Flow stress behaviour and constitutive model of 7055 aluminium alloy during hot plastic deformation.
Tao, Zhang ; Yun-xin, Wu ; Hai, Gong 等
Flow stress behaviour and constitutive model of 7055 aluminium alloy during hot plastic deformation.
1. Introduction
Aluminium alloy plates with high strength and high toughness are
widely used in main frames, wing boxes, stringers and other key
components of aircraft. 7055 is an ultra-high strength aluminium alloy
developed by Alcoa Company in the United States, which was used in the
aircraft airfoil of Boeing777. Through the use of T77 heat treatment,
the stress corrosion resistance of the alloy can be improved without
reducing the strength of the alloy [1]. The use of aluminium alloy
plates makes about 1400 pound reduction compared with the designed mass
in B777[2].
Material flow behaviour during hot plastic deformation is complex,
which consists of two processes: work hardening and dynamic softening
and they varied with the changes of deformation temperatures and strain
rates. Therefore, the understanding of flow behaviour at hot compression
provides guidance for the optimum metal forming processes (hot rolling,
forging and extrusion). As deformation temperature and strain rate play
a vital role in the flow stress during hot deformation, most researchers
use the constitutive equations containing the strain rate and
temperature to describe the relationship between the flow stress and
these two factors [3, 4]. In the past, many investigations have been
carried out on the flow properties at high temperature, but mainly
focused on fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, quenching
sensitivity and mechanical properties during heat treatment process
[5-9]. Lin [10, 11] analyzed the flow behaviour at high temperature of
42CrMo steel and established the constitutive equation. ZHANG [12] and
YAN [13] analyzed flow stress characteristics of the 7 series aluminium
alloy during two processes of work hardening and dynamic softening at
high temperature deformation. Arrhenius constitutive equations are
widely used to describe the relationship between peak flow stress and
temperature and strain rate by Zener-Hollomon parameter, the
relationship between flow stress and strain is not taken into account.
However, from the true stress-strain curves, the change of strain will
change the flow stress. Therefore, the Arrhenius constitutive equations
should be modified and the effect of strain on the variation of the flow
stress should also be taken into consideration to acquire a more
accurate constitutive equation. Artificial neural network models and
Arrhenius-type constitutive equations [14-15] had been built by many
researchers for steel, titanium alloy and other alloy. Other work for
aluminium alloy focused on 7085 and 7050 [16-17], which had been
developed for a long time. However, modified Arrhenius constitutive
equations for 7055 aluminium alloy were rarely published. The hot
deformation behaviour of 7055 aluminium alloy needs to be further
studied to establish the optimum formation process parameters as 7055 is
a kind of relatively new aviation material. In this study, a modified
constitutive equation considering strain compensation is built:
successive approximation method is used to obtain the accurate stress
exponent n, which is an important parameter in the constitutive
equation. Then, polynomial fitting is used to describe the relationship
between material parameters and true strain. As a result, the
relationship between flow stress and temperature, strain and strain
rates can be described by the constitutive equation considering strain
compensation. Finally, the validity of the modified constitutive models
was examined over all the temperatures and strain rates by the
comparison of the experimental and calculated results.
2. Experiments and results
The material is 7055 aluminium alloy ingot casting after
homogenization treatment and its compositions
The homogenization treatment process was conducted as follows: the
material was heated to 470[degrees]C from room temperature and held for
24 hour to obtain heat balance between the surface and the center, then
cooled down with the heating furnace. Cylindrical specimens were
machined with a diameter of 10 mm and a height of 15 mm. The hot
compression tests were conducted on Gleeble-3180 thermo-simulation
machine. Each specimen was heated to the deformation temperature at a
rate of 5[degrees]C/s and held for 3 min at isothermal conditions, then
compressed with different strain rates and quenched immediately after
the deformation. The reduction in height is 60% in the end and the true
strain is 0.693. In order to reduce the frictions between the specimens
and die, lubricants and graphite flakes were added to the flat surface
of the specimens in the four different temperatures (300, 350, 400 and
450[degrees]C) and four different strain rates (0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10
[s.sup.-1]). According to industrial hot rolling parameters of 7 series
aluminium alloy, the hot compression temperatures are 300, 350, 400 and
450, the strain rates are 0.01, 0.1,1 and 10 [s.sup.-1].
True stress-strain curves of 7055 aluminium alloy under different
compression conditions are depicted in Fig. 1. It is obvious that the
true stress is sensitive to deformation temperature and strain rate. The
flow stress increases with the increase of strain rate and decreases
with the increase of temperature. The stress-strain curve can be divided
into three stages: Stage (Work hardening stage), Stage (Transition
stage), Stage (Steady stage). In Stage, the hardening rate is higher
than the softening rate and the flow stress increases rapidly with the
small increase of the strain. This is because the dislocation is
significantly increased resulting from the appearance of a large number
of dislocation tangles and cellular substructures in the initial
deformation stage. In Stage, there is a competition between two process
of work hardening and dynamic softening. As a result, the flow stress is
increased while the rate of the increase is decreased. The stored energy
accumulated in Stage provides a driving force for dislocation movement.
Dynamic recovery, even dynamic recrystallization when dislocation
exceeds critical dislocation occurs in this stage, which reduces the
increasing rate of the flow stress. In Stage, work hardening and dynamic
recovery and dynamic recrystallization produce to achieve a balance and
the flow stress tends to a steady-state value.
3. Constitutive equations
The Arrhenius equation proposed by Sellars and Tegart is widely
used to describe the relationship between flow stress and Zener-Hollomon
parameter, which represents the effects of the strain rates and
temperatures on the hot compression behaviours. F([sigma]) is a function
of the flow stress and consists of different forms of expression under
different stress levels, as shown in Eqs. (1)-(3), where [epsilon]
([s.sup.-1]) is the strain rate, [Q.sub.act] (J/mol) the activation
energy, R (8.314 J K-1 mol-1), T (K) the absolute temperature, [sigma]
(MPa) the flow stress, A, [alpha] and n are material constants, [alpha]
= [beta]/n.
3.1. Successive approximation method
It is commonly known that the effect of strain on flow stress will
not be considered in Eqs. (2) and (3). The following is taking the peak
flow stress as an example to acquire the material parameters. Stress
exponent is an important parameter and its accuracy has a significant
effect on the validity of the constitutive equation. Therefore, n was
fitted in each step by successive approximation method to reduce the
error caused by regression analysis, as shown in Fig. 2.
Step 1: For low stress level ([alpha][sigma] < 0.8) and high
stress level ([alpha][sigma] > 1.2), substituting F([sigma]) into
Eqs. (2), taking the logarithm of both sides, then give:
Fig. 3 shows the relationship between ln([epsilon]) - ln([sigma])
and ln([epsilon])- [sigma]. The value of [n.sub.1] and [beta] can be
obtained from the average slope of the four lines by least square
method. The mean value of [n.sub.1] and [beta] were computed as 6.694
and 0.0988, resepectively, [alpha] = [beta]/[n.sub.1] = 0.0147.
Step 2: For the all stress level, the relationship between
ln([epsilon]) - ln[sinh([alpha][sigma])] and
ln[sinh([alpha][sigma])]--1/T was depicted in Fig. 4. For the given
strain rate conditions, [Q.sub.act] can be obtained by differentiating
Eqs. (6), as shown in Eqs. (8). From Fig. 4, it can be easily calculated
the value of [n.sub.2] as 5.2392 and [Q.sub.act] as 136.182 J/mol.
Step 3: On the basis of the solutions of [Q.sub.act] and a, the
relationship of Z parameter and flow stress can be obtained in Fig. 5.
For the all stress level, stress exponent n and A can be calculated by
the slope and intercept of the line, as 5.2212 and 6.1192 x [10.sup.9],
respectively. Through the above fitting steps, stress exponent n was
calculated as 6.694, 5.2392 and 5.2212. It is obvious that n keeps
steady in three steps, indicating that successive approximation method
is effectively to obtain accurate stress exponent value.
3.2. Constitutive equation considering strain compensation
Normal Arrhenius constitutive equation can only be used to describe
the effect of strain rate and temperature on flow stress, especially
peak flow stress. However, as can be seen from Fig. 1, the change of
strain will cause changes in flow stress, while the relationship between
material parameters and strain was not considered in Eq. (10).
In order to obtain a constitutive equation considering strain
compensation, the values of material parameters (ln(A), [alpha], [beta],
n and [Q.sub.act]) were calculated under different strains (0.05 0.1
0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6). The relationship between ln(A), [alpha],
[beta], n, [Q.sub.act] and true strain can be polynomial fitted in Fig.
6 and results are given in Eq. (11) and Table 1.
From Fig. 6, it is obvious that the values of material parameters
are sensitive to the variation of true strain. Therefore, the Arrhenius
constitutive equation should be modified and the effect of strain on the
material parameters should also be taken into consideration. The
modified Arrhenius constitutive equations are shown in Eq. (10) and Eqs.
3.3. Error analysis
In order to verify the accuracy of the constitutive equation
considering strain compensation, comparisons between calculated flow
stress from constitutive equation and experimented results are shown in
Fig. 7. In order to quantitatively analyze the accuracy of the fitting,
the error [lambda] between the calculated stress ([[sigma].sub.c]) by
modified Arrhenius constitutive equation and experimented stress
([[sigma].sub.e]) is defined in Eq. (12):
From Fig. 7, it can be easily found that calculated results from
the modified Arrhenius constitutive equations agree well with the
experimented results and the maximum error is 7.11%, which locates at
300 and 1 [s.sup.-1] when the true strain is 0.05. Therefore, the
strain-compensated Arrhenius constitutive equation can be used to
predict the flow stress during hot plastic deformation for 7055 aluminum
4. Conclusions
1. True stress-strain curves of 7055 aluminum alloy consist of two
processes: work hardening and dynamic softening. It is obvious that the
peak stress locates at the position of small strain and the flow stress
increases with the increase of strain rate and decreases with the
increase of temperature.
2. Through the three fitting steps, stress exponent n keeps steady,
indicating that successive approximation method is effectively to obtain
accurate stress exponent value.
3. The Zener-Hollomon parameter only describes the relationship
between flow stress and strain rate and temperature, while the change of
strain also influences flow stress. The relationship between material
parameters in Arrhenius equation and strain was established by
polynomial fitting.
4. A modified Arrhenius constitutive equation considering strain
compensation was obtained and the validity was examined over all the
temperatures and strain rates by the comparison of the experimental
results, the maximum error is 7.11%.
This research was funded by National Key Basic Research Development
Plan of China (NO.2012CB619505), National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No.51405520), the State Key Laboratory of
High Performance Complex Manufacturing of China (No.zzyjkt2013-06B)
and Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program
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Zhang Tao, Wu Yun-xin, Gong Hai, Shi Wen-ze, Jiang Fang-min
In order to acquire flow characteristics in hot plastic deformation
and establish the optimum hot formation processing parameters for 7055
aluminum alloy, the hot compressive flow stress behavior was studied at
the temperatures from 300 to 450 and strain rates from 0.01 to 10
[s.sup.-1] on Gleeble-3180 thermo-simulation machine. The stress
exponent and activation energy were acquired with successive
approximation method by regression analysis. The relationship between
material parameters in Arrhenius equation and strain was established by
polynomial fitting and a modified Arrhenius constitutive equation
considering strain compensation was established. The results show that
7055 aluminum alloy is positive strain rate sensitive material and the
flow stress increases with the increase of strain rate and decreases
with the increase of temperature. The experimental results agree with
the predictive values according to the modified Arrhenius constitutive
equation and the maximum error is 7.11%.
Key words: 7055 aluminum alloy; hot plastic deformation; successive
approximation method; flow stress; modified Arrhenius constitutive
Received September 09, 2015
Accepted September 28, 2016
Zhang Tao (*), Wu Yun-xin (*), Gong Hai (**), Shi Wen-ze (*), Jiang
Fang-min (*)
(*) Central South University, State Key Laboratory of High
Performance Complex Manufacturing, School of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Nonferrous Metal Oriented Advanced Structural Materials and
Manufacturing Cooperative Innovation Center Changsha 410083, China,
[email protected]
(**) Central South University, State Key Laboratory of High
Performance Complex Manufacturing, School of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Nonferrous Metal Oriented Advanced Structural Materials and
Manufacturing Cooperative Innovation Center Changsha 410083, China,
[email protected] corresponding author
[cross.sup.ref] http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.mech.22.5.12527
Table 1
Polynomial fit results of material parameters
ln(A) [alpha] [beta]
[a.sub.0] 21.4 [b.sub.0] 0.0159 [c.sub.0] 0.1091 [d.sub.0]
[a.sub.1] 83.8 [b.sub.1] 0.004 [c.sub.1] 0.0427 [d.sub.1]
[a.sub.2] -697.8 [b.sub.2] -0.0672 [c.sub.2] -1.0683 [d.sub.2]
[a.sub.3] 2441.7 [b.sub.3] 0.2738 [c.sub.3] 4.9177 [d.sub.3]
[a.sub.4] -3859.8 [b.sub.4] -0.4731 [c.sub.4] -8.9452 [d.sub.4]
[a.sub.5] 2253.8 [b.sub.5] 0.2906 [c.sub.5] 5.6967 [d.sub.5]
ln(A) n [Q.sub.act]
[a.sub.0] 21.4 5.8066 [e.sub.0] 134
[a.sub.1] 83.8 -5.4663 [e.sub.1] 443
[a.sub.2] -697.8 0.1832 [e.sub.2] -3812
[a.sub.3] 2441.7 68.2738 [e.sub.3] 13652
[a.sub.4] -3859.8 -166.0832 [e.sub.4] -21936
[a.sub.5] 2253.8 117.5818 [e.sub.5] 12952
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