Rolling Bearing Fault Detection Using Autocorrelation Based Morphological Filtering and Empirical Mode Decomposition.
Wang, Jingyue ; Wang, Haotian ; Guo, Lixin 等
Rolling Bearing Fault Detection Using Autocorrelation Based Morphological Filtering and Empirical Mode Decomposition.
1. Introduction
In 1998, Huang et al. put forward an empirical mode decomposition
(EMD) method [1], which was suitable for nonlinear and non-stationary
signal analysis. It was a major breakthrough in the methods of linear
and steadystate spectral analysis based on Fourier transform. Then he
further put forward the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) combined with
Hilbert transform. The analyzed signal was decomposed into several
intrinsic mode functions (IMF). Then the Hilbert spectrum can be
calculated by the Hilbert transform for each intrinsic mode function.
Liu et al. applied the EMD method and Hilbert-Huang transform to the
fault diagnosis of gear box [2]. Guo et al. used the HilbertHuang
transform in the rotor fault diagnosis [3]. Jong-Hyo et al. applied the
EMD to a wavelet denoised signal in a roller-bearing system [4]. Cheng
et al. proposed a new fault feature extraction approach based on EMD
method and autoregressive model for roller bearings [5]. Gao et al. used
the EMD method in the rotating machine fault diagnosis [6]. Zhu et al.
used EMD and correlation coefficient in the incipient fault diagnosis of
roller bearings [7]. Kijewski-Correa et al. used wavelet transform and
EMD to extract signals embedded in noise [8]. Shukla et al. proposed a
method based on combination of EMD and Hilbert transform for assessment
of power quality events [9]. Rai et al. Encouraged a novel method for
bearing performance degradation assessment (PDA) based on an
amalgamation of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and k-medoids
clustering [10]. Rios et al. applied Empirical Mode Decomposition and
mutual information to separate stochastic and deterministic influences
embedded in signals [11]. Krishna et al. separated single channel speech
based on empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform [12].
Although the EMD has been widely used, it still has many shortcomings,
such as mode confusion [13], end effect [14], less envelope and over
envelope [15] and so on, which need to be further studied and improved.
In this paper, based on the EMD, a new method of fault diagnosis is
proposed, which is based on the principle
[mathematical expression not reproducible] of autocorrelation noise
reduction and morphological filtering. The method is applied to the
analysis of the rolling bearing inner and outer ring pitting fault
signal, which is compared with EMD fault diagnosis methods with
autocorrelation based multi-structure element mixed morphological filter
and without filter to verify the effectiveness and superiority of this
2. Basic principle
2.1. Autocorrelation noise reduction principle
For a signal x(t) , the autocorrelation function can be obtained by
the formula 1 [16].
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (1)
Wherein: [tau] is the delay time of autocorrelation function; T is
the value of time span.
2.2. Morphological filtering principle
2.2.1. Basic theory of mathematical morphology
In 1964, PhD student J Serra and tutor G Matheron, coming from
Paris Mining Institute of France, put forward mathematical morphology on
the basis of the research results of integral geometry [17]. Because the
gear pitting fault signal is one-dimensional signal, we only introduce
multi-value morphological transformation of onedimensional discrete
signal, including expansion, corrosion, opening and closing operations.
1. Expansion and corrosion operations.
Input sequence f(n) and structural element g(n) are defined
respectively as scatter functions in the F = {0,1,2,***,N-1}and G =
{0,1,2,***,M-1}, and N[greater than or equal to]M
The expansion transformation of f(n) about g(n) is:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (2)
The corrosion transformation of f (n) about g(n) is:
[mathematical expression not reproducible]
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (3)
Where, [direct sum] and [theta] are expansion and corrosion
operations, which are defined as the maximum value of (f + g) and the
minimum value of (f-g) in the neighborhood of the structural elements.
Because they are composed of simple operations such as addition,
subtraction and extreme value, it has the advantages of small
calculation, easy to implement and so on.
2. Opening and closing operations.
Morphological opening and closing operations can be constructed by
two basic operators of expansion and corrosion. The opening operation of
f(n) about g(n) is:
(f * g)(n)=[(f[theta]g)[direct sum]g]n). (4)
The closing operation of f(n) about g(n) is:
(f * g)(n)=[(f[direct sum]g)[theta]gln). (5)
Where, o and * are opening and closing operations, which are the
serial combination of expansion and corrosion. The opening operation is
the first corrosion and then expansion, but the closing operation is the
first expansion and then corrosion.
2.2.2. Morphological filter
Opening and closing operations can be used to form two
morphological filters.
1. Mixed morphological filter:
MIX (f) = (f*g*g + f*g*g)/2. (6)
2. Difference morphological filter:
DIF (f) = (f * g)-(f * g). (7)
2.2.3. Multi-structure element difference morphological filter
Commonly used structural elements are linear, circular, curve,
triangle and polygon, etc. Linear structural elements is commonly used
as g(n)= [1 1 1]. In order to simplify the structural elements, the
height of the element can be set to zero, that is, the straight line is
g(n)=[0 0 0].
Triangle is g(n)= [0 1 0]. Generally speaking, the more complex the
structure elements are, the greater its ability to filter the signal.
So, in this paper, the multi-structure elements difference is used as
morphological filter, taking g(n)= [0 0 0 ; 1 1 1 ;0 1 0].
2.3. Empirical mode decomposition
The EMD method is a linearization and smoothing process of signals.
The result can be seen as a kind of "sieve" process to
decompose the signal in different scales, forming a plurality of IMF and
a remainder to reflect the internal characteristics of the signal.
IMF must meet 2 conditions:
1. In the whole signal sequence, the number of the extreme points
must be equal to the number of zero crossing points, or at most a
2. In the whole sequence, at any point in time, the mean value of
the upper envelope determined by the local maximum value of the signal
and the lower envelope determined by the local minimum value are zero,
in other words, the signal is local symmetry with respect to time.
The decomposition process of EMD method can be described as:
1. Find all the maximum and minimum points of the signal x(t), and
connect them to the upper and lower envelopes of the original data
sequence by using the three spline curves. On the basis of this, the
mean value of the upper and the lower envelope is m(t).
2. Using x(t) minus m(t) to get a new data sequence [h.sub.1](t).
Che[]g whether the [h.sub.1](t) to meet the above 2 conditions,
if not satisfied, then taking the [h.sub.1] (t) as the signal to be
processed, repeating the above operation until [h.sub.1](t)is an
intrinsic mode function, denoted as
[c.sub.1](t) = [h.sub.1](t).
3. Using x(t) minus m(t) to get a residual value sequence
4. Repeating the above operation to get a series of [c.sub.n](t)
and [r.sub.n](t) that cannot be decomposed. Then the original signal
x(t) can be expressed as the sum of the IMF component and a residual
term, that is:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (8)
From the screening process of the EMD method, it can be seen that
the inherent modal function component is filtered out from high
frequency to low frequency, and the process is adaptive. Therefore, the
EMD method has the characteristics of adaptive high pass filter. Pitting
fault signals of rolling bearings is usually modulated to the high
frequency, so the fault signal can be decomposed by the EMD method. The
intrinsic mode function contains the modulation signal of the rolling
bearing pitting failure, which achieves the purpose of separation of the
low frequency interference and noise.
3. Experimental verification
The experimental data are from the standard database of Electrical
Engineering Laboratory of Case Western Reserve University [18]. Bearing
failure experimental simulation device is shown in Fig. 1. The middle is
a torque sensor, and two horsepower motors on its left side, and a power
meter on its right side. The motor shaft supports the tested bearing.
The input shaft speed is 1750 r/min, and the output shaft is to drive
the load.
The experimental object is a 6205-2RS type deep groove ball
bearings. The basic geometric parameters and fault characteristic
frequency are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The rolling bearing fault type is
the inner ring and the outer ring pitting failure. The single point
failure is arranged on the bearing by using the electric spark machining
technology. The pitting diameter of inner and outer rings is 0.1778 mm
and the depth is 0.2 8m. In the experiment, the failure of the bearing
outer ring at the end of the drive and the fan is separately arranged at
6 o'clock, 3 o'clock and 12 o'clock. The acceleration
sensor is installed on the motor housing by using of the magnetic base
to collect vibration signals. The vibration signal is collected through
16 channels of DAT recorder, and then treated with Matlab. The signal
sampling frequency is 12000Hz.
3.1. Experiment of inner ring pitting failure
The time course diagram and spectrogram of bearing inner ring
pitting failure of 6205-2RS type deep groove ball bearing are shown in
Fig. 2. As can be seen from the time course diagram, the curve is
complex, which is difficult to distinguish the specific characteristics
of the fault signal. In the frequency spectrum, the fault signal with
low frequency is submerged in the noise, and the fault characteristic
frequency cannot be identified. by the EMD method, and then the envelope
spectrum of the first 3 IMF components is obtained, as shown in Fig. 3.
From the figures, we can clearly see that the fault characteristic
frequency of bearing inner ring is 161.9 Hz, which is almost the same as
the theoretical value162.2 Hz. We can determine that the rolling bearing
fault type is the inner ring pitting failure.
Firstly, the vibration signal is processed by the autocorrelation
based multi-structure elements difference morphological filter. Then,
the fault signal is decomposed
3.2. Experiment of outer ring pitting failure
The time course diagram and spectrogram of bearing outer ring
pitting failure of 6205-2RS type deep groove ball bearing are shown in
Fig. 4. From the figures, the fault characteristic frequency cannot be
identified. First of all, the vibration signal is de-noised by the
autocorrelation based multi-structure elements difference morphological
filter. Then the envelope spectra of the first 3 IMF components are
obtained by the EMD method, as shown in Fig. 5-7.
3.2.1. Bearing outer ring pitting failure at 6 o 'clock
From the Fig. 5, we can clearly see one octave of the outer ring of
the bearing fault characteristic frequency is 107.7 Hz, which is almost
the same as the theoretical calculation 107.4 Hz. We can also see that
the two octave of fault characteristic frequency is 215.3 Hz, three
octaves is 323 Hz, four octaves is 430.7 Hz, five octaves is 538.3 Hz.
So we can determine the rolling bearing fault type is the outer ring
pitting failure.
3.2.2. Bearing outer ring pitting failure at 3 o 'clock
From the Fig. 6, we can clearly see one octave of the outer ring of
the bearing fault characteristic frequency is 107.7 Hz, which is almost
the same as the theoretical calculation 107.4 Hz. So we can determine
the rolling bearing fault type is the outer ring pitting failure. We can
also see that the 1/2 octave of fault characteristic frequency is
47.61Hz, two octaves is 215.7Hz, three octaves is 323.7Hz, four octaves
is 431Hz. We can also see that a peak frequency is 30.03Hz, just about
equal to the theoretical calculation of the rotation frequency 29.95 Hz.
three octave of the rotation frequency is 95.95Hz, four octaves is
120.1Hz, nine octaves is 275.4Hz, five, six, seven, eight octaves is not
obvious, cannot be identified.
3.2.3. Bearing outer ring pitting failure at 12 o 'clock
From the Fig. 7, we can clearly see one octave of the outer ring of
the bearing fault characteristic frequency is 107.7 Hz, which is almost
the same as the theoretical calculation 107.4 Hz. We can also see that
the 1/2 octave of fault characteristic frequency is 47.97 Hz, two
octaves is 215.7Hz, three octaves is 323.4Hz, four octaves is 431 Hz,
five octave is 538.7 Hz. We can also see that a peak frequency is 60.06
Hz, just about equal to two times the theoretical calculation of the
rotation frequency 29.95 Hz. So we can determine the rolling bearing
fault type is the outer ring pitting failure.
4. Comparative analysis
In order to analyze the superiority of the proposed method in this
paper, the characteristics of the EMD with the autocorrelation based
multi-structure element mixed morphological filter and without filter
are compared and analyzed, taking outer ring pitting failure at 12 o
'clock as an example, as shown in Figs. 8-9.
4.1. Autocorrelation based multi-structure elements mixed
morphological filter
From the Fig. 8, we can clearly see that one octave of the outer
ring of the bearing fault characteristic frequency is 107.7 Hz, almost
the same as the theoretical calculation 107.4 Hz, which can determine
that the fault comes from the outer ring pitting failure. However, fault
characteristic frequency of the two, three, four, five octaves are not
recognized compared with figure 7. The spectral line on the IMF3
envelope spectrum is not as regular as that on figure 7 and not very
clear extracts fault characteristic frequency. From the IMF1 envelope
spectrum, the acceleration value of one octave is 0.0008007 [ms.sup.-2],
less than the value 0.002865 [ms.sup.-2] in Fig. 7. It is showed that
the energy loss is large in the filter and the outer envelope extraction
by the EMD method with autocorrelation based multi-structure elements
mixed morphological filter. The above shows that the method proposed in
this paper is superior to the autocorrelation based multi-structure
elements mixed morphological filter, which is very effective for the
early fault diagnosis of rolling bearings.
4.2. Without filter
From the Fig. 9, we can clearly see that one octave of the outer
ring of the bearing fault characteristic frequency is 107.7 Hz, almost
the same as the theoretical calculation 107.4 Hz. We can also see that
the two octave of fault characteristic frequency is 215.3Hz, three
octaves is 323Hz, four octaves is 431Hz, five octaves is 538.7Hz, and
then can judge the bearing outer ring pitting failure. But compared with
Fig. 7, the regularity of spectral line on
IMF3 envelope spectrum is not as in figure 7, is not very clear to
extract the fault feature frequency, which is very unfavorable for the
early fault diagnosis of rolling bearing. Although the energy loss is
relatively small.
In the above two experiments, the error between the actual and
theoretical frequency is caused by the frequency resolution, but does
not affect the analysis results. It can be considered that the method
proposed in this paper is feasible and reliable.
5. Conclusions
In view of the characteristics of nonlinear and non-stationary
signal of the incipient rolling bearing pitting failure, a new method of
fault diagnosis using an autocorrelation based multi-structure elements
difference morphological filter and empirical mode decomposition method
is proposed. Firstly, the vibration signal is de-noised by the
autocorrelation based multi-structure elements difference morphological
filter, and then the fault feature frequency is extracted by the method
of empirical mode decomposition. Through experimental comparison, this
method is more effective than the EMD method with autocorrelation
multistructure element mixed morphological filter and without filter.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of programs for the
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M610496), Natural Science
Foundation of Liaoning Province of China (20170540786), the State Key
Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions (SKLMT-KFKT-201605), the Open
Foundation of Key Discipline of Mechanical Design and Theory of Shenyang
Ligong University (4771004kfx08), National Natural Science Foundation of
China (51875096) and Case Western Reserve University.
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J. Wang, H. Wang, L. Guo, D. Yang
In order to identify incipient rolling bearing pitting fault
characteristics, an autocorrelation based multi-structure elements
difference morphological filter and empirical mode decomposition method
of fault diagnosis is presented in this paper. Through the experiment of
rolling bearing inner and outer ring pitting failure, the fault
vibration frequency is extracted to verify the feasibility of this
method. The superiority of this method is verified by comparing with the
empirical mode decomposition method with autocorrelation based
multi-structure element mixed morphological filter and without filter.
Keywords: rolling bearing, pitting failure, autocorrelation,
morphological filter, empirical mode decomposition.
Received August 20, 2018
Accepted December 12, 2018
Jingyue WANG (*,**,***) Haotian WANG (****), Lixin GUO (*****),
Diange YANG (**)
(*) Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang, 110159, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
(**) State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua
University, Beijing 100084, China
(***) State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions, Chongqing
University, Chongqing, 400044, China
(****) Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang, 110136, China,
[email protected]
(*****) Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819, China, E-mail:
[email protected] crossref
Table 1 Geometric parameter of 6205-2RS deep groove ball bearing
Bearing Outer diameter, Inner diameter, Pitch diameter,
model mm mm mm
6205-2RS 52 25 39.04
Bearing Contact angle, [degrees] Number of balls Ball diameter,
model mm
6205-2RS 0 9 7.94
Table 2
Defect frequencies of 6205-2RS deep groove ball bearing
Inner ring frequency, Hz Outer ring frequency, Hz
162.2 107.4
Inner ring frequency, Hz Rotational frequency, Hz
162.2 29.95
Inner ring frequency, Hz Rotation rate, r/min
162.2 1797
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