Predictive Analysis of the Damage to Axial-Flow Pump's Impeller in Sandy Water.
Hua, Hong ; Zhang, Zhi-Zhong ; Liu, Xiao-Bing 等
Predictive Analysis of the Damage to Axial-Flow Pump's Impeller in Sandy Water.
1. Introduction
Axial flow pump is a low head and high flow pump, whose simple
structure is available for urban water supply, agricultural irrigation
and water diversion projects [1-2]. In recent years, the ecological and
environmental conditions are worsening, soil erosion is serious, and the
sediment content in most rivers is higher and higher. At present, the
designs of the axial flow pump impeller are mostly based on the premise
of clean water medium, which leads to the serious damage of the impeller
in the actual operation, reduces the operating efficiency of pumps and
increases their energy consumption. This issue has attracted great
attention from scholars, and has been studied theoretically and
experimentally. Some results were obtained [1-17].
Based on the Euler method, the 3D turbulence flow in the axial-flow
pump impeller was numerically simulated by using the ANSYS-FLUENT,
Eulerian multiphase flow model. The flow characteristics of solid-liquid
two-phase flow were studied, and the results were compared with those in
clear water.
2. Equations
The following assumptions have been made in this study:
1. The liquid phase (water) is incompressible. The solid phase
(sand) is continuous. The physical properties of each phase are
2. The solid phase consists of sand particles spherical in shape
and uniform in size.
3. Neither the suspended matter nor the carrier liquid undergoes
any phase change.
4. Interactions between particles, as well as between particles and
the wall are neglected.
2.1. Basic equations of solid-liquid two-phase flow
The motion equations of solid-liquid two-phase flow in the Eulerian
coordinate system are as follows [2]:
Liquid phase continuity equation:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (1)
Solid phase continuity equation:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (2)
Liquid phase momentum equation:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (3)
Solid phase momentum equation:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4)
Where: [U.sub.i] and [V.sub.i] are respectively the velocity
components of the liquid and solid phase; [rho] is the material density
of phases; v is the kinematic viscosity coefficient; P reprensents the
gravity acceleration component; g is the component of gravity
acceleration; and [x.sub.i] is the coordinate component. The equation of
B = 18(1 + [B.sub.0]) [[rho].sub.L][v.sub.L] / [d.sup.2] indicates the
interaction coefficient between phases, in which d is the particle
diameter. And the introduction of [B.sub.0] in it is to consider other
factors besides the stokes linear resistance. Generally speaking,
[B.sub.0] is not a constant, for it is related to the flow field
parameters such as the particle Reynolds number. [phi] is a phase volume
number with the relation equation of [[phi].sub.L] + [[phi].sub.S] = 1,
in which the subscripts L and S represent the liquid and solid phases,
respectively, while i and k are the tensor coordinates.
2.2. Turbulence calculation model
The RNG k-[epsilon] model [2] was used in this study, which can be
written as:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (5)
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (6)
Where: [G.sub.k] is the turbulent kinetic energy caused by the
average velocity gradient; [G.sub.b] represents the turbulent kinetic
energy caused by buoyancy influence; [Y.sub.M] represents the influence
of the total dissipation rate by the compressible turbulence fluctuation
expansion; [[alpha].sub.k] and [[alpha].sub.g] are the reciprocals of
effective turbulent Prandtl numbers of the turbulent kinetic energy k
and dissipation rate [epsilon]. The calculation formula of turbulent
viscosity coefficient is:
[mathematical expression not reproducible]
where: v = [[mu.sub.eff] / [mu], and [C.sub.v] =100. And in Fluent,
[C.sub.1[epsilon]] = 1.44, [C.sub.2[epsilon]] = 1.92, [C.sub.3[epsilon]]
= 0.09 are all default constants.
3. Calculation parameters
3.1. Basic parameters of pump
The basic parameters of the pump are listed in Table 1.
The entire flow passage consists of three parts, the tapered inlet
stationary part, the impeller rotation part and the outlet stationary
part. The 3D model of the axial-flow pump impeller is shown in the Fig.
1, a, and the direction of impeller rotation is forward along the
Z-Axis. The entire flow passage was divided by unstructured grids, and
the results are shown in the Fig. 1, b. The number of grids is 910,000.
3.2. Boundary conditions
The velocity inlet was used, and it was assumed that the inlet has
uniform incoming flow, and the inlet velocity was vertical to the inlet
boundary surface. The outlet was provided with flow outlet with the
conditions of free development, that is to say, except the outlet
pressure, the positive normal gradients of all flow variables were
assumed as zero. The velocity on the solid wall can meet with the
no-slip wall conditions, and the standard wall function was adopted for
the near wall area. The average diameter of solid particles was 0.2 mm,
and the density of solid phase material (sand in this study) was 2,719
kg/[m.sup.3]. The impact of gravity to the flow field during the
calculation was considered and the direction of gravity was reverse to
the normal of the pump outlet section.
3.3. Calculation conditions
The turbulent flow in an axial flow impeller was numerically
simulated in the clear water (single-phase flow) and the sandy water
(solid-liquid two-phase flow) conditions. According to the statistical
data of the content of river sediment, three sediment concentrations
were selected. The sand volume concentrations (fractions) of various
conditions are listed in Table 2.
4. Calculation results and analysis
With the use of RNG k-[epsilon] turbulence model, SIMPLEC algorithm
and CFD software, the turbulent flow in an axial flow impeller was
numerically simulated in the clear water (single-phase) and the sandy
water (solid-liquid two-phase) conditions. The distributions of solid
concentration, velocity and pressure on the impeller of the axial flow
pump were analyzed at the various conditions.
4.1. Static pressure distribution
Figs. 2-5 show the static pressure distributions on the leading
side and the suction side of the blade in various conditions (including
clear water and sandy water). In general, the pressure on the leading
side is larger than that on the suction side. The pressure on the
leading side of the blade is changing along the radius direction, and
there is a small high pressure zone near the outlet flange and a small
low pressure zone near the inlet flange. The pressure on the suction
side is mainly changing in the circumferential direction, which reduces
and then increases from the inlet to the outlet. There is a small high
pressure zone near the outlet flange and a small low pressure zone near
the inlet flange on the suction side. The minimum pressure on the blade
is on the suction side near the inlet, which is the part most vulnerable
to cavitation on the impeller.
The minimum pressure in solid-liquid two-phase flow is lower than
that in single-phase flow, which is shown in Fig. 6. The impeller is
more vulnerable to cavitation in solid-liquid two-phase flow than that
in single-phase flow. So the axial pump impeller will be damaged more
easily and quickly in sandy water than in clear water.
With the increasing of the solid phase volume concentration in
solid-liquid two-phase flow, the pressure gradually reduces. This
indicates that in the solid-liquid two-phase flow, due to the existence
of the solid phase, the more the sediment content is, the more
vulnerable of cavitation in the low pressure zone will be. This is
consistent with the abrasion of impeller in practical projects.
4.2. Volume concentration distribution of solid phase particles
Figs. 7-9 show the volume concentration distributions of solid
phase particles on the leading side and the suction side of blades in
sandy water (solid-liquid two-phase flow) with various sediment
concentrations. It shows that the distribution laws on the leading side
and the suction side are different. In general, the solid phase
concentration on the leading side of the blade is larger than that on
the suction side. The solid phase concentration at the inlet edge is
relatively higher on the leading side and the suction side. The abrasion
on the part with higher solid phase concentration is serious, which is
consistent with practical projects. There is a low concentration zone of
solid phase on the leading side near the inlet and the flange, which is
formed by the impact on the inlet wall as the pop-up of the solid phase
particles with certain angle.
The higher the solid phase volume concentration is, the higher the
solid phase concentration on the blade surface will be, which is shown
in Fig. 10. The higher the sediment concentration, the higher is the
solid phase volume concentration near the blade surface, and the more
serious of abrasion.
Under the combined effects of sand abrasion and cavitation, the
extent of damage to the blades greatly intensified. This is consistent
with the actual engineering situation. In the hydraulic design of this
type of pump, some improvement measures should be taken to reduce the
damage as much as possible.
4.3. Velocity distribution
Figs. 11-14 show the distributions of relative velocity of the
liquid phase (water) near the surface of the axial-flow pump blades
(hereinafter referred to as blade surface). The figures show that the
relative velocity near the blade surface is gradually increasing in
radial direction from the hub to the flange. The relative velocity at
the suction side is larger than that at the leading side. The relative
velocity gradually decreases from the inlet to the outlet at the leading
side and suction side. The relative velocity of the liquid phase in the
solid-liquid two-phase flow is smaller than that in single-phase flow.
This is caused by the solid phase which hinders the velocity of the
liquid phase. Furthermore, with the increasing of sediment content, the
velocity in the impeller reduces.
5. Conclusions
According to the simulation results, the pressure, velocity and the
distributions of solid concentration on the impeller of an axial flow
pump in different conditions are compared and analyzed. The following
conclusions are obtained:
1. According to the simulation results, the axial pump impeller
will be damaged more easily and quickly in sandy water than in clear
2. The area most prone to damage on the axial flow impeller is
predicated, which is near the inlet edge on the leading side and the
suction side of blades. Due to the minimum pressure on the blade near
the inlet, the solid phase concentration at the inlet edge is relatively
higher. Under the combined effects of sand abrasion and cavitation, the
extent of damage to the blades is greatly intensified.
3. This study shows that the numerical simulation results are the
same as the actual situation, and it has guiding significance for the
wear design of the axial flow pump. In the hydraulic design of this type
of pump, some improvement measures should be taken to reduce the damage
as much as possible.
6. Acknowledgments
The work described in this paper is supported by the National Key
Research and Development Program "Research and Application
Demonstration of Complementary Combined Power Generation Technology
between Distributed Photovoltaic and Cascade Small Hydropower"
(Grant No.2018YFB0905200), the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 51279172), the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities (Grant No. 2012017yjsy169) and the Open Research
Fund of the Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery, Ministry of
Education (Xihua University) (Grant No. szjj2017-087).
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Hua Hong, Zhang Zhi-Zhong, Liu Xiao-Bing, Zeng Yong-Zhong, Wang
With the use of RNG k-[epsilon] turbulence model, SIMPLEC algorithm
and CFD software, the turbulent flow in an axial flow impeller was
numerically simulated in the clear water (single-phase) and the sandy
water (solid-liquid two-phase) conditions. The distributions of solid
concentration, velocity and pressure on the impeller of an axial flow
pump were analyzed at the same particle diameter but different volume
concentrations in sandy water. And these distributions were
comparatively analyzed under the clear water and the sandy water
conditions. According to the simulation results, the axial pump impeller
will be damaged more easily and quickly in sandy water than in clear
water. And the area more prone to damage on the axial flow impeller is
predicated. The predicted vulnerable parts in an axial flow impeller are
consistent with that in actual projects. This study shows that the
numerical simulation results are the same as the actual situation, and
it has guiding significance for the wear design of the axial flow pump.
Keywords: axial-flow pump; impeller; solid-liquid two-Phased; CFD
numerical simulation; prediction analysis.
Received December 12, 2015
Accepted June 14, 2018
Hua HONG (*), Zhang ZHI-ZHONG (**), Liu XIAO-BING (***), Zeng
YONG-ZHONG (****), Wang HUI-YAN (*****)
(*) State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River
Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Peoples R China, Key
Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua University), Ministry of
Education, Chengdu 610039, Peoples R China, E-mail:
[email protected]
(**) Guodian Dadu River Zhentouba Power Generation Co. LTD, Leshan,
Peoples R China, E-mail:
[email protected]
(***) Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua
University), Ministry of Education, Chengdu 610039, Peoples R China,
[email protected]
(****) Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua
University), Ministry of Education, Chengdu 610039, Peoples R China,
[email protected]
(*****) Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua
University), Ministry of Education, Chengdu 610039, Peoples R China,
[email protected]
Table 1 Basic design parameters of the pump
Name Unit Parameters
Pump type axial-flow
Blade number (Z) PCS 4
Head (H) m 2.5
Flow rate (Q) [m.sup.3]/h 12500
Speed (n) r/min 235
Table 2 Statistics of CFD calculation conditions
No. Quality of water Volume concentration of
condition1 clear water 0
condition2 sandy water 0.38%
condition3 sandy water 0.76%
condition4 sandy water 1%
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