Wahyudi, Sugeng ; Nofendi, Deki ; Robiyanto, Robiyanto 等
Islamic banking (sharia banking) arises because Islam forbids
Muslims to withdraw or pay interest (usury riba). Islam's rejection
of this interest raises the question of what can replace the mechanism
of application of interest within the framework of Islam. This is where
the principle of profit sharing (profit-loss-sharing) entry replaces the
interest system as in conventional banks (Ernayani et al. 2017, Ismal
2009, Majid et al. 2014). According to Khediri et al. (2015), there are
many differences between sharia banks and conventional banks. For
example, interest-based contracts in conventional banks are replaced by
yield-based contracts with sharia banks, where profits and losses, as
well as risks, are shared between creditors and borrowers. Sharia
banking also could prevent money laundering and terrorism financing
because sharia principles that become its foundation strongly prohibited
sources of illegal financing as stated by Kordik and Kurilovska (2017),
such as natural resource theft; drug, even alcohol traficking;
smuggling; extortion; and some illegal sponsorship. Sharia banking is
not only an institution in the field of economy but also as an
institution that is responsible for maintaining moral and morals of
society (Hassan and Aliyu 2018).
Rivai and Arifin (2010) said that the function of sharia bank in
general is almost the same as conventional banks, which are both
intermediary institutions that collect funds from people who have excess
funds and then channeled to communities in need of funds with the form
of financing. The main difference is in the treatment and the type of
return obtained by the bank for each transaction performed. Conventional
banks earn profits based on interest income. Islamic banks derive from
fee-base income, mark-up, and profit-sharing (loss and profit sharing).
Sharia bank is a bank that operates without resting on interest. Sharia
Bank is a financial institution with its main business is channeling
financing as well as other services on payment transactions and money
circulation where operates accordance Islamic principles (Muhammad
In Indonesia, sharia banking is still relatively early. The first
sharia bank in Indonesia was Bank Muamalat which was established in
1992. The phenomenon of sharia banks became more attractive when sharia
banks survived successfully during the Asian financial crisis of
1997-1998 and the global financial crisis 2007-2008, at which time banks
conventional facing financial difficulties even to failure. Aysan et al.
(2013) argued that the Islamic banking system can contribute to boosting
economic growth thanks to the sharing features that enable sharia banks
to borrow for longer projects for better risk and returns. Jankelova et
al. (2018) even stated that growing interest in creating various types
of strategic partnership is conditioned by the creation and the course
of the economic crisis. This various strategic partnership also could
reached by using sharia based financing scheme which focused on profit
sharing scheme rather than based on interest. This scheme also could use
to SME's which according to Abbas (2018), play vital role in
assisting and fostering entrepreneurial activity.
Khediri et al. (2015) describes the differences between sharia
banks and conventional banks. Islamic banks collect funds through demand
deposits (guaranteed and without returns) and investment deposits
(similar to mutual fund sheets and do not guarantee a fixed return).
Islamic banks have developed a free product of conventional financing
system based on profit sharing (profit or loss) and markup principle
(Anuar et al. 2014).
The purpose of establishing a sharia bank is the same as that of
the company in general, that is, to make a profit. But for sharia banks,
this profit is earned through investment returns that will increase
owner wealth. This goal is not only a reference of the owner of sharia
banks but also depositors who participate in investing funds in the
investment-based revenue sharing. The level of profitability is the main
reference for depositors in considering whether to stay in the bank or
move the funds to other banks (Rahim 2017). Banks are required to
compete primarily in improving their profitability performance (Masood
and Ashraf 2012). Sharia banks that provide yields below conventional
bank interest rates or high yield fluctuations will tend to be difficult
to compete in attracting customers. Customers will prefer other sharia
banks that offer more favorable returns or conventional banks that
provide higher interest rates. The customer, in this case, will always
consider the rate of return on the sharia bank. Therefore it is
necessary for Islamic banks in maintaining the quality of yield (Hamza
2016, Robiyanto 2018b).
Deposits become one of the Islamic instruments based on profit
sharing and profit sharing rates of these deposits is very important to
note to compete with conventional banks and other Islamic banks. The
rate of return on these deposits becomes the main reference for
depositors in considering whether to stay in the bank or transfer funds
to other banks. One measure of profitability relating to sharia banks is
Return on Deposit (ROD) but not much research involving to Return on
Deposit (ROD) as dependent variable to proportion the probability of
sharia bank, especially in Indonesia. Though ROD is a reflection of the
fulfillment of the principle of profit sharing (Hamza 2016).
Some research on ROD has been done, for example, Hamza (2016)
concluded that CAR had positive effect on ROD, but Diaw and Mbow (2011)
found that CAR had negative effect on ROD. On the size of the board of
directors and the size of the Sharia Supervisory Board, according to
research conducted by Ghaffar (2014), the size of the board of directors
and the size of the Sharia Supervisory Board have a positive effect on
the ROD.
Research conducted by Hamza (2016) stated that the size of the
board of directors and the size of the Sharia Supervisory Board does not
influence the ROD. Another researcher, Mollah and Zaman (2015) found a
negative effect on the size of the directors of the ROD and the positive
influence of the size of the Sharia Supervisory Board on the ROD.
Meanwhile, related to FDR, Gozali (2006) found that FDR had positive
effect on ROD, whereas Hamza (2016) found that FDR had negative effect
on ROD. On the other hand, Fahmy (2013) found that FDR does not affect
ROD. As for asset size, Aysan et al. (2013); Bashir (1999) concluded
that bank size had a positive effect on ROD, while Hamza (2016) found
that bank size did not affect ROD. Furthermore, Chong and Liu (2006);
Hamza (2016) found a positive influence on interest rates on ROD, which
contrasts with the findings of Haron et al. (2013) who found that
interest rates had a negative effect.
Therefore, this study will focus on factors that may affect the
ROD. The factors which have been analyzed in this research are Capital
Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Board of
Director, Sharia Supervisory Board, Bank size, and interest rate and
Sharia Bank ownership status. These factors are studied further because
of the inconsistency of the research results related to the effect on
1. Review of literature and historical framework
Hassan and Aliyu (2018) stated that Islamic banking practices are
arise from the need to apply the principles of sharia that are closely
linked in the guide to Islamic ideology. The development of banking
based on Islamic economic concepts and principles is an innovation in
the international banking system. The characteristics of this sharia
banking, operating on the principle of profit sharing (mudaraba) in the
absence of interest (riba) it is because interest (riba) in the shariah
law is prohibited (haram) (Basri et al. 2016).
Accordingto Hassan and Aliyu (2018); Rivai and Arifin (2010), the
differences between sharia and conventional banks are (1) Akad
(agreement) and legality. Akad on Islamic banking has the consequences
of the world and the afterlife. The contract is implemented on the basis
of Islamic law. (2) Organizational structure. Shariabanks should have
Sharia Supervisory Board as operational supervisor and bank products in
line with Islamic law. (3) Businesses that are financed should be
justified by the provisions of Islam. (4) Work environment and
organizational culture. The nature of shidiq (honest), trustworthy
fathanah (intelligent, professional) and tabligh (communicative,
friendly and openness) should be the foundation of Islamic banking
The detailed explanation about the sharia banks principles are
explain in the next section.
1.1. The principles of sharia bank
To be considered as a sharia bank, bank must certainly run its
business that adheres to the principles of Islamic banks that are
allowed in Islam. This sharia principle then becomes a feature that
differentiates sharia banks with conventional banks. Wirdyaningsih et
al. (2005) argued that the main principles adhered to by sharia banks
are: (1) the prohibition of usury (interest) in any transaction of any
kind; (2) conduct business and trading activities based on obtaining
legitimate benefits according to sharia; and (3) cultivate zahlt.
Further according to Wirdyaningsih et al. (2005), based on the main
principle, then there is a fundamental difference in the implementation
of conventional banks and sharia banks.
1.2. Profitability ratio of sharia banks
The most common profitability ratios used in Sharia Banks are
Return on Deposit (ROD), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE).
Return on Deposit (ROD) represents the rate of return earned from total
investment deposits managed by sharia banks (Amelia 2015). This ratio
shows the percentage of return on each Rupiah of customer deposits. In
other words, this ratio indicates the effectiveness of sharia banks in
converting deposits into profits (Rosly and Bakar 2003). Return on Asset
(ROA) is a ratio that measures a company's ability with all capital
working in it to generate profit. This ratio reflects the company's
ability to use the investments used for its operations to generate
profits (Rosly and Bakar 2003). This ratio is often referred to as
earning power. In this research, only ROD is used as a proxy of
profitability of the ratio. This is because ROD indicates the
effectiveness of sharia bank in converting the deposit to be profit
(Rosly and Bakar 2003).
2. Method of the research
This section will described the research method used in this study.
Population and sample, data collection method, hypothesis development
and analytical technique discussed in this section.
2.1. Population and sample
The population in this research is sharia bank that operated in
Indonesia. Not all sharia banks in Indonesia are subject to this
research because there are sharia banks that do not meet the criteria of
the research. Therefore, the research sample was chosen by using
purposive sampling method, where the sampling according to criteria as
follows: (1) Sharia Banks in the form of stand-alone entities (Sharia
Commercial Banks); (2) Sharia banks that have been established from 2011
to 2015; (3) Sharia bank that has completed the information in the 2011
-2015 period of financial statements that is audited and adequate for
the research and has been published either on the site of sample banks
or on the website of Bank Indonesia.
In Table 1, it can be seen the process of sampling based on the
criteria that have been determined above.
Based on the above criteria, there are 11 sharia banks which are
adequate to be the object of this research. The names of the bank
becoming the sample can be seen on the Table 2.
2.2. Data
The data used in this research is secondary data. Data obtained
from external sources through the website of Bank Indonesia is
www.bi.go.id or the website of each sharia bank. Data on Islamic bank
governance system is obtained from the site of each sharia bank. Market
interest rate data is obtained from Indonesian Banking Statistics
published on the Financial Services Authority website.
2.3. Hypothesis development
This section will focus on the hypothesis development. Some
arguments for each hypothesis development discussed as follows.
2.3.1. Return on deposit and CAR
According to Hamza (2016), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) measures
the capital adequacy of banks to support the risk-bearing assets. This
capital adequacy ratio is an indicator of the bank's ability to
cover its decline in assets as a result of bank losses caused by risky
assets. With the increase in CAR, there is an increased risk taken by
shareholders and depositors; the increased risk is expected to be a
trade-off to obtain higher returns that will be reflected in the ROD of
sharia banks (Hamza 2016).
According to Aysan et al. (2013), the higher CARs can also become a
space for sharia banks to expand their market share and so with broader
markets is expected to improve the performance of Islamic banks. In his
research, Hamza (2016) and Aysan et al. (2013) found that the CAR has a
positive effect on return on investment deposits of sharia banks.
Therefore, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H1: CAR has positive effect on ROD of sharia bank
2.3.2. Return on deposit and Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR)
Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) is a ratio similar to the Loan to
Deposit Ratio (LDR) in a conventional bank. This ratio is used to
measure the extent to which loan funds are sourced from the third
parties. This low ratio shows the level of liquidity of the bank so that
if the higher the size of an Islamic bank's FDR illustrates a less
liquid state than a sharia bank with a lower FDR size. Conversely, the
lower the size of the FDR of an Islamic bank, the bank can maintain an
excessive liquidity tool and will cause pressure on the income of
Islamic banks in the form of high cost of maintenance of idle cash
(Gozali 2006). Therefore, the greater opportunity of sharia banks to
increase their income by optimizing the distribution of financing will
increase the ROD of sharia banks. Gozali (2006) found a positive
relationship between FDR and ROD in sharia bank so formulated hypothesis
as follows:
H2: FDR has positive effect on ROD of sharia bank
2.3.3. Return on deposit and size of board of director
Ghaffar (2014) argued that the larger size of board director is
necessary because of the experience of sharia banks that are still
relatively new. The large board of director will be useful in setting
better strategies and supervision to compete with conventional banks.
The size of the board of directors will affect the performance of sharia
banks. Ghaffar (2014) found a positive correlation of the size of the
directors to ROD in sharia banks. Based on this, the hypothesis is
formulated as follows:
H3: The size of the board of director has a positive effect on ROD
of sharia banks
2.3.4. Return on deposit and size of sharia supervisory board
Mollah and Zaman (2015) argued that the existence of Sharia
Supervisory Board is the element that distinguishes between sharia banks
and other conventional banks. The main role of the Sharia Supervisory
Board is to oversee the day-to-day operations of the bank in keeping
with the provisions of sharia. This is because transactions applicable
in Islamic banks are very special when compared to conventional banks.
Also, the Sharia Supervisory Board also plays a role in researching and
making new product recommendations from the banks under its supervision.
The risk of non-compliance and non-credibility in sharia bank is caused
by the incompetence of management in mastering the science of sharia
which impact on the withdrawal of funds by depositors and then impact on
the performance of Islamic banks. This is where the role of Sharia
Supervisory Board is needed to supervise sharia banks remain in the path
without having contradiction to the principles of sharia and the role to
share knowledge and input.
Ghaffar (2014) argued that a small Sharia Supervisory Board will be
easily controlled and influenced by executives and boards of directors,
while the existence of a large Sharia Supervisory Board with various
experiences and skills of sharia will lead to a better interpretation of
products and operations of sharia banks. The size of a large Sharia
Supervisory Board can encourage the credibility of banks because it
prioritizes compliance with Islamic law so that the protection of the
rights of depositors is more secure and it can avoid the withdrawal of
depositors' funds. This can then be reflected in the performance of
Islamic banks especially profitability as evidenced by Ghaffar (2014);
Mollah and Zaman (2015). Based on the description above, the hypothesis
is formulated as follows:
H4: Sharia Supervisory Board has a positive effect on ROD of sharia
2.3.5. Return on deposit and bank size
According to Aysan et al. (2013), the size of the bank can be seen
from the total assets, and it is a signal for depositors regarding the
performance and competitiveness of banks that encourage depositors to
invest their funds to the sharia banks concerned. Also, according to
Bashir (1999), sharia banks with larger assets will benefit economies of
scale that impact on the yields offered. In his research, Aysan et al.
(2013) and Bashir (1999) found a positive relationship between the size
of the bank and the return on sharia bank deposits. Based on the
description above, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H5: Asset size positively affects return on investment of sharia
2.3.6. Return on deposit and interest rate
Both Islamic banks and conventional banks compete in obtaining
deposits. Islamic banks face the intense competition against
conventional banks because conventional banks offer guaranteed returns
in the form of a fixed interest rate. Islamic banks may refer to
interest rates if they can not obtain benchmark yields offered in a
profit-sharing transaction Hamza (2016). In his research, Hamza (2016)
found that the ROD of sharia
banks is influenced by conventional bank interest rates. Based on the
description above, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H6: Bank interest rates have a positive effect on ROD of sharia
2.3.7. Return on deposit and foreign ownership
Zouari and Taktak (2014) argued that the companies with large
foreign holdings tend to exercise an effective oversight, have superior
technical, managerial, and broad funding access so that the foreign
ownership will have a positive contribution in improving the company
performance. Zouari and Taktak (2014) found that sharia banks with the
foreign ownership will earn higher ROD than sharia banks with domestic
ownership. Based on the description above, the hypothesis is formulated
as follows:
H7: Foreign-owned sharia banks have higher ROD than domestic sharia
2.4. Analytical technique
The analytical technique used in this study used multiple linear
regression with dummy variable included. The regression equation in this
research is
[ROD.sub.it]= [alpha] + [beta]lCA[R.sub.it] + [beta]2FD[R.sub.it]+
[beta]3[BOARD.sub.it] + [beta]4[DPS.sub.it]+ [beta][5SIZE.sub.it]+
[beta][5INT.sub.it] + [beta]6 DFO[R.sub.it]+ [[epsilon].sub.it].
[ROD.sub.it] = Return on Deposit (ROD) sharia bank i (z=l,..., 11)
in the year of t(t= 2011,. ..,2015)
CA[R.sub.it] = Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) sharia bank i (i=
1,..., 11 in the year of t+ 1 (t= 2011, ...,2015)
FD[R.sub.it] = Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) sharia bank i
(z=l,..., 11) in the year of t(t= 2011,. ..,2015)
[ROD.sub.it] = Return on Deposit (ROD) sharia bank i (z=l,..., 11)
in the year of t(t= 2011,. ..,2015)
[BOARD.sub.it]= directors' size i (i = 1,..., 11) in the year
of t (t = 2011,...,2015)
[DPS.sub.it]= Sharia Supervisory Board i (i= 1,..., 11) in the year
of t (f = 2011, ...,2015)
[SIZE.sub.it] = The size of sharia bank i(i= 1,..., 11) in the year
of t (t= 2011,..., 2015)
DFO[R.sub.it] = Dummy of foreign ownership i (i = 1,..., 11) in the
year of t (t = 2011,..., 2015), 1 = sharia foreign bank, 0 = sharia
domestic bank
[alpha] = constant
[beta](1-6) = regression coefficient
The operational definition of variables are shown in Table 3.
Hypothesis testing in this study includes F test, t-test, and test
coefficient of determination ([R.sup.2]). Before testing the hypothesis,
the classical assumption test will be done first.
3. Result and discussion
The result and discussion consists of descriptive statistics, the
result of classical assumption tests, the result of multiple regression
analysis, and discussion. Each section described as follows.
3.1. Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics provides the descriptions of data viewed
from the mean, standard deviation, variance, maximum, and minimum
values. This study uses a 5-year observation period from 2011 to 2015.
The data on dependent, independent, and control variables are obtained
from the financial statements of sharia banks obtained from the website
of Bank Indonesia or the website of the sharia bank concerned. The
specific interest rate variables are obtained from Sharia Bank
Statistics obtained from the Indonesian Financial Services Authority
website. In Table 4 it can be seen the descriptive statistics of the 11
sample companies over the period 2011-2015.
The ROD variable shows the percentage of return on each Rupiah of
customer deposits. In other words, this ratio indicates the
effectiveness of sharia banks that converting deposits into profits is
one measure of the profitability of sharia banks. ROD represents the
rate of return earned from the total investment deposits managed by
sharia bank. Of the overall ROD, sample shows an average of 5.845%,
indicating that the average of the total sample has total assets of
218.43% compared with current liabilities. The highest ROD level
obtained by Bank BJB Syariah in 2015 amounted to 11.06% while the
smallest ROD level of Maybank Syariah Bank in 2012 amounted to 2.47%.
The standard deviation of the ROD variable is smaller than the average
indicating that the ROD variable data is spread fairly evenly.
CAR variables measure the capital adequacy of banks to measure the
adequacy of capital owned by banks to support assets that contain risks.
In other words, CAR is the banks performance ratio to measure the
capital adequacy of a bank to support assets that contain or generate
risk. It can be seen that the average CAR of the total sample is 23.317%
indicating that the average sharia bank in Indonesia has fulfilled the
minimum CAR requirement that is at least 8%. This 23.317% is far more
than the minimum required. The standard deviation of this variable is
also smaller than the average that is equal to 14.958% which indicates
that the data of this variable is spread evenly. The largest CAR is
owned by Bank Maybank Sharia in 2015 amounted to 73.44% while the
smallest CAR owned by Bank Muamalat in 2012 amounted to 11.0 3%.
Although CAR is the smallest among sharia banks in Indonesia, it still
meets the minimum required CAR of Islamic banks by 8%.
The FDR variable is the ratio used to measure the liquidity of a
bank in repaying the withdrawal of funds by the depositor. This variable
is used to measure how far the ability of banks to repay the withdrawal
of funds made by depositors by relying on the financing provided as a
source of liquidity. Therefore, the FDR is calculated by comparison
between the financing provided by the sharia bank and the third party
funds which has successfully been deployed by the sharia bank; it can be
seen from the above table the average FDR of the total sample is 99.52%.
This figure is still within reasonable limits given that the ideal range
is 80-100%. The standard deviation of this variable is smaller than the
average of 34.99% indicating that the data of these variables are spread
evenly. The largest FDR rate obtained by Maybank Sharia in 2011 was
289.20%, while the smallest FDR rate was owned by Bank Victoria Sharia
in 2011 amounting to 46.08%.
The board of directors' size in this study shows how many
members of the board of directors in Islamic banks. Therefore, it is
proxied by the number of members in the board of directors of sharia
banks. In the descriptive statistics Table 4, on the average sharia bank
in Indonesia has four directors on the board of directors. The standard
deviation of the director's size smaller than the average of .999
indicates that the data size of the directors spread evenly. The largest
director size is 7 and the smallest director's size is 3 which
shows that sharia banks in Indonesia have directors of between 3 and 7
The Sharia Supervisory Board's size variables show how many
members of the Sharia Supervisory Board are at sharia banks in
Indonesia. This is to investigate the extent to which the number of
Sharia Supervisory Board is effective in carrying out its duties to
oversee the daily operations of banks to always comply with the
provisions of sharia and to provide innovations of sharia products that
can improve the performance of Islamic banks. From Table 4, it can be
seen that the average size of the Sharia Supervisory Board is 2.31, this
indicates that on the average sharia bank that has been sampled has a
Sharia Supervisory Board of 2.31 and this figure is greater than the
standard deviation of the same variable that is equal to 2.31 indicates
that the Sharia Supervisory Board's size data is quite evenly
distributed. The largest Sharia Supervisory Board is three whereas the
smallest Sharia Supervisory Board measure is 2. This shows that Islamic
banks in Indonesia have Sharia Supervisory Board between two and three
The variable size of the bank shows the size of a company shown by
total assets, total sales, average total sales and average total assets
so that it can be concluded a size of a bank can be said big if seen
from the amount of the assets owned. The natural logarithm of total
assets is used as a proxy for the independent variable of bank size.
Natural logarithm is used to overcome the problem of value disparity
(Bashir 1999). From Table 4, it can be seen that the average size of
sharia banks of the total sample is 15,429,901. The standard deviation
of the size of Islamic banks is smaller than the average that is equal
to 130,218 indicates that the variable data size sharia bank spread
evenly. The size of the largest Islamic banks is Bank Syariah Mandiri in
2015 amounted to 70,369,708 while the size of the smallest sharia bank
is the Bank of Victoria Syariah in 2011 amounted to 642,026.
The interest rate variable is proxied by the average of the
conventional interbank deposit rate in Indonesia with a period of one
year. Islamic banks may refer to the interest rate if they cannot obtain
the benchmark yield offered in the profit-sharing transaction (Hamza
2016). Table 4 shows that the average interest rate of 1 -year
conventional bank during the period 2011 to 2015 was 7.47%. The lowest
interest rate is 6.05% in 2012 while the highest interest rate is 8.76%
in 2014.
3.2. The result of classical assumption tests
Classical assumption tests consists of normality test,
multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The results of each
test, described as follows.
3.2.1. Normality test
Kolmogorov-Smirnov non-parametric statistical test is used to
detect whether residuals are normally distributed or not (Ernayani et
al. 2017, Robiyanto 2018a). This method is used because using graphical
analysis is considered subjective so it can be misleading especially for
small sample quantities. A regression model can be said to meet the
normality test if the Kolmogorov-Smirnov non-parametric statistical test
result shows a significant value above .05. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
statistic is .076.
The test showing the level of significant value .200, this value is
above .05. This shows that the residual data is distributed normally.
3.2.2. Multicollinearity test
This test is performed to detect whether in the regression model
found the correlation between independent variables. To analyze the
presence of multicollinearity is indicated by a correlation value
greater than 95% and can also be indicated through the tolerance value
[less than or equal to] 0.01 and VIF value [greater than or equal to]10
(Ghozali 2011, Robiyanto 2018a). Multicollinearity test results can be
seen in Table 5.
In Table 5. It can be seen that there is no evidence of
multicollinearity since all variables have VIF value [less than or equal
to] 10 and tolerance value > . 1. So it can be concluded that there
is no multicollinearity.
3.2.3. Heteroscedasticity test
Heteroscedasticity test is performed to test whether there are
unequal variances of the residual to other observations on the
regression model used (Robiyanto and Puryandani 2015, Robiyanto et al.
2017). If there are symptoms of the same variance, it is called
homoscedasticity. The heteroscedasticity test done by using the Glejser
test. The results of the Glejser test shown in Table 6.
Based on Table 6, the Glejser test result shows that none of
independent variable has a significant effect toward the absolute
errors. Thus, it can be proven that there are no symptoms of
heteroscedasticity or in other words, the regression equation satisfies
the assumption of non-heteroscedasticity.
3.3. The result of multiple linear regression analysis
Based on the testing of the classical assumption that has been
done, it can be concluded that this research model has fulfilled all the
classical assumptions. The next step that can be done is to perform
hypothesis analysis by using multiple linear regression analysis method
with Ordinary Least Square model. The analysis aims to test the
influence of independent variable to dependent variable. In this
research, multiple regression analysis is used to test the effect of
CAR, FDR, the board of directors, Sharia Supervisory Board, bank size,
and interest rate on Return on Deposit (ROD) of sharia bank by adding
foreign bank ownership variable as dummy variable. This analysis is done
by regression model as follows:
[ROD.sub.it] = [alpha] + [beta]l CA[R.sub.it] + [beta]2FD[R.sub.it]
+ [beta]3[BOARD.sub.it] + [beta]4[DPS.sub.it] + [beta][5SIZE.sub.it] +
[beta][5INT.sub.it] + [beta]6 DFO[R.sub.it] + [s.sub.it].
The result of the regression analysis can be seen in Table 7.
A regression model formed from the Table 7 is:
[ROD.sub.it] = 26.50 - .071CA[R.sub.it] + .17FD[R.sub.it] +
.441[BOARD.sub.it] + .411[DPS.sub.it]- 1.090[SIZE.sub.it]+
[1.188INT.sub.it]-1.690DFO[R.sub.it] +[s.sub.it].
A testing based on the model shows that the variable of FDR, BOARD,
and INT have a significant positive effect to ROD variable. Variable CAR
and SIZE have a significant negative effect to ROD variable. Whereas DPS
variable does not affect ROD. DUMMY variable shows significant negative
sign which means that foreign sharia banks are no better than domestic
sharia banks in obtaining ROD.
3.3.1. Coefficient of determination ([R.sup.2])
Based on the result of the analysis, it is obtained a coefficient
of determination of .664. This indicates that 66.4% of the dependent
variable on the model, which consists of CAR, FDR, board size (BOARD),
size of Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS), bank size (SIZE), interest rate
(INT), and foreign ownership (DFOR). While the rest of 33.6% is
explained by the variables outside the model.
3.3.2. Simultaneous Statistics test (F Test)
F test is used to show whether all independent variables
simultaneously affect the dependent variable. Based on the results of
the analysis, it is obtained the value of F of 16.221 with a probability
of .000. Since the probability is much less than .05, the regression
model can be used to predict ROD.
3.3.3. Individual Parameter Significance Test (t-test)
Based on Table 7, it can be seen that the Sharia Supervisory Board
(DPS) size and foreign ownership dummy variables (DFOR) have no
significant effect on Return on Deposit (ROD). A Financing to Deposit
Ratio (FDR) variable has a positive effect on Return on Deposit (ROD) on
5% significance. The size of the board of directors (BOARD) also
positively affects the ROD at the 5% significant level. The interest
rate variable (INT) has a positive effect on the level of significance
of 1%. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and bank size (SIZE) variables have
negative and significant influence at 1% significant level.
3.4. Discussion
The effect of each independent variables toward ROD are described
as follows.
3.4.1. The effect of CAR on the ROD
CAR has a significant negative effect on ROD. This can be seen from
the significant value of .000 which is smaller than .050. The value of
the CAR variable regression coefficient is -.71, meaning if the CAR
variable has increased by one unit, while the other independent variable
is considered constant (value 0), then ROD will experience decrease of
.71. This result is inconsistent with the research conducted by Hamza
(2016) and Aysan et al. (2013) who found that CAR affects ROD
This study provides an evidence that sharia banks in Indonesia have
not guaranteed a higher return on excessive risk-taking. The negative
result indicates that the larger, the smaller CAR of ROD obtained by
sharia banks in Indonesia. This condition can be seen from Figure 1. In
this figure it can be seen that the average ROD in 2011 to 2013 was in
opposite direction with the average movement of CAR in the same year
period. Similarly, in the year 2014-2015, the movement of ROD and CAR
were also in an opposite direction. Also, the CAR of sharia banks in
Indonesia has far exceeded the mandatory minimum requirement of 8%, so
it appears to bring a negative impact on ROD.
3.4.2. The effect of FDR on the ROD
FDR has a significant positive effect on ROD. This result is in
line with Gozali (2006) found that Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) has
a positive and significant effect on Return on Deposit (ROD). The FDR
ratio is used to measure the extent to which loan fund is sourced from a
third party. This low ratio shows the level of liquidity of the bank so
that if the higher the size of an Islamic bank's FDR illustrates a
less liquid state than a sharia bank with a lower FDR size. Conversely,
the lower the size of the FDR of an Islamic bank then the bank can
maintain an excessive liquidity tool and will cause pressure on the
income of Islamic banks in the form of high cost of maintenance of idle
cash. Therefore, the greater opportunity of sharia banks to increase
their income by optimizing the distribution of financing and in this
case, it will also increase the profitability of sharia banks,
especially ROD.
3.4.3. The effect of the size of the directors on the ROD
The Board size (BOARD) has a negative and significant effect on
ROD. The result of this study is in line with the result of the research
conducted by Ghaffar (2014). This result indicated that the more the
number of directors the more effective the supervision so that it will
have an impact on the performance of sharia banks. According to Ghaffar
(2014), the larger size of directors is needed because the experience of
sharia banks is still relatively new. Therefore, more board size is
needed to establish a better strategy and a supervision to compete with
conventional banks that will affect the performance of sharia banks.
3.4.4. The effect of the Sharia Supervisory Board's size on
the ROD
The size of the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) has no significant
effect on ROD. This result does not support the results of the research
conducted by Ghaffar (2014) which stated that a small Sharia Supervisory
Board will be easily controlled and influenced by executives and boards
of directors, while the existence of a large Sharia Supervisory Board
with various experiences and skills of sharia--will lead to a better
interpretation of Sharia bank products and operations. The size of a
large Sharia Supervisory Board can encourage the credibility of banks
because it prioritizes compliance with Islamic law so that the
protection of the rights of depositors is more secure and it avoids the
withdrawal of depositors' funds. This will then encourage the
performance of Islamic banks, especially profitability. Nevertheless,
the result of this study supports Hamza (2016). According to Hamza
(2016), this insignificant result showed that the increase in the number
of Sharia Supervisory Boards is not effective in controlling the ROD.
Therefore, sharia banks do not need to add members of the Sharia
Supervisory Board to encourage the increase of ROD.
3.4.5. The effect bank size on the ROD
The size of the bank (SIZE) has a negative and significant
influence on ROD. This result does not support the research conducted by
Aysan et al. (2013) and Bashir (1999). According to Aysan et al. (2013),
the size of the bank can be a signal for depositors regarding the
performance and competitiveness of banks that encourage depositors to
invest their funds into the sharia banks concerned. Meanwhile, according
to Bashir (1999), sharia banks that have greater assets can benefit
economies of scale that impact on the increase of Islamic banking's
ROD. Nevertheless, the results of this study support the findings of
Hamza (2016) who found that the size of sharia banks had a significant
negative effect on ROD. According to Hamza (2016), these results
indicate that smaller sharia banks offer better returns. Large banks
seem to be overwhelmed in managing large assets so that efficiency as a
benefit of economies of scale is still unattainable.
3.4.6. The Influence of interest rate on ROD
The study found that interest rates (INT) had a significant
positive effect on ROD. The results of this study support Hamza (2016)
who found that interest rates have a significant positive effect on ROD.
Hamza (2016) stated that Islamic banks can make conventional bank
benchmark interest rates in offering return on investment deposits to
depositors because Islamic banks are also involved in competition with
conventional banks in attracting customers. Islamic banks face intense
competition against conventional banks because conventional banks offer
yield guarantees in the form of interest rates.
3.4.7. The influence of foreign ownership on ROD
This study found that the ownership status (DFOR) of sharia banks
did not have a significant effect on ROD. The results of this study are
in line with Hamza (2016) which also found that there is no influence of
foreign ownership of sharia banks against ROD. This shows that foreign
sharia banks are no better than domestic sharia banks in obtaining ROD.
Conclusion and suggestion
This section discussed the conclusion and suggestion made based on
the results of this study.
This study aims to examine the factors that affect the Return on
Deposit (ROD) on Islamic banks in Indonesia. These factors include
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), the size
of directors, the size of the Sharia Supervisory Board, the size of the
bank, and the interest rate. The study also adds a dummy variable to see
if there are significant differences in ROD obtained in sharia banks
regarding ownership status, i.e., foreign ownership and domestic
ownership. The results of this study indicate that not all variables
studied have a significant influence on ROD. Capital Adequacy Ratio
(CAR) and bank size (SIZE) have a significant negative effect on Return
on Deposit (ROD) on sharia bank in Indonesia. While the FDR, the size of
directors and interest rates have a significant positive effect on
Return on Deposit (ROD) in Islamic banks in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Sharia
Supervisory Board and foreign ownership sizes have no significant effect
on Return on Deposit (ROD) on sharia bank in Indonesia.
This study has some limitations among other samples which have been
studied. It is also limited to sharia banks in the form of sharia public
banks where it does not involve sharia financing banks. Therefore, a
future research needs to specifically conduct to study on sharia
financing banks. Depositors in sharia banks do not need to consider the
size of the sharia supervisory board and the bank's ownership
status in depositing the funds since the size of the sharia supervisory
board does not affect the ROD and there is no difference between foreign
and domestic sharia banks. However, depositors need to consider the CAR,
bank size, FDR, the size of the board of directors and the prevailing
interest rate because it has a significant impact. The depositor should
choose sharia banks with high FDR and well managed (i.e. have bigger
board size to ensure good corporate governance implementation). The
depositor also suggested to consider sharia banks with smaller size
because it can provide better return on deposit, but again some
consideration, i.e. risks must concerned.
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Sugeng WAHYUDI (1), Deki NOFENDI (2), Robiyanto ROBIYANTO (3),
Hersugondo HERSUGONDO (4)
(1,2,4) Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
(3) Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia
[email protected] (corresponding author); (2)
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]. edu; (4)
gondosakti@yahoo. com
Received 05 May 2018; accepted 06 August 2018
Caption: Figure 1. The Average of ROD and CAR on Sharia Bank in
Indonesia (source: the financial repot of bank sample)
Table 1. Sampling process
No Criteria Total
1 Sharia banks in form of stand-alone entities 12
in Indonesia
Sharia banks which have been operated in
2 time of this research 11
There is an adequate information in financial
report for the period of 2011-2015 audited,
3 and proper for the research and have been 11
published either on the bank site or Bank
Indonesia site
Table 2. Bank samples
No Sharia banks Website
Bank Muamalat
1 Indonesia www.bankmuamalat.co.id
2 Bank Victoria Syariah www.bankvictoriasyariah.co.id
3 BRI Syariah www.brisyariah.co.id
BPD Jawa Barat Banten
4 Syariah www.bjbsyariah.co.id
5 BNI Syariah www.bnisyariah.co.id
6 Bank Syariah Mandiri www.syariahmandiri.co.id
Bank Mega Syariah
7 Indonesia www.megasyariah.co.id
8 Bank Panin Syariah www.paninbanksyariah.co.id
9 Bank Syariah Bukopin www.syariahbukopin.co.id
10 BCA Syariah www.bcasyariah.co.id
11 Bank Maybank Syariah www.maybanksyariah.co.id
Table 3. The Operational Definition of Variables
Name of Variable Measurements
Return on Deposit (ROD) The Capital of Bank
Total of deposit investment x
100% [The Capital of Bank
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) /Risk-Weighted Asset x 100%
[Total Funding/Third
Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) Party Fund x 100%
The size of board of director (BOARD) Number of board of
director's member
Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) Number of Sharia
Supervisory Board's member
The size of the bank (SIZE) Ln Total asset
The interest (INT) The average of deposit of
the conventional banks in a year
Foreign ownership Dummy (DFOR) 1 = sharia foreign banks;
0 = sharia domectic banks
Name of Variable Variable
Return on Deposit (ROD) Dependent
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) Independent
Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) Independent
The size of board of director (BOARD) Independent
Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) Independent
The size of the bank (SIZE) Independent
The interest (INT) Independent
Foreign ownership Dummy (DFOR) Independent
Table 4. Descriptive statistics
? Minimum Maximum Mean Std. De-
(%) 55 2.47 11.06 5.84 1.85
CAR(%) 55 11.03 73.44 23.32 14.96
FDR (%) 55 46.08 289.20 99.52 34.99
(million) 55 642,026 70,369,708 15,429,901 130,218
(person) 55 3 7 4 .9993
(person) 55 2 3 2 .4664
INT (%) 55 6.05 8.76 7.47 1.05
(source: secondary data, processed)
Table 5. Multicollinearity testing result
Variable Collinearit y Statistics
Tolerance VIF
CAR .298 3.359
FDR .414 2.413
SIZE .339 2.948
BOARD .446 2.243
DPS .576 1.737
INT .926 1.079
DFOR .235 4.249
(source: secondary data, has been processed)
Table 6. The result of the Glejser test fo heteroscedasticity
Variable t P-
CAR .918 .360
FDR 1.887 .066
SIZE .982 .332
BOARD -.859 .391
DPS 1.010 .319
INT -.132 .896
DFOR .953 .347
(source: secondary data, has been processed)
Table 7. The Result of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients t P[??]
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 26.503 5.233 5.064 .000
CAR -.071 .018 -.575 -3.977 .000
FDR .017 .006 .316 2.580 .013
BOARD .441 .219 .238 2.017 .049
DPS .411 .413 .104 .995 .325
SIZE -1.090 .193 -.767 -5.660 .000
INT 1.188 .144 .675 8.227 .000
DFOR -1.690 1.037 -.265 -1.629 .110
(source: secondary data, has been processed)
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