Qehaja, Albana Berisha ; Ismajli, Hysen
Strategic management has a long history, although the words used to
describe it have changed several times as the concepts have been
modified and developed (Hussey 1998). One of the most comprehensive
definitions of strategic management is that of David (2011: 6) who
defines strategic management, "as the art and science of
formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions
that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. As this
definition implies, strategic management focuses on integrating
management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations,
research and development, and information systems to achieve
organizational success". Historically the principal benefit of
strategic management has been to help organizations formulate better
strategies through the use of a more systematic, logical, and rational
approach for decision making (David and David 2017).
The strategic-level support tools offered to executives are diverse
and come from many different disciplines (Stenfors et al. 2007). In
essence, all of these tools and techniques are prescriptions that are
supposed to make it possible to choose improved organizational outcomes
and results well in advance of acting (Stacey 2012). David and David
(2017) highlight that firms with management systems that utilize
strategic-planning concepts, tools, and techniques generally exhibit
superior long-term financial performance relative to their industry.
Helfert (2001) emphasized that financial analysis is an essential
toolkit for analytically oriented persons of any viewpoint, as they
judge the financial/economic performance and outlook of any business.
Admittedly the private sector development is very important for the
country's economic development. Small and medium enterprises
(hereinafter referred to as SMEs) represent the largest business sector
in any world economy (Culkin and Smith 2000). SMEs are important engines
to stimulate the economic growth of a country (Van Gils 2005). Despite
their contribution to the economy in terms of turnover and number of
jobs created, SMEs are often neglected in books about strategy (Phillips
and Moutinho 2018). Also, to date, clearly is a lack of knowledge on the
applicability of strategic management tools and techniques in SMEs
(Pasanen 2011).
To fully benefit from strategic positive effects on firm
performance the SMEs should use the strategic tools and techniques (Gica
and Balint 2012). One of the most used tools by SMEs in developing
countries is business financial analysis (Berisha Qehaja et al. 2017b).
It is considered as one of the most important functions in the
organization (Alexander 2018). It is an art and also a skill which can
be facilitated and assisted by learning various techniques that have
been developed by those seeking to understand financial information
(O'Regan 2016).
According to the resource-based model, differences in firms'
performances across time are due primarily to their unique resources and
capabilities rather than to the industry's structural
characteristics (Hitt et al. 2009). The development of a resource-based
view has played a major role in the renewal of strategic planning
practice (Grant 1991, Barney 1991, Glaister and Falshaw 1999). Thus,
investigating the use of strategic tools for better competitiveness and
performance is considered a resource-based approach.
Lately, Laamanen (2017) in the article, "Reflecting on the
past 50 years of Long Range Planning and a research agenda for the next
50", calls for further research on some topic areas, including
strategic management in different contexts (strategy processes or
practices in emerging and developed market contexts and in different
company contexts) and strategy tools. Hereupon, through this research we
are trying to make a modest contribution in this aspect.
Consequently, a number of general questions arise. Do the Kosovan
SMEs use financial analysis as a strategic tool? Is there any difference
in usage by different sized enterprises and sectors? We endeavoured to
answer these questions, which are based upon responses from 303 SMEs.
Drawing upon the general literature of strategic management, the
focus of the paper is thus:
- To assess the extent to which the financial analysis is employed
in the sampled enterprises.
- To determine whether there are differences in the usage of
financial analysis, among small and medium-sized enterprises.
- To determine whether there are differences in the usage of
financial analysis, among trade, production and service sector.
This paper contributes to the existing scientific literature,
especially in the strategic management field. Firstly: this study is
likely to contribute to decision makers in increasing the financial
analysis usage in their enterprises since there are many benefits from
using it. Secondly: it pinpoints the usage of financial analysis as a
strategic tool by different sized enterprises and sectors in the
Republic of Kosova as a transition economy.
The paper is organized into four sections. The first section
provides a brief literature review on strategy and strategic tools,
business financial analysis and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Then, proceed with the development of hypotheses. Further, section two
sets out the research methods of the study. The research design was
cross-sectional and data were collected using structured questionnaires
based on a survey strategy. Section three presents statistical findings
and discussion. In the final section, the concluding remarks and
limitations are given.
1. Theoretical insights
1.1. The nature of strategy and strategic tools
The literature on strategic management provides a number of
different perspectives and assumptions, with increasing attempts to
define what strategy is and where it comes from - esoteric debates that
are often impenetrable and largely irrelevant to practitioners
(Tassabehji and Isherwood 2014). Phillips and Moutinho (2018) think that
strategy is the kernel of the strategic management field. A co-word
analysis study for the period 1962-2008 by Ronda-Pupo and Guerras-Martin
(2012) found that the essence of the strategy concept is the dynamics of
the firm's relation with its environment, for which the necessary
actions are taken to achieve its goals and/or increase performance by
means of the rational use of resources (as cited by Phillips and
Moutinho 2018: 27). Dess et al. (2014) define strategy as the ideas,
decisions, and actions that enable a firm to succeed. Surely, strategy
does not exist in a vacuum, and has both an influence on and is
influenced by the culture of the organisation, its structure and the
people it employs (Hussey 1997). As well, strategy is all about being
different. Sustainable competitive advantage is possible only by
performing different activities from rivals or performing similar
activities in different ways (Dess et al. 2014)
In literature, we encounter various definitions of strategic
management. Hitt et al. (2009:6) underline that, "the strategic
management process is the full set of commitments, decisions, and
actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and
earn above-average returns". According to Dess et al. (2014),
strategic management consists of the analyses, decisions, and actions an
organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive
advantages. Nag et al. (2007:944) surveyed academics that are part of
Business Policy and Strategy Division, articles published in Strategic
Management Journal orboth of them. They concluded that strategic
management can be defined as "the major intended and emergent
initiatives taken by general managers on behalf of owners, involving
utilization of resources to enhance the performance of firms in their
external environments".
Strategic management is the art and science of formulating,
implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an
organization to achieve its objectives (David 2011). Nevertheless, firms
have a greater commitment to formulation aspects of strategy and
relatively less commitment to the implementation and evaluation of
strategy (Glaister and Falshaw 1999).
Many argue that the global change towards the knowledge economy has
major implications for the strategic management of organizations (Stacey
2007). The speed of change is forcing companies to implement strategic
management processes that are permanent, in-house, and constantly
revised (Planellas 2013). Moreover, strategic management allows an
organization to be more proactive than reactive in shaping its own
future; it allows an organization to initiate and influence (rather than
just respond to) activities - and thus to exert control over its own
destiny (David and David 2017).
Over the last hundred years business-school researchers and
management consultants have developed a plethora of tools and techniques
to be used by leaders and managers (Stacey 2012). Jarzabkowski and
Kaplan (2015) guess that the list is too long to enumerate. Otherwise,
Clark (1997) thinks that there is no comprehensive list of strategic
tools. Even though there have been some attempts to classify strategic
tools (Prescott and Grant 1988, Webster et al. 1989, Clark 1997,
Vaitkevicius 2006, Lisinski and Saruckij 2006, Stacey 2012, Wright et
al. 2013). Newly, Vuorinen et al. (2017) made a review of strategy tools
published in leading journals within the past 25 years. They classified
a total of 88 tools on the basis of the phase of the strategic
management process in which the tool might be most useful. As claimed by
them, the largest group of tools (48) comprises methods aiding strategy
architecture, 37 target strategic action and a small number (3) help to
evaluate the performance of the current strategy.
"Strategy tool" is used as a generic name for any method,
model, technique, tool, technology, framework, methodology or approach
used to facilitate strategy work (Stenfors et al. 2007) and provide
decision support (Clark and Scott 1999). Strategic management tools and
techniques that claim to support strategic decisions can be found at
least in the following fields: systems science, systems thinking,
operations management, logistics, industrial engineering, decision
support systems, expert systems, knowledge management, management
information systems, executive information systems, artificial
intelligence, business intelligence, online analytical processing,
enterprise systems, marketing, accounting, and finance (Stenfors et al.
2007). In addition to the theoretical approaches and frameworks provided
by academics and consultants, many articles provided vivid examples of
how different companies were implementing long range planning and what
kind of analytical tools and approaches they were using (Laamanen 2017).
Strategy tools also can be described as concepts that assist
strategic managers in decision making (Gunn and Williams 2007). Thus,
Ackoff (2003) stated that leaders can be more effective by learning
about the management tools and techniques available to them and how to
use them. According to Pasanen (2011), the purpose of strategic
management tools and techniques is to offer significant gains and
benefits for the company using the tools. Whereas, Stacey and Mowles
(2016) convincingly argue that systemic tools and techniques are often
used on special occasions such as strategy 'away-days' or when
large numbers are involved in highly visible problems.
1.2. Business financial analysis
Good financial management has three major aims: to keep the
business solvent, to maintain sufficient liquidity for it to meet
liabilities as they become due, and to ensure that in the context of
these first two aims it provides the company in the most efficient way
with the finance it needs for growth. A company which practices
strategic management will be trying to meet these aims more effectively
- a way that is future-oriented, considers more factors, is better
coordinated, and which should make it possible for better financial
decisions to be made. Just as strategic planning as a whole sets out to
be a better way of running a business, financial planning - one of its
components - sets out to be more effective in managing the finance
function (Hussey 1998). However, it is generally agreed in theory that
the main financial goal of the firm is maximizing shareholders'
value (Pandey 1995).
According to Alexander (2018), financial analysis is one of the
most important functions of the organization. Moreover, O'Regan
(2016:251) states that, "financial information analysis is an art.
It is a highly subjective exercise where the experience and intuition of
the user are critical factors. However, it is also a skill. It can be
facilitated and assisted by learning various techniques that have been
developed by those seeking to understand financial information".
Whereas, according to Akkizidis and Stagars (2016), financial analysis
plays a key role in managing concentration and systemic risks.
Financial information is presented in various forms. Financial
statements, such as the balance sheet, income statement and cash-flow
statement that are found in an annual report, are probably the most
common means by which financial information is made available
(O'Regan 2016). Also, according to Alexander (2018), the three
primary financial statements are the income statement, the balance
sheet, and the statement of cash flows. He stresses out that we need all
three statements to properly understand and evaluate financial
performance. Furthermore, Helfert (2001) differentiates between purely
financial analysis on one hand, and economic analysis and trade-offs on
the other. According to him, the first is largely based on financial
statements and accounting data, while the second focuses on cash flows.
In financial analysis, time plays a central role. This means that
time exists as a background dimension within the entire financial
system. However, there are two parallel time dimensions in financial
analysis: one is about the exact times set in contractual agreement; it
also defines the historical actual financial event and the present point
in time where the future starts. The other dimension is the simulated
and reported time. It refers to times, usually expressed as intervals,
where we are considering the calculation and reporting of the financial
events. Any calculation process of financial events follows this time
dimension (Akkizidis and Stagars 2016).
While published financial statements are the most widely available
source for financial analysis, the limitations inherent in their
preparation (based on generally accepted accounting principles) require
a basic understanding on the part of the user of how analytical results
in the areas of performance and valuation can be distorted and what
adjustments may be necessary (Helfert 2001). According to Alexander
(2018), financial analysis does not properly capture the strategic
value. If the financiais do not fully reflect the strategic case and
expected synergies, then they should be revised.
Financial analysis can be viewed as the decision-making process of
financial analysts (Gruber 2015). Whilst, Stacey (2012) considers that
tools and techniques should be categorized into four main groups: the
tools of instrumental rationality, the techniques of power,
institutional techniques and the techniques of practical judgment. He
points out that the financial analysis falls into the category of
instrumental rationality tools, particularly into decision-making and
monitoring and control tools subgroups.
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Maintaining competitive success or even surviving over long periods
of time is indeed very difficult for companies of any size (Dess et al.
2014). Successful organizations today tend to figure out what they are
really best-in-class at and ensure that their capabilities are aligned
with marketplace opportunities. The opportunities actually pursued are
not solely based on external market analysis using financial metrics,
but based upon internal capabilities such as knowledge, people,
processes, systems and tools that can create enhanced levels of
stakeholder value (Phillips and Moutinho 2018).
Admittedly the SMEs are very important for the country's
economic development. They represent the largest business sector in any
world economy (Culkin and Smith 2000). SMEs are important engines to
stimulate the economic growth of a country (Van Gils 2005). According to
Phillips and Moutinho (2018), despite their contribution to the economy
in terms of turnover and number of jobs created, SMEs are often
neglected in books about strategy.
According to Ayyagari et al. (2007), the SME contribution to GDP in
Australia is 23%, in New Zealand 35%, 52% in the UK, 48% in the US,
around 57% in Denmark, Canada and Japan, in Luxembourg around 76%,
Germany nearly 43%, Greece around 28%, Italy around 59%, and Slovenia
around 17%. Whereas according to Ministry of Trade and Industry (2011),
the contribution of Kosovan SMEs to GDP is nearly 40%.
The process of strategic planning has been investigated in some
detail during the last thirty years (Aldehayyat and Anchor 2009).
According to Ates and Bititci (2009), literature highlights that
strategy is managed in SMEs from an informal and intuitive fashion with
a fire fighting approach, shortterminism. Even according to Stonehouse
and Pemberton (2002), in practice, SMEs are more oriented towards
short-term operational issues than long-term strategic decisions and
decicion-making is more reactive than proactive. While Smith and Smith
(2007) address limited SMEs success in weak strategic planning skills,
shortsightedness, and lack of focus on external and strategic issues.
According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Kosova (2011,
2013, 2015), the role of the private sector, especially SMEs have been
relatively weak. Nevertheless, Kosova are still in the transition phase
in which entrepreneurship and small business creation is expected to
play an important role on the road to a modern economy, free market and
thus towards development and economic growth.
Categorization of enterprises in Kosova is done according to Law
no. 2005/02-L5 and Law 03/L-031 to support SMEs. The number of
headcounts is the sole criterion for classification of Kosovan
enterprises. Also, this is in accordance with the enterprises
'classification by the European Union (1).
Out of a total of 103,755 registered enterprises in the Republic of
Kosova: 102,070 (or 98.37%) are micro enterprises; 1,406 (1.35%) are
small; 221 (0.22%) are medium; and, only 58 (0.06%) are classified a
large (Ministry of Trade and Industry (2011). Based on data from the Tax
Administration of Kosova (TAK), the total turnover of SMEs in 2010 was
[euro]1,693,926,734.31 or 43.30% of GDP. The total turnover of all
businesses was [euro]2,222,485,094.15 (56.81% of GDP) (Ministry of Trade
and Industry, 2011).
Therefore, given the previous discussions, it is hypothesized that:
Hypothesis 1: There is a significant difference in the usage of
financial analysis, among small and medium-sized enterprises.
Hypothesis 2: There is a significant difference in the usage of
financial analysis, among trade, production and service sector.
2. Research methodology
The research design was cross-sectional and data were collected
using structured questionnaires based on a survey strategy. The
questionnaire is considered as one of the most widely used data
collection techniques in business research (Cooper and Schlinder 2014)
and within business and management research, the greatest use of
questionnaires is made within the survey strategy (Saunders et al.
The population size of this study was 1,685 enterprises, so we set
a 95 percent certainty and a margin of error of 5 percent, so the sample
size resulted in 573 enterprises (2). Out of total 573 enterprises
included in the sample, surveys were conducted in 314 of them. Since the
target population of this empirical study were SMEs in the Republic of
Kosova, we excluded large enterprises. Consequently, this study is based
on data from 303 SMEs (from them 251 small and 52 medium-sized
enterprises) and the respondents were owners/managers who were directly
involved in top management. Accordingly, the total response rate was
nearly 55 percent (3). For most academic studies involving top
management representatives, it is reasonable to have a response rate of
35 percent (Baruch 1999).
Sampling was selected through random method, extracted from the
final database of the Tax Administration of Kosova. Considering the
large disproportion between small and medium-sized enterprises, a
stratified sampling method was applied and as the stratum is set the
size of the enterprise.
The survey was carried out during the period of November
2016-January 2017. The data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical
program (version 23.0), which is commonly used by researchers in social
sciences research.
2.1. Constructs measures
Financial analysis. To measure the level of respondents'
knowledge on financial analysis, several questions are included in the
questionnaire. It is considered that an enterprise uses this tool if it
uses at least one of the following means as income statement, the
balance sheet, or the statement of cash flows.
To investigate the level of respondents' knowledge on
financial analysis, the metering criterion has been adapted from
Jarzabkowski et al. (2012). Thus, respondents have been given the
opportunity to indicate: 1= they have never heard of, 2 = they have
heard of but do not use, 3 = they have used previously but do not use
now, and 4 = they are currently using.
Enterprise size. As mentioned earlier, the number of headcounts is
the sole criterion for classification of Kosovan enterprises, which is
in accordance with the enterprises 'classification by the European
Union. Therefore, the enterprise size as a variable is measured as the
natural logarithm of a firm's total number of employees. In the
same manner, this variable has been measured in previous studies
(Glaister et al. 2008). This measuring scale produces ordinal data.
Sector. Like enterprise size, the sector as a variable is present
almost in most of the studies, at least as a structural characteristic
of a sample. Since this empirical study includes three main sectors in
Kosova, namely the trade, production and service sector, the measurement
of them is done using dummy variables. This measuring scale produces
nominal data.
For testing [H.sub.1] and [H.sub.2] the non-parametric test Kruskal
Wallis was used, which is a one-way analysis of variance by ranks and it
assumes random selection and independence of samples. According to
Cooper and Schlinder (2014), this test is a generalized version of the
Mann-Whitney test and is used to determine whether there are
statistically significant differences between two or more groups of an
independent variable. If the test results in a (p) value equal to or
less than 0.05, the result is significant and shows a statistically
significant difference between the categories. If the (p) value results
greater than 0.05, it indicates that there are no significant
differences between the categories.
The formula for calculating the Kruskal Wallis H test is as
[mathematical expression not reproducible].
where, [T.sub.j] = sum of ranks in column j; [n.sub.j] = number of
cases in jth sample; N = [SIGMAQ][w.sub.j] = total number of cases; K =
number of samples.
3. Results and discussion
Out of total enterprises (n = 303), 82.8% (n = 251) were
small-sized enterprises, 17.2% (n = 52) were medium-sized enterprises.
Meanwhile, 30.7% (n = 93) belonged to the production sector, 30.7% (n =
93) belonged to the trade sector and 38.6% (n = 117) to the service
As mentioned earlier, to investigate the level of respondents'
knowledge on financial analysis, the metering criterion has been adapted
from Jarzabkowski et al. (2012). The results are presented in the
following figure (Figure 1).
The results show that Kosovan SMEs highly use financial analysis as
a strategic tool. The results are approximately similar among small and
medium enterprises. Nearly 90% of them uses it regularly. Only 2-3% of
them never heard of it. There is a difference among SMEs regarding the
answer have heard of but do not use it. Two percent (2%) of small-sized
enterprises have chosen this answer, respectively 6% of medium-sized
enterprises. Meanwhile, 4-5% of them have answered that have used
previously, but do not use now. Although to see if there is any
statistical difference among SMEs, the tests are applied only to
enterprises that have used financial analysis, and the significance
criterion is assigned as [alpha] = 0.05. The first alternative and null
hypotheses are presented in the following:
[H.sub.1]. There is a significant difference in the usage of
financial analysis, among small and medium-sized enterprises.
[H.sub.0]: There is no significant difference in the usage of
financial analysis, among small and medium-sized enterprises.
In the following table (Table 1) are the results of the Kruskal
Wallis H test.
The results of the Kruskal-Wallis H test shows that there is a
statistically significant difference in the usage of financial analysis,
among small and medium-sized enterprises ([chi square](1, N =271) =
4.196, p = 0.041), with a mean rank of 132.04 for small-sized
enterprises, and 155.35 for medium-sized enterprises. Based on the
results of this test, there is a statistically significant difference in
the usage of financial analysis by enterprise size, because p < 0.05.
So, the first hypothesis is supported.
The second alternative and null hypotheses are presented in the
[H.sub.2]: There is a significant difference in the usage of
financial analysis, among trade, production and service sector.
[H.sub.0]: There is no significant difference in the usage of
financial analysis, among trade, production and service sector.
To check whether there are differences between enterprises of
different sectors related to the use of financial analysis, in the
following Figure (Figure 2), first is presented the comparison of the
financial analysis usage by sectors.
The results are approximately similar among sectors. On average,
89% of them use financial analysis tool and nearly 11% of them do not
use it. The results show that the trade sector enterprises use mostly
this tool, then comes the production sector, following by the service
sector. Although to see if there is any statistically significant
difference among sectors, the tests are applied only to enterprises that
have used financial analysis, and the significance criterion is assigned
as [alpha] =0.05.
The results of the Kruskal-Wallis H test in Table 2 show that there
is no statistically significant difference in the usage of financial
analysis, among production, trade and service enterprises ([chi
square](2, N= 271) = 0372,p = 0.830), with a mean rank of 139.72 for
production enterprises, 145.46 for trade enterprises and 139.69 for
service enterprises.
Results of a review of empirical studies using textual narrative
synthesis method for the period 1990-2015, conducted by Berisha Qehaja
et al. (2017a), point out that business financial analysis is one of the
most used tools in SMEs. Moreover, Stonehouse and Pemberton (2002)
surveyed 159 SMEs in the UK, and business financial analysis resulted as
the most used tool. Same were the results of Aldehayyat and Anchor
(2009) and Aldehayyat et al. (2011) conducted in 83 respectively in 40
Jordanian enterprises. Also, O'Brien (2009) conducted an empirical
research in 143 enterprises in world level, including UK, Europe, USA,
Australia, New Zealand, Africa, etc. and the second most used tool
resulted business financial analysis.
As seen earlier, a significant difference has been found in the use
of financial analysis among small and medium enterprises. Also, it
should be noted that the larger the enterprise the greater the rate of
financial analysis usage. These findings are consistent with the results
of previous empirical studies which also point out that large
enterprises use more strategic tools (Stonehouse and Pemberton 2002,
Elbanna 2007, Aldehayyat and Anchor 2009, Aldehayyat et al. 2011,
Pasanen 2011, Kalkan and Bozkurt 2013, Rigby and Bilodeau 2015).
Whereas, the findings show that there is no significant difference
in financial analysis usage by sectors in Kosovan enterprises. Likewise,
the results emerged in the studies conducted by Glaister and Falshaw
(1999), Stonehouse and Pemberton (2002), Aldehayyat and Anchor (2009)
and Elbanna (2007). While Kalkan and Bozkurt (2013) have found
significant differences among sectors in Turkey regarding the use of
strategic tools.
Concluding remarks
The view of accountants, many academics and, of course, analysts,
therefore, is that even if it is not possible to develop a strategy that
secures superior returns to the market over the long term, fundamental
analysis is a legitimate and rewarding exercise. It offers one means of
identifying firms that offer abnormal returns, since an ability to
understand the implications of various accounting alternatives provides
a competitive advantage to the user (O'Regan 2016).
The contemporary literature points out that SMEs are creators of
newproducts, newjobs, generators of economic development, market and
competition. It is also argued that they are flexible, adaptable to the
market, react quickly and easily fit the environment. Therefore, the
rapid development of SMEs implies the follow-up to the same shift in the
education system in line with the needs of the private sector.
This study is likely to contribute to decision makers in increasing
the financial analysis usage in their enterprises since there are many
benefits from using it. Also, it pinpoints the usage of financial
analysis as a strategic tool by different sized enterprises and sectors
in the Republic of Kosova, as a transition economy. Accordingly, two
hypotheses have been set. Hypothesis 1 assumed that there is a
significant difference in the financial analysis usage by small and
mediumsized enterprises. The research results supported [H.sub.1]. While
hypothesis 2 assumed that there is a significant difference in the
financial analysis usage by production, trade and service enterprises.
The research results did not support [H.sub.2].
There are a number of other potential areas for future research
that might provide significant value. Therefore, the following
limitations are recommended to be taken into account in future research.
Since this study has focused only on Kosovan SMEs and was
cross-sectional, further studies with a focus on large enterprises over
time need to be done. In addition, it is recommended that future studies
on the current topic are to be done in other developing countries
because the results might not be extendable to other countries. Also,
the financial analysis should be deeper operationalized including
contemporary means of it.
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Albana BERISHA QEHAJA [iD] (1) Hysen ISMAJLI [iD] (2)
(1) Department of Management and Informatics, Faculty of Economy,
University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosova
(2) Department of Banking, Finance and Accounting, Vacuity of
Economy, University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosova
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected] (corresponding author)
Received 31 July 2018; accepted 30 September 2018
(1) 1-9 headcounts-micro enterprise, 10-49 headcounts - small
enterprise, 50-249 headcounts - medium enterprise and over 250
headcounts - large enterprise.
(2) Sample size calculation is done online at The guidelines for calculating
stratified random sample are taken from the article "How to Get a
Stratified Random Sample: Steps",
(3) The total response rate is calculated based on the guidelines
of Saunders et al. (2009: 220).
Caption: Figure 1. The usage of financial analysis by enterprise
Caption: Figure 2. The usage of financial analysis by sectors
Table 1. The usage of business financial analysis by enterprise size
1a. Ranks
Enterprise size N Mean Rank
Small-sized enter-
Business prises 225 132.04
financial Medium-sized
analysis enterprises 46 155.35
Total 271
lb. Test
Test Statisticsa,b
Business financial an alysis
Chi-Square 4.196
Df 1
Asymp. Sig. .041
a. Kruskal Wallis T est
b. Grouping Varia 3le: Enterprise size
Table 2. Lhe usage of business financial analysis by sectors
2a. Ranks
Sector N Mean Rank
Production 83 139.72
Business Trade 85 145.46
analysis Service 103 139.69
Total 271
2b. Test statistics
Test Statistics (a,b)
Business financial analysis
Chi-Square .372
Df 2
Asymp. Sig. .830
(a.) Kruskal Wallis Test
(b.) Grouping Variable: Sector
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