The welfare effects of temporary tax cuts and subsidies: theory, estimation, and applications.
Phillips, Mark D.
The welfare effects of temporary tax cuts and subsidies: theory, estimation, and applications.
In recent years, federal and local governments have implemented a
preponderance of fiscal policies in the form of temporary tax cuts and
subsidies, with US examples including the Car Allowance Rebate System
(CARS, or "Cash for Clunkers"), federal and state hybrid and
electric car subsidies, federal and state first-time homebuyer credits,
bonus depreciation schedules on new investments, and state- and
locality-specific sales tax holidays. The prevalence of such policies,
which I heretofore refer to as "holidays" to denote their
transitory nature, reflects often (though certainly not always)
bipartisan support. Republicans may like lowering taxes, if only
temporarily, while Democrats may like a policy that benefits consumers
without sacrificing the government's long-run ability to raise
revenue. For instance, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood lauded Cash
for Clunkers for both "giving the auto industry a shot in the
arm" as well as providing "good news for ... consumers'
pocketbooks." (1) Moving from federal to state policy, Robyn,
Cohen, and Henchman (2011) observe that sales tax holidays "enjoy
broad political support, with backers arguing that holidays ... provide
benefits to low-income consumers [and] improve sales for retailers,
create jobs, and promote economic growth."
This bipartisan appeal of holidays reflects the dual objectives of
holidays: (a) to increase economic activity in the targeted market and
(b) to provide tax relief and value to consumers. While many previous
studies have addressed holidays' efficacy with regards to
stimulating economic activity, this article complements those efforts by
providing a theoretical and empirical framework for assessing their
efficacy with regards to the goal of providing value to consumers. In
particular, I compare a holiday's cost to the government against
its benefit to consumers, as measured by compensating variation, to
assess a holiday's impact on consumer welfare and Kaldor-Hicks
A salient feature of each of the holidays listed above is the
targeting of a durable commodity. This commonality is unlikely to be
mere coincidence, as the exchange of durables is more readily delayed or
accelerated in order to take advantage of a temporarily preferential
fiscal treatment. (2) Such timing behavior falls in the first tier of
Joel Slemrod's (1992) "hierarchy of behavioral responses to
taxation," and the prediction of significant timing response is
borne out in empirical analyses of sales tax holidays (Cole 2012), Cash
for Clunkers (Copeland and Kahn 2013; Mian and Sufi 2012), expiring
hybrid vehicle subsidies (Sallee 2011), and the temporary bonus
depreciation on capital goods (House and Shapiro 2008). (3)
The focus on these large timing responses has led analysts to
conclude that holidays are cost-ineffective in terms of government cost
per genuinely new (not time-shifted) purchase, though they may be
effective at increasing short-run activity. However, these statements
address only the first of the holiday's dual goals: how effective
are holidays at promoting economic activity? This article instead
addresses the other goal: how effective are holidays at providing value
to consumers? A simple example demonstrates that the two
"efficiency" concepts may bear little relationship to one
another. Consider the case in which consumers did not change their
behavior in response to a holiday. The holiday merely transfers money
from the government to those consumers who were already planning to
purchase during the holiday. Under these circumstances the policy would
fail miserably in terms of government cost per genuinely new purchase,
or time-shifted purchase for that matter, but would be relatively
effective at achieving the goal of providing value to consumers. (4)
The article makes three primary contributions. The first is to
provide a tractable theoretical framework for describing the welfare
effects and Kaldor-Hicks efficiency of holidays. Owing to the durability
of a holiday's targeted commodity, the effects of the policy are
inherently dynamic in nature. As such the welfare effects of temporary
tax reforms have often been assessed using the toolkit of
macroeconomics, with examples including Judd (1985), Judd (1987), and
Strulik and Trimborn (2010). I instead utilize properties of the
envelope theorem in the context of intertemporal consumer durable
choice, an approach that captures consumers' welfare effects in
terms of compensated demand curves and does not require assumptions
about the precise nature of consumers' utility (e.g., the
intertemporal elasticity of substitution) or the durable good's
depreciation process. (5)
I then define a few convenient demand concepts that enable a
holiday's inherently dynamic effects to be expressed in terms of
static, "partial equilibrium" analyses in the markets for
three distinct "subgoods." The first subgood reflects the
quantity that would have been purchased in a constant tax regime, the
second reflects the quantity that is time-shifted to the holiday period,
and the third reflects the new quantity that would not have been
purchased (in any period) without the holiday. This reframing enables me
to describe the holiday's price, quantity, and welfare effects not
in terms of phase diagrams and dynamic simulations, but with graphical
representations that would be intuitive to even an undergraduate public
finance student. I hope that this reframing and these figures provide
pedagogical value for the discussion and analysis of a variety of
temporary fiscal policies.
Using this framework, I show that theory alone is ambiguous with
regards to a holiday's impact on Kaldor-Hicks efficiency. This
result may be surprising given that holidays often reduce distortionary
tax rates, albeit for a short time only, and leave all other
periods' and goods' tax rates unchanged. In that case one
might expect that the holiday increases Kaldor-Hicks efficiency as the
excess burden of taxation is reduced (or eliminated) for at least some
window of time. However, I show that the ambiguity arises from the
competing efficiency effects in two of the subgood markets. First, the
holiday may reduce distortion in the "new good" submarket,
with the typical pro-efficiency effects of a tax cut. Second, the
holiday introduces distortion in the "time-shifted" submarket,
with an efficiency effect comparable to that of a distortionary subsidy.
For instance, if the holiday temporarily reduced a tax rate from 5% to
0%, would more shifting occur than if the holiday reduced the rate from
5% to 4.9%? If so, consumers face shadow costs of shifting that imply
that the loss in tax revenues exceeds consumers' compensating
The article's second contribution is methodological in nature.
I derive structural equations for the three subgood demand concepts that
are consistent with intuitive constant price elasticity assumptions, and
subsequently derive the corresponding formulas for a holiday's
welfare effects. While these formulas are more complex than those that
would arise from more basic approximations, such precision and internal
consistency are warranted because of the fact that welfare effects
depend so critically on the precise shapes of the demand functions. For
instance, two different sets of demand functions may be in complete
agreement with regards to the share of holiday sales that are new versus
time-shifted; however, they may have completely different implications
with regards to the holiday's Kaldor-Hicks efficiency.
These formulas benefit from the fact that they depend only upon
readily observed and reliably estimated policy and demand parameters.
These parameters are specific to the good and holiday in question;
therefore, the proposed method does not require assumptions regarding
the external validity of parameters such as consumers'
intertemporal elasticity of substitution, assumptions that are often
necessary in a "macro-style" dynamic analysis. Nor does the
methodology rely on an estimate of the policy's long-run cumulative
impact on economic activity. In principle an estimate of this long-run
effect would be useful for assessing welfare effects--in practice, it is
unlikely to be estimable with much precision. I derive these structural
formulas with the intent that they prove useful for empiricists who are
interested in the welfare effects of a variety of holiday policies.
The third contribution of the paper is to fill a gap in the policy
analysis of holidays. Using the method described above, I generate the
first estimates of the Kaldor-Hicks efficiency of two different
policies: Cash for Clunkers and states' sales tax holidays. While
both policies have been criticized for reasons ranging from
administrative complexity to equity concerns to their ineffectiveness at
increasing economic activity, I also estimate that they are inefficient
from a welfare-economics, Kaldor-Hicks perspective. Merging this
article's theory of welfare effects with data from Mian and Sufi
(2012) and Busse et al. (2012), I estimate that Cash for Clunkers
provided at most $0.47 in consumers' compensating variation for
every $1 of government spending. (6)
Using estimates from Cole (2012), I estimate that states'
sales tax holidays on computers provide an average of only $0.77 in
consumers' compensating variation for every $1 of foregone tax
revenue. (7)
The paper is organized as follows. Section II models the welfare
effects of tax holidays using the subgood concepts previously described.
I also use this theoretical framework to compare and contrast a
holiday's efficiency at "increasing economic activity"
versus "providing value to consumers." Section III derives the
explicit structural formulas for the demand concepts and the
corresponding welfare effects. Section IV applies the methods to
estimate the welfare effects of Cash for Clunkers and states' sales
tax holidays. Section V concludes with a summary of the results, a
discussion of their applicability to other policy contexts, and
suggestions for future research.
Consider a good y that is purchased over multiple periods indexed
by t [member of] [OMEGA]. The good is originally taxed at a rate of
[[tau].sub.noth] in all periods, where [[tau].sub.noth] may be greater
than, less than, or equal to 0. Assuming that supply is perfectly
elastic at a price of [bar.p], the equilibrium price paid by consumers
is [p.sub.noth] = (1 + [[tau].sub.noth]) [bar.p] in all periods. I now
wish to describe the welfare effects of a policy that reduces the tax to
[[tau].sub.h] < [[tau].sub.noth] in the holiday period t = h and
leaves the tax unchanged in all other periods. The policy reduces the
period-h consumer price to [p.sub.h] = (1 + [[tau].sub.noth]) [bar.p],
increases the equilibrium quantity in period h, and (weakly) decreases
the quantities in all other periods as consumers time-shift purchases.
This general framework can encapsulate a variety of temporary policies
including tax cuts, subsidies, and other fiscal policies that are not
explicitly framed as tax cuts or subsidies but effectively act as such
by temporarily changing consumer prices.
The assumption of perfectly elastic supply simplifies the analysis
since producer surplus is 0 both before and after a holiday is enacted.
However, the assumption is unnecessary for attaining the qualitative
efficiency results, in particular the competing efficiency effects in
the new versus time-shifted submarkets. Perfectly elastic supply implies
that consumers receive the full incidence of the holiday's effect
on prices, and therefore represents the best possible case for
consumers. (8)
For parsimony, I also assume that that there are no income effects
with respect to demand for y, no cross-price effects with non-y goods,
and no externalities. This latter assumption is perhaps most contentious
in the context of a holiday, which presumably aims to increase
consumption of the targeted good due to the existence of some social
benefit that exceeds private benefit. It is well understood how to
incorporate externalities into a welfare analysis, so I maintain the
"no externality" assumption in order to focus on the less
understood divergence between a holiday's private value to
consumers and cost to government. The presence of an externality does
not negate the relevance of private welfare effects in a comprehensive
cost-benefit analysis--it simply implies that these estimates are an
insufficient but necessary component of the complete analysis. If the no
externality assumption leads to a negative efficiency finding, then an
advocate's burden for justifying the holiday is heavier to the
extent that a larger positive externality is required to make up the
difference. (9,10)
A. Demand Concepts
Given a price [p.sub.h] in the holiday period and a common price
[p.sub.noth] in all nonholiday periods, let [y.sub.t]([P.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth]) be the demand for y in period t. (11) To make the welfare
effects of a holiday as clear as possible, let us define the following
key demand concepts.
* C([p.sub.noth]) gives the demand in period h if the price were a
constant [p.sub.noth] in all periods. It is defined by
(1a) C ([p.sub.noth]) [equivalent to] [y.sub.h] [p.sub.noth],
[p.sub.noth]). for all [p.sub.noth].
* N([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) is the long-run cumulative growth
arising from the holiday, or more precisely, it is the increase in the
present value ("present" as of period h) of demand relative to
the present value if the price were [p.sub.noth] in all periods. It is
defined by
(1b) N([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) [equivalent to] [summation over (t
[member of] [OMEGA])] [(1 + R).sup.-(t-h)]
x ([y.sub.t] ([y.sub.t] ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) - [y.sub.t]
([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth]))
for all [p.sub.h] and [p.sub.noth], where R is the
government's discount rate. By construction this demand concept is
equal to 0 whenever [p.sub.h] = [p.sub.noth]; therefore, the equilibrium
quantity prior to the implementation of the holiday is N([p.sub.noth],
[p.sub.noth]) = 0, whereas the post-implementation quantity is some
value N([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) [greater than or equal to] 0.
* T([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) is the portion of [y.sub.h]
attributable to time-shifted purchases, or more precisely, it is the
magnitude of the decrease in the present value of demand in non-h
periods relative to the present value if the price were [p.sub.noth] in
all periods. It is defined by
(1c) T([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) [equivalent to] - [summation over
(t [member of] [OMEGA], t [+ or -] h)] [(1 + R).sup.-(t-h)] x [(]
([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) - [y.sub.t] ([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth])).
for all [p.sub.h] and [p.sub.noth]. By construction, this demand
concept is also equal to 0 whenever [p.sub.h] = [p.sub.noth]; therefore,
the equilibrium quantity prior to the implementation of the holiday is
T([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth]) = 0. The post-implementation quantity is
instead some value T([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) [greater than or equal to]
These definitions imply that
(2) [y.sub.h] ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) [equivalent to] C
([p.sub.noth]) + N ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) + T ([p.sub.h],
for all [p.sub.h] and [p.sub.noth]. Hence period-h demand is
decomposed into the quantity that would have been purchased under a
constant tax regime (C) and the short-run growth in sales that arise due
to the holiday (N + T). The short-run growth itself can be decomposed
into the portion that is "time-shifted" from non-h periods to
period h (T) and the portion that is genuinely "new" and would
not have occurred in any period without the temporary tax cut (N). (12)
Demand for C is perfectly inelastic with respect to changes in
[p.sub.h], but this is not true of the demand for N and T. These demand
functions will generally slope downwards as a reflection of diminishing
marginal utility of consumption. However, it is worth noting that the
marginal utility schedules in the context of a temporary tax reduction
may bear little resemblance to those in the context of a permanent
change in prices. In particular, marginal utility in the context of a
holiday will reflect various shadow costs associated with shifting
purchases that would have ideally occurred in periods other than the
First, consumers may generally prefer "smooth" to
"lumpy" intertemporal consumption flows. (13) Second,
consumers face heterogeneous shopping costs that make shopping in some
periods more convenient than others. (14) Third, consumers may face
liquidity constraints that make it difficult to purchase goods at a time
other than the originally planned period, and only a sufficiently low
holiday price incentivizes the consumer to shift. (15) Fourth,
deterioration of infrequently purchased consumer durables may lead the
optimal replenishment period to fall during a nonholiday period. (16)
These four examples are not intended to provide an exhaustive list of
the costs of shifting purchases. They do however illustrate that even
though these shadow costs are nonpecuniary, they will nonetheless affect
consumers' reservation price for shifting purchases and their
willingness to pay for the holiday. (17)
B. Graphical Interpretation of Welfare Effects
The virtue of the demand definitions given above is that a
holiday's multiperiod effects can be expressed solely in terms of
the period-h demand concepts C, N, and T. I derive analytical
expressions for a holiday's welfare effects in the next subsection,
but first explain the theory's intuition via a simple graphical
analysis of each demand concept.
Figure 1 diagrams a holiday's welfare effects on the C
submarket. By construction, the demand for C is perfectly inelastic with
respect to changes in [p.sub.h], given a fixed value of [p.sub.noth].
Within this submarket, the holiday therefore results in pure transfers
from the government (the area denoted "-G" in the figure) to
consumers ("+CV", for "compensating variation"), and
these transfers have no net effect on social surplus.
Figure 2 diagrams the welfare effects associated with the
holiday's effect on the N submarket. Holding constant [p.sub.noth],
the downward sloping demand curve shows consumer's marginal benefit
of N, whereas the horizontal line at [bar.p] shows producers'
marginal cost (i.e., supply) of N. At N = 0, the equilibrium quantity
prior to holiday implementation, consumers' marginal benefit of N
is given by (1 + [[tau].sub.noth]) [bar.p] whereas the marginal cost of
producing additional N is given by [bar.p]. If [[tau].sub.noth] > 0,
as is the case in Figure 2, then reductions in the holiday-period price
can reduce the distortionary wedge between supply and demand for N and
the holiday has the pro-efficiency effect typical of any
distortion-reducing tax cut. As drawn consumers and government both
enjoy gains, with consumer gains ("+CV" in the Figure) arising
from the lower after-tax price for N, and government gains
("+G") arising from the fact that [[tau].sub.h] > 0 and
equilibrium quantity has increased above the original equilibrium
quantity N = 0. A "full" holiday with [[tau].sub.h] = 0 will
instead yield the government zero N-related tax revenues, though it is
worth noting that the efficiency gains in the N-submarket are maximized
at [[tau].sub.h] = 0. At this tax rate the submarket's deadweight
loss triangle is entirely eroded. If [[tau].sub.h] < 0, the
government replaces a distortionary tax on N with a distortionary
subsidy, and the net effect on the submarket's deadweight loss is
theoretically ambiguous.
The possibility for efficiency gains in the TV-submarket hinges on
the existence of a distortionary wedge between supply and demand prior
to the holiday's implementation. Recall that the demand function in
Figure 2 plots N([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) for a given value of
[p.sub.noth]. If the nonholiday tax rate is 0 as opposed to some
strictly positive value, then demand for N is lower than that shown in
Figure 2. In fact, supply and demand for N are equal at the equilibrium
quantity N = 0. In this context, a reduction in the holiday-period tax
rate to some [[tau].sub.h] < 0 necessarily increases dead-weight loss
as the government subsidizes N and distorts the previously undistorted
Figure 3 diagrams the welfare effects associated with the
holiday's effect on the T submarket, with the area labeled
"+CV" denoting gains to consumers, and the area labeled
"-G" denoting decreases in government revenues. The x-axis of
the diagram shows the quantity of T units bought and sold; however, the
downward sloping demand curve T([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) shows how
demand for T varies with the difference between [p.sub.h] and
[p.sub.noth]. This is because of the fact that the difference between
holiday and nonholiday prices shows consumers' marginal benefit of
incremental T units. Analogously, producers' marginal cost of
production is equal to 0 for all quantities of T. The difference between
holiday and nonholiday prices reflects the per unit government cost for
a given level of T. For example, if [[tau].sub.noth] = 10% and
[[tau].sub.h] = 6%, then the government only loses out on the 4% tax
that would have been assessed in the original purchase period but is not
assessed during the holiday.
At T = 0, the equilibrium quantity prior to holiday implementation,
there is in fact no wedge between supply and demand. Consumers'
marginal benefit and producers' marginal cost of additional T are
both 0. For T greater than 0 consumers' marginal benefit is
actually negative. This arises from the fact that, under the
constant-tax policy and for a given present value of [y.sub.t]
quantities, consumers have optimally allocated that present value across
periods. Consumers must therefore be compensated in order to time-shift
purchases, but this is precisely what the holiday does. In essence the
holiday acts as a subsidy of T and the submarket experiences the
standard anti-efficiency effects of a distortionary subsidy that drives
equilibrium quantity above the socially efficient quantity. (18) Unlike
the new purchase submarket, the time-shifted submarket's
anti-efficiency effects stem from distortions between the holiday and
nonholiday prices; therefore, a holiday induces deadweight loss in the T
submarket regardless of whether the nonholiday tax rate is positive,
negative, or zero.
The figures illustrate an important result of the theory, namely
that the net effect of a holiday on Kaldor-Hicks efficiency is
theoretically ambiguous. A holiday increases deadweight loss if the
social surplus loss in the time-shifted submarket exceeds the social
surplus gain in the new purchase submarket. This ambiguity is itself
noteworthy because a reduction in distortionary taxes typically
decreases the excess burden of taxation.
The previous discussion does not hold government revenue fixed,
though the net effect on efficiency is unchanged under lump sum
compensation. Therefore the potential for a reduction in Kaldor-Hicks
efficiency does not rely on any assumptions regarding the
government's reliance upon other distortionary tax instruments, a
result that stands in contrast to insights based on the optimal tax
designs of Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976) or Ramsey (1927). Both
approaches would assign equal tax rates in all periods, (19) and
therefore predict less efficient market outcomes upon implementation of
a holiday. However, both of these optimal tax approaches assume that the
government must satisfy a revenue constraint subject to a fixed amount
of lump sum taxation. The Kaldor-Hicks measure of efficiency employed
herein makes no such assumptions; therefore, it is informative in
several ways.
First, it may be of inherent interest if the analyst does not
consider the government budget constraint binding, or alternatively,
does not consider the lump-sum tax instrument fixed. Second, it may
capture the first-order welfare effects of a holiday-type policy while
remaining theoretically tractable and agnostic with regards to other
distortionary tax instruments. Third, it may be considered an upper
bound estimate on the holiday's welfare effects if the government
maintains revenue neutrality via increases in other distortionary taxes.
Therefore an anti-efficiency finding in the lump-sum compensation
context is all the more damning for an alternative policy counterfactual
with non-lump-sum compensation.
C. Analytical Expression of Welfare Effects
In order to derive analytical expressions for the welfare effects
of holidays, it will prove useful to define a few inverse demand
concepts that are closely related to the earlier demand concepts.
* p([y.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) gives the period-h inverse demand for
[y.sub.h] holding constant [p.sub.noth]. It is implicitly defined by
(3a) [y.sub.h] [equivalent to] [y.sub.h] (p ([y.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth]), [p.sub.noth]).
* [p.sup.N] (N, [p.sub.noth]) is the holiday-period price that
yields a certain quantity of N demand holding constant [p.sub.noth]. It
is implicitly defined by
(3b) [p.sub.h] [equivalent to] [p.sup.N] (N([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth]), [p.sub.noth]).
Note that [p.sup.N] (0, [p.sub.noth]) = [p.sub.noth] for all
[p.sub.noth]. Therefore, the equilibrium value of [p.sup.N] prior to
implementation of the holiday is given by [p.sub.noth]. In contrast, the
equilibrium value following holiday implementation is given by
* [DELTA][p.sup.T] (T, [p.sub.noth]) is the difference in holiday
and nonholiday prices that yields a certain T demand holding constant
[p.sub.noth]. It is implicitly defined by
(3c) [p.sub.h] -[p.sub.noth] [equivalent to] [DELTA][p.sup.T] (T
([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]), [p.sub.noth]).
Note that [DELTA][p.sup.T] (0, [p.sub.noth]) = 0 for all
[p.sub.noth]. Therefore, the equilibrium value of [DELTA][p.sup.T] prior
to implementation of the holiday is 0. In contrast, the equilibrium
value following holiday implementation is given by [p.sub.h] -
Using the definitions, the welfare effects of the holiday are given
in the next propositions.
PROPOSITION la. Employing the envelope theorem to the choice of
consumer durables and invoking the previously defined demand concepts,
the consumer's compensating variation for the holiday is given by
(4a) CV = - ([p.sub.h] - [p.sub.noth]) C ([p.sub.noth])
PROPOSITION 1b. Invoking the previously defined demand concepts,
the change in government revenues because of the holiday is given by
(5a) [DELTA]G = ([p.sub.h] - [p.sub.noth]) C ([p.sub.noth])
Proofs. See Appendix.
The "a" lines of Equations (4) and (5) correspond to a
holiday's effects on consumer welfare and government revenues in
the C-submarket in Figure 1, respectively. The "b" lines
correspond to the effects in the N-submarket in Figure 2, and the
"c" lines to the effects in the T-submarket in Figure 3.
The Kaldor-Hicks measure of economic efficiency, which I denote as
[DELTA]SS to denote the change in social surplus, is given by the sum CV
PROPOSITION 1c. The change in social surplus is given by
(6a) [DELTA]SS = 0
Proof. Equation (6a) is the sum of Equations (4a) and (5a).
Equation (6b) is the sum of Equations (4b) and (5b). Equation (6c) is
the sum of Equations (4c) and (5c).
If the government budget constraint is fixed, [DELTA]SS is an
accurate measure of the impact on social surplus only if the government
compensates via lump sum taxation. (20) If that is not the case and the
government compensates with increases in other distortionary taxes,
[DELTA]SS misstates the true effect on social surplus. In fact the
[DELTA]SS measure generally overestimates the true change in social
surplus assuming that the government's marginal cost of funds for
the compensating and distortionary tax instrument is greater than 0.
D. Comparing Efficiency Concepts
[DELTA]SS can also be expressed in terms of the holiday and
nonholiday tax rates, along with a few readily interpretable
reduced-form parameters. In particular consider the following:
(7a) g = N ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) + T ([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth])/C ([p.sub.noth])
is the short-run growth in period h because of the holiday;
(7b) [s.sup.N] = ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth])/N ([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth]) + T ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) and
(7c) [s.sup.T] = T ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth])/N ([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth]) + T ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth])
are the shares of short-run growth attributable to new versus
time-shifted shifted units, with
[s.sup.N] [member of] [0, 1], [s.sup.T] [member of] [0, 1], and
[s.sup.N] + [s.sup.T] = 1;
is the ratio of realized to maximum potential consumer surplus in
the N submarket, with [f.sup.N] [member of] [0, 1]; and
is the ratio of realized to maximum potential consumer surplus in
the T submarket, with [f.sup.T] [member of] [0, 1]. (22)
With these definitions, [DELTA]SS can be written as
Equation (8) shows that the sign of [DELTA]SS is the same as the
sign of ([[tau].sub.h]/[[tau].sub.noth] - [[tau].sub.h]) [s.sup.N] 4-
[f.sup.N] [s.sup.N] - (1 - [f.sup.T]) [s.sup.T]. Interestingly, a
ceteris paribus change in growth, g, has no effect on the sign of
[DELTA]SS. Instead, higher growth implies only that the magnitude of
[DELTA]SS is higher, whether [DELTA]SS be positive or negative. In
contrast, [s.sup.N], [s.sup.T], [f.sub.N], and [f.sup.T] each affect the
likelihood that the temporary tax reduction is efficiency-enhancing. In
particular, a higher share of new purchases (or conversely, a lower
share of time-shifted purchases) increases [DELTA]SS, as do higher
[f.sup.N] and [f.sup.T]. (23)
In an effort to compare the current welfarebased concept of
efficiency against an activity-based concept, let us now consider a
commonly cited statistic, cost to the government per genuinely new (not
time-shifted) unit. For instance, received significant media
attention (and a rebuttal from the Obama White House) for its estimate
that Cash for Clunkers cost the government $24,000 per incremental car
purchase. Cole (2012) employs such a measure in his analysis of sales
tax holidays on computers, and in fact estimates that the
government's cost per new computer exceeded the price of the
computers themselves. (24) In terms of the reduced-form parameters, this
alternative measure is given by
where a lower measure of [absolute value of [DELTA]G]/N presumably
indicates greater efficiency.
Like [DELTA]SS, [absolute value of [DELTA]G]/N is more efficient if
[s.sup.N] is larger. In contrast to [DELTA]SS however, [absolute value
of [DELTA]G]/N decreases with g. This arises from the fact that a large
portion of the government's cost arises from the C units that would
have been purchased even in the absence of the holiday. A higher g does
not change this portion of the government's cost, but holding
constant [s.sup.N] and [s.sup.T] does imply that more new purchases were
induced by the cut; therefore, the government pays less per newly
incentivized purchase.
Most notable in this alternative efficiency measure are the
absences of [f.sup.N] and [f.sup.T]. Therefore, [s.sup.N] and [s.sup.T]
(along with the readily observable [[tau].sub.h], [[tau].sub.noth],
[bar.p], and g) are sufficient statistics for pinning down an
"activity"-based efficiency measure such as [absolute value of
[DELTA]G]/N. In contrast, [s.sup.N] and [s.sup.T] are insufficient for
estimating [DELTA]SS and are instead sufficient only in determining its
upper and lower bounds. At best [f.sup.N] =[f.sup.T] = 1, in which case
[DELTA]SS is positive if the good was originally taxed (i.e., if
[[tau].sub.noth] > 0). At worst [f.sup.N] = [f.sup.T] = 0, in which
case [DELTA]SS is negative if [[tau].sub.noth] < 0 or
[[tau].sub.noth] > 0 and [s.sup.T] >
[[tau].sub.h]/[[tau].sub.noth]. (25)
The absences of [f.sup.N] and [f.sup.T] from [absolute value of
[DELTA]G]/N and inclusion in [DELTA]SS also imply that the two
efficiency measures may bear little relationship to one another. The
activity-based measure does not factor in consumers' willingness to
pay for a holiday whereas the Kaldor-Hicks measure does. For instance a
large value of [s.sup.T] may yield a high (inefficient) [absolute value
of [DELTA]G]/N, but [DELTA]SS may nonetheless be positive (efficient) if
[f.sup.N] and [f.sup.T] are sufficiently large. More generally, there
exist infinitely many demand functions that will yield the same
[s.sup.N] and [s.sup.T] for a holiday, and therefore will have the same
estimated impacts on economic activity; however, the demand functions in
this set may have [f.sup.N] and [f.sup.T] values anywhere from 0 to 1.
The result is that two different demand functions from within this set
may have dramatically different estimates of Kaldor-Hicks efficiency. In
fact, for a given [s.sup.N] and [s.sup.T], two different demand
functions may not even agree upon the sign of [DELTA]SS, much less the
magnitude. These observations help motivate the next endeavor, to
construct a structural demand model that pins down consumers'
compensating variation given the data that is available around a
Two general challenges arise when estimating the statistics
necessary for holiday efficiency analysis. The first is definitional in
nature, namely that different researchers may apply different
definitions to what they consider a "new" versus a
"time-shifted" purchase. For instance, consider an individual
who purchases a car during Cash for Clunkers. She would not have
purchased the car in the absence of the program, which may lead the
analyst to allocate that purchase to "new" sales. On the other
hand, she would have also bought the car if the program were instituted
on a permanent basis, but in a period other than the actual Cash for
Clunkers window. The fact that she purchased during the specific program
window rather than this alternative period indicates that the program
induced some timing behavior and that the analyst should allocate that
purchase to "time-shifted" sales.
The second challenge is empirical in nature. Even conditional upon
using the new and time-shifted concepts defined earlier as N and T, data
will not distinguish between those sales that fall in the C, N, and T
categories. In principle one could measure the sales in all periods and
compare these values to the hypothetical sales that would have occurred
absent the holiday, with the difference in these cumulative sales
amounts equaling N. T would then equal the difference between the
short-run effect during the holiday window itself and the long-run
cumulative effect.
In practice however, only the short-run effect is likely to be
estimable with much confidence. The long-run effect requires the
summation of effects across periods, a process that mechanically
increases the confidence interval around the cumulative effect's
estimate. This statistical issue is noted in both House and Shapiro
(2008) and Mian and Sufi (2012), the latter of which estimates with
relative confidence the large short-run impact of Cash for Clunkers on
car sales during the Cash for Clunkers window itself. The authors also
estimate that the program's long-run effect on cumulative sales is
close to 0, but the confidence interval around this cumulative point
estimate is large. The authors reject the null hypothesis that the
long-run cumulative effect on sales is 50% of the initial short-run
impact, but cannot reject that the long-run impact is generally
somewhere between 0% and 50%. Clearly however, Cash for Clunkers'
efficacy depends on whether this number is closer to 0% or closer to
When even a data set and empirical methodology as impressive as
those employed by Mian and Sufi cannot provide the necessary precision,
the importance of a robust structural approach is evident. I therefore
proceed by deriving a set of analytically tractable demand functions for
C, N, and T that are based on constant elasticity assumptions. To be
clear, I cannot assert that these functions are the "right"
ones--if they are not, the estimated efficiency effects that arise from
them will be incorrect. However, constant elasticity has an intuitive
appeal that leads to its broad application in structural models.
Furthermore, the constant elasticity assumption can always be tested
(and rejected, if need be) under the right circumstances and with
sufficient data. I in fact perform such a test in my subsequent analysis
of computer sales tax holidays and cannot reject the assumption.
These demand functions are relatively more complex than those that
would arise from an alternative structural assumption such as linearity.
However, I contend that use of the precise demand functions implied by
constant elasticity, as opposed to simpler first- or second-order
approximations, is especially warranted in an analysis of Kaldor-Hicks
efficiency because the welfare effects depend so critically on the
shapes on the demand functions. (26)
A. Structural Demand
The structural model that I now present relies on two
assumptions--that demand has constant elasticity with respect to a
permanent (i.e., all period) change in prices, and that demand has
constant elasticity with respect to a change in only the holiday period
price. Formally these assumptions are:
where [epsilon] is the "permanent" price elasticity of
the good and [gamma] is the "residual" holiday price
elasticity that is unexplained by the permanent price elasticity,
[epsilon] and [gamma] are both weakly negative, with [gamma] < 0
implying that demand reacts more strongly when [p.sub.h] changes but
other periods' prices are unchanged. These assumptions are
sufficient for pinning down precise relationships between prices and the
[y.sub.h], C, N, and T demand concepts.
PROPOSITION 2. Assumptions (10a) and (10b) imply that:
(11a) [y.sub.h] ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) = z
[([p.sub.h].sup.[epsilon]] [([p.sub.h]/[p.sub.noth]).sup.[gamma]],
(11b) C([p.sub.noth]) = z [([p.sub.noth]).sup.[epsilon]],
where z is a constant.
Proof. See Appendix.
The permanent price elasticity [epsilon] can be estimated outside
of the temporary tax cut context using standard methods. The demand
parameters z and [gamma] are identified via estimates of the
constant-tax-regime quantity (C) and the short-run holiday-induced
growth (g). (27) The method for identifying C is straight-forward. For
instance, a researcher may look at the holiday-granting
jurisdiction's quantities preceding the implementation of the
holiday, or alternatively, look at a comparable, non-holiday-granting
jurisdiction's quantities. The implicit assumption would be that
these quantities estimate the quantity of sales that would have occurred
in the holiday-granting-jurisdiction had the holiday not been enacted, g
is then identified by comparing this hypothetical quantity to the actual
holiday quantity. Of critical importance, both C and g are estimable
with greater precision and confidence than long-run cumulative growth.
B. Estimated Welfare Effects
Plugging the structural demand equations into Equations (4) and
(5), and taking advantage of the identities given in footnote 27, a
holiday's welfare effects are given by
These expressions have two primary virtues: (a) they rely on five
pieces of reliably estimable information ([[tau].sub.noth],
[[tau].sub.h], [epsilon], g, and [bar.p]C, the pretax spending in the
absence of the holiday) and (b) they are internally consistent with
intuitive constant elasticity assumptions. It is my hope that these
formulations will prove useful toward analysis of a broad range of
temporary fiscal policies.
For the sake of completeness, the structural demand equations imply
that the previously discussed activity-based measure of efficiency is
given by
Whether or not this measure exceeds [bar.p] is a natural criterion
for assessing the activity-based efficiency of a holiday. After all, if
the cost-to-government per new unit is greater than [bar.p], then the
government could have directly purchased the new units and given them
away at lower total cost. The formulation above demonstrates an
important implication for the activity-based measure--it is greater than
[bar.p] for any [epsilon] > - 1, less than [bar.p] for any [epsilon]
< - 1, and equal to [bar.p] if [epsilon] = - 1. Note that these
statements hold for any estimated level of growth, which in turn
suggests that the activity-based efficiency measure will be quite
sensitive to the estimate of permanent price elasticity [epsilon]. If
the analyst's activity-based efficiency criterion is simply based
on whether [absolute value of [DELTA]G]/N exceeds [bar.p], then the
outcome is predetermined by the value of [epsilon], regardless of the
extent of the holiday's price or growth effects.
To demonstrate the methodology's broad applicability, I now
estimate the welfare effects of two different holiday-type policies. The
first is Cash for Clunkers, the second is a sales tax holiday on
computers. The two policies differ on several dimensions beyond simply
the targeted commodity. Sales tax holidays are explicitly framed as
temporary tax cuts, whereas Cash for Clunkers was framed as a temporary
voucher program. Sales tax holidays are implemented at the state level,
where the size of the holiday discount depends on the state's
nonholiday sales tax rate, while Cash for Clunkers was implemented at
the federal level and voucher amounts and eligibility criteria did not
vary across states. The federal government's cost of Cash for
Clunkers is directly measurable, whereas the cost of sales tax holidays
must be inferred from estimates of new versus time-shifted sales.
Despite these differences, the two policies share salient features
such that this paper's methods are readily applicable. Both
policies target a durable good and therefore incentivize significant
time-shifting. Furthermore, previous empirical exercises have estimated
that consumers realized the entire incidence of both the sales tax
holiday tax cut and the Cash for Clunkers vouchers, thus validating the
prior assumption of perfectly elastic supply. (28)
A. Cash for Clunkers
Cash for Clunkers was a $2.85 billion federal program in July and
August 2009. It offered program participants a voucher for either $3,500
or $4,500 if the individual traded in a car with sufficiently low gas
mileage for a car with sufficiently high gas mileage. Whether an
individual received the $3,500 or $4,500 voucher depended on the
difference in mileages between the turned-in "clunker" and the
purchased new car. The traded-in clunker was then scrapped to ensure its
removal from the US auto fleet. (29)
The welfare analysis of Cash for Clunkers relies on empirical
results from Mian and Sufi (2012) and Busse et al. (2012). The former
focuses on the economic activity generated by Cash for Clunkers, the
latter on the extent to which consumers realized the full incidence of
the program's vouchers. Both pieces of information are necessary
but insufficient for estimating welfare effects without the structure
provided in this article.
Estimates from Mian and Sufi (2012) imply 120% short-run growth in
voucher-eligible car sales during the Cash for Clunkers window. (30) The
authors' point estimate of the effect on cumulative sales through 1
year is close to zero, implying that virtually all of the short-run
growth consisted of time-shifted sales. However, the authors acknowledge
that the confidence interval around this long-run effect is quite large.
For my welfare analysis, I employ the article's implied short-run
growth rate of 120% but allow the permanent price elasticity to dictate
the share of said growth that stems from time-shifting. (31)
Busse et al. (2012) estimate that customers received the entirety
of the voucher's incidence. The authors also point out that the
voucher receipt required the forfeiture of the clunker; therefore, the
net discount to consumers is given by the difference between the voucher
value and the value of the forfeited clunker. The average voucher value
was $4,210 but the average voucher value net of trade-in value was only
$2,390, jointly implying that forfeited clunkers had an average trade-in
value of $1,820. These numbers compare to an average price of $22,592
for a new vehicle purchased under Cash for Clunkers. (32) Assuming that
the voucher value is untaxed by a state and that the forfeited clunker
would have reduced a purchaser's sales tax liability if traded in
at another time, then Cash for Clunkers reduced consumers'
effective price of purchasing a car by 2,390/22,592 [approximately equal
to] 10.6 %. (33)
Table 1 shows the estimated effect on car purchases under two
different assumptions regarding permanent price elasticity. Panel A uses
[epsilon] = -0.87 while Panel B uses [epsilon] = -3.31. The former is
the McCarthy (1996) estimate of the price elasticity for new vehicle
purchases. (34) The latter implies that half of the short-run growth was
attributable to genuinely new, not time-shifted, purchases. Mian and
Sufi (2012) statistically rejects that half of the short-run growth was
attributable to new purchases, so [epsilon] = -3.31 bounds the true
permanent elasticity. Within each [epsilon]-panel, the effects are
estimated for three preexisting tax circumstances: a low 0% tax, a
medium 5.71% tax, and a high 10.25% tax. These values reflect the range
of US sales tax rates in 2009, where 5.71% is a weighted average across
the United States. (35) I consider [epsilon] = -0.87 and a preexisting
tax of 5.71% to be the base case scenario while [epsilon] = -3.31 and a
preexisting tax of 10.25% is a best case scenario.
Column 1 shows the preexisting tax rate, whereas Column 2 shows a
consumer's effective tax rate after accounting for the
program's 10.6% reduction in consumer price. Columns 3 and 4 show
the estimated share of new versus time-shifted sales, respectively.
Given an estimated growth in sales, these estimates depend upon the
relative price of a car during versus not during the Clunkers window,
not the price level itself. Thus the estimates do not vary within a
panel, though they do change as e changes between panels. Given the
vastly different estimates of time-shifted sales between panels, it is
no surprise that the government cost per new car (the last Column) also
differs tremendously between panels. (36) The estimates in Panel A are
around $25,000 per car, slightly larger than's $24,000
estimate. The estimates in Panel A exceed the average tax- and
voucher-exclusive car price of $22,592, implying that the government
could have directly bought the new cars at lower cost, though the result
is expected given that the permanent price elasticity has magnitude less
than one. The cost per new car is only about a third as large under the
[[tau].sub.s] = - 3.31 scenarios in Panel B, thus demonstrating the
activity-based efficiency measure's high sensitivity to the
permanent price elasticity.
Table 2 instead shows the estimated welfare effects for each
permanent price elasticity and sales tax scenario. Column 2 shows the
effects on consumer's compensating variation arising from the
program's 10.6% reduction in consumer price. Larger preexisting
taxes lead to larger estimates of compensating variation. In the base
case I estimate that consumers gained $1.17 billion in compensating
variation. This stands in contrast to the $2.85 billion spent by the
federal government (Column 3). State tax revenues are also estimated to
have decreased (see Column 4), but only slightly so in the base case.
In each scenario considered in the Table, the net cost to
government (federal and state) far exceeds consumers' compensating
variation; therefore, each scenario's net change in social surplus
(i.e., the value in Column 5) is negative. In the base case Cash for
Clunkers is estimated to have created $1.69 billion in additional
deadweight loss in the economy. Even in the best case scenario the
program is estimated to have created fully $1.36 billion in additional
deadweight loss. (37) Column 6 frames the welfare effects alternatively,
showing consumers' compensating variation as a fraction of
government cost. In the base case scenario, the program provided
consumers only $0.41 in compensating variation for every $1 of
government cost. In the best case scenario the consumer valuation ratio
only rises to $0.47.
The only prior estimate of the program's welfare effects is a
back-of-the-envelope calculation in Abrams and Parsons (2009). (38) The
difference between their consumer welfare and mine rests on three
methodological differences. First, Abrams and Parsons assume that
forfeited clunkers are only worth $1,000 on average, a perfectly
acceptable (and it turns out conservative) estimate given that the
actual value of $1,820 was only known 3 years later following the
considerable empirical effort of Busse et al. (2012). Second, they
assume that the market for cars is undistorted prior to the
program's implementation. If this is not true, as in states that
levy sales taxes, then the Abrams and Parsons methodology misses out on
potential efficiency gains in the genuinely new car submarket.
Finally, and most importantly, the Abrams and Parsons methodology
assumes that consumers gain surplus of 1/2 of the voucher's value
(net of forfeited clunker value). The authors acknowledge that this
assumption requires "invoking some linearity and constant
distribution across the demand function." (p. 2) The structural
methodology employed herein instead implies that the value is much
higher at approximately 69%. (39) The divergence stems primarily from
the current methodology's recognition that many vouchers, 45% of
them in fact, went to consumers who would have bought during the
program's window anyway. While the surplus value to new and
time-shifting consumers was in fact close to 50% of the net voucher
value, the surplus to consumers who would have bought anyway is
precisely 100% of the net voucher value. My estimates of compensating
variation would be fully 27% lower under the Abrams and Parsons
assumption, which translates to a downward bias in compensating
variation of fully $301 million even assuming that the market is
initially undistorted. (40) This large bias demonstrates the importance
of using this article's structural methodology as opposed to linear
As previously discussed, the methods in this paper only account for
the private welfare effects of a temporary fiscal policy. Proponents of
Cash for Clunkers would contend that both time-shifted and new sales
provided external benefits, time-shifted sales to the extent that the
economy's resources were underutilized, new units to the extent
that a more fuel efficient fleet would reduce environmental damage. The
existence of said externalities does not eliminate the relevance of
private welfare effects in a complete cost-benefit analysis--instead, it
implies that private welfare effects are a necessary but insufficient
component of the complete analysis. The evidence in support of the
program's stimulative effect is generally weak (see Copeland and
Kahn 2013; Gayer and Parker 2013; Mian and Sufi 2012), but let us
consider its environmental impact. Using the base case social welfare
loss of $1,685 billion and assuming the program eliminated the Li, Linn,
and Spiller (2013) lower bound estimate of 9.0 million tons of
C[O.sub.2], then Cash for Clunkers was efficient only if the external
cost of a ton of C02 is at least $187. Assuming instead that the program
eliminated the authors' upper bound estimate of 28.2 million tons
of C[O.sub.2], then it was efficient only if the external cost of a ton
of C[O.sub.2] is at least $60. This latter value is greater than the $39
cost estimated by the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of
Carbon. (41)
B. Sales Tax Holidays
In 2012, 18 US states held sales tax holidays. The holidays
temporarily eliminate sales taxes on select goods, with most occurring
for a few days during the back-to-school shopping period. They most
commonly target clothing, computers, and school supplies, though some
states employ holidays on other goods ranging from energy efficient
products to hurricane preparedness items to firearms. (42) The current
analysis draws upon the results of Cole (2012), an empirical study of
computer sales tax holidays in nine US states in 2007. Table 3 shows
Cole's estimates of holiday price elasticities and the nonholiday
tax rates on computers in each state, along with my calculation of the
large, implied holiday growth.
The structural welfare formulas in Equations (12) and (13) rely on
the constant elasticity assumptions in Equations (10a) and (10b). A
multi-state holiday, which targets a common good but features different
holiday discounts across states, provides an opportunity to test these
assumptions. Under a null hypothesis of constant elasticities, the
natural log of the gross holiday-induced growth should be proportional
to the natural log of the nonholiday tax-inclusive price. Figure 4 shows
this relationship for the nine states in Cole (2012). While the usual
caveats apply to a sample of only nine observations, the proportional
relationship cannot be rejected. (43)
Table 4, Panel A provides the estimated new share ([s.sup.N]) and
time-shifted share ([s.sup.T]) using this article's structural
demand functions, the growth estimates from Table 3, and an assumption
that each state's demand has a permanent price elasticity of
[epsilon] = -0.842 as estimated in Cole (2012). Although the states have
different nonholiday tax rates and holiday-induced growth rates, the
time-shifted share is relatively constant at around 90%. The lowest
time-shift share is 88.8% in both Louisiana and New Mexico, the two
states with the smallest growth rates. These states require relatively
smaller magnitude [gamma]'s in order to explain the growth that
occurred in excess of that predicted by [epsilon] alone, hence the lower
[s.sup.T] values.
The table also provides estimates of the activity-based efficiency
measure [absolute value of [DELTA]G]/ ([bar.p]N), the government cost
per dollar of new spending. Like [s.sup.N] and [s.sup.T] these ratios
are similar across states, ranging from 1.116 to 1.160 with an average
of 1.138. The fact that these ratios are in excess of 1 imply that the
governments could have bought the new computers and given them away at a
smaller revenue cost than the holiday.
Panel B provides the same estimates but under an assumption that
each state has a larger permanent price responsiveness of [epsilon] =
-1.83, the price elasticity of computers from Greenwood and Kopecky
(2013). As expected, the larger magnitude [epsilon] increases each
state's estimated share of new purchases, with an average [s.sup.N]
increase of 83% relative to Panel A. The new [epsilon] dramatically
lowers [absolute value of [DELTA]G]/ ([bar.p]N) in each state, with the
average now 0.603 across states, though this is no surprise given the
prior observation that any [epsilon] less than (greater than) one in
magnitude will have a [absolute value of [DELTA]G]/ ([bar.p]N) value
greater than (less than) one. Interestingly, this change in e also
reverses the states' rankings in terms of [absolute value of
[DELTA]G]/ ([bar.p]N). Louisiana and Tennessee were the most and least
efficient, respectively, in Panel A; in Panel B, they are instead least
and most efficient. (44) In sum, it is clear that estimates of a
holiday's activity-based efficiency are quite sensitive to
Table 5 presents the estimated welfare effects, where each
state's compensating variation (Column 2), cost to government
(Column 3), and change in social surplus (Column 4) are normalized by
the state's holiday-period tax revenues under the original
constant-tax regime. Panel A presents the estimates for the baseline of
[epsilon] = -0.842, in which case the average normalized compensating
variation is 1.411, the average normalized government cost is -1.860,
and the average normalized change in social surplus is --0.449. In each
and every state the losses to the government exceed consumers'
compensating variation, leading to a net decrease in social surplus. In
net holidays generate an average of only $0.77 in compensating variation
for every $1 of foregone tax revenue (see Column 5) as the
inefficiencies associated with subsidization of time-shifted units
significantly outweigh any efficiencies associated with the elimination
of the tax distortion on genuinely new units.
Comparing across states, compensating variation and the change in
government revenues are positively and negatively correlated with
nonholiday tax rates, respectively. (45) This is not surprising given
that a holiday is more of a boon to consumers in high tax states, but
will also cost the high-tax government more revenue. In net however,
social surplus losses are largest in high tax states. This stands in
contrast to Panel A in Table 4, which showed that holidays were more
efficient in high tax states according to the activity-based efficiency
Panel B in Table 5 provides the welfare estimates under the
[epsilon] = - 1.83 alternative. This change in [epsilon] does not affect
the compensating variation estimates but reduces the magnitude of the
government's estimated revenue losses. In net each state's
change in social surplus remains negative, though less so (in magnitude)
compared with Panel A. Larger magnitude permanent price elasticity
therefore makes the holidays appear relatively more efficient by both
activity-based and welfare-based criteria, though the welfare-based
measure is much less sensitive to e. Comparing across states, the change
in e does not change the Panel A finding that higher tax states have
larger social surplus losses, whereas the change in e completely
reversed the correlation between tax rates and activity-based
efficiency. (46)
While temporary fiscal policies may induce response along a
potentially efficiency-enhancing "new purchase" margin, they
also induce response along an efficiency-decreasing
"time-shift" margin. As such the net effect on Kaldor-Hicks
efficiency is theoretically ambiguous. To rectify this situation I
presented a structural model that is internally consistent with constant
demand elasticities and relies only upon reliably estimable information.
Using this framework I estimate that two different policies, Cash for
Clunkers and states' sales tax holidays, are both Kaldor-Hicks
inefficient. Both policies cost government significantly more than
consumers received in compensating variation.
While the methods presented herein can be applied to other
policies, the specific empirical results should not be generalized. For
instance, the degree to which consumers react to and value a sales tax
holiday on clothing (or an expiring hybrid car subsidy, or a temporary
first-time homebuyer credit, etc.) will depend on their
clothing-specific preferences and willingness to delay or expedite
clothing purchases. There is no reason to expect these preferences will
align with those for fuel-efficient cars or computers. Therefore a
fruitful avenue of policy-relevant research would be to use this
paper's techniques to estimate the efficiency effects of other
temporary fiscal policies that induce responses along the same new and
time-shifted margins.
Given that holidays may not pass muster in terms of Kaldor-Hicks
efficiency, additional research may address their prevalence.
Externalities are an unsatisfactory explanation if the external benefit
arises from new as opposed to time-shifted purchases-why not lower the
tax rate or subsidize in all periods, even by a small amount, and avoid
the inefficient distortions associated with time-shifting? On the other
hand, time-shifting may be desirable if the market is slack and there is
social benefit to stimulus. This argument carries weight for policies
such as Cash for Clunkers, but even so, it does not imply that the
private welfare effects should be ignored. The stimulus argument carries
little weight for policies like sales tax holidays that tend to occur at
regularly scheduled intervals, not just periods when the market is weak.
Perhaps the intent of holidays is not to increase economic
efficiency but rather to target certain favored portions of the
population. In terms of the current analysis, I have estimated the
aggregate compensating variation across all consumers. If only a
preferred portion of the population shops during holidays, but consumers
are evenly affected by tax increases that compensate for lost revenues,
then holidays may provide distributional benefits. Or perhaps the story
behind holidays is one of political economy or psychology. Holidays
garner significant attention from consumers, producers, the media, and
voters. Perhaps it is the salience of a large but brief policy change,
especially in comparison to a small, permanent, but more efficient
change, that makes holiday policies so popular.
doi: 10.1111/ecin.12223
Proof of Proposition 1a
Applying the envelope theorem to the consumer's expenditure
minimization problem, the benefit of a marginal change in [p.sub.h] is -
[y.sub.h]([p.sub.h], [P.sub.noth]). This result is shown as equation
14.41 (p. 632) of the Just, Hueth, and Schmitz (2004) treatment of
intertemporal economic welfare analysis in the context of a durable
good. Therefore:
The first step relies on the decomposition of [y.sub.h] given in
Equation (2). The second follows from integration by parts. The third
relies on the facts that N([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth]) = 0 and
T([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth]) = 0. Finally the last step is obtained
from integration by substitution and uses the implicit definitions of
the [p.sup.N] and [DELTA][p.sup.T] functions given in Equations (3b) and
(3c), respectively.
Proof of Proposition lb
The government's tax revenue changes due to: changes in the
quantities sold in non-/; periods; changes in the quantity sold in hand changes in the per-unit tax collected in h. The present value of the
change in revenues is given by
The first step relies on the subgood definitions given in Equation
(1). The second gathers subgood quantity terms.
The third relies on the facts that N([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth]) =
0 and T([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth]) = 0
Proof of Proposition 2
Assumption (10b) states that
(A3a) [partial derivative] ln [y.sub.h]([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth])/[partial derivative][p.sub.h] = [epsilon] + [gamma] +
Integrating over [p.sub.h] therefore implies that
(A3b) ln [y.sub.h]([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) = ([epsilon] +
[gamma])ln[p.sub.h] + [f.sub.1]([p.sub.noth])
where [f.sub.1] is a function that depends on [p.sub.noth] but not
[p.sub.h]. Assumption (10a) holds for all f including h; therefore
Equations (10a) and (10b) together imply that
(A4a) [partial derivative] ln [y.sub.h]([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth])/[partial derivative][p.sub.noth] = -[gamma].
Integrating over [p.sub.noth] therefore implies that
(A4b) ln [y.sub.h]([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) = -[gamma] ln
[p.sub.noth] + [f.sub.2]([p.sub.h])
where [f.sub.2] is a function that depends on [p.sub.h] but not
[p.sub.noth]. In net, Equations (A3b) and (A4b) are both satisfied if
and only if
(A5) [y.sub.h] ([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) =
where z is a constant.
The definition of C given in Equation (la), together with the
previous result, imply that
(A6a) C ([p.sub.noth]) = [y.sub.h] ([p.sub.noth], [p.sub.noth])
(A6b) = z[([p.sub.noth]).sup.[epsilon]].
Before moving on to the derivation of the new and time-shifted
demands, it will prove useful to define [y.sup.*.sub.t] (p) as the
Hicksian demand in period t as a function of the entire vector of
[p.sub.t] prices, p. Note that the [y.sub.t]([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth])
functions hold prices constant in non-h periods; therefore, their
partials are related to those of the [y.sup.*.sub.t](p) functions
according to
(A7a) [partial derivative][y.sub.t]([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth])/[partial derivative][p.sub.h] = [partial
derivative][y.sup.*.sub.t](p)/[partial derivative][p.sub.h]
for all t and
(A7b) [partial derivative][y.sub.t]([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth])/[partial derivative][p.sub.noth] = [summation over
(s[member of][OMEGA],S[not equal to] [partial
derivative][y.sup.*.sub.t](p)/[partial derivative][p.sub.s].
for all t. Furthermore Young's Theorem implies that
(A7c) [partial derivative][y.sup.*.sub.h](p)/[partial
derivative][p.sub.t] = [(1 + R).sup.-(t-h)] [partial
derivative][y.sup.*.sub.t](p)/[partial derivative][p.sub.h].
Combining these properties therefore implies that
With this final result in mind, we now proceed to the derivation of
T. Taking the partial of its definition in Equation (1c),
(A8b) = -[partial derivative][y.sub.h]([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth])/[partial derivative][p.sub.noth]
(A8c) = z[gamma][([p.sub.h]).sup.[epsilon]+[gamma]][([p.sub.noth]).sup.-[gamma]- 1].
Integrating this expression and accounting for the boundary
condition T([p.sup.noth], [p.sub.noth]) = 0 then yields
(A9) T([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) = z[([p.sub.h]).sup.[epsilon]]
([gamma]/1 + [epsilon] + [gamma]) (777Z7)
x ([([p.sub.h]/[p.sub.noth]).sup.1+[gamma]] -
[([p.sub.h]/[p.sub.noth]).sup.- [epsilon]]).
Finally, N can be solved for using the [y.sub.h] decomposition
identity in Equation (2) along with the previous results:
(A10a) N([p.sub.h], [p.sub.noth]) = [y.sub.h] (([p.sub.h],
[p.sub.noth]) - C{[p.sub.noth]) - T([p.sub.h]/[p.sub.noth])
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(1.) July 27, 2009 press release,
Encourages+Consumers+to+Buy+More+Fuel-Efficient+ Cars+and+Trucks, last
accessed December 10, 2014.
(2.) For instance, it is hard to imagine a policymaker proposing a
brief holiday on a product as meritorious and delicious, but
short-lived, as Greek yogurt.
(3.) While Mian and Sufi (2012) directly addresses Cash for
Clunkers, the article also notes the existence of significant timing
response to the first-time homebuyer credits.
(4.) More precisely, the holiday would provide consumers just as
much value as an unrestricted cash payment in the amount of the tax
(5.) See Just, Hueth, and Schmitz (2004, 629-35), for a rigorous
description of the envelope theorem approach to welfare analysis in the
case of consumer durables.
(6.) Mian and Sufi (2012) estimate the policy's impact on
short- and long-run economic activity, while Busse et al. (2012)
estimate the policy's price effects. Both pieces of information are
necessary, but not sufficient, for estimating welfare effects.
(7.) The Hawkins and Mikesell (2001) critique of sales tax holidays
asks "Would customers/taxpayers prefer a $12 tax cut delivered by a
check in the mail or to have to spend roughly $200 (assuming a 6 percent
tax rate) during a particular week of the year on the specifically
exempted goods to receive the same financial benefit?" This article
provides the methodological framework for actually answering this
rhetorical question.
(8.) If supply is less than perfectly elastic, the pre-tax price
will rise during the holiday period and suppliers will share the
holiday's incidence. Consumers' compensating variation will be
smaller but the change in producer surplus will be greater than 0.
(9.) If external benefits exist, they are likely to differ between
new and time-shifted units. The methodology proposed herein helps
distinguish between these two quantities.
(10.) In the Introduction I contrasted this article's approach
against less tractable macroeconomic approaches. To be clear, they are
not perfect substitutes. Macroeconomic analysis is particularly well
suited for dealing with two distinct issues: dynamics and general
equilibrium effects. The reframing that I propose herein is well suited
for dealing with the former but not the latter; therefore, my reframing
most accurately captures the welfare effects of "small"
holiday policies. This is why I have expressly avoided any implication
that the framework applies to, for instance, George W. Bush's
"temporary" income tax cuts.
(11.) The demand function is indexed by t; therefore, a
period's demand may respond differentially to changes in [p.sub.h]
depending upon its proximity to the holiday period. Indexing by t also
allows for seasonal variation.
(12.) A simple example clarifies the demand concepts. Ignoring
discounting, suppose there are three periods with a common tax rate and
demand of 5 in each period (i.e., [y.sub.1] = [y.sub.2] = [y.sub.3] =
5). Upon implementation of a holiday in period two, [y.sub.1] and
[y.sub.3] each drop to 3 while [y.sub.2] jumps to 12. The short-run
(i.e. holiday period) increase in sales is 12-5 = 7 while the long-run
increase is 18 - 15 = 3. In this case C = 5 (the original demand in
period two), T = 4 (the 4 units shifted to period two, 2 from period one
and 2 from period three), and N = 3 (the number of period two sales that
would not have occurred in any period without the holiday).
(13.) For instance, consumers would likely gain more utility from
one additional unit being purchased in three consecutive periods rather
than three units being purchased in one period. However, in order to
benefit from a holiday's temporarily preferential fiscal treatment,
the latter purchasing pattern is required.
(14.) For example, a small subsidy may not have lured a consumer to
the car dealer during the inconveniently timed Cash for Clunkers window,
whereas the consumer did make the time to shop for the program's
sizable maximum rebate of $4,500.
(15.) Liquidity constraints may be most relevant for low income
families, a group that many temporary tax cuts are presumably intended
to benefit. For instance, if this month's rent is supposed to come
out of the month's first paycheck and the kids' school clothes
are supposed to come out of the month's second paycheck, it may be
difficult for the credit-constrained family to take advantage of a
three-day sales tax holiday on clothing that falls at the beginning of
the month.
(16.) For instance, suppose it is June, a sales tax holiday on
computer purchases will occur in August, and the family computer is 3
years old and has slowed to a crawl. A small reduction in the sales tax
rate is insufficient to bother suffering through two more months of
2001-esque download speeds; however, the $50 in savings associated with
a larger tax cut may be sufficient.
(17.) These shadow costs are consumer analogs to firms'
internal adjustment costs in the House and Shapiro (2008) analysis of
bonus depreciation policies.
(18.) Even if supply were not perfectly elastic, producers'
marginal cost would equal 0 at T = 0; therefore, the holiday would still
have the anti-efficiency effect of a distortionary subsidy, though the
incidence of the subsidy would fall upon both consumers and producers.
(19.) Alvarez et al. (1992) addresses the desirability of
intertemporally consistent tax rates in a framework similar to that of
Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976). Ramsey (1927) would assign equal tax rates
in all periods assuming that each period's demand has the same
elasticity, an altogether reasonable assumption.
(20.) If the compensation actually occurs, the change in government
revenues is 0 and the change in consumers' compensating variation,
inclusive of the additional lump sum tax, is given by CV + [DELTA]G. The
total effect on social surplus is still given by CV + [DELTA]G.
(21.) See Lecture 12 in Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980).
(22.) The maximum value of [f.sup.N] = 1 (or [f.sup.T] = 1) attains
if consumers gain a net surplus of [p.sub.noth] - [p.sub.h] for each and
every marginal unit of N (or T). The minimum value of [f.sup.N] = 0 (or
[f.sup.T] = 0) attains if consumers gain a net surplus of 0 for each and
every marginal unit of N (or T).
(23.) More precisely, [DELTA]SS increases with [s.sup.N] if
([[tau].sub.h]/[[tau].sub.noth] - [[tau].sub.h]) + [f.sup.N] + (1 -
[f.sup.T]) > 0. This is necessarily true if [[tau].sub.h] [greater
than or equal to] 0. If [[tau].sub.h] < 0, then the holiday may or
may not induce additional deadweight loss in the N submarket as that
subgood becomes subsidized. In that case a larger [s.sup.N] may actually
imply a larger loss in social surplus.
(24.) Reports on job stimulus programs are also often accompanied
by the statistic "cost per new job." See for instance the
Brookings Institute's recent analysis assessing the job stimulus
impact of Cash for Clunkers (Gayer and Parker 2013). Cash for Clunkers
is compared and other job stimulus programs are specifically ranked upon
their respective cost per new job metric.
(25.) For instance, [s.sup.T] > [[tau].sub.h]/[[tau].sub.noth]
is necessarily true if [[tau].sub.noth] > 0, [[tau].sub.h], [less
than or equal to] 0, and [s.sup.T] > 0.
(26.) For instance, linear subgood demand curves would necessarily
imply [f.sup.N] = [f.sup.T] = 1/2, regardless of factors such as the
policy's effect on price or the holiday-induced growth. Constant
elasticity assumptions are flexible enough to allow the data on a
holiday's impact to influence the estimates of consumers'
marginal benefits of consumption.
(27.) z and [gamma] are identified by the following structural
relationships: z = C[([p.sub.noth]).sup.[epsilon]] and [gamma] = (ln (1
+ g)/ln (1 + [[tau].sub.h]/1 + [[tau].sub.noth])) - [epsilon].
(28.) Cole (2009) estimates "full pass-through or mild
over-shifting of the sales tax on computers." Busse et al. (2012)
"find that dealers passed 100% of the rebate through to
consumers" during Cash for Clunkers.
(29.) Gayer and Parker (2013) provide an overview of the
program's implementation and subsequent analyses.
(30.) More precisely, the authors estimate that "approximately
370,000 cars were purchased under the program during July and August
2009 that would not have been purchased otherwise" (p. 1109).
Comparing this estimate to the approximately 677,000 total vouchers
redeemed over the window implies a short-run growth rate in
voucher-eligible cars of 120%.
(31.) As discussed in footnote 27, estimates of the short run
growth g, the relative holiday and nonholiday prices, and the permanent
price elasticity [epsilon] identify the "residual" holiday
elasticity [gamma]. These demand parameters can then be used in the
structural demand Equations (11a)-(11d) to apportion total holiday sales
among C, N, and T.
(32.) The $4,210 value is calculated by the author using the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's database of paid
claims. The $2,390 value is from Busse et al. (2012, Table 10). The
$22,592 average price is also from Busse et al. (2012).
(33.) In reality, states differed with respect to their sales tax
treatment of vouchers and trade-ins; however, these differences have
second-order effects on the program's effect on consumer prices,
whereas the voucher value (net of the clunker's trade-in value) has
a first-order effect.
(34.) Analyses more recent than McCarthy (1996) estimate the price
elasticities for specific models of car, which predictably have more
elastic demand relative to the broader car market.
(35.) 5.71% is the weighted average of the sales tax rate in 50
states plus the District of Columbia, weighted by the number of new
vehicles sold in each jurisdiction in 2009. 2009 tax rates are from the
Tax Foundation website. 2009 new vehicle sales are from the National
Automobile Dealers Association 2010 State of the Industry Report. 10.25%
reflects the sales tax rate in Chicago in 2009.
(36.) These estimates account for both federal government cost and
the program's indirect effect on states' tax revenues. The
change in
state tax revenues is given by - [[tau].sub.s] x (2,390) x (C + T) +
[[tau].sub.s] x (22, 592 - 2,390) x N, where [[tau].sub.s] is the
state's tax rate. The state loses revenue on the C and T units that
would have been sold even without Cash for Clunkers since the per
vehicle tax base is $2,390 (the difference between the voucher value and
the clunker trade-in value) lower. On the other hand, the state gains
revenue from tax levied on the N units that would not have occurred
without the program.
(37.) The scrapped clunkers had an estimated value of $1.23
billion. Even if they were resold by the government as opposed to
scrapped, the program would still have resulted in additional deadweight
(38.) Ching et al. (2010) critiques the Abrams and Parsons (2009)
article's assessment of the program's external benefits but
not its methodology for estimating consumer welfare.
(39.) This percentage is estimated as consumers' compensating
variation divided by the product of the number of vouchers redeemed and
the difference in consumer prices with and without the vouchers.
(40.) The downward bias is $319 ($332) million assuming a
preexisting tax rate of 5.71% (10.25%).
(41.) $39 is the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon
(2013) estimated cost per ton for 2015, estimated using a 3% discount
rate and measured in 2011 dollars. The estimated cost drops to $12 per
ton using a 5% discount rate and rises to $61 per ton using a 2.5%
discount rate. The Group also publishes estimates based on the 95th
percentile of its simulations "to represent the
higher-than-expected economic impacts from climate change further out in
the tails of the [simulation] distribution" (p. 12). Using a 3%
discount rate, the estimated cost under this scenario is $116 per ton.
The Group reports these costs in 2007 dollars, whereas the costs
provided here reflect the Environmental Protection Agency's
conversion to 2011 dollars. See economics/scc.html, last
accessed December 10, 2014.
(42.) Cole (2008) describes the history of US sales tax holidays.
The Federation of Tax Administrators maintains a list of holidays on its
website. Brunori (2001), Hawkins and Mikesell (2001), Mikesell (2006),
and Robyn et al. (2011) offer criticisms of sales tax holidays, while
Ruano (2008) defends them.
(43.) Figure 4 includes the result of OLS with a constant. The
constant has a f-stat of only -0.40, so strict proportionality cannot be
rejected. The addition of a second-order polynomial term to the
regressors lowers the Adjusted [R.sup.2] from 0.596 to 0.589, further
supporting the null hypothesis.
(44.) The correlation between tax rates and [absolute value of
[DELTA]G]/ ([bar.p]N) switches from -0.728 in Panel A to +0.712 in Panel
(45.) The correlation between tax rates and CV/[G.sub.0] is +0.831.
It is -0.828 between tax rates and [DELTA]G/[G.sub.0].
(46.) The correlation between tax rates and the normalized change
in social surplus goes from -0.825 in Panel A to -0.799 in Panel B.
MARK D. PHILLIPS, I received valuable comments from Jim Aim, Gary
Becker, Adam Cole, Brian Hill, William Hubbard, Kenneth Judd, Ed
Kleinbard, Ethan Lieber, Victor Lima, Bruce Meyer, Casey Mulligan, Kevin
Murphy, Olivia Wills, the editor, and two anonymous referees, along with
workshop and conference participants at the 2012 National Tax
Association Annual Conference, the 2013 Lincoln Institute Junior
Scholars Program, the USC Gould School of Law's Center in Law,
Economics, and Organization, and the USC Price School of Public Policy.
Phillips: Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern
California, Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall, 300, Los Angeles, CA 90089.
Phone 213-740-0210, Fax 213-740-0001, E-mail
[email protected]
New Versus Time-Shifted Cash for Clunkers Purchases
Shifted Govt. Cost per
Effective New Purchase Purchase New Car
Tax Rate Share of Share Purchased:
Preexisting During Cash Growth: of Growth: [absolute value
Tax Rate for Clunkers [S.sup.N] [S.sup.T] of [DELTA]G]/N
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
A. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -0.87
0.00% -10.58% 0.176 0.824 $ 24,805
5.71% -5.48% 0.176 0.824 24,931
10.25% -1.41% 0.176 0.824 25,031
B. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -3.31
0.00% -10.58% 0.500 0.500 $ 8,749
5.71% -5.48% 0.500 0.500 7,959
10.25% -1.41% 0.500 0.500 7,330
Welfare Effects and Efficiency of Cash for Clunkers
Preexisting Consumers' Federal Change in
Tax Rate Compensating Govt. Cost State Govt.
Variation Revenues
(1) (2) (3) (4)
$ millions
A. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -0.87
0.00% 1,111 -2,851 0
5.71% 1,174 -2,851 -8
10.25% 1,225 -2,851 -15
B. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -3.31
0.00% 1,111 -2,851 0
5.71% 1,174 -2,851 146
10.25% 1,225 -2,851 262
Preexisting Change in value of [DELTA]G]
Tax Rate Social Surplus (2)/[absolute
(2)+(3)+(4) value of (3)+(4)]
(1) (5) (6)
$ millions
A. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -0.87
0.00% -1,740 0.39
5.71% -1,685 0.41
10.25% -1,641 0.43
B. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -3.31
0.00% -1,740 0.39
5.71% -1,531 0.43
10.25% -1,364 0.47
Computer Sales Tax Holidays, 2007
Holiday Tax Holiday
State Elasticity Rate Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Alabama -19.1 4% 73.5%
Georgia -20.4 4% 78.5%
Louisiana -11.0 4% 42.3%
Massachusetts -22.9 5% 109.0%
Missouri -21.6 4.225% 87.6%
New Mexico -12.5 5% 59.5%
North Carolina -24.7 4% 95.0%
South Carolina -21.5 6% 121.7%
Tennessee -27.6 7% 180.6%
Notes: "Holiday elasticity" and "tax rate" come from Cole
(2012). Tables 5 and 1, respectively. "Holiday growth" is the
author's calculation and inferred from these first two values
using Cole's definition of "elasticity."
New Versus Time-Shifted Purchases during
Computer Sales Tax Holidays
Shifted Govt. Cost per
New Purchase Purchase $ of New
Share of Share of Purchases:
Growth: Growth: [absolute value of
State [S.sup.N] [S.sup.N] [DELTA]G] / ([bar.p]N)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
A. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -0.842
Alabama 0.080 0.920 1.144
Georgia 0.077 0.923 1.141
Louisiana 0.112 0.888 1.160
Massachusetts 0.081 0.919 1.132
Missouri 0.077 0.923 1.138
New Mexico 0.112 0.888 1.151
North Carolina 0.070 0.930 1.135
South Carolina 0.092 0.908 1.129
Tennessee 0.092 0.908 1.116
B. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -1.83
Alabama 0.149 0.851 0.595
Georgia 0.142 0.858 0.598
Louisiana 0.220 0.780 0.572
Massachusetts 0.145 0.855 0.612
Missouri 0.140 0.860 0.603
New Mexico 0.212 0.788 0.582
North Carolina 0.127 0.873 0.608
South Carolina 0.162 0.838 0.615
Tennessee 0.154 0.846 0.636
Welfare Effects and Efficiency of Computer Sales Tax Holidays
Consumers' Change in Tax
State Compensating Variation/ Revenues/Original
Original Tax Revenue Tax Revenue
(1) (2) (3)
A. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -0.842
Alabama 1.331 -1.676
Georgia 1.352 -1.724
Louisiana 1.198 -1.376
Massachusetts 1.474 -2.002
Missouri 1.389 -1.808
New Mexico 1.272 -1.529
North Carolina 1.419 -1.884
South Carolina 1.523 -2.105
Tennessee 1.740 -2.640
B. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -1.83
Alabama 1.331 -1.625
Georgia 1.352 -1.673
Louisiana 1.198 -1.330
Massachusetts 1.474 -1.933
Missouri 1.389 -1.753
New Mexico 1.272 -1.469
North Carolina 1.419 -1.830
South Carolina 1.523 -2.020
Tennessee 1.740 -2.528
Change in Social
Surplus/Original CV/[absolute value
State Tax Revenue of [DELTA]G](2)/
(2)+(3) [absolute value of (3)]
(1) (4) (5)
A. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -0.842
Alabama -0.345 0.794
Georgia -0.372 0.784
Louisiana -0.178 0.871
Massachusetts -0.528 0.736
Missouri -0.419 0.768
New Mexico -0.257 0.832
North Carolina -0.464 0.754
South Carolina -0.582 0.723
Tennessee -0.900 0.659
B. Estimates based on [epsilon] = -1.83
Alabama -0.294 0.819
Georgia -0.321 0.808
Louisiana -0.132 0.900
Massachusetts -0.458 0.763
Missouri -0.364 0.793
New Mexico -0.197 0.866
North Carolina -0.410 0.776
South Carolina -0.497 0.754
Tennessee -0.787 0.689
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