Effects of the strain transmission from the main board to the installed electronic components.
Kovtun, I. ; Boiko, J. ; Petrashchuk, S. 等
Effects of the strain transmission from the main board to the installed electronic components.
1. Introduction
Most of the modern machines and mechanisms are equipped with
electronic packages that include wide range of electronic components and
units. One of the major components is represented by printed circuit
board (PCB), which mechanically supports and electrically connects
electronic components, such as integrated circuits (IC), discrete
components, adapters, sockets, connectors etc. Such boards are often
called the main boards (MB) or functional printed circuit assemblies.
There are electronic packages exposed to temperature, humidity,
vibration and other impacts while in operation what demands
environmental protection approaches. They assume using special
electronic modules (EM) designed by applying partial or complete PCB
substrate coating, encapsulation or sealing enclosure (Fig. 1), which
may be used alone or in combination [1]. Such electronic modules are
widely installed on board of land transport, airplanes, rockets, ships,
trains etc.
PCBs substrate and electronic components may sustain variety of
deformations caused by as manufacturing or exploitation processes due to
external impacts. On the other hand the main board substrate can have
been produced warped before installing electronic components. The main
board deformation or flattening warped one populated with components
cause in them a strain, which at ultimate level entails breakages and
units malfunction.
2. Mount stress in electronic components
Along with mentioned external factors the mount stress in
electronic components caused by soldering technology has been
considered. Strains produced by mount stresses can be summed up with
environmental impacts. The main board interaction with electronic
components through their pins and contact pads produce strain as in
components or in contact joints, what demands particular study.
To experimentally verify this strain the 8-pin adapters were tested
along with recording strain indicated by the strain gauge attached to
the adapters' surface as shown in Fig. 2.
The experiments were conducted in the following sequence. First the
strain gauge was attached to the adapter and then its pins were soldered
to PCB. In the experiment the reference strain gauge indication was
assumed when 8 pins were firmly soldered. Then cutting pins off one by
one the strain indications were recorded. Figure 3 demonstrates strain
mean value changes at different number of pins soldered to PCB.
Fig. 3 indicates that mounting strain starts with increasing
tendency as the number of soldered to PCB pins grows and then decreasing
to strain [epsilon]=-27 x [10.sup.-5] when all pins are mounted. This
testifies that quantity of pins should be optimized to minimize mount
stress effect on electronic components.
3. Strain effect of electronic component installation technologies
Horizontal installation of through-hole parts with two axial leads
(Fig. 4, a) (such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes) is done by
bending the leads 90 degrees in the same direction, inserting the part
into the board (often bending leads are located on the back of the board
in opposite directions to improve the mechanical strength of the part),
soldering the leads, and trimming off the ends. In surface-mount
technology, the component (Fig. 4, b) is placed on the PCB so that the
pins line up with the conductive pads or lands on the surfaces of the
PCB, the components are then soldered.
Analysis of the mentioned technologies testifies of multiple leads
breakdowns. To prevent these breakages new high through-hole
installation technology with raised lead bending has been developed
(Fig. 4, c).
The effectiveness of the offered technology has been proven by
experimental research of metal-film resistors OMLT-0.125 with strain
gauges attached.
Resistors had been installed on PCB of the electronic module
21.5x17 mm which then was installed on the main board 350x75 mm.
To provide identical strain conditions to all resistors partaking
in experiment the main board was subject to pure bending by the bending
installation shown in Fig. 5.
The preliminary pure bending tests were conducted on PCBs under
various loads. The tested PCBs had been prepared by attaching 10 mm base
strain gauges in both longitudinal and lateral directions. The scatter
of strain indications in all directions did not exceed 5%. During tests
the lateral stains have not been detected.
The experimental research of resistors was conducted by the scheme
shown in Fig. 6. The resistors were mounted on smaller PCBs, which in
turn were mounted on the main board. All resistors were divided into
three groups corresponding to three installation technologies (Fig. 4):
S--surface-mount installation; L--low through-hole installation; H--high
through-hole installation. Each group was installed aligned with
longitudinal axis of the main board. The strain conditions of all
resistors were identical under pure bending test.
The strain of external fibers in the main board is found from its
maximal measured deflection f by the formula:
[epsilon] = [4h/[l.sup.2]] f, (1)
where h is thickness of PCB substrate.
The testing installation (Fig. 5) allows measuring deflection
within 0-10 mm under the load up to 50 N. The strains generated in the
main board are transmitted through leads onto PCBs of electronic modules
and then to resistors through their leads. Since all tested resistors
were put in the same strain conditions then the difference in strains
detected is explained by difference in their installation technologies.
Thus, the conclusion is made that the highest stain is received by
resistors installed by surface-mount technology and the lowest--by
resistors installed by the offered high through-hole installation
technology. In case of surface-mount technology (Fig. 4, b) caps of
resistors lay on the PCB and their leads are fastened by a solder layer.
In general such composition is referred to the load scheme with clamped
ends (solid installation), in which strain is transmitted through the
leads and directly through the caps as well.
The high through-hole installation (Fig. 4, c) guaranties an
elevation of the resistor cap above the PCB what makes complete covering
leads with the solder highly unlikely. In this case the strain from PCB
is transmitted rather to leads than to resistor (soft installation).
The low through-hole installation (Fig. 4, a) is considered as
intermediate between solid and soft ones. The level of strain
transmitted from PCB to resistor gradually depends on amount of solder
covering its leads.
Results of stress calculation in resistors installed by
surface-mount technology ([[sigma].sub.R]=9.8...17.4 MPa) caused by main
board bending deformation indicate 20% level of the ultimate destructive
stress ([[SIGMA].sub.U]=95...165 MPa).
4. Strain effect of integrated circuit installation technology
To identify strain in integrated circuits caused by the main board
deformation the experimental research was conducted by pure bending in
the test installation shown in Fig. 5, a. For the experiment 17x9 mm ICs
were installed on the 300x75 mm fiberglass main board substrate equally
arranged from its central axis. There were tested two groups of ICs
representing two different installation technologies.
The first technology is through-hole installation so that IC
touches the PCB surface with no elevation and no gap in between them,
the IC perimeter is then sealed with a compound (Fig. 7, a). Such
installation can be called solid analogically to the objects described
in the previous point. And again, solid installation, as well as for the
resistors, had multiple breakages during operation.
The scheme of ICs layout on the PCBs in conducted experiment is
shown in Fig. 8, a. The experiment was partaken by four ICs:
two--mounted by solid installation technology (IC1) and another two--by
soft one (IC2). All ICs were controlled by attached strain gauges as
shown in Fig. 8, b.
The experiment resulted in three-four times higher strain level in
ICs mounted by solid installation technology than in those mounted by
soft installation technology (Fig. 9). This testifies that the strain in
IC mounted on PCB depends on rigidity of their connection.
It is worth noting that in case of solid installation the rigidity
of connection depends on elastic properties of both sealant [2] and
leads, and in soft installation--on leads only. Thus, the study of
effect produced by rigidity of pins on strain transmission from main
board to IC attracts certain attention. Therefore strain transmission
from the main board to IC differing in their pins is planned for the
further research.
5. Influence of PCB load duration on strain in mounted electronic
The previous research has indicated that strain in electronic
components depends on many factors: design, installation technology,
quantity and rigidity of leads and pins etc. At the same time detected
strains are characterized by significant scatter and instability in time
what suggested an assumption about creep, relaxation which appear during
In materials science, creep is the tendency of a solid material to
move slowly or deform permanently under the influence of mechanical
stresses. Relaxation is the process in which elastic deformations of a
body transit to plastic ones.
In the present research the influence of time that the main board
is under load on strain produced in sealed electronic modules is
The experimental research was conducted in pure bending
installation where the main board, populated with compound encapsulated
and hollow electronic modules, remained under 8 mm center deflection
during 22 hrs. The strain was measured on electronic modules during all
experiment. After the first test the main board remained unloaded during
7 hrs, then experiment was repeated - this time for 21 hrs. The third
experiment was conducted after board had been held unloaded during 24
hrs at normal temperature and another 4 hrs at 75 deg C in order to
release the residual stress, the load was applied for 48 hrs.
Analysis of received data indicates that strain in electronic
modules changes during the time the load is applied on the main board,
what testifies of the present creep and relaxation processes running in
the connection between the main board and electronic modules. These
processes run more intensively in modules encapsulated with compound and
after 20-40 hrs of testing the strain in encapsulated modules rise by
8-10 times.
However, at the end of the test the strains of not hollow modules
significantly exceed those in the encapsulated. So at the beginning of
the test the strains in the hollow modules make [epsilon]=(30...40) x
[10.sup.-5] and in encapsulated--[epsilon]=(1...4) x [10.sup.-5], then
after they remain loaded during 32 hrs their strains make
[epsilon]=(45...53) x [10.sup.-5] and [epsilon]=(17...22) x [10.sup.-5]
This process is caused not only by creep and relaxation of
materials but also by the fact that at the beginning when load is
applied, the strain appears in that part of the pin, which is not filled
with compound and its another part remains sealed in compound [3]. But
since the compound is not absolutely rigid sealant it releases pins and
eventually load is transmitted to the PCB of encapsulated module.
6. Strain in contact pads produced by main board bending
The main board substrate has very often been warped even before
installing electronic components due to imperfect technologies. Once
such board is installed into the housing of the electronic unit it is
forced to be flattened what causes another deformation and strain in its
contact pads.
To research these deformations the main board 300x80 mm was stuffed
with 13.5x17.5 mm electronic modules having straight pins as shown in
Fig. 10, b. Here is given the scheme of the strain gauges attachment to
contact pads and adapter.
The strain gauges were attached to contact pads so that their
pattern partly contacted the end of the pin and surface of the adapter
(Fig. 10, b).
The strains obtained during pure bending test of the main board
range from 3.9x[10.sup.-5] to 135x[10.sup.-5]. Fig. 10, a demonstrates
dependences of average strain in contact pads on maximal deflection of
the main board.
It is worth noting that strain gauges (41, 42) attached to the main
board indicated [epsilon]=3.9x[10.sup.-5] while gauges (33-40) attached
to the contact pads indicated [epsilon]=28.8x[10.sup.-5]. The obtained
data shows that the strain in contact pads is 7-10 times higher than
strain on the main board.
Thus, the deformation produced by the main board onto installed
electronic components is found to be dependent on connecting leads or
pins, and decreasing their rigidity or applying compensators can
significantly reduce the influence of the main board on the electronic
components. Strain in components installed by solid installation
technology exceeds those by soft installation or with bent leads by 3-4
times at the same MB deformation. The level of strain in boards of EM
depends on their design (encapsulated, open). For the short time as the
main board starts to deform the encapsulated electronic module does not
almost sustain any strain. The fact is that the level of strain in the
boards of EM depends on duration of the load applied on the main board.
The main strain in encapsulated EM depends on duration of the load and
reaches the constant values after 30 hrs as earliest. Conducted
experimental research has proven that the stress in contact pads can
exceed stress in the main board sibnificantly what makes them a weak
link in the whole electronic package.
7. Acceptable limit specification method for PCB warpage
As mentioned before the main board substrate can be produced warped
before installing electronic components. The main board deformation or
flattening warped one populated with components cause them a strain,
which at ultimate level entails breakages and units malfunction. Hence
the limit of acceptable PCB warpage level needs to be specified.
In accordance to the state industrial standard [4] the defects of
PCB flatness are described as bow and twist. For the quality classes 1,
2, 3 the following issues are made to provide such acceptable limits for
bow and twist: 0.75% for surface-mount PCBs; 1.5% for other types.
However this standard does not consider the strain caused by multiple
technological and environmental factors effecting boards and does not
guaranty stable functioning of electronic modules installed on the
In the present research the largest deformations caused by warpage
in PCBs were found by using the following approaches: due to complexity
of geometry warpage the strain in PCBs was experimentally measured by
flattening the warped PCBs with an assumption that flattened board
sustains the same strain as produced by this warpage but with opposite
sign; the highest strain appears in the place with largest curvature.
For the research two types of main boards were taken, both types
had been warped. The first type included 225x70x1.5 mm boards, the
second--140x30x1.5 mm.
The warpage is identified by elevation of a point on the warped
board from the reference plane of the board considered flat; this
elevation is called warpage height. This height reached 6 mm on the
tested boards.
Strain gauges were attached to the first type boards as shown in
Fig. 11.
The second type boards were characterized by twist warpage and
strain gauges were attached as shown in Fig. 12. For some boards the
twist angle reached 18.5[degrees].
The experiment was conducted so that main boards were flattened
three times with strain recording.
The obtained data has proved an assumption that greater curvature
causes higher strain, that in experiment reached the value of
The places of maximal deformation were purposed to install
electronic modules for the further research. Modules were taken in
different design.
The following conclusions made on the base of conducted experiments
1. Not encapsulated electronic modules are more sensitive to main
board deformation.
2. The maximal strain in electronic modules, installed on a main
board, appear in the places of its largest curvature.
3. The main board strain is inversely proportional to curvature
radius of its surface.
4. The strain in electronic modules changes depending on
deformation duration.
5. The period for electronic modules to reach stable deformation
depends on the module design (hollow, partly encapsulated or completely
encapsulated). It is maximal for completely encapsulated modules and
makes 30-35 hrs.
6. The strain in electronic modules is directly proportional to
main board strain in the place of module installation.
Acceptable limit specification method for PCB warpage was developed
on the base of conducted experiments. The following operations are
performed for each module design irrespective to its installation
technology on the PCB:
1. Test the electronic module, before installation on the main
board, by most rigid external impact (thermal impact etc.) and measure
strain in the weak links (contact pads, module PCB, some units) to
specify largest strain.
2. Install module on the main board and test it again by pure
bending applied to the main board to reach maximal strain detected in p.
1. Such board condition is assumed a reference one.
3. Increasing deflection of the main board in pure bending
installation reach the module failure (condition in which module stops
functioning). The strain equal to the difference of strains obtained in
p. 2 and p. 3 is assumed the correspondent ultimate warpage
4. To provide proper functioning of electronic module specify
warpage safety factor as ratio of ultimate warpage [[epsilon].sub.ult]
to acceptable one [[epsilon]]:
[n.sub.s] = [[[epsilon].sub.ult]/[[epsilon]]] (2)
[n.sub.s] is to be continuously specified by analyzing
technological factors, operational conditions and impacts effecting on
the module in order to provide [n.sub.s]>1.
Described method is reliable to specify acceptable limit for PCB
warpage for any design of electronic modules and any installation
technology and involves extensive research work.
8. Conclusions
Optimization of electronic assembly pins quantity minimizes mount
stress effect on electronic components.
Developed high through-hole installation technology of electronic
components on the main board provides significant reducing of the strain
transmitted to electronic components in comparison with standard low
through-hole and surface-mount installation.
The strain in integrated circuits mounted on the main board depends
on rigidity and design of their pins. The offered soft installation
technology 3-4 times reduces strain in comparison with the solid
Hollow electronic modules are more sensitive to main board
deformation than the encapsulated ones. The strain in electronic modules
changes depending on duration of the main board deformation they are
installed on.
The deformation produced by the main board onto contact pads
(assumed to be weak links of the whole structure) in electronic modules
is found to be dependent on connecting leads or pins, and decreasing
their rigidity or applying compensators can significantly reduce the
influence of the main board onto the electronic components. The measured
strain in case of soft installation technology is 3-4 times lower than
the strain in solid installation.
The developed method for acceptable limit specification of PCB
warpage is applicable for any design of electronic modules and any
installation technology.
For the more detailed research of the strain in electronic
components, which are relatively small objects, the further research
will be aimed at application acoustic emission method in order to
develop methods for strength diagnostics and predicting possible
breakages at the stage long before a fatal destruction in electronic
[1.] Mittal, K.L.; Pizzi, A. 2009. Handbook of sealant technology.
CRC Press: Taylor&Francis Group. Boca Raton. New York. 532 p.
[2.] Goroshko, A.V.; Royzman, V.P.; Bubulis, A. 2013.
Identification of physical and mechanical properties of compound by
solving inverse problems. Vibroengineering Procedia International
Conference "Vibroengineering--2013". Vol. 1: 81-86.
[3.] Royzman, V.; Petrashchuk, S.; Kovtun, I.; Lokoshchenko, A.
2013. Calculation of mechanical stresses in adjoint system of electronic
component and compound and strength assessment. Journal of
Vibroengineering 15(1): 65-72.
[4.] State Industrial Standard GOST 53251-2014. 2014. Printed
Circuit Boards. Classification of Defects.
I. Kovtun, J. Boiko, S. Petrashchuk, G. Bauriene, K. Pilkauskas
The paper presents research of mechanical strain in printed circuit
board functional assemblies, which are parts of electronic packages in
modern machines and mechanisms. The strain is caused by external impacts
that occur in manufacturing and exploitation conditions. The paper
studies effects of the strain transmission from the main board to the
installed electronic components, such as integrated circuits, discrete
components, adapters, sockets, connectors, electronic modules etc.:
mount stress in electronic components; strain effect of electronic
component installation technologies; strain effect of integrated circuit
installation technology; the influence of the main board load duration
on the strain in mounted electronic modules; the strain in contact pads
produced by bending of the main board. Acceptable limit specification
method for main board warpage is developed.
Keywords: strain, deformation, pure bending, warpage, main board,
electronic component.
Received November 22, 2016
Accepted December 02, 2016
I. Kovtun (*), J. Boiko (**), S. Petrashchuk (***), G. Bauriene
(****), K. Pilkauskas (****)
(*) Khmelnitskiy National University, 11 Instytutska Str., 29016
Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
(**) Khmelnitskiy National University, 11 Instytutska Str., 29016
Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
(***) Khmelnitskiy National University, 11 Instytutska Str., 29016
Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
(****) Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu str. 56, LT-51424
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
(*****) Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu str. 56, LT-51424
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
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