Candy elasticity: Halloween experiments on public political statements.
Jamison, Julian ; Karlan, Dean
Candy elasticity: Halloween experiments on public political statements.
"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no
heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you
have no brain."
* Francois Guisot, French premier and historian (1787-1874) (1)
"I want candy!"
* Every kid, ever.
We exploit the second premise to test the first premise.
We conducted trick-or-treat experiments to learn about political
attitudes before the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. (2) We set up
two tables on the porch of a home for Halloween, one festooned with
McCain campaign props in 2008 (Romney in 2012) and the other with Obama
props. Children, at the stairs leading up to the porch, were told they
could choose which side to go. Half of the children were randomly
assigned to be offered twice as much candy for the McCain table (Romney
in 2012), and half were offered an equal amount. (3,4) We can compare
the change in the overall support for Obama in 2008 versus 2012 by
comparing the proportion that choose Obama (i.e., the external margin),
as well as the change in the intensity of the support for President
Obama by comparing the elasticity with respect to candy (i.e., the
intensive margin). (5,6)
The experimental setup allows us to measure not just what
proportion of children who trick-or-treat in this neighborhood support
each candidate (as indicated by their choice of table), but also how
elastic their support is, or, more precisely, how elastic their desire
is to make a public statement of their support. In 2008, 79% of children
chose the Obama table with no incentives, whereas 71 % of children chose
the Obama table when offered double the candy at the McCain table. In
2012, 82% of children chose the Obama table with no incentive, whereas
78% of children chose the Obama table when promised double candy at the
Romney table.
Children's responses to the candy incentives varied by age,
however. Younger children's preference for Obama was sticky with
respect to price, but older children's preference for Obama was
elastic. This result was first observed in 2008 and then successfully
replicated in the 2012 experiment. We discuss several interpretations in
the conclusion, including a differential response to symbolic versus
monetary rewards, a parental-contamination story for the younger
children, and the simplest possibility: that younger children just did
not understand the task as much and so made the political choice they
did understand.
We conducted the experiment on the front porch of a home in the
East Rock neighborhood of New Haven, Connecticut. The neighborhood has
closely located homes, and a high proportion of residents pass out
candy. It is popular with trick-or-treaters, both from the immediate
neighborhood and from neighboring communities. A typical home in this
neighborhood receives more than 500 trick-or-treaters each Halloween. We
used this large flow of individuals to test several aspects of political
choice. (7)
Two tables were set up on the front porch of the home. The right
side of the porch was decorated with John McCain election material and
the left side of the porch was decorated with Barack Obama election
material. In addition, life-size cutouts of each candidate, clearly
visible, stood on their respective sides.
Trick-or-treaters were met in front of the porch and told to draw a
number from a bowl that assigned them randomly to one of two groups (8):
1. Equal Candy: Children were asked, "You can get two pieces
of candy from the Obama table, or two pieces of candy from the McCain
table. Which do you prefer?"
2. Double Candy for Voting Republican: Children were asked,
"You can get two pieces of candy from the Obama table, or four
pieces of candy from the McCain table. Which do you prefer?"
A total of 322 individuals participated in the experiment. If a
child was too young to understand the initial choice between the Obama
and McCain tables, they did not participate in the experiment and are
not included in our analysis (they were, however, still given candy).
(9) We limited the trick-or-treaters included in our analysis to those
between and including age 4 and 15. (10)
The experimental design allows us to calculate the "candy
elasticity" of McCain. The sample for this analysis is all children
who were assigned to Treatment 1 or Treatment 2 (322 children). In order
to avoid potential gender confound, one female and one male experimenter
sat behind each candidate's table and alternated speaking. The
gender of the experimenter had no effect on any of the treatments.
Although many children arrived in groups, raising issues of social
conformity influencing individual decisions and thus creating lack of
independence across observations, we strived to interact with the
children one-on-one, without interference by others, by separating the
queue from the decision area. Specifically, the queue to the porch
started about 3 feet in front of the steps to the porch. We placed
several chairs there to block the flow of traffic. We then brought each
child one at a time to the steps of the porch, explained their options
to them, and then let them go up to the top of the stairs and to one of
the sides of the porch. We cannot claim that this method was perfect. We
posit that any influence of social conformity would lead to incorrect
(underestimated) standard errors, but would less likely create biased
estimates. However, if social contagion leads those with minority views
(i.e., in this environment, supportive of Republicans) to hide their
views and publicly show support for Obama, this would upwardly bias the
proportion supporting Obama.
The summary statistics for the sample population are given in Table
1 and brief descriptive statistics are given in Table 2.
In the "equal candy" treatment, 79% of children chose the
Obama table, reflecting the high level of support for the Democratic
Party in New Haven, Connecticut. (11) When offered twice the amount of
candy to go to the McCain table, 71% of the children still chose the
Obama table, though the difference is not statistically significant
(Table 1).
Note that the preference for Obama is likely understated, as there
was consistently a longer line at the Obama table than at the McCain
table. This means that even in the "equal candy" treatment,
the "cost" of acquiring candy from the Obama side was slightly
higher, as a long line is costly for subjects intent on maximizing their
total candy intake for the evening. (12)
Children ages eight and under did not respond to the additional
candy incentives--approximately 30% of children chose the McCain table
in both treatment groups. Children ages nine and older however, were
much more responsive to the candy incentive. The percentage of older
children that visited the McCain table increased from 10% without the
incentives to 30% with the incentives.
In the conclusion, we posit several explanations for this
We conducted a variant of our 2008 experiment l week before the
2012 presidential election, substituting McCain material with Romney
material. The purpose of the replication was to determine whether or not
the overall support and the enthusiasm of support for Obama had dwindled
since 2008. Trick-or-treaters were met in front of the porch and told to
draw a number from a bag that assigned them randomly to one of two
1. Equal Candy: Children were asked, "You can get one piece of
candy from the Obama table, or one piece of candy from the Romney table.
Which do you prefer?"
2. Double Candy for Voting Republican: Children were asked,
"You can get one piece of candy from the Obama table, or two pieces
of candy from the Romney table. Which do you prefer?"
The summary statistics for the sample population of 157 people are
given in Table 3 and brief descriptive statistics are given in Table 4.
The sample size is lower than in 2008 because Hurricane Sandy affected
the New Haven community a week before Halloween, and lingering effects
adversely affected turnout for trick-or-treating. (13)
Our results are largely consistent with the results from 2008,
suggesting that support for Obama in this context has not declined since
2008. Eighty-two percent of children chose Obama in the "equal
candy" treatment, whereas 78% of children chose Obama when twice as
much candy was offered at the Romney table.
As in 2008, for children ages nine and older, the double candy
incentive appeared to encourage some Obama supporters to choose Romney.
While 17 % of older children chose Romney when offered equal candy, 31 %
of older children chose Romney when offered double candy. For children
ages eight or under, the double candy incentive had the opposite effect:
18% chose Romney when offered equal candy, whereas 14% chose Romney when
offered more candy.
While the choice of tables is entirely benign, it appears
strikingly inelastic. Despite the strictly symbolic nature of choosing
one table over another, most children chose the Obama table even when
offered twice as much candy at the McCain/Romney table. Seventy-nine
percent of children chose the Obama table with no incentives, whereas
71% of children chose the Obama table even when incentivized to choose
the McCain table. In 2012, 82% of children chose the Obama table with no
incentives, whereas 78% of children chose the Obama table when
incentivized to go to the Romney table. These results suggest that the
level of overall support and the enthusiasm of support for Obama
remained roughly the same from 2008 to 2012.
We observe important heterogeneity: children ages nine and older
were much more likely to be swayed by the double candy incentives than
children ages eight and under. We posit several possible
interpretations: (1) Younger children may have seen the choosing of a
table as deeply symbolic of their choice for President, whereas older
children may have seen it more as a simple game. (14) (2) Younger
children may have been less capable of processing the trade-off. Given
their confusion, they may have focused on the easier political choice.
Although we posit this as a viable explanation, in past Halloween
experiments we did not find differential responses by age even when the
exercise was more complicated. (3) Children eight and under may perceive
this as their chance to state publicly their political preferences and
take the process more literally, whereas older children may see this
public statement as having less meaning. This may be the case even if
younger children are less politically engaged or possess less political
knowledge. (4) Younger children were more likely to have their parents
nearby, and thus may have been reluctant to change their choice for
candy. (15) The political science and child development literature
typically documents the formation of political preference in the
mid-teen years (Beck and Jennings 1982; Murray and Mulvaney 2012; Tedin
1974), suggesting the heterogeneity by age we find may be a by-product
of differential obedience to parental preference and not inelastic
versus elastic political preferences.
Several sample selection and experimental interpretation issues are
important to note. First, East Rock is an enclave of Yale University and
borders lower socioeconomic neighborhoods. In both election years, the
proportion of children in the "equal candy" treatments that
chose the Obama table was greater than the proportion of New Haven
County voters that voted for Barack Obama. Thus, even those who support
McCain do so knowing they are in the minority in their community, and
this could lead to differences in behavior relative to how McCain
supporters in more conservative neighborhoods would behave. Second, for
some younger children, it was not possible to get them to decide without
the parent observing them, or making a suggestion to them. However, on
the rare occasions when a pushy parent clearly chose on behalf of the
child, we noted this and dropped the data point. Finally, as with any
empirical exercise, questions of external validity remain. In
particular, it is unclear whether the results of this experiment were
particular to the 2008 and 2012 elections, particular to Obama, or
particular to some other circumstance surrounding these two experiments.
doi: 10.1111/ecin.12233
Anagol, S., S. Bennett, G. Bryan, T. Davenport, N. Hite, D. Karlan,
P. Lagunes, and M. McConnell. "There's Something about
Ambiguity." Working Paper, Yale University, 2008. Accessed May 13,
2015. http://karlan.yale .edu/p/halloween_final.pdf.
Beck, P. A., and M. K. Jennings. "Pathways to
Participation." American Political Science Review, 76(1), 1982,
Murnighan, J. K., and M. S. Saxon. "Ultimatum Bargaining by
Children and Adults." Journal of Economic Psychology, 19(4), 1998,
Murray, G. R., and M. K. Mulvaney. "Parenting Styles,
Socialization, and the Transmission of Political Ideology and
Partisanship." Politics & Policy, 40(6), 2012, 1106-30.
Read, D., and G. Loewenstein. "Diversification Bias:
Explaining the Discrepancy in Variety Seeking between Combined and
Separated Choices." Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1(1), 1995,
Shapiro, F. R. The Yale Book of Quotations. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 2006.
Tedin, K. L. "The Influence of Parents on the Political
Attitudes of Adolescents." American Political Science Review,
68(4), 1974, 1579-92.
(1.) The exact quote: "Not to be a republican at twenty is
proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of
head." (Shapiro 2006). This quote is often falsely attributed to
Winston Churchill.
(2.) We also replicated results from a 2007 Halloween experiment,
in which children who wore the most common costumes exhibited more
aversion to ambiguity; see Anagol et al. (2008) for those results. Note
that experiments on trick-or-treaters have a history in the psychology
literature--see Read and Loewenstein (1995) for an example regarding
choice bracketing, albeit with a much smaller sample size.
(3.) Providing an incentive to go to the Obama table would have
been logistically infeasible; because this neighborhood heavily
supported Obama, we had to provide an opposing incentive to even length
of processing time on each side of the porch.
(4.) We also conducted an additional experiment in each year (see
notes 5 and 6) in which trick-or-treaters did not get a choice of sides,
and were randomly assigned. Those observations are not included in the
analysis here.
(5.) The 2008 experiment contained a decision upon collecting their
candy, to accept a clear bag or paper bag with candy. This was part of a
second study on trust and comfort with ambiguity. Trick-or-treaters
assigned to a side (rather than choosing a side) are omitted from the
analysis here. See http://karlan.yale.edU/p/HalloweenPolitics_v4.pdf for
results related to the trust component.
(6.) The 2012 experiment also contained a decision upon collecting
their candy, to choose candy or fruit. Again, as with the 2008
experiment, trick-or-treaters assigned to a side (rather than choosing a
side) are omitted from the analysis here. See
http://karlan.yale.edU/p/Michelle-2012.pdf for results related to the
candy or fruit experiment.
(7.) Because no individual identifying information was recorded
about each child, and because no harm (beyond that of the socially
acceptable excessive sugar intake) was imposed on the children, this was
approved by Yale University's Institutional Review Board without
needing explicit signed consent by the parents of each child.
(8.) There were actually two more groups for a total of four: half
of the trick-or-treaters were assigned to one table or the other for the
trust experiment described in note 4. As we are not using these other
two treatment groups for any of the analysis, we are describing the
study throughout as just having two experimental conditions.
(9.) We judged 21 children to be too young to understand the
question related to the additional candy bag treatment (see note 2), so
although they arrived at either the McCain or Obama table, they are
omitted from all experimental results (and are not considered part of
our sample). Age was not recorded for 25 children, who were omitted from
our age group analyses.
(10.) We excluded from the analysis six trick-or-treaters 3 years
old or less and 17 trick-or-treaters 15 years old or older.
(11.) In the actual 2008 presidential election, 61 % of New Haven
County voters voted for Barack Obama and 38% voted for John McCain
(source: results/president/map.html).
(12.) Of course the subjects may have desired to spend time with
their friends, so a popular table is not inherently costly even if the
wait is longer.
(13.) The immediate neighborhood was not affected seriously by
Hurricane Sandy, unless one considers intermittent buffering of
streaming Netflix videos during the storm as a serious adverse
consequence. Regardless, the mayor of New Haven announced the
"suggestion" to delay trick-or-treating by a week, thus
creating confusion for some, lower turnout on Halloween, and lower
statistical power for this experiment.
(14.) Such a result for young children would not be unprecedented:
Mumighan and Saxon (1998) find that children age eight to nine display a
strong sense of fairness in the ultimatum game, even if it entails
forgone rewards.
(15.) Note that had any parents explicitly influenced the child,
the data were not collected. The child merely received candy and we
moved on to the next participant. Naturally the mere presence of a
parent may influence the child's choices.
* The views expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or
the United States. This article is based on previous drafts circulated
under the titles "Candy We Can Believe In: A Halloween Experiment
on Trust and Political Symbolism" and "Candy We Still Believe
In: Using Halloween to Measure Change in Extensive and Intensive Support
for Barack Obama." We thank Yale University for the research
support. Human Subjects Approval provided by Yale University IRB #
1210010995 and 0710003195. The authors gratefully acknowledge the editor
Yoram Bauman and three anonymous referees, Treb Allen, Gharad Bryan,
Snaebjorn Gunnsteinsson, Melanie Morten, Scott Nelson, Bram Thuysbaert,
Jane Bang, Zachary Groff, Sakshi Kumar, Kelsey Larson, Adele Rossouw,
and Martin Sweeney for written contributions and research assistance;
Muneeza Alam, Iva Rashkova, and Katie Wilson for assistance running the
2008 field experiment: and Emek Basker, Dan Keniston, and Ryan Knight
for insightful suggestions.
Jamison: Senior Economist, Office of Research, Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau, Washington, DC 20552. Phone 202-281-9759, Fax
855-237-2392, E-mail
[email protected]
Karlan: Professor, Department of Economics, Yale University, New
Haven, CT 06520. Phone 203-432-4479, Fax 203-432-5591, E-mail
[email protected]
Summary Statistics (2008-McCain vs.
Same # of 2x Candies at
Candies McCain Table Total
Panel A: selection treatments and candidate choices
McCain 33 48 81
21% 29% 25%
Obama 123 118 241
79% 71% 75%
Total 156 166 322
Panel B: selection treatment and candidate choices, age
eight and under
McCain 27 24 51
30% 29% 29%
Obama 64 58 122
70% 71% 71%
Total 91 82 173
Panel C: selection treatment and candidate choices, age
nine and above
McCain 6 24 30
9% 29% 20%
Obama 59 60 119
91% 71% 80%
Total 65 84 149
Note: p values for the f-test of equality of proportion
choosing Obama in Column 1 versus Column 2 is [.044],
[.797], and [.001] for Panels A, B, and C, respectively.
Analysis similar to Panel B and Panel C but for males and
females yielded no significant heterogeneity.
Sample Frame Description (2008)
Frequency Percent Percent
4-8 years 173 52.11 52.11
9-10 years 75 22.59 74.70
11-14 years 74 22.29 96.99
Missing 10 3.01 100.00
Total 332 100.00
Time of evening
5.30-6.30 p.m. 38 11.80 11.80
6.30-7.30 p.m. 157 48.76 60.56
7.30-8.30 p.m. 127 39.44 100.00
Total 322 100.00
Male 158 49.07 49.07
Female 164 50.93 100.00
Total 322 100.00
Summary Statistics (2012-Romney vs.
Same # of 2x Candies at
Candies Romney Table Total
Panel A: selection treatments and candidate choices
Romney 14 17 31
17.7% 22% 20%
Obama 65 61 126
82.3% 78% 80%
Total 79 78 157
Panel B: selection treatment and candidate choices, age
eight and under
Romney 9 6 15
18% 14% 16%
Obama 40 36 76
82% 86% 84%
Total 49 42 91
Panel C: selection treatment and candidate choices, age
nine and above
Romney 5 11 16
17% 31% 24%
Obama 25 25 50
83% 69% 76%
Total 30 36 66
Note: p values for the f-test of equality of proportion
choosing Obama in Column 1 versus Column 2 is [.500],
[.603], and [.165] for Panels A, B, and C, respectively.
Analysis similar to Panel B and Panel C but for males and
females yielded no significant heterogeneity.
Sample Frame Description (2012)
Frequency Percent Percent
4-8 years 91 57.96 57.96
9-10 years 33 21.02 78.98
11-13 years 33 21.02 100.00
Total 157 100.00
Male 76 48.41 48.41
Female 81 51.59 100.00
Total 157 100.00
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