Study on the charging combination optimization for forging production based on discrete Shuffled Frog Leaping algorithm.
Baiqing, Zhu ; Haixing, Lu ; Shaobu, Bai 等
Study on the charging combination optimization for forging production based on discrete Shuffled Frog Leaping algorithm.
1. Introduction
Forging industry is a high energy consumption industry and also
arises serious pollution problems. However, the forging industry is one
of the basic industries for people's livelihood. There is broad
consensus in the forging industry to ensure the rapid development and
implementation of cleaner production, energy saving, emission reduction
and noise elimination [1].
The charging combination optimization belongs to a large scale
combination optimization problems. It can be described as multiple
knapsack problem. It's difficult to build the model and the solving
procedure is complex. So the conventional methods often fail to get the
optimal solution. In literature [2], the combination multi-knapsack
model based on multi-furnace types, uncertain installed furnace number
was proposed for the steel coil. In view of annealing production of
steel coil, the mathematical model to minimize the total time of heating
is established for stacking combination optimization [3].
SFLA(Shuffled Frog Leaping algorithm) was firstly proposed in 2003
by the Eusuff and Lansey to solve combinatorial optimization problems.
As a bionics intelligent optimization algorithm, SFLA is integrated with
the advantages of MA (memetic algorithm) based on memes (meme) evolution
and PSO (particle swarm optimization) based on group behavior.
Therefore, SFLA is characterized by simple concept, less parameter
adjustment, fast calculation, strong global search optimization
capability, and easiness to implement. At present, SFLA was mainly used
to solve the multi-objective optimization problems, such as job shop
schedule, pier maintenance, water distribution and other actual
engineering problems.
Many scholars studied the application of shuffled frog leaping
algorithm for solving combination optimization problem or multi-knapsack
problem. Wang [4] makes use of the global optimal solution as the
guidance of each sub population overall forward evolution based on the
shuffled frog leaping algorithm for solving combination optimization
problems. Cai and Li proposed an improved shuffled frog leaping
algorithm, defining the similarity and distance of frog. Accordingly, a
frog shift strategy was constructed [5]. Pan designed a discrete
shuffled frog leaping algorithm to solve batch production line
scheduling problem [6]. A multi-agent shuffled frog leaping algorithm,
combined with the evolution mechanism of shuffled frog leaping
algorithm, was researched to continuously apperceive the local
environment [7].
Aiming at the problem of best load with furnace weight constraints,
a discrete shuffled frog leaping algorithm for forging furnace was
proposed by our previous research [8]. But the charging combination
optimization is not solved. In this presentation, the problem regarding
to the combination optimization of forging work-pieces with different
holding temperature and holding time was studied. A model for optimizing
the charging combination with the goal of energy saving was established.
Then a discrete shuffled frog leaping algorithm based on the same
furnace heating rules is designed for solution.
2. Problem description
Forging heating and temperature holding have important effect on
the forging internal micro-structure homogenization. The homogenization
will not be distinct if temperature holding time is too short, and the
too long holding time will cause overheating or burning. For work-pieces
in the same furnace, it is stipulated technically that the lowest
holding temperature of work-piece in the furnace is holding temperature
of the furnace batch, and the longest time of temperature holding is
holding temperature time of the whole furnace batch. The shorter holding
time is, the less heating furnace energies are consumed. When a batch of
work-pieces with different holding time are partially combined,
different batching plan will cause different holding time of furnace
batches. The distribution of forgings is not only related to the holding
time, but also its holding temperature as well as the furnace batch
weight. The optimization goal of forging for energy-saving furnace
combination is not only the holding time, but also includes furnace
batch number, average loading capacity and average holding temperature.
3. Modeling
3.1. Basic assumption
1. Each work-piece only belongs to one furnace batch.
2. A batch of work-pieces are put into the furnace and heated in
the same time.
3. Maximum load weight does not exceed the load capacity of heating
4. The heating furnace can reach the temperature that meet all
requirements of the work-piece holding temperature.
3.2. Modeling
Providing there are N work-pieces that their weight, holding
temperature and holding time are given. Those work-pieces have to be
divided into B batches and each batch corresponds to a heating job. The
maximum capacity of furnace is S and the heating furnace can reach the
temperature that meet all requirements of the work-piece holding
temperature. The ultimate holding time must also meet all work-piece
furnace holding time requirements. The optimization goal is to minimize
the quantity of charging batches with maximum average charging amount
(i.e. minimum average charging difference), minimum average holding
temperature and minimum average holding time.
3.2.1. Constrains
Definition 1: Temperature compatibility: The temperature range of
work-piece i and j are [[T.sub.imin], [T.sub.imax] and
[T.sub.jmin],[T.sub.j max]], if:
[[T.sub.imin], [T.sub.imax][intersection][T.sub.jmin],[T.sub.jmax]][not equal to][phi] (1)
where the work-piece i and j have temperature compatibility.
Definition 2: Time compatibility: The time range of holding
temperature of work-piece i and j are [c.sub.imin], [c.sub.imax] and
[[c.sub.jmin], [c.sub.jmax]], if:
[[c.sub.imin][c.sub.imax]][intersection][[c.sub.jmin][c.sub.jmax]][not equal to][phi], (2)
where the work-piece i and j have time compatibility.
Definition 3: Same furnace heating rule: If the work-piece i and j
can simultaneously satisfy the temperature compatibility and time
compatibility, it is claimed the two meet the same furnace heating
rules, i.e. the work-piece i and j can be placed in the same furnace
3.2.2. Optimization model
Definition 4: Average furnace holding temperature: The average
value of holding temperature of all furnace batch in one batching, i.e.:
where T is the average temperature in the furnace charging, k is
the furnace batch number, and [T.sub.b] is the holding temperature of
furnace batch (Section b) (b = 1, 2, ..., k).
Definition 5: Average furnace holding time: The average value of
holding time of all furnace batch in one batching plan, i.e.:
where C is the the average holding time, k is the furnace batch
number, and [C.sub.b] is the holding time of furnace batch (Sectionb)
(b=1,2, ..., k).
With the above assumptions and definitions, mathematical model can
be established as follows:
min (k), (5)
where S is the heating furnace maximum load, [z.sub.b] is the
furnace batch weight (Section b). Eqs. (5) and (6) are the optimization
function, aiming at minimizing the furnace batch number, the average
furnace loading difference, the average holding temperature and the
average holding time.
where n denotes the work-piece number, J denotes aggregate of
work-pieces (J = {l, 2, ...,n}), [J.sub.b] denotes furnace batch number
(b[member of]B), B denotes aggregate of charging batches (B = {l, 2,
..., k}),j denotes work-piece number (j [member of] J), [j.sub.b]
denotes aggregate of work-pieces in batch b (b [member of] B), [Z.sub.j
]denotes weight of work-piece j, and [X.sub.jb] denotes decision
variable, judging whether the work-piece j belongs to the furnace batch
Eq. (7) indicates that each work-piece j can only be allocated to
one charging batch b.
Eq. (8) is the furnace batch weight constraint, indicating the
total weight of work-pieces in a batch shall not exceed the maximum
capacity of the furnace.
Eq. (9) shows that the intersection of holding temperature interval
of work-pieces in the same batch cannot be empty, i.e. work-pieces in
one batch shall meet the temperature compatibility.
Eq. (10) indicates that the final holding temperature of a furnace
batch in heating furnace is the minimum temperature that meet the
requirements of all work-pieces' holding temperature.
Eq. (11) shows that the intersection of holding time interval of
work-pieces in the same batch cannot be empty, i.e. work-pieces in one
batch shall meet the time compatibility;
Eq. (12) indicates that the final holding time of a furnace batch
in heating furnace is the minimum time that meet the requirements of all
work-pieces' holding time.
Eq. (13) defines the quantity interval of charging batches by
giving a lower limit for the quantity of charging batches, i.e.
work-pieces can be separated and allocated to different batches, and all
work-pieces in any furnace batch can satisfy the temperature
Eq. (14) is the decision variables.
4. DSLFA design based on same furnace heating rules
This model is similar to the bin packing problem as well as the
multi-knapsack problem[9]. The work-pieces are items while furnace
batches are boxes in the model. It's required that total weight of
each furnace batch cannot exceed the maximum weight allowed by furnace,
and each item can only be put into in a box.
This paper adopts the individual updating ideas from the discrete
shuffled frog leaping algorithm in reference [10]: According to the
combination optimization problem of work-pieces in different holding
temperature and holding time interval sets, the discrete shuffled frog
leaping algorithm based on same furnace heating rules is proposed.
Steps are as follows:
1. Coding
Use classic two-dimensional array encoding. The length of
individuals is the number of work-pieces, each bit means the sequence
number of work-piece, and each block represents a furnace batch.
2. Fitness function selection
Aiming to smaller furnace batch quantity, less average charging
difference, smaller average temperature of holding temperature, and
smaller average holding time, this paper use the linear weighted
comprehensive evaluation to determine the fitness function. The
expression is as follows:
where [w.sub.k], [w.sub.q], [w.sub.T], [w.sub.C] are the weight
coefficient of furnace batch number, average charging difference,
average holding temperature, average holding time. And they satisfy the
equation [w.sub.k] + [w.sub.q] + [w.sub.T] + [w.sub.C] = 1, [k.sub.max],
.[K.sub.min], .[q.sub.min],.[q.sub.max], .[T.sub.min], .[T.sub.max]
[T.sub.min], [C.sub.max], [C.sub.min] are the maximum and minimum number
of furnace batch, the maximum and minimum average charging difference,
the maximum and minimum average holding temperature, the maximum and
minimum average holding time.
3. Population initialization
BF heuristic algorithm is used to generate the initial population
of individuals. In the generation of an individual, a group of
work-pieces has not only to satisfy the same furnace heating rules, also
cannot exceed the furnace batch weight constraint. Generation of the
individual steps are as follows:
Step 1: the work-piece placed in the queue Q in random and numbered
sequentially, number is 1, 2,..., n.
Step 2: pick the work-piece j out of the queue Q in order, which
weight is [z.sub.j] holding temperature is [T.sub.j], holding time is
Step 3: pick batch b out of queue Q' that have not been
matched with work-piece j, then find out whether the work-piece j
matches batch b. The remaining weight space of batch b is
[DELTA][s.sub.b] = S - s, where S is the maximum load of heating furnace
and [s.sub.b] is the weight of batch b. The holding temperature is
[T.sub.b], which is the holding temperature interval intersection of all
work-pieces, and [T.sub.b] is not [empty set]. The holding time is
[C.sub.b], which is the holding time interval intersection of all
work-pieces, and [C.sub.b] is not [empty set]. If all batches in queue
Q' have been operated with work-piece j, a new furnace butch
[] is set up with work-piece j in it. Update the remaining
weight space of batch []: [DELTA][s.sub.beww] = S - [Z.sub.j],
holding temperature: [T.sub.p] = [T.sub.j] holding time: [C.sub.bnew] =
[C.sub.j]. If the queue Q is empty, go to step 4, else go to step 2. If
there any butch that not operated with work-piece j, calculate
[T.sub.b]=[T.sub.j][intersection][T.sub.b], and
[C.sub.b]'=[C.sub.j][intersection][C.sub.b]. If
[delta][s.sub.b]' [greater than or equal to] 0, [T.sub.b]'[not
equal to] [empty set], [C.sub.b]' [not equal to][empty set], remove
work-piece j into batch b, update the remaining weight space of batch b:
[delta][s.sub.b] = [delta][s.sub.b]' holding temperature: [T.sub.b]
= [T.sub.b]', holding time: [C.sub.b] = [C.sub.b]'. If the
queue Q is empty, go to step 4, else go to step 2. If anyone of
[delta][s.sub.b]' < 0, [T.sub.b]' [not equal to][empty
set], [C.sub.b]' [not equal to][empty set] is true, then go to step
Step 4: At this time the batches in queue Q have all work-pieces.
This is a partial solution in which individual is in the encoding form
talking above.
Using the steps above to generate multiple individuals, the initial
population is composed in size r. Please pay attention to eliminating
redundant individual.
4. Generating ethnic groups
According to the fitness function in (2), all individuals are in a
descending order by fitness values, which means excellent frog is in the
front. Then the population is divided into m groups, each group
including n frogs. There's totally number is r = m x n.
5. Ethnic group evolution
In each group, the best frogs [] and the worst frog
[X.sub.w] are chosen, as well as the optimal frog [X.sub.g] throughout
the population, then separately update the worst frog in iteration.
Update individuals based on the idea of individual updates theory
in discrete shuffled frog leaping algorithm [11] and the individual
update method [12].
Steps are as follows:
Step 1: Select two intersection points from [X.sub.b] in random.
[X.sub.b] is divided into several fragments.
Step 2: Select intersection points from [X.sub.w] in random, and
insert fragment from [X.sub.b] into [X.sub.w] before the intersection
point. This means some information [X.sub.b] is inserted into [X.sub.w].
Step 3: delete these furnace batch fragment in [X.sub.w] that have
some redundant work-piece, then transfer these work-pieces in that
fragment into the queue Q. Please make sure that the furnace batch
fragment is renewed.
Step 4: the work-pieces are ranged in random order. In accordance
with the BF method in this paper those work-pieces are insert into
[X.sub.w], i.e. [X.sub.w]'.
Step 5: calculate the fitness value of [X.sub.w]'. If the
[X.sub.w]' is better than [X.sub.w], replace [X.sub.w], else
[X.sub.g], which is the best individual in the population should replace
[X.sub.b] in step 1 and start the operation from step 1 to step 4 again.
Now if the [X.sub.w]' is better than [X.sub.w], replace [X.sub.w],
else Generates a random feasible solution to replace [X.sub.w].
Step 6: repeat the operation above until the maximum iterations to
complete one ethnic group evolution.
Examples are as follows: information of [X.sub.b] and [X.sub.w] are
shown in Fig. 1. Cross location is shown by arrow. The cross fragment
from [X.sub.b] is plugged into [X.sub.w] at the cross point. The new
individual is shown in Fig. 2. It's shown in Fig. 2 that wherein
the work-piece3, 7 and 2 is redundant, so we need to delete the
corresponding furnace batch that shown in Fig. 3.
At this time the work-pieces 1, 4, 5, 6 are not in batches, so
using the BF method to repartition to get individual shown in Fig. 4.
6. The ethnic mixing
After evolution of all ethnic groups, all ethnic groups will be
mixed to generate a new population. Then repeat the operation steps of
distribution and combination, until the condition is satisfied.
The procedure of the DSFLA based on same furnace heating rules is
shown in Fig. 5.
5. Case study
5.1. Types of work-pieces to be charged and their parameters
Take multi-tasks charging batch combination form certain forging
company as research object. All work-pieces are classified by different
weight, holding temperature and holding time. It should be taken into
consideration whether these work-pieces could be heated together
referring to time compatibility, temperature compatibility and load
capacity. The maximum loading amount of the related parameters of the
work-piece are shown in Table 1.
5.2. Traditional batching plan
Due to furnace batch weight constraint, temperature compatibility
and time compatibility, it's very difficult in practice to use the
traditional manual batching.
Table 2 gives a plan by the traditional manual management. Furnace
batch quantity is 12. The average furnace loading amount is 5610 kg. The
average holding temperature is 1182[degrees] C. The average holding time
is 240 min.
5.3. Batching plan based on DSFLA
Assuming that the furnace batch quantity weight [w.sub.k], the
average charging difference weight [w.sub.q], the average temperature
[w.sub.T] and the average weight of holding time [w.sub.C] are 0.50,
0.25, 0.15 and 0.10, repeat the computation 50 times. The batch number
in furnace obtained is 11. The average loading amount is 5847 kg. The
average temperature is mainly 1163[degrees] C. The average holding time
is mainly 240 min. Table 3 is a plan of 1170[degrees] C average heat
preservation temperature and 240 min average holding time. Table 4 is a
comparison of traditional manual batching plan and discrete shuffled
frog leaping algorithm with furnace based on same furnace heating rules.
6. Conclusions
It can be known from Table 4 that using DSFLA based on the same
furnace heating rules is superior to the traditional manual batching in
furnace batch number, average loading amount and the average holding
temperature. The average holding time of DSFLA is not lower than that of
traditional manual batching plan. The energy consumption is related to
furnace batch number, average loading amount, the average holding
temperature and the average holding time. The influence of the first
three indicators of energy-saving effect is more obvious. The
traditional manual batching plan has many disadvantages such as
difficulty in operation, low efficiency, less arbitrariness and
inefficient energy consumption control.
The method proposed in this paper is better than the traditional
manual batching in batch efficiency and the energy consumption control.
Therefore, the established model with DSFLA solution was effective and
better than traditional manual batching method regarding energy saving.
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
(No.51575280) and the Innovative Talent Training Plan Soft Science for
Jiangning District (No.2014 EC09). The supports are gratefully
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Zhu Baiqing, Lu Haixing, Bai Shaobu, Tong Yifei, He Fei
As a traditional high energy-consuming industry, the forging
industry consumes a lot of energy. In order to solve the typical
charging optimization problem regarding how to separate work-pieces with
different holding temperature intervals and holding time intervals and
combine them for charging in forging, a charging combination model for
forging is proposed. The discrete shuffled frog leaping algorithm
(DSFLA) based on the same furnace heating rules is adopted to optimize
and solve the model in order to reduce energy consumption in forging. An
instance is illustrated to prove the effectiveness of the proposed model
and the algorithm.
Keywords: forgings, combination optimization, shuffled frog leaping
algorithm,energy saving, discrete.
Received September 28, 2015
Accepted September 28, 2016
Zhu Baiqing (*), Lu Haixing (**), Bai Shaobu (***), Tong Yifei
(****), He Fei (*****)
(*) Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China,
[email protected]
(**) Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing
210094, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
(***) Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China,
[email protected]
(****) Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing
210094, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
(*****) Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing
210094, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
The work-piece information table
Work-piece type Quantity of work-piece Unit weight of work-piece
n, piece [z.sub.j], kg
J1 7 436
J2 2 1180
J3 5 704
J4 14 247
J5 4 689
J6 5 334
J7 3 797
J8 1 1246
J9 12 514
Work-piece type Holding temperature Holding time
[T.sub.j], [degrees] C [C.sub.j], min
J1 900-950 240-300
J2 1300-1350 300-420
J3 1320-1400 280-400
J4 880-940 150-250
J5 950-1000 260-400
J6 1130-1150 120-240
J7 1250-1320 270-390
J8 1390-1450 320-480
J9 1230-1300 200-280
Work-piece type Work-piece Quantity of Unit weight of
type work-piece n, piece work-piece
[Z.sub.j], kg
J1 J10 19 198
J2 J11 6 358
J3 J12 2 627
J4 J13 4 445
J5 J14 10 239
J6 J15 8 482
J7 J16 19 858
J8 J17 9 571
J9 J18 4 266
Work-piece type Holding temperature Holding time
[T.sub.j], [degrees] C [C.sub.j], min
J1 800-850 180-300
J2 1250-1280 120-200
J3 1320-1380 180-280
J4 1200-1260 180-300
J5 1100-1180 150-270
J6 1200-1280 180-300
J7 1300-1380 300-420
J8 1250-1300 180-300
J9 1150-1230 120-240
Table 2
A batch program using the traditional manual batching method
Batch number b 1 2 3 4 5
Work-piece type J1
Work-piece type J2 2
Work-piece type J3 5
Work-piece type J4
Work-piece type J5
Work-piece type J6
Work-piece type J7 3
Work-piece type J8
Work-piece type J9 12
Work-piece type J10
Work-piece type J11
Work-piece type J12
Work-piece type J13 4
Work-piece type J14
Work-piece type J15
Work-piece type J16 9 9 1
Work-piece type J17 9
Work-piece type J18
Weight of batch [s.sub.b], kg 794 7722 7722 7530 6738
Holding temperature [T.sub.j], [degrees] C 125 1300 1300 1250 1320
Holding time [C.sub.j], min 200 300 300 270 3
Batch number b 6 7 8 9
Work-piece type J1 7
Work-piece type J2
Work-piece type J3
Work-piece type J4 14
Work-piece type J5
Work-piece type J6 5
Work-piece type J7
Work-piece type J8
Work-piece type J9
Work-piece type J10 19
Work-piece type J11 6
Work-piece type J12
Work-piece type J13
Work-piece type J14 10
Work-piece type J15 8
Work-piece type J16
Work-piece type J17
Work-piece type J18 4
Weight of batch [s.sub.b], kg 6510 6004 5124 3762
Holding temperature [T.sub.j], [degrees] C 900 1250 1150 800
Holding time [C.sub.j], min 240 180 150 180
Batch number b 10 11 12
Work-piece type J1
Work-piece type J2
Work-piece type J3
Work-piece type J4
Work-piece type J5 4
Work-piece type J6
Work-piece type J7
Work-piece type J8 1
Work-piece type J9
Work-piece type J10
Work-piece type J11
Work-piece type J12 2
Work-piece type J13
Work-piece type J14
Work-piece type J15
Work-piece type J16
Work-piece type J17
Work-piece type J18
Weight of batch [s.sub.b], kg 2756 1254 1246
Holding temperature [T.sub.j], [degrees] C 950 1320 1390
Holding time [C.sub.j], min 260 180 320
Table 3
Batching plan out by DSFLA based on same furnace heating rules
Batch number b 1 2 3 4
Work-piece type J1
Work-piece type J2 1 1
Work-piece type J3
Work-piece type J4
Work-piece type J5
Work-piece type J6
Work-piece type J7
Work-piece type J8
Work-piece type J9 9 3
Work-piece type J10
Work-piece type J11 6
Work-piece type J12
Work-piece type J13 3 1
Work-piece type J14
Work-piece type J15 3 5
Work-piece type J16 7 5
Work-piece type J17 1 4 2
Work-piece type J18 2
Weight of batch [s.sub.b], kg 7939 7757 7754 7687
Holding temperature [T.sub.j], [degrees] C 1230 1300 1300 1250
Holding time [C.sub.j], min 200 300 300 200
Batch number b 5 6 7 8
Work-piece type J1 7
Work-piece type J2
Work-piece type J3 5
Work-piece type J4
Work-piece type J5 4
Work-piece type J6 5
Work-piece type J7 3
Work-piece type J8
Work-piece type J9
Work-piece type J10
Work-piece type J11
Work-piece type J12 2
Work-piece type J13
Work-piece type J14 10
Work-piece type J15
Work-piece type J16 7
Work-piece type J17 2
Work-piece type J18 2
Weight of batch [s.sub.b], kg 7165 7148 5808 4592
Holding temperature [T.sub.j], [degrees] C 1320 1300 950 1150
Holding time [C.sub.j], min 280 300 260 150
Batch number b 9 10 11
Work-piece type J1
Work-piece type J2
Work-piece type J3
Work-piece type J4 14
Work-piece type J5
Work-piece type J6
Work-piece type J7
Work-piece type J8 1
Work-piece type J9
Work-piece type J10 19
Work-piece type J11
Work-piece type J12
Work-piece type J13
Work-piece type J14
Work-piece type J15
Work-piece type J16
Work-piece type J17
Work-piece type J18
Weight of batch [s.sub.b], kg 3762 3458 1246
Holding temperature [T.sub.j], [degrees] C 800 880 1390
Holding time [C.sub.j], min 180 150 320
Table 4
Comparison of DSFLA batching and manual batching
Batching plan Quantity of Average holding Average
charging temperature holding time
batches b T, [degrees] C C, min
DSFLA based on
same furnace
heating rules 11 1170 240
manual batching
method 12 1182 240
Compare DSFLA to
manual method -1 -12 0
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