Economy of Biogas Plants.
Kremljak, Zvonko
Economy of Biogas Plants.
1. Introduction
The current energy policy requires a constant technology
development towards more sustainable energy transformation systems.
Cogeneration and the use of renewables are two important solutions
available to achieve this goal [1]. To analyse such systems from the
point of view of resource efficiency, the pure energy analysis is not
sufficient since the quality of particular energy carriers is not
evaluated. Biogas projects demand high investments. Biogas plants are
still experiencing harsh economic conditions [2]. Financing is therefore
one of the key elements in order to ensure project viability. The
financing scheme of a biogas plant project differs from country to
country, but in general, low interest long-term loans are used. Ordinary
mortgage loans are not frequently used. The index-regulated annuity
loans are low-interest loans, which secure the investor against
inflation through a re-evaluation of the unpaid debts according to the
inflation rate. The pay-back period is more than 20 years. This type of
loans proved to be the most suitable for financing the construction of
biogas plants, meeting the demands for long maturity, low interest and
low initial installments. The disadvantages of such loans are that they
are raised by ordinary sales of bonds at the stock exchange market
price, implying a depreciation risk that may induce some uncertainty in
the planning phase [3, 4]. In countries like Denmark, biogas projects
are e.g. financed by means of index-regulated annuity loans, guaranteed
by the municipalities. Most of the past biogas projects received also
supplementary government subsidies, representing up to 30 % of the
investment costs of the project.
A single farmer, a consortium of farmers or a municipality are
usually the entrepreneurs likely to implement successful biogas
projects. The success of the project depends on some factors that can be
controlled and influenced by strategic decisions concerning investment
and operational costs. Very few research studies exist on the positive
effects of biogas production on the socio-economics of rural areas [5].
Considerable changes occur regarding the employment level. Additionally,
in the majority of areas there is a significant potential for further
development of biogas production, which would likewise be reflected in
the effects of added value and employment opportunities. Farmers have
heterogeneous investment thresholds. Their investment decisions are
mainly driven by capital costs and the subjective perception of the risk
resulting from the investment. Other decision parameters like
sustainability and non-monetary objectives play only minor roles [6].
Choosing the best technology in respect of level of investment and
operational costs is very difficult. If tendering a biogas plant, it is
important receive offer on operational cost like:
* Operational cost of combined heat and power plant (CHP) incl. all
services and spare parts (amount/kWh),
* Maintenance costs of biogas plant in total (% of
* Own electrical energy demand, including demand of CHP (kWh/year),
* Average working hours/day of staff (maintenance and feeding the
The success of the project is also influenced by some factors that
cannot be controlled such as:
* Interest terms,
* Grid access and feed in tariffs,
* World market prices for feedstock (e.g. energy crops),
* Competition for feedstock from other sectors.
Industrial waste collectors face problems securing long term
availability of the feedstock. This could be a problem because the waste
recycling market is highly competitive and contracts with waste
producers are rarely for periods longer than five years.
Quite often, before a bank offers to finance the biogas plant
project, the economical long term success of the project must be proven
by a study/ calculation of profitability [7]. The calculation is
normally done within the preliminary planning by an experienced
planning/consulting company, but in many cases, especially in the case
of single based biogas projects, this work can be done by the project
developer, with two consequently advantages: the project
developers/partners are forced to have a very close view to the
different aspects of the project and, in case of cancelling the project,
no external costs have occurred.
2. Economic forecast of a biogas plant project
In a case of a biogas plant treating municipal waste, it is
recommended to mandate an experienced consulting company. Waste
treatment plants are much more complex regarding handling of feedstock,
biological stability of the system and the whole plant design, compared
to a farm based plant (Fig. 1).
For case specific calculation of the economic forecast, a
calculation model was elaborated, allowing the preliminary estimation of
costs, plant size, dimensioning, technical outline etc. finding an
independent and reliable planning partner is mandatory. The framework
conditions of organic biogas generation and its monetary implications on
production economics must be carefully analysed [8] and [9], with risks
evaluation [10]. Renewable energy production is not economically viable
by its own, without considering the wastewater treatment function and
the associated incomes [11].
3. Project case
For the purpose of construction of the biogas plant, land in area
of 1.4 ha is being purchased. The Ministry of economy has issued a
preliminary electricity permission needed in order to construct the
plant with bio power of 1 MWh based on prior economic and technological
collection of waste from farms represents an ecological problem
because raw manure cannot be immediately (due to its high concentration
and / or vegetation period) used on arable land as fertilizer. The waste
is therefore collected or deposited along the fields in inadequate
(usually permeable) reservoirs / disposal sites / lagoons from where
they penetrate into the surface and ground waters, polluting them.
Stench and even more important pollution from glass gases (N[H.sub.3],
C[O.sub.2], C[H.sub.4], [H.sub.2]S), that destroy the ozone layer, are
3.1. Project goals
Three main goals need to be achieved:
* Tackling environmental problems and at the same time exploiting
"waste" traits as a renewable source of energy,
* Exploitation of processed and fermented residue as a high caloric
organic fertilizer,
* Development of energy crops (silages) with the aim of improving
the energy efficiency with partial exploitation of fertilizer produced
on site.
The raw material for the biogas plant will be purchased in the
environmental field on approximately 10,000 hectares of arable land,
which provides a minimum of 10,000 tons of biomass with the price of 17
[euro]/tonne. The production itself is agreed for a reason that it
should not endanger food production and should take the arable land.
Deficiencies of the contracts for inbounds are identified as price hikes
of the raw materials required for the upcoming biogas plant and the
price hikes of the agricultural products, corn in particular. In absence
of price hikes regarding the biogas production, long-term contracts for
period of 10-12 years are suggested to be signed. In terms of the
biomass price the following formula is applied:
[C.sub.Goie] = [C.sub.Goie-1] * [ICM.sub.Goie-1] (1)
* [C.sub.Goie] is the purchase price for the current year,
* [C.sub.Goie-1] is the purchase price for the previous year,
* [ICM.sub.Goie-1] is an annual index of growth of the retail
prices in terms of the previous year,
* Goie is an annual index, the minimum value in the year.
Plants connected to the distribution network with installed
electrical power up to 1 MW, which use renewable sources of energy for
its production, sell such energy under the price of 0,174 [euro]/kWh,
with no value added tax (VAT) calculated.
The raw material is delivered to the cleaver and the blender by
pressure pipeline and/or tanks, where it is mixed with silage, other
biodegradable substrates (waste material) and hot water (heated with the
surplus of the heat already generated), after what it is dosed in an
equalization pool, mixed with a submerging device. The liquid is being
pumped from the pool into a hydrolyser, where for 2-3 days a hydrolysis
is commencing on temperature of approx. 55[degrees]C. The heating is
carried out by heat exchanger of the water heated with the surplus of
the produced heat (hot water). The hydrolysate is pumped onwards into a
digester--1, where for 15-20 days a thermophilic conversion of
hydrolysed organic substances into biogas is commencing on temperature
of approx. 55[degrees]C [12]. The heating is carried out by heat
exchanger of the water heated with the surplus of the produced heat (hot
water). Ferment thickens by passing through the separator and thus
condensed, pumps through the reservoir, where the conversion into biogas
continues, accumulating in the gas tank / in the dome above the
reservoir. In that gas tank, the biogas is dosed from the dome of the
digester--1. Reservoir--ferment will be soon built for the phase II as
well, thus the initial period of retention of the ferment shall take
approx. 30 days, whilst in the second phase it shall decrease [13].
The obtained biogas is purified by aerobic biological conversion of
sulphide into elementary sulphur at the top of the dome and by removing
the moisture by passing through the capacitors and the filters. Later on
the obtained biogas is used for drive of CHP units which are used in the
production of electrical and thermal energy.
Processed and fully stabilized fermenter (without odour) is
transported through the same reservoirs, which are used for delivery of
the substrate to the smaller reservoirs (container, metal or
terrestrial), mounted on arable areas as high calorific organic
fertilizer with corresponding tractor hitch. Optionally it can be one of
the larger reservoirs (which holds fermenter for approx. 90 days, during
the vegetation period), from which the fertilizer can be deprived if
The biogas plant will be installed at a location with good
infrastructure in terms of logistical point of view. At 500 m distance
from the bioplant there is a transformer-station with an option to
connect to the network.
Possible impacts of the construction of biogas plant on the
surrounding area can affect the soil, underground and groundwater, the
air and the "production" waste. Negative impact can occur on
soil and subsoil in case of outlet of the liquid manure. In that case
the liquid manure will penetrate into the underground, in particular
into the underground water or it will reach the recipient on the
surface, where it can destroy the living world due to lack of oxygen. In
order to prevent such negative impact, the manure is deposited into
closed reservoirs.
The impact on air is unfavourable odour-stench from the biogas
plant because of the silage, the livestock faeces, aggregate pits for
wastewater from the silages and the reservoirs for the fermented manure.
It is considered that the stench reaches an area of 500 m, whilst in
terms of unfavourable weather conditions it can reach an area of up to 1
km. Closest living areas are 1 km away, which means that it shall not
affect the area of residential neighbourhoods.
In order to monitor the state of the environment, regular controls
and analyses on the underground water shall be performed, whilst once in
two years' time analyses on the soil, which are fertilized by the
fermented liquid manure from the plant shall be commenced as well. The
construction of the biogas plant creates jobs, new values and raises the
awareness of the usage of renewable sources.
4. Economic and financial analysis
The input data and the results of the analysis for the observed 10
years are summarised in tables 1 to 8. We have developed the cost model
considering all fixed values of parameters (some of them are fixed by
the government regulation or market situation) and some cost components
giving us some optimisation possibilities.
Consumption of thermal energy for own needs is 55 %.
Consumption of electricity for own needs of the biogas plant is 6 %
or 476.505 kWh. During operation, we have a computer control loop, which
indicates that we are running within planned costs, within the
achievement of the planned objectives and within other technical
parameters. All technical parameters and costs, eventual failures are
controlled by dedicated software. Any deviations are displayed using
visual warning signal, overall control can also be remotely controlled
and synchronized with the network. This ensures a stable economic
operation of the plant.
5. Conclusion
Production and consequently sales of energy derived from biogas
production devices offers economic opportunity for treatment and
recycling of many agricultural residues and by-products, a variety of
bio-waste, organic waste water from industry and sewage in a sustainable
and environmentally friendly manner.
Having done the pre-calculations using the calculation tool as
recommended in the result is a model of the economy of the project. As
stated before, the operational costs and the investment costs can be
influenced by strategic decisions. For example by choosing the best
adapted technology. So, if labour is cheap in your country, than it
might be cheaper engaging more people than spending money for automation
of a plant.
The revenue side of a project is difficult to influence. The feed
in tariffs are set by the government. In case of waste treatment plants,
the tipping fees are market prices. There are other possibilities of
improve the revenue side:
* Using/selling the produced heat,
* Selling digestant as a fertilizer.
If the project obtains an internal rate of return (IRR) lower than
9 %, you should reconsider all the project premises, and improve some of
them. If the IRR rate is higher than 9 %, the premises are good and it
is worth continuing the project and moving to the next planning phase.
It is important to compare the assumptions with the material reality.
This helps to get a realistic idea of the biogas plant itself, the
needed space, the true mass current and the real building costs. The
calculation model is useful for providing the rough information which is
necessary to kick start the actual planning phase. Also the earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) are very
prosperous. For the next steps of project, finding an independent and
reliable planning partner is mandatory.
According to the economic indicators, return on the whole
investment is anticipated in 5-6 years. The lifetime of the biogas plant
is 20 years. The plant itself delivers 5 jobs, whilst it indirectly
ensures 20 jobs including production of biomass on the fields. The
utilization of the fermented mass as organic fertilizer improves crops
contribution for 15- 25 % and reduces the application of artificial
fertilizers, which as a result improves the total quality of the
agricultural production and decreases the artificial fertilizers
expenses. In the biogas plant, the waste is used as bio-renewable source
of energy.
The main paper contribution is the development of new structure of
cost calculation applying a wide list of influencing parameters which
consider the actual state and conditions. Another achievement is the
modified system of evaluation of the eligibility of investment. In
future research some model expansions are planned, including the
generalization of implemented (combined) energy sources.
DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.018
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Caption: Fig. 1. Main components and general process flow of biogas
Caption: Fig. 2. Technological process of the biogas plant
Table 1. Total investment costs
Amortization Annual
Description Equipment value period depreciation
Construction works 707.616 [euro] 20 35.381 [euro]
Equipment 2.153.164 [euro] 10 215.316 [euro]
Cogeneration unit 739.220 [euro] 7 105.603 [euro]
Total 3.600.000 [euro] 356.300 [euro]
Table 2. Total infrastructure costs
Description Price ([euro])
Construction works 707.616
Electro-mechanical equipment and works 2.672.384
Engineering 220.000
Silage purchase in first year of business 220.000
Total 3.820.000
Table 3. Detailed specification of equipment, material and labour
No. Service / Equipment Capacity Value
1. Design / Construction 135.000 [euro]
2. Commissioning (Momentum) 65.000 [euro]
3. Design of plans for location 20.000 [euro]
4. Static budget V
5. Apparatus for receiving 149.838 [euro]
6. Reception reservoir of 16.977 [euro]
liquid manure
7. Digester charging room 105.596 [euro]
8. Digester 1 3.115 [m.sup.3] 406.403 [euro]
9. Digester 2 3.115 [m.sup.3] 406.403 [euro]
10. Post reservoir with 230.792 [euro]
associated gas-tank
11. CHP Approx. 999 739.220 [euro]
12. Safety torch
13. Desulfurization of biogas
14. Scale (quantity: 1) 30 t
15. Measuring, monitoring and 284.625 [euro]
control equipment
16. Dehydration of sludge 53.590 [euro]
17. Laguna for post-fermented 100.000 [euro]
18. Condensing pool
19. Design of pipelines 117.300 [euro]
20. Insurance, transport 61.640 [euro]
Plant expenses 2.892.384 [euro]
Infrastructure expenses 707.616 [euro]
1. Silage silo 274.700 [euro]
2. Earthworks and asphalt bases 40 [euro] 80.000 [euro]
(quantity: 2000)
3. Other earthworks 54.000 [euro]
4. Foundations 138.966 [euro]
5. Substation 125.000 [euro]
6. Starting cost 34.950 [euro]
Total investment 3.600.000 [euro]
Table 4. Profit and loss statement (part 1)
Structure \ Year 1 2 3 4
Thermal energy 0 31.906 32.864 33.850
Electricity 730.037 1.417.548 1.460.074 1.502.601
Value of the
Total revenue 730.037 1.449.455 1.492.938 1.536.450
Loan repayment
Depreciation 178.150 356.300 356.300 356.300
Maintenance 16.802 16.802 33.605
of the plant
Maintenance 47.875 119.689 123.280 126.870
of the CHP
Insurance 10.000 10.000 10.300 10.609
Fuel 5.833 10.000 10.300 10.609
Fermented mass 38.245 39.010 39.790
supply costs
Raw materials 110.000 220.000 226.600 233.398
costs (Silage)
Monitoring of 2.340 2.410 2.483
the biological
Workforce 12.775 21.900 22.557 23.234
Spare parts 9.946 19.893 20.091 20.292
Total costs 374.579 815.169 827.650 857.190
EBITDA 355.458 634.285 665.288 679.261
Structure \ Year 5 6 7 8
Thermal energy 34.865 35.911 36.988 38.098
Electricity 1.545.127 1.587.654 1.630.180 1.672.707
Value of the
Total revenue 1.579.992 1.623.565 1.667.169 1.710.805
Loan repayment
Depreciation 356.300 356.300 356.300 356.300
Maintenance 33.605 33.605 33.605 33.605
of the plant
Maintenance 130.461 134.052 137.642 141.233
of the CHP
Insurance 10.927 11.255 11.593 11.941
Fuel 10.927 11.255 11.593 11.941
Fermented mass 40.586 41.398 42.226 43.070
supply costs
Raw materials 240.400 247.612 255.040 262.692
costs (Silage)
Monitoring of 2.557 2.634 2.713 2.794
the biological
Workforce 23.931 24.649 25.388 26.150
Spare parts 20.495 20.700 20.907 21.116
Total costs 870.190 883.460 897.007 910.841
EBITDA 709.803 740.105 770.162 799.964
Structure \ Year 9 10
Thermal energy 39.241 40.418
Electricity 1.715.233 1.757.760
Value of the
Total revenue 1.754.474 1.798.178
Loan repayment
Depreciation 356.300 356.300
Maintenance 50.407 50.407
of the plant
Maintenance 144.824 148.414
of the CHP
Insurance 12.299 12.668
Fuel 12.299 12.668
Fermented mass 43.932 44.810
supply costs
Raw materials 270.572 278.689
costs (Silage)
Monitoring of 2.878 2.964
the biological
Workforce 26.934 27.742
Spare parts 21.327 21.541
Total costs 941.771 956.203
EBITDA 812.703 841.974
Table 5. Profit and loss statement (part 2)
Structure \ Year 1 2 3 4
I. Revenue 730.037 1.449.455 1.492.938 1.536.450
1. Total revenue 730.037 1.449.455 1.492.938 1.536.450
2. Rest of project 0 0 0 0
2.1. Fixed assets
II. Expenditures 319.979 787.306 798.688 822.059
3.Fixed assets
4. Operating costs 200.596 458.869 471.350 500.890
4.1.Tangible costs 177.821 426.969 438.493 467.047
4.2. Service costs 10.000 10.000 10.300 10.609
4.3. Intangible
4.4. Gross salaries 12.775 21.900 22.557 23.234
5. Profit tax 79.589 218.958 218.225 214.112
6. Reserves 39.794 109.479 109.113 107.056
III. Net revenue 410.058 662.148 694.250 714.392
Structure \ Year 5 6 7 8
I. Revenue 1.579.992 1.623.565 1.667.169 1.710.805
1. Total revenue 1.579.992 1.623.565 1.667.169 1.710.805
2. Rest of project 0 0 0 0
2.1. Fixed assets
II. Expenditures 833.899 845.909 858.234 870.813
3.Fixed assets
4. Operating costs 513.889 527.159 540.707 554.541
4.1.Tangible costs 479.031 491.255 503.726 516.450
4.2. Service costs 10.927 11.255 11.593 11.941
4.3. Intangible
4.4. Gross salaries 23.931 24.649 25.388 26.150
5. Profit tax 213.340 212.499 211.685 210.848
6. Reserves 106.670 106.250 105.842 105.424
III. Net revenue 746.093 777.656 808.935 839.992
Structure \ Year 9 10
I. Revenue 1.754.474 1.798.178
1. Total revenue 1.754.474 1.798.178
2. Rest of project 0 0
2.1. Fixed assets
II. Expenditures 895.414 908.522
3.Fixed assets
4. Operating costs 585.471 599.903
4.1.Tangible costs 546.239 559.494
4.2. Service costs 12.299 12.668
4.3. Intangible
4.4. Gross salaries 26.934 27.742
5. Profit tax 206.628 205.746
6. Reserves 103.314 102.873
III. Net revenue 859.060 889.656
Table 6. Economic flow of project
Structure \ Year 1 2 3 4
I. Revenue 4.330.037 1.449.455 1.492.938 1.536.450
1. Total revenue 730.037 1.449.455 1.492.938 1.536.450
2. Funding 3.600.000 0 0 0
2.1. Own 720.000
2.1. Loans 2.880.000
3. Rest of project 0 0 0 0
3.1. Fixed assets
II. Expenditures 200.596 883.634 896.115 925.655
4. Investments in
fixed assets
5. Operational 200.596 458.869 471.350 500.890
5.1. Tangible 177.821 426.969 438.493 467.047
5.2. Services 10.000 10.000 10.300 10.609
5.3. Intangible 0 0 0 0
5.4. Gross salaries 12.775 21.900 22.557 23.234
6. Profit tax 20 % 0 0 0 0
7. Reserves 0 0 0 0
8. Annuities 0 424.765 424.765 424.765
III. Net revenue 4.129.441 565.820 596.823 610.795
IV. Cumulative 4.129.441 4.695.261 5.292.084 5.902.880
net revenue
Structure \ Year 5 6 7 8
I. Revenue 1.579.992 1.623.565 1.667.169 1.710.805
1. Total revenue 1.579.992 1.623.565 1.667.169 1.710.805
2. Funding 0 0 0 0
2.1. Own
2.1. Loans
3. Rest of project 0 0 0 0
3.1. Fixed assets
II. Expenditures 938.655 951.925 965.472 979.306
4. Investments in
fixed assets
5. Operational 513.889 527.159 540.707 554.541
5.1. Tangible 479.031 491.255 503.726 516.450
5.2. Services 10.927 11.255 11.593 11.941
5.3. Intangible 0 0 0 0
5.4. Gross salaries 23.931 24.649 25.388 26.150
6. Profit tax 20 % 0 0 0 0
7. Reserves 0 0 0 0
8. Annuities 424.765 424.765 424.765 424.765
III. Net revenue 641.338 671.640 701.696 731.499
IV. Cumulative 6.544.217 7.215.858 7.917.554 8.649.053
net revenue
Structure \ Year 9 10
I. Revenue 1.754.474 1.798.178
1. Total revenue 1.754.474 1.798.178
2. Funding 0 0
2.1. Own
2.1. Loans
3. Rest of project 0 0
3.1. Fixed assets
II. Expenditures 1.010.237 1.024.669
4. Investments in
fixed assets
5. Operational 585.471 599.903
5.1. Tangible 546.239 559.494
5.2. Services 12.299 12.668
5.3. Intangible 0 0
5.4. Gross salaries 26.934 27.742
6. Profit tax 20 % 0 0
7. Reserves 0 0
8. Annuities 424.765 424.765
III. Net revenue 744.237 773.509
IV. Cumulative 9.393.290 10.166.799
net revenue
Table 7. Production balance of thermal energy (in KWh)
Monthly Own Energy
Month production consumption for sale Rest
January 662.400 198.720 463.680 0
February 662.400 198.720 463.680 0
March 662.400 198.720 463.680 0
April 662.400 158.976 302.054 201.370
May 662.400 0 264.960 397.440
June 662.400 0 0 662.400
July 662.400 0 0 662.400
August 662.400 0 0 662.400
September 662.400 0 198.720 463.680
October 662.400 59.616 361.670 241.114
November 662.400 99.360 563.040 0
December 662.400 198.720 463.680 0
Total per annum 7.948.800 1.112.832 3.545.164 3.290.804
Table 8. Production of electricity (in KWh)
Monthly Capacity Daily
Month production (kW) production (h)
January 674.505 999 21,78
February 609.230 999 21,78
March 674.505 999 21,78
April 652.747 999 21,78
May 674.505 999 21,78
June 652.747 999 21,78
July 674.505 999 21,78
August 674.505 999 21,78
September 652.747 999 21,78
October 674.505 999 21,78
November 652.747 999 21,78
December 674.505 999 21,78
Average 661.813 999 21,78
Total per annum 7.941.750 -- 7949,7
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