Control Features of 3D Deflector under Different Braking Conditions.
Augustaitis, Aistis ; Djokoto, Sylvester ; Jurenas, Vytautas 等
Control Features of 3D Deflector under Different Braking Conditions.
1. Introduction
The piezoelectric actuator is a unique device because it has these
major advantages: high displacement resolution, short response time,
high force and mass ratio, simple construction, compactness, lightness.
These features make the actuator very attractive in wide region of
application such as an ultra-precision component machining, tunable
optical devices, biomedicine, robotics and so on [1]. Electrorheological
and magnetorheological fluids (ERF and MRF) can be used to shorten the
stopping time and distance of movable link [2].
2. Primary data
The experimental model (Fig. 1) of 3D deflector is used to create
the structural scheme of theoretical model. Despite a movable link shape
in experimental model a full hollow ball is chosen to use in theoretical
model (Fig. 2). The ball is manufactured from steel. The inside radius
of piezoelectric ring is 19,5 mm.
A wide surface of the rotor can become greasy after a contact with
smart fluid. A sliding friction coefficient reduces dramatically if the
greasy surface reaches the zone of 3 contact points. These points are
equally located on the surface of ring end in circumferential direction.
Seeking to ensure a high frictional value the points are made of epoxy
resin. The angular displacement of the ball must be constrained and the
radius of smart fluid layer has to be small enough too. A concave shape
of bottom electrode end is approximated as circle surface; which radius
is R (Table 1). It is important to increase a contact force between the
rotor and a fixed ring of piezoelectric actuator in order to improve
control properties. According to this a bottom electrode is made to
perform permanent magnet features too when using with ERF. The electrode
has to be changed into an electromagnet for MRF activation. A
piezoelectric ring is fixed using 3 cylindrical supports.
The area of approximated concave surface A is 1,77* [10.sup.-4]
[m.sup.2] (Eq. (1)). The initial values of the ball angular speed
[[omega].sub.0] are chosen: 0,2, 0,6 and 1,0 rad/s. The initial values
of the fluid shear rate [[gamma].sub.0] (Eq. (2)) are: 12, 36, 60
[s.sup.1] according to the last statement. The ball moment of inertia I
is equal to 73 [10.sup.-6] kg[m.sup.2] (Eq. (3)).
A [congruent to] [pi][R.sup.2]. (1)
[[gamma].sub.0]=[[omega].sub.0] [R.sub.1]/t. (2)
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (3)
where: [R.sub.1] is the outside radius of the rotor; [t.sub.1] is
the wall thickness of the rotor; [rho] is steel density, which is chosen
7850 kg/[m.sup.3]; R is the projected radius of lower electrode; t is
the thickness of smart fluid layer.
3. Approximation of ERF and MRF rheological characteristics
LID 3354s is chosen as ERF to simulate additional friction pair
with the ball. The experimental characteristics of the fluid are shown
in Figs. 3 and 4 [3, 4]. A second degree polynomial function (Eq. (4))
is used to shift the experimental curve of viscosity [mu]. The
experimental curve of yield stress [[tau].sub.Y] is also changed into a
quadratic function (Eq. (5)) in order to get similar shapes. A statement
that linear function should be used to shift the last experimental graph
[3] is omitted. It is considered that LID 3354s viscosity and yield
stress depend only on electric field strength E.
[mu](E) = [[mu].sub.0]-[C.sub.[mu]][E.sup.2]
=0,11-2*[10.sup.-8][([10.sup.3] * E).sup.2]. (4)
[[tau].sub.Y](E) = 0,4[E.sup.2]+0,45E, (5)
where: [[mu].sub.0] is initial viscosity of the ERF, when E is 0;
[C.sub.[mu]] is ERF constant in viscosity function.
Suspension 140CG is chosen as MRF to model additional friction pair
with the ball also. The experimental characteristics of the fluid are
illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6 [5]. The experimental curve of shear stress
because of viscosity [[tau].sub.[mu]] is almost flat. According to this
a linear function (Eq. (6)) is chosen to shift the curve. After
approximation the viscosity of the fluid becomes independent of shear
rate [gamma] and magnetic field strength H too (Eq. (10)). The
experimental curve of yield stress depends only on the field strength
and can be replaced with a quadratic function (Eq. (7)).
[[tau].sub.[mu]]([gamma]) = 0,02 + 0,0005[gamma]. (6)
[[tau].sub.Y](H) = -0,0012[H.sup.2]+0,55H, (7)
Using electric field strength the chaotic positions of polarized
particles can be changed into an anisotropic structural block in ERF.
This action increases the shear stress of ERF [3]. MRF induction and
shear features have a lot of common in comparison to ERF [6]. Except
that magnetic field strength is needed to activate MRF. The average
motion speed for block creation and response time T depends on exterior
field strength. Hyperbolic functions (Eqs. (8-9)) are chosen to model
the mentioned dependences (Figs. 7-8) using the newest references with
appropriate experimental data [3, 6]. In a conception of the chosen
numerical simulation is considered that an exterior field strength is
changing linearly from zero to a nominal value over response time period
despite that the field strength can reach its nominal value almost
instantly in a practical case.
T(E) = 2 / E., (8)
T(H) = 500 / H. (9)
A GER fluid can be used to get the higher values of the shear yield
stress. Its action is explained by giant electrorheological effect [7].
4. Summary of stepped approximation algorithm and simulation
Firstly, initial kinetic energy of the ball should be evaluated.
Then a relation of the friction coefficient versus a sliding speed is
needed to evaluate. The work because of friction and the work because of
fluid shear are negative. They should be counted at each time period of
the motion and summed. A negative work of smart fluid is a
multiplication of equivalent shear stress, active area of suspension A
and a tangential shear displacement. A friction work is a multiplication
of normal contact force, friction coefficient and tangential shear
displacement. Final kinetic energy of the ball is a subtraction of
initial kinetic energy and evaluated negative works until that moment.
The evaluation of stopping distance is finished when final kinetic
energy or tangential speed of the ball becomes equal to 0. The most
important property of approximation is a regular time step, except the
motion at the end. Total negative work after one-time period
shouldn't be bigger than 10 % of the initial kinetic energy in
order to get quite accurate results of the stepped approximation [8].
Stopping time or distance differences in comparison to results with a
half time step of regular, which is determined using a condition above,
is up to 5% [8].
Graphical results of braking path, velocity and acceleration using
chosen fluids are given in figures 9-14 after simulations. The
properties for braking with electrorheological fluid LID 3354s are
[[omega].sub.0] = 0,6 rad/s and E = 2 kV/mm. The properties for braking
with magnetorheological fluid 140CG are [[omega].sub.0] = 0,6 rad/s and
H = 100 kA/m.
Most important results of various brake simulations using the
chosen fluids are presented in the Tables 2-7.
5. Experimental analysis
These parts were used for experimental setup (Fig. 15):
1--piezoelectric 3D deflector with spherical rotor; 2--controller;
3--Polytec Laser Doppler Vibrometer system OFV512/5000; 4--linear
amplifier EPA-104; 5--signal generator Agilent 33220A; 6--oscilloscope
PicoScope 3424; 7--PC with a PicoScope and Polytec software; 8--high
voltage inverter CCF122C; 9--DC power supply HY1803D; 10--Mastech
multimeter MS8218.
Operational frequency of the spherical actuator is 32,5 kHz. The
maximum operational voltage of the ERF is 800 V. The graphs of rotor
operating modes using burst type vibrations with active and passive
fluids are shown in the Figs. 16-17.
Various stepped motions of the rotor can be obtained using
different durations of burst type vibrations and voltage amplitudes
(Fig. 18). One duration of vibrations is equal to 22 oscillating periods
in the Figs. 16 and 17, which is equal to 677 [micro]s.
6. Conclusions
The stopping times are very similar to the response times of LID
3354s when an initial angular speed is 0,2 rad/s (Tab. 2). The stopping
times are several times longer than the appropriate response times when
the speeds of the ball are greater (Tab. 3-4). When the strength value
of electric field varies from 0 to 4 kV/mm then the stopping times and
distances differs approximately from 3 ([[omega].sub.0] = 0,2 rad/s) to
5 ([[omega].sub.0] = 1 rad/s) times.
The stopping times using MRF are lower than the appropriate
response times (Tab. 5-7). When the strength value of magnetic field
varies from 0 to 200 kA/m then the stopping times and distances differs
approximately from 5 ([[omega].sub.0] = 0,2 rad/s) to 10
([[omega].sub.0] = 1 rad/s) times. These statements are very similar to
the ratios of real displacements; those are reached by the same
excitation conditions when the chosen fluids are in active or passive
This research was funded by the European Regional Development Fund
according to the supported activity No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718 under the
project No. DOTSUT-234 and by the Research Council of Lithuania under
the project SmartTrunk, No. MIP-084/2015.
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Aistis AUGUSTAITIS (*), Sylvester DJOKOTO (**), Vytautas JURTNAS
(***), Genadijus KULVIETIS (****)
(*) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
(**) Kaunas University of Technology, K. Donelaicio 73, 44249
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
(***) Kaunas University of Technology, K. Donelaicio 73, 44249
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
(****) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
Received March 07, 2018
Accepted October 18, 2018
Table 1 Dimensions of theoretical model
Dimensions Value (mm)
[R.sup.1] 30
[t.sup.1] 1,5
R 7,5
t 0,5
Table 2 Braking of the rotor with ERF at low initial speed [8]
[omega]0 (rad/s) 0,2
E (kV/mm) 0 2 4
Braking time ([micro]s) 1546 985 523
Braking distance ([micro]m) 5,04 3,67 2,18
Table 3 Braking of the rotor with ERF at medium initial speed [8]
[omega]0 (rad/s) 0,6
E (kV/mm) 0 2 4
Braking time ([micro]s) 4911 2282 1059
Braking distance ([micro]m) 48,79 25,31 12,51
Table 4 Braking of the rotor with ERF at high initial speed [8]
[omega]0 (rad/s) 1,0
E (kV/mm) 0 2 4
Braking time ([micro]s) 8713 3646 1609
Braking distance ([micro]m) 146,96 65,73 30,25
Table 5 Braking of the rotor with MRF at low initial speed [8]
[omega]0 (rad/s) 0,2
H (kA/m) 0 100 200
Braking time ([micro]s) 1528 554 312
Braking distance ([micro]m) 4,97 2,16 1,26
Table 6 Braking of the rotor with MRF at medium initial speed [8]
[omega]0 (rad/s) 0,6
H (kA/m) 0 100 200
Braking time ([micro]s) 4827 1066 577
Braking distance ([micro]m) 47,85 12,97 7,15
Table 7 Braking of the rotor with MRF at high initial speed [8]
[omega]0 (rad/s) 1,0
H (kA/m) 0 100 200
Braking time ([micro]s) 8517 1430 766
Braking distance ([micro]m) 143,20 29,41 15,91
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