difference
from the untreated to the treated surface on the rake face of about 1,4
pm, as it was measured over the entire width of the cutting edge (from
the main cutting edge to the minor cutting edge). This is the reason for
the discrepancy in depth to the example in section 1, which was measured
just in a small area on the outside of the MHP-treated area, where the
turnaround of the tool paths happened and therefore more indentations
took place. The overall depth difference to corner 3 was measured
approximately 2,2 [micro]m, in the same way as corner 2.
It can be seen that the reference point shows minimal residual
tensile stresses. Corner 2 shows significant induced residual
compressive stresses, which was already expected due to the mechanical
deformation of the processed area. Corner 3 shows higher induced
residual stresses than corner 2, but as also mentioned in [6] and
considering the given confidence intervals, double treatment does not
change the amount of residual stresses in a neither significant nor
proportional manner.
The MHP-treatment was also performed on uncoated inserts (with the
same process parameters as in Table 1 and NC-strategy as in Fig. 3) to
prove the inducement of residual compressive stresses not only into the
coating, but also in the subjacent substrate. The X-ray diffraction
measurements therefore also showed an inducement of compressive residual
stresses in the substrate, although the outcomes were at a lower level
than for the coating (see Fig. 5b). The processed area on the uncoated
cutting insert can be seen as a shaded, triangular field (image taken
using the Keyence VW-9000 digital microscope).
As already mentioned, residual stress measurements of the cutting
inserts that were MHP-treated with ceramic tool tip materials (aluminium
oxide [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and silicon nitride [Si.sub.3][N.sub.4])
instead of carbide metal have been performed. The generated findings
pointed out that these tool tip materials had too high wear
susceptibility. Therefore, the resulting residual compressive stresses
of the machined areas on the cutting insert's rake face were
significantly lower than for the carbide metal tip--less than half the
stress value of the ones processed with the carbide metal tip was
reached (subject to the use of the identical cutting inserts, the same
process parameters as in Table 1 and the same NC-strategy as depicted in
Fig. 3).
6. Conclusion and outlook
The present work's focus was on the mechanical
functionalisation of cutting inserts that are usually applied for the
simultaneous machining of a material combination. Due to this
functionalisation, caused by the use of machine hammer peening, the
processed surface area on the cutting insert's rake face should
show induced residual compressive stresses.
In conclusion, the positive effects of machine hammer peening for
the application on cutting inserts have been successfully demonstrated.
Due to the previous investigations and setting of appropriate processing
parameters as well as suitable arrangement of tool paths, a significant
material compaction has been reached on the cutting insert's rake
face by means of machine hammer peening. Hence, a major amount of
residual compressive stresses has been induced into the coating and also
the sintered substrate beneath.
The aim of further investigations should analyse the effects on the
hardening of subjacent layers of the MHP-treated areas. In addition,
greater insight into the impacts of MHP-treatment on the
coating-substrate bond, as it was a cemented tungsten carbide substrate
with Ti-Al-N coating for this present research, have to be gained. The
consequences on the performance of the cutting tool, especially the
reachable tool life, must be further investigated in experimental
cutting tests. Subject to the success of these mentioned and further
future developments, this kind of mechanical functionalisation of
cutting tools may be established in the field of production engineering
to consequently lower production costs and improve sustainability.
DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.108
7. References
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[2] D. H. Trauth (2016). Tribology of Machine Hammer Peened Tool
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[3] D. Boehnke (2007). Qualitatsorientierte Zerspanung von
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[4] C. Lechner (2014). "Oberflachenmodifikation unter Einsatz
der Technologie des Schlagverdichtens (Machine Hammer Peenings),"
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[5] F. Bleicher, C. Lechner, C. Habersohn, E. Kozeschnik, B.
Adjassoho & H. Kaminski (2012). "Mechanism of surface
modification using machine hammer peening technology," CIRP
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[6] V. Schulze, F. Bleicher, P. Groche, Y. B. Guo & Y. S. Pyun
(2016). "Surface modification by machine hammer peening and
burnishing," CIRP Ann.-Manuf. Technol., vol. 65, no. 2, pp.
[7] B. Adjassoho et al. (2013). "Controlled surface treatment
with machine hammer peening," Met. 2013, Brno, vol. 4, pp. 13-18.
[8] N. S. Rossini, M. Dassisti, K. Y. Benyounis & A. G. Olabi
(2012). "Methods of measuring residual stresses in
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[9] P. S. Prevey (1996). "Current applications of X-ray
diffraction residual stress measurement," Dev. Mater. Charact.
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Manuel Reiter *, Stephan Krall & Friedrich Bleicher
Caption: Fig. 1. Schematic overview of the electromagnetic
MHP-actuator and the relevant process parameters: I ... intensity
(percentage of voltage amplitude); f ... frequency (Hz); v ... feed rate
(mm/min); a ... distance of indentation (mm); s ... stepover distance
(mm); d ... tool tip diameter (mm); h ... stroke (mm) (cf. [1]).
Caption: Fig. 2. (a) CAD-model of designed clamping system for the
mechanical functionalisation of cutting inserts; (b) experimental setup
in the machining centre.
Caption: Fig. 3. CAD-model of cutting insert with final
Caption: Fig. 4. Microscopic image of the MHP-treated cutting
insert and depth profile of marked area on the rake face.
Caption: Fig. 5. (a) Schematic overview of MHP-treated areas on the
cutting insert's rake face and measured residual stresses; (b)
image of the MHP-treated uncoated cutting insert and the measured
residual stresses.
Table 1. Process parameters.
Intensity (I) 100 %
Frequency (f) 200 Hz
Feed rate (v) 1.200 mm/min
Distance of indentation (a) 0,1 mm
Stepover distance (s) 0,02 mm
Tool tip diameter (d) 6 mm
Stroke (h) 0,5 mm
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