Sanchez, Juan M.
A. Stylized Facts
The U.S. unsecured credit market has changed dramatically since the
beginning of the 1980s. Moss and Johnson (1999) refer to the period
starting in the mid-1980s as the "Revolution in Consumer Credit and
Consumer Bankruptcy." (1) The period of transformation in the U.S.
unsecured credit market coincided with the information technology (IT)
revolution. (2) During this period, financial firms underwent a
technological transformation. (3) Currently, the financial sector is one
of the largest buyers of IT: According to the 2010 Bureau of Economic
Analysis Use Input-Output matrix, about 12% of the sales of the
information sector as intermediate goods were bought by the financial
Table 1 shows that between 1983 and 2004, households'
unsecured credit increased dramatically: from 0.5% to 1.2% of mean
income. The number of bankruptcy filings increased even faster: from
286,444 to 1,563,145. (4) It also shows the change in the share of
households in debt: from 5.6% in 1983 to 8.0% in 2004. This table also
presents the bankruptcy rate, defined as the ratio of the number of
filings to the population; this statistic increased significantly: from
0.12% in 1983 to 0.53% in 2004. Finally, Table 1 shows the value of
loans and leases removed from the books and charged against loss
reserves divided by the total amount of debt (charge-off rates); this
variable increased from 3% in 1983 to 4.5% in 2004. (5)
B. This Paper
The hypothesis that a drop in the cost of information played a role
in the transformation of unsecured credit markets is entertained here.
To evaluate this hypothesis, I proceed in two steps. First, I present an
extension of the risk of repudiation model of Eaton and Gersovitz (1981)
to incorporate asymmetric information. This extension is necessary to
study the role of information technologies because understanding what
would happen if lenders do not directly observe the default risk of
households is key for the analysis. In particular, when the cost of
information is extremely high, I study the separating equilibrium of the
asymmetric information version of Eaton and Gersovitz's (1981)
economy. (6) Second, I calibrate an infinite-horizon version of the
model following the work of Krueger and Perri (2006), Chatterjee et al.
(2007), and Livshits et al. (2007). The quantitative model is useful to
further characterize the model with costly information and to study the
role of the IT revolution in the transformation of the U.S. unsecured
credit market.
C. Findings
The analysis of a simple two-period model in Section II illustrates
the effect of a drop in the cost of information. When information costs
are high, the design of self-revelation contracts implies that low
interest rates are available only for small amounts of debt. As
information costs drop and households' risk of default can be
screened, some households can borrow more at relatively low interest
rates. These households will default after a low realization of income.
Therefore, as information costs drop, both debt and bankruptcy rise. A
quantitative model is presented in Section III. The calibrated model
reproduces the main characteristics of the unsecured credit market in
1983 and 2004, as shown in Section IV. The numerical solution of the
model introduced in Section V is used to illustrate the key mechanisms
in this setup. This analysis shows that the relationship between the
cost of information and default is a strong one: As the cost of
information drops from the level that would prevent any screening of
households' risk of default to zero, the share of the population
filing for bankruptcy more than triples. The effect on borrowing is less
pronounced: While the debt-to-income ratio more than doubles, the share
of people in debt increases little. This occurs because as information
costs drop, more borrowers use screening contracts and they are able to
borrow with risk of default. Finally, the counterfactual analysis in
Section VI suggests that the IT revolution alone accounts for a
significant part of the unsecured credit market transformation.
D. Related Literature
This paper builds on the versions of Eaton and Gersovitz's
(1981) model introduced to study unsecured credit by Chatterjee et al.
(2007) and Livshits et al. (2007). The use of costly screening in credit
markets with informational frictions resembles the arrangement in Wang
and Williamson (1998). The study of credit markets under asymmetric
information is related to an early literature masterfully surveyed in
Hirshleifer and Riley (1992).
The main premise of the paper--determining the effect of the IT
revolution in unsecured credit markets--has been recently analyzed by
several authors. To the best of my knowledge, Narajabad (2012) is the
first paper proposing the IT revolution as the explanation for the rise
in bankruptcies. Although the driving force is the same,
Narajabad's (2012) mechanism is quite different because it is
borrower's default cost, instead of productivity, that lenders
cannot observe. More importantly, the quantitative exploration in this
paper is more informative because the mechanism is modeled extending a
standard heterogenous agent model.
Nosal and Drozd (2011) present a search model of the market for
unsecured credit. They study the effect of a drop in the cost of
screening and soliciting credit customers on debt and bankruptcy. The
cost of screening is potentially close to the current paper. However,
Nosal and Drozd (2011) do not model asymmetric information--lenders have
no alternative to paying the cost of screening. Therefore, their cost is
related mainly to a transaction cost, as the one analyzed by Livshits et
al. (2010).
Related, Athreya et al. (2012) present a quantitative model of
unsecured debt with informational frictions. They consider signaling
equilibria, so lenders' beliefs are crucial to determining which
equilibrium is selected. Their analysis differs substantially from the
current paper in which, as explained previously, lenders (partially)
offset the lack of information by designing debt contracts accordingly.
Finally, Livshits et al. (2016) present a stylized model with
informational frictions in which lenders must pay a cost to design a
contract. In that model, a drop in the cost of designing a new contract
increases the share of people borrowing and default. They also present
evidence of the rise in credit cards interest rates. Note that in the
case of Nosal and Drozd (2011), the driving force is not a cost of
obtaining information. In this case, it is "a fixed cost of
developing each contract lenders offer." In addition, the mechanism
differs with the model in this paper because this fixed cost affects not
who borrows (extensive margin). Considering borrowing intensity--the
amount of debt each household borrows--as a choice variable is necessary
to reproduce the stylized facts described previously.
This section previews the main driving forces at work in the full
model presented later using a simple two-period model. Imagine an
economy populated by households and lenders. Households live for two
periods, t = 1, 2, and they derive utility from consumption according to
the utility function u with standard properties. They are born with
assets [a.sub.1], and in each period they are endowed with a quantity of
labor measured in efficiency units, [l.sub.n], that can take two values,
[l.sub.n] [member of] [[l.sub.L], [l.sub.H]), denoting low or high
productivity. Thus, income is [y.sub.n] = w[l.sub.n], where the wage w
is exogenous. The transition probability between state L and H is
[[pi].sub.L,H]. Persistence is assumed: [[pi].sub.H,H] >
[[pi].sub.H,L] and [[pi].sub.L,L] > [[pi].sub.L,H]. Importantly, this
implies [[pi].sub.H,H] > [[pi].sub.L,H]; that is, households with
high productivity this period are more likely to have high productivity
next period than those with low productivity this period.
Lenders are risk neutral and compete in offering debt contracts. A
contract is a mapping q from promised amount for the next period,
[a.sub.2], and observable current household characteristics (e.g.,
productivity, L or H), to the share of the amount promised that is
advanced in the current period. Notice that because [a.sub.2] represents
assets, a household borrowing ([a.sub.2] < 0) promises to pay
back--[a.sub.2] > 0 in the next period and
receives--[a.sub.2]q([a.sub.2],*) > 0 in the current period.
To incorporate information technologies into the credit process,
lending firms are allowed to offer two types of contracts. On the one
hand, lenders offer screening contracts. These contracts require the use
of information technologies to determine a household's
productivity. The price function of screening contracts is denoted as
[??]. The cost of screening a household's productivity (also
referred to as information costs), C, is proportional to the amount
borrowed to simplify the analysis. On the other hand, lenders may offer
revelation contracts. These contracts are designed to induce households
to reveal their productivity. Although these contracts are cheaper
because there is no use of information technologies, their design
implies that low interest rates will be linked to tight borrowing
limits. Thus, when information costs are expensive and only revelation
contracts are attractive, some households will be borrowing constrained.
The price function of revelation contracts is denoted as [??].
In the first period of life, a household decides which type of debt
contract is preferred and how much to borrow. (7) In the second period,
after the realization of the productivity shock, the household decides
whether to file for bankruptcy or to pay back the debt normally. The
punishment for bankruptcy is a proportion of the household income,
[tau]. Thus, the lifetime utility of a household with first-period
assets [a.sub.1], income [y.sub.n], and facing a (generic) price
function q is
[mathematical expression not reproducible].
Notice that above the price function q is used to represent [??] or
[??]. A priori the bond price may depend on ([a.sub.2], n, [a.sub.1]).
Later it will be clear that the price function of screening contracts
depends on ([a.sub.2], n), whereas the price function of revelation
contracts depends on ([a.sub.2], [a.sub.1]). Once the choice of contract
is taken into account, the lifetime utility of a household can be
written as
U ([a.sub.1], [y.sub.1,n]) = max {U ([a.sub.1] [y.sub.1,n], [??]),
U ([a.sub.1], [y.sub.1,n]; [??])}.
The analysis in this section is based on Figure 1, which shows a
simple numerical example illustrating the main mechanism. (8) The top
panel shows households preferences represented by indifference curves
over price values, q, and amounts of assets for period 2, [a.sub.2].
Notice that the lifetime utility associated with a particular
combination (q, [a.sub.2]) is
[mathematical expression not reproducible].
As it is standard, indifference curves are combinations of (q,
[a.sub.2]) that provide a household with the same U. Here, however,
indifference curves have kinks located at the points in which the
default decision in the following period changes. The abrupt change in
the slope of the indifference curves at those points is due to the jump
in the default probability that occurs there. As households know there
is a higher probability they will file bankruptcy in the next period,
they desire to acquire more debt so they are willing to take a drop in q
to do so. As a consequence, the slope of the indifference curve
decreases abruptly at those points.
Now, consider indifference curves in between the kinks; that is, in
the range in which the risk of default does not change. The level of
assets [a*.sub.2] (q) corresponds to the level solving the first-order
condition of the household's problem given a price function
constant at q. By construction, the slope of the indifference curve is
zero at that level of debt. Starting from there, it is simple to
understand the shape of the indifference curve. To the right of the
point [a*.sub.2] (q) borrowing more is desirable and to the left
borrowing less is desirable. Thus, any deviation from [a*.sub.2] (q)
reduces the household's utility, implying that any deviation must
be compensated with a higher q to sustain the same utility.
Importantly, indifference curves of households with different
current productivity have different slopes at a given amount of debt.
Take any value {q, [a.sub.2]}. The slope is bigger (steeper) for
households with low productivity than for those with high productivity.
This result is crucial for the existence of revelation contracts. It
means that the trade-off between more borrowing and higher prices (lower
interest rates) is different for households with different productivity.
Intuitively, this follows because households with low productivity are
relatively more affected by larger amounts borrowed--they expect higher
income growth and relatively less affected by lower prices--they are
more likely to default in the second period.
The second panel describes the equilibrium. Competition between
lenders implies zero expected discounted profits. The prices satisfying
this condition are presented in Figure 1 with solid black (high current
productivity) and red (low current productivity) lines. Notice that if
[a.sub.2] is close to zero ([a.sub.2] > -0.055 in Figure 1), the
price is equal to one (meaning zero interest rate) for both values of
current-period productivity. This occurs because if the amount of debt
is too small, then the household will prefer to repay its debt instead
of filing for bankruptcy for any value of productivity in the next
period. (9) For larger amounts of debt, households will prefer to
default in the next period. However, if debt is not too large ([a.sub.2]
[member of] [-0.055, -0.14] in the example in Figure 1), bankruptcy will
occur only if low productivity is realized. Therefore, the zero-profit
price in this range varies for households with different current-period
productivity according to their probability of low productivity in the
next period. For even larger amounts of debt ([a.sub.2] < -0.14 in
Figure 1), default will be beneficial for both levels of productivity
and, therefore, prices are zero.
The zero expected profit condition for prices of screening
contracts must take into account the cost of information. Thus, these
prices will be [??] ([a.sub.2],n) = [[pi].sub.n, H] [(1 + i).sup.-1] - C
for households borrowing with probability of bankruptcy larger than zero
and smaller than one. (10)
Now, focus on revelation contracts. In this case, lenders design
contracts under the constraint that they must induce households to
reveal their productivity. Using prices and amounts of debt as
instruments, it is possible to separate households according to
productivity because in order to obtain more debt, low-productivity
households are willing to accept a larger increase in interest rates
than high-productivity households (i.e., indifference curves cross, as
shown in Figure 1). Consider the price of a revelation contract as
depending on the amount borrowed, [a.sub.2], the household's report
on productivity, m, and the current stock of assets, [a.sub.1]. Then, a
function q satisfies self-revelation if and only if [for all][a.sub.1]
and [for all]n,
[mathematical expression not reproducible].
In words, q satisfies the self-revelation constraint if and only if
households are better off borrowing at the price designed for their
productivity than misrepresenting their productivity.
To determine the limits imposed by self-revelation consider Figure
1. Indifference curves of low-productivity households are represented by
dashed red lines, while dashed black lines represent indifference curves
of high-productivity households. The point C in the figure corresponds
to [a.sub.2] = -0.14, the value of debt that maximizes the utility of
the low-productivity household given zero-profit prices. Notice that
this contract can be offered as a revelation contract because
high-productivity households will be better off at other offered prices,
as point A, at which high-productivity households are borrowing very
little and with no risk of default. Now consider point B. At this point,
the low-productivity household is borrowing less than in C but at higher
prices (lower interest rates). As both points are on the same
indifference curve, this household is actually indifferent between C and
B. Amounts of debt to the left of B cannot be offered at the zero-profit
prices for high-productivity households as revelation contracts. The
low-productivity household would prefer to misreport productivity and
take those contracts. Thus, a point such as D cannot be offered under
private information. Actually, the point B determines [[].sub.2]:
the maximum amount of debt that can be offered as a revelation contract
at the zero-profit price for high-productivity households
([[].sub.2] = -0.08 in Figure 1). Thus, equilibrium prices of
revelation contracts are
[mathematical expression not reproducible],
where [[bar.a].sub.2] is the minimum [a.sub.2] that can be borrowed
and households would prefer not to default for either [y.sub.L] or
[y.sub.H] in the second period, and [[??].sub.2] is the maximum
[a.sub.2] that would imply default in the second period for either
[y.sub.L] or [y.sub.H].
Notice that households with low productivity never prefer screening
contracts. They would be paying for information to show that they are
actually riskier. For households with high productivity, there exists a
cost of information [] such that they are indifferent between
screening and revelation contracts. They will prefer screening contracts
if and only if C < []. That cost can be easily found in Figure
1: at point E, where the high-productivity household is borrowing more
than in A but at lower prices (higher interest rates).
It is simple to study the effect of a drop in the cost of
information in Figure 1. Initially, assume the cost of information C is
high enough (C > []). The high-productivity household prefers to
borrow small amounts at the risk-free interest rate--point A in Figure
1. Then, for simplicity, imagine the cost of information drops to zero.
(11) High-productivity households would prefer to borrow more at
slightly higher interest rates--point D. The higher interest rate
reflects the higher probability of bankruptcy. Therefore, this change
implies a rise in debt and bankruptcy. Does this mechanism deliver the
other stylized facts presented above? Was the IT revolution
quantitatively important for the transformation in the unsecured credit
market? A quantitative model is developed next in an attempt to answer
these questions.
Time is discrete and denoted by t = 0,1,2, ....
At any time, there is a unit mass of households. They discount the
future at the rate [beta] and survive to the next period with
probability [??]. Preferences of households are given by the expected
value of the discounted sum of momentary utility
[E.sub.0] [[[infinity].summation over (t=0)] [([beta][??]).sup.t]
where [c.sub.t] is consumption at period t. The utility function u
is strictly increasing, strictly concave, and twice differentiable.
Each household is endowed with one unit of time in each period.
Productivity is exogenously determined by labor endowments. Labor
endowments are
[e.sub.t] = [alpha][y.sub.t],
where [alpha] is the fixed individual component and [y.sub.t]
log ([y.sub.t]) = [n.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t], [n.sub.t] =
[rho][n.sub.t-1] + [[eta].sub.t].
Here [rho] is time invariant, [[epsilon].sub.t] and [[eta].sub.t],
are independent and serially uncorrelated on [mathematical expression
not reproducible]), respectively. Persistence is very important:
households with higher [n.sub.t], will have lower default risk. Thus,
the infinite-horizon model resembles the two-period model presented
There is asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers about
the latter's persistent component of productivity, n. On one side,
households know their n. On the other side, if borrowers are not
screened, then the persistent component of productivity is private
information. Nevertheless, each lender has access to a technology that
can be used to learn a household's persistent component of
productivity. The cost of information is represented by C, and it is
proportional to the amount borrowed. The stock of assets, [a.sub.t], is
publicly observable.
As in the example, there are two types of debt contracts: screening
and revelation contracts. For simplicity, lenders can borrow at the
risk-free interest rate r from the rest of the world. (12) When using
screening contracts, borrowers must pay the screening cost. The price
charged is [??]([a.sub.t+1], [n.sub.t]). This price depends on
[a.sub.t+1] because it determines the debt the household will have to
repay in the next period, which in turn affects its willingness to repay
the debt. The price depends on [n.sub.t] because it affects the
next-period productivity and thereby the probability of bankruptcy.
Revelation contracts must satisfy a "self-revelation"
condition, formally stated later. This condition basically states that,
given the contract design, borrowers are better off revealing their
probability of default (persistent component of productivity). As
lenders offering revelation contracts do not observe productivity,
prices depend on a household's reports on productivity, m. In
addition, as the current stock of assets affects a household's
willingness to borrow, prices satisfying the revelation constraint also
depend on this variable.
A. The Household's Problem
Hereafter, period-f variables are expressed without subscripts or
superscripts, and period-t + 1 variables are represented with
superscripts '''. Households decide on consumption, c,
and asset accumulation, a'. In addition, they decide which kind of
debt contract they prefer and whether to file for bankruptcy or to repay
the debt.
Several assumptions determine the advantages and disadvantages of
bankruptcy. The key advantage is the discharge of debts: In the period
after bankruptcy, debt is set at zero. Thus, a household with too much
debt may find it beneficial to file for bankruptcy. There are two
disadvantages of doing so, however. In the period of bankruptcy, a
proportion of income, [tau], is lost. (13) In addition, in that period,
consumption equals income--neither saving nor borrowing is allowed.
In this environment, lifetime utility can be written as
(1) G (n, [epsilon], a; [alpha]) = max {V (n, [epsilon], a;
[alpha]), D (n, [epsilon]; [alpha])}
where V and D (defined below) are lifetime utilities for households
repaying the debt and filing bankruptcy, respectively. This means that a
household has the choice of filing bankruptcy. The policy function R
indicates whether the household repays the debt or not,
[mathematical expression not reproducible].
Next turn to a household choosing to file for bankruptcy. In this
case, lifetime utility is
(2) D(n, [epsilon]; [alpha]) = u([alpha] exp(n + [epsilon])(1 -
[tau])) + [??][beta]E [G(n', [epsilon]', 0; [alpha]) | n] .
This household's consumption equals net income (labor income
minus the proportion lost due to bankruptcy). In the period after
bankruptcy, the household will have no debt. This can be seen in the
zero that appears in the function G in the right-hand side of the
function equation above.
Now turn to a household that decides to repay its debt. Then, this
household must decide which kind of debt contract to use: screening or
revelation. Thus, the value function of repaying debt is
(3) V (n, [epsilon], a; [alpha]) = max {[??] (n, [epsilon], a;
[alpha]), [??] (n, [epsilon], a; [alpha])},
where [??](n, [epsilon],a; [alpha]) and [??](n, [epsilon],a;
[alpha]) (defined below) are lifetime utilities associated with
borrowing using screening and revelation contracts, respectively. The
policy function S indicates whether the household borrows using
screening contracts or not:
[mathematical expression not reproducible].
Households using the screening debt contract face the debt price
[??](n,a'; [alpha]) and its lifetime utility is
[mathematical expression not reproducible]
(4) subject to
c + a'[??] (n, a'; [alpha]) = a + e, c [greater than or
equal to] 0, e = [alpha] exp (n + [epsilon]).
The key here is that the prices [??] incorporate the cost of
information. In contrast, suppose the household prefers to use a
revelation contract. Then, the relevant debt price is [??](m, a';
[alpha], a). Lifetime utility in this case is represented by
[mathematical expression not reproducible],
(5) subject to
c + a'[??] (n, a'; [alpha], a) = a + e, c [greater than
or equal to] 0, e = [alpha] exp (n + [epsilon]).
Here I write the problem assuming [??] satisfies self-revelation.
This will impose limits on how much can be borrowed at low interest
rates. (14)
B. Equilibrium
How are prices determined? First, they must imply zero expected
profits. In general, a price function q(a',n; [alpha]) implies zero
profits if the following equation is satisfied:
(6) q (a',n; [alpha]) = (1/1 + r)[??]E [R (n',
[epsilon]',a'; [alpha]) |n] .
Looking at this equation, it is very clear why prices (or interest
rates) depend on (a', n). They depend on a' because it affects
the bankruptcy decision, R, at each possible state. They depend on n
because it determines the transition probability to each n' and
therefore the next-period labor endowment, e'.
In the case of screening contracts, zero-profit prices must take
into account the cost of information. This implies the following
(7) [??] (a',n; [alpha]) = ((1 - C)/(1 + r))[??]E x
[R(n', [epsilon]', a'; [alpha]) |n].
Additional notation must be introduced to study revelation
contracts. The lifetime utility of a household with productivity n and
reporting m (potentially m [not equal to] n), choosing next period
assets a' given the price function q can be written as
[V.sup.M] (n, [epsilon], a; [alpha], m, a', q) = u (c)
+[??][beta]E [G (n', [epsilon]',a'; [alpha]) |n],
subject to
c + a'q (m, a'; [alpha], a) = a + e, c [greater than or
equal to] 0, e = [alpha] exp (n + [epsilon]).
Then, for any n, the function [??](m, a'; [alpha], a)
satisfies self-revelation if for each n and [epsilon],
(8) [mathematical expression not reproducible].
This means that households would prefer not to misreport the
persistent component of productivity. This condition resembles that
situation in the two-period model, but with two differences. First,
there are more than two types, so the limit for the zero expected profit
prices corresponding to n will be the tightest of those set by
households with persistent component of productivity j < n. The
second difference is that households with any i.i.d component,
[epsilon], could misrepresent their persistent component of
productivity. Again, this implies that the limit will be the tightest
among those set by households with different [epsilon].
An equilibrium in this economy is a set of value functions, optimal
decision rules for the consumer, default probabilities, and bond prices,
such that Equations (1)-(5) are satisfied; prices of screening
contracts, [??], satisfy the zero-profit condition (7); and prices of
revelation contracts, [??], satisfy the zero-profit condition (6) and
the direct revelation condition (8).
Most parameters can be obtained directly from data or from previous
estimation. Only the discount factor, [beta], the cost of information in
1983, [C.sub.1983], and the share of income lost in bankruptcy, [tau],
are calibrated to replicate specific statistics.
A. Income Process
Following the methodology by Krueger and Perri (2006), the
cross-sectional log-income variance can be decomposed into the fixed
([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[alpha]]), persistent ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]],
[rho]), and i.i.d. ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]) components. Fixed
characteristics are those that can be easily observed--at no cost--by
the lenders. This component is referred to as [alpha]. It consists of
the head of household's gender, education, and age. The variance of
the fixed component, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[alpha]t] is the variance of
predicted values from a regression of log-income per household on these
characteristics. Then, using the autocovariance of residuals and setting
a value for [rho], the variance of the residuals can be decomposed into
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]. The value
chosen for [rho] is in the range of estimates in Storesletten et al.
(1999), 0.95, and Storesletten (2004), 0.9989. The results, presented in
Table 2, are in line with Krueger and Petri's (2006) estimations.
B. Parameters Determined Using A Priori Information
The survival probability, [??], is determined to match a period of
a financially active life of 40 years. The utility function is
u (c) = [c.sup.1-[sigma]](1 - [sigma]),
where [sigma] was chosen to match a coefficient of risk aversion of
Evans and Schmalensee (2005) describe the lending process for a
credit card company after the IT revolution. (15) Of the total cost of
lending, about 70% corresponds to the cost of funds and charge-offs (or
the cost of defaults) and only 4% to data processing. In terms of the
level, Evans and Schmalensee (2005) mention that the cost of processing
an application for a credit card is 72 dollars per approved application.
This number may overestimate the cost of information in this paper
because it involves marketing and other costs not directly related to
information. (16) However, it is already small enough that reducing this
cost does not change the predictions of the model. Therefore, I set
[C.sub.2004] = 0.
C. Parameters Jointly Determined
The discount factor, [beta], and the fraction of earnings lost when
households default, [tau], are calibrated to minimize the distance to
specific targets for 2004. The same parameters are then used in 1983 and
2004. The calibration of the cost of information in 1983, [C.sub.1983]
is explained in the next section, where the model with costly
information is analyzed.
Figure 2 shows how [beta] and [tau] affect the statistics
describing the economy calibrated for the year 2004. The default rate
and the charge off rate are monotonically decreasing in the share of
income lost in bankruptcy, [tau]. This is very intuitive: As the cost of
default increases, its frequency decreases. The monotonicity implies
that it would be convenient to use one of these statistics as a target
of calibration to pin down [tau]. The different lines in these graphs
show the effect of the discount factor, [beta]. The share of households
in debt and the debt-to-income ratio is monotonically decreasing in
[beta]. Therefore, it would be ideal to use one of these statistics to
calibrate [beta]. As a consequence, the discount factor, [beta], and the
fraction of earnings lost when households default, [tau], are calibrated
to minimize the distance to the bankruptcy rate and the debt-to-income
ratio. The bankruptcy rate is the ratio of filings to the population;
this ratio is 0.53% in 2004. The debt-to-income ratio is 1.23% in 2004.
To determine the number used as the target of calibration both
statistics were prorated because income shocks cause only 53% of the
bankruptcy cases. (17) The values of the parameters that minimize the
distance to these targets are presented in Table 2. The fit of the
targeted moments is presented in Table 3.
This section characterizes the costly information model introduced
in this paper beyond the analysis in the two-period example. First,
consider how the main statistics depend on the cost of information, C.
Figure 3 displays this relationship. (18) The model simplifies to the
full information model when the cost of information is zero, and it is
independent of the cost of information when this cost is large enough.
The default rate is monotonically decreasing in the cost of information.
Why does this occur? The explanation is twofold. First, default
diminishes because there is less borrowing. In Figure 3, both the share
of households in debt and the debt-to-income ratio are decreasing in the
cost of information. Second, as the cost of information rises, default
drops because there is less debt at risk of default. Initially, when the
cost of information is zero, 27% of all households have debt and 25% of
them have debt with risk of default. Then, as information costs rise,
the drop in the share of households with debt at risk of default drops
by 10 percentage points and the share of households in debt drops only 4
percentage points. This change is explained by the large drop in the
share of households in debt using screening contracts. This share is 80%
when information costs are zero and drops to zero for information costs
larger than 0.25. The charge off rate is not monotone because it is the
ratio of the defaulted debt, decreasing in the cost of information, and
the total debt, also decreasing in the cost of information.
To characterize the model with costly information further, I now
set the value of [C.sub.1983]. It is determined such that the model
represents the U.S. economy in 1983. In particular, it is calibrated to
match the default rate in that year, after adjusting the income process
to 1983 and keeping discount factor, [beta], and the fraction of
earnings lost when households default, [tau], at the value calibrated
for the year 2004. The value that minimizes the distance to the target
is 0.12. It implies that the minimum interest rate of screening
contracts is about 15%. This is the rate paid by households with high
persistent component of productivity that started the current period
with a large amount of debt. They have very low default risk but they
cannot borrow that much at low interest rates because combination of
large amounts of debt and low interest rates do not satisfy the
self-revelation constraint: households with lower persistent component
of productivity (i.e., with higher default risk) would have incentive to
misrepresent their report and use this contract. It turned out that in
the economy calibrated to 1983 about 60% of the borrowers use screening
contracts, despite its high cost. (19)
Now the analysis focuses on the model with costly information
calibrated to 1983. The value functions are displayed in Figure 4. These
functions behave as in the standard quantitative model of bankruptcy
(Chatterjee et al. 2007). The lifetime utility of a household that
decides to repay its debt, V, is increasing and concave in asset
holdings. At the same time, lifetime utility of a household that decides
to default on its debt, D, is independent of the stock of assets. This
implies that households with enough negative assets--or large enough
debt--find defaulting on their debt beneficial.
Figure 4 also shows that both D and V are increasing in the three
components of income: the fixed component, [alpha], the persistent
component, n, and the i.i.d. component, [epsilon]. The level of debt at
which V and D cross determines the default threshold: households will
file bankruptcy if and only if their debt is larger than the threshold.
Importantly, in the three panels in Figure 4 that threshold is
decreasing in [alpha], n, and [epsilon]. This means that there are some
intermediate levels of debt at which households with more income would
decide to pay its debt normally while households with less income would
file for bankruptcy. This is exactly what occurs in the two-period
Figure 5 displays the zero-profit prices of debt as a function of
the total amount borrowed for households with different levels of
income. These prices would represent the equilibrium prices if the cost
of information was zero. They are decreasing in the amount borrowed,
indicating that everything else constant, households that want to borrow
more must pay a higher interest rate. In contrast, households with
higher income, for any of the components, pay lower interest rates.
Although in the standard quantitative model of bankruptcy (Chatterjee et
al. 2007) these prices represent the equilibrium prices offered to
households, here they would be available only after paying the cost of
information or if they satisfy the self-revelation constraint. Thus, the
households that do not pay the cost of information face borrowing limits
on the prices described above imposed by private information.
Figure 6 contains six panels with the revelation prices that agents
with different levels of current assets, a, face in any given period.
Focus first on the top panel. This is the price that an agent with a =
-0.31 and low observable component of productivity, [alpha] =
[[alpha].sub.H], is offered as revelation contract, independently of the
level of the unobservable component of productivity, n and [epsilon].
Notice that the maximum amount of debt offered is a' = -0.015. This
is much less than households with high n would be able to borrow in an
economy with perfect information. For a simple comparison, look again at
the top right panel of Figure 5. Notice that the limits are even tighter
for households with less debt, as shown in the bottom panels of Figure
6. This happens because households with less debt are willing to borrow
less and as a consequence are "harder to separate" by offering
them more debt at higher interest rates.
To isolate the effect of changes in the cost of information from
changes in other parameters (income, cost of default, etc.), this
section presents the results of computing a counterfactual economy. This
economy is referred to as counterfactual 1983 and answers the following
question: What would the bankruptcy rate (and other statistics) be in
1983 with the information technologies of 2004? The results are
presented in Table 4.
The first row in Table 4 shows the only exogenous difference
between the two economies: the cost of information. The next four rows
display variables of interest generated by the models. The third column
shows the change in these variables between the model calibrated for the
year 1983 and the economy referred to as counterfactual 1983. The last
column shows the actual change in these variables between 1983 and 2004.
Importantly, the default rate would have been 119% larger in 1983
if the cost of information were as small as in 2004. As the consequence
of the same change, the share of households in debt increased 8%, the
debt-to-income ratio increased 36%, and the charge-off rate increased
22%. All changes are in the same direction as in the data, displayed in
the last column. In addition, the model also replicates the fact that
the largest increase is in the default, then the debt-to-income ratio,
and last the share of households in debt. In this sense, the mechanism
in the model is able to generate some of the distinguishing changes
during this period.
The last two rows present statistics that help in understanding the
model: the share of households using risky debt and the share of debtors
using screening contracts. As a consequence of the adoption of
information technologies in 1983, the share of households borrowing with
risk of default would increase from 22% to 25% and the share of debtors
using screening contracts would increase from 62% to 84%. This is the
key to understanding the mechanism: the increase in bankruptcy occurs
because households are allowed to take more risk of bankruptcy by the
drop in the cost of screening contracts.
A. Welfare Gains of Information
To gain more insight on the effect of information, this section
considers welfare gains of moving from the economy calibrated to 1983 to
a counterfactual economy with all the same parameters but zero cost of
information. Notice that this comparison is between steady states. It is
valid as the measure a household would consider to decide whether to be
born (with certain characteristics) in one economy or the other. A
consumption equivalent unit indicates how much consumption should be
increased in every period in the economy with costly information so that
a household in the state (n, [epsilon], a, [alpha]) is indifferent
between "being born" in that economy and in one with zero
information costs.
Figure 7 presents the welfare comparison for households in
different states. Welfare gains depend on the level of assets. All
panels in Figure 7 show minimal gains for agents with large holdings of
assets. Notice also that for negative-enough assets holdings (too much
debt), welfare gains are independent of the amount owed. This occurs
because such households would default in that state, and the gains come
only from the next period and later, when they will start with zero
Perhaps the most interesting result is that the maximal gains,
around 0.15%, are achieved by households with high persistent component
of income that have some debt and are planning to refinance those
obligations. These are the households in need of financing that would
pay for the (expensive) screening cost or reduce their consumption
drastically in the economy with C = 0.12. They experience an abrupt
decline in interest rates in a scenario with perfect information. This
explains the spike in welfare gains in the second panel on the left and
the third on the right in Figure 7.
What is the role of the IT revolution in the transformation of the
unsecured credit market? Asymmetric information and costly screening are
incorporated into a model of consumer debt and bankruptcy to study this
question. In a simple example, a drop in information costs allows
previously borrowing-constrained households to borrow more. Since the
borrowing limits imposed by private information prevent households from
borrowing with risk of default, as the limits are relaxed not only debt
but also the number of bankruptcy filings increase.
Can this model account for the changes in consumer credit markets
over the past 20 years? The calibrated model replicates the main
characteristics of the unsecured credit market before (1983) and after
(2004) the IT revolution. In the economy calibrated for 1983, the lowest
interest rate on screening contract is about 15% and revelation
contracts imply very tight borrowing limits. As a consequence, some
households are borrowing constrained. A drop in the cost of information
allows these households to use screening contracts and borrow more, with
higher risk of default. A quantitative exercise suggests that the cost
of information alone accounts for a significant part of the changes in
borrowing and bankruptcy. In particular, the drop in information costs
accounts for the disproportional increase in the number of bankruptcy
filings, compared with the debt-to-income ratio and the share of
households in debt.
The mechanism described here is probably relevant for the expansion
of mortgage debt as well. And the IT revolution, more generally,
probably lowered the borrowing cost for other reasons, too. For
instance, it facilitated securitization of loans and improved
lenders' ability to monitor borrowers. An interesting research
question is whether these forces contributed to the financial crisis of
The measure of debt used here was first used by Chatterjee et al.
(2007). It is defined as minus net worth for households with a negative
net worth, and zero for households with positive net worth. This measure
may be preferable because it is actual unsecured debt. For the case of
net worth debt, the sample analyzed is restricted to household heads
with age 22-65 that have incomes greater that zero. In addition,
households whose negative net worth to median income ratio is in the top
1% of the distribution of this ratio are excluded because these
households are likely to have a substantial net worth debt due to
entrepreneurial activities. For 1983, new worth is obtained from the
1983 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) Full Public Data Set as "Net
worth" (b3324). For 2004, it is extracted from the 2004 Tabling
Wizard as "Total net worth of household" (NETWORTH). Income is
defined as "Total 1982 Household income" (b3201) for 1983, and
"Total amount of income of household" (INCOME) for 2004. For
1983, sample weights used were the "Extended income FRB
weight" (b3016) and for 2004, they were "sample weight"
(WGT) found in the tabling wizard. A few alternative measures of
unsecured debt can be computed from the SCF, though.
The first alternative considered is referred to as unsecured debt.
In 1983 it is computed as "Total Consumer Debt" (b3319) minus
"Total Loans for Automobile Purchase" (b4205). In the 2004
Tabling Wizard, it is the variable "Total value of debt held by
household" (DEBT) minus "Total value of debt secured by the
primary residence held by household" (MRTHEL) minus "Total
value of vehicle loans held by household" (VEH_INST) minus
"Total value of debt for other residential property held by
households" (RESDBT). The mean-debt-to-mean-income ratio using this
measure of debt is 10.1% in the 1983 SCF and 11.2% in the 2004 SCF.
Other alternative is revolving debt. In 1983, this variable is
"Total Revolving Charge Debt" (b4101). In the 2004 Tabling
Wizard, it is computed as the variable "Total value of credit card
balances held by household" (CCBAL) plus "Total value of other
lines of credit held by household" (OTHLOC). This variable includes
credit card debt and other lines of credit. The mean debt-to-mean income
ratio using this measure of debt is 3.4% in 1983 SCF and 4.1% in 2004
SCF, a 23% increase.
Finally, one could consider credit card debt. The rise is the
largest in this case. The debt-to-income ratio is 1.2% in the 1983 SCF
and 3.3% in the 2004 SCF. Notice that the rise in this case will be
biased because of the substitution of other types of credit with credit
card debt.
Bankruptcy data are found in the American Bankruptcy
Institute's non-business U.S Bankruptcy Filings 1980-2010 (from the
"Business, Non-Business, Total" Table), while population data
are from the U.S Census Bureau. Charged off rates are published in the
Federal Reserve Statistical Release of Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates
on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks and correspond to credit card
consumer loan charge-off rates in Q4-1985 and Q4-2004 for 1983 and 2004,
CE: Consumption Equivalent
IT: Information Technology
SCF: Survey of Consumer Finances
doi: 10.1111/ecin.12519
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(1.) They also pointed out that from 1929 to 1985 the relationship
between real consumer credit and nonbusiness filings remained remarkably
stable: Real consumer credit grew at a compound rate of 4.727% per year,
while nonbusiness filings grew at a compound rate of 4.735% per year.
(2.) The IT revolution refers to the dramatic change in the cost of
electronics, computing, and telecommunication. See Forester (1985).
(3.) See Jordan and Katz (1999).
(4.) This paper focuses on the period 1983-2004. Starting in 1983
is ideal given the availability of data from the Survey of Consumer
Finance (SCF). Ending in 2004 is convenient because the Bankruptcy Abuse
Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) of 2005 altered the
conditions of bankruptcy.
(5.) The Appendix describes how each of these variables was
(6.) The option of studying the separating equilibrium is
convenient because the pooling equilibrium does not exist in this
framework. The separating equilibrium may not exist, though. There are
several reasons to consider the prices and allocation of the separating
equilibrium despite this, problem, however. First, if the share of
riskier households is small enough, then this is the unique equilibrium.
Second, if this equilibrium does not exist, there is no Nash equilibria.
And third, slightly different equilibrium definition (as in Riley 1979)
return these prices and allocations as the unique equilibrium.
(7.) The fact that households and not lenders choose the contract
(screening vs. revelation) is for exposition and without loss of
(8.) The following values were given to the parameters in this
example: [beta] = 0.93, r = 0, u is a constant relative risk aversion
utility function with risk aversion parameter 2, [y.sub.1L] = 0.25,
[y.sub.1H] = 0.3, [y.sub.2L] = 0.2, [y.sub.2H] = 0.5, [[pi].sub.LH] =
0.75, [[pi].sub.HH] = 0.9, and [tau] = 0.28.
(9.) In this simple example the risk-free rate, r, is set at zero.
Otherwise, the price would be 1/(1 + r).
(10.) If the default probability is zero or one, information about
current productivity is irrelevant and lenders will offer the
zero-profit prices described previously.
(11.) Any change from [C.sub.0] > c to [C.sub.1] < c would
have the same effect on bankruptcy and very similar effects on
(12.) See Sanchez (2009) for a general equilibrium analysis.
Similar results are obtained.
(13.) Chatterjee et al. (2008) build a model where no punishment is
required after filing bankruptcy. In that model, asymmetric information
is crucial to create incentives for debt repayment, because households
signal their type by repaying their debt.
(14.) This condition is formally defined below.
(15.) See page 224.
(16.) Also, it may overestimate the cost of information because it
corresponds to 2000 instead of 2004.
(17.) This adjustment is necessary because the model has only
income shocks; in reality other shocks are also important. Chatterjee et
al. (2007) applied the same procedure when they calibrated their model
with only income shocks.
(18.) These statistics were computed with the income process
calibrated for 1983.
(19.) The fit of the targeted statistic is presented in Table 3.
* For helpful discussions, I thank Arpad Abraham, Jeremy Greenwood,
and Jay Hong. I also appreciate insightful comments from Mark Aguiar,
Paulo Barelli, Mark Bils, Maria Canon, Harold Cole, Emilio Espino,
Martin Gervais, William Hawkins, Constanza Liborio, Jim MacGee, Leonardo
Martinez, Jose Mustre-del-Rio, Andy Neumeyer, Ronni Pavan, Jose-Victor
Rios-Rull, Balazs Szentes, Michele Tertilt, Rodrigo Velez; and
participants in seminars at the University of Rochester, ASU, NYU, UCLA,
Carlos III, Alicante, ITAM, ColMex, Di Tella, Bank of Canada, and the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; and conferences at Washington
University St. Louis, UPenn, Carnegie Mellon, and MIT. The views
expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the Federal
Reserve System.
Sanchez: Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
St. Louis, MO 63106. Phone 804-426-4836, Fax 314-444-8731, E-mail
[email protected]
Caption: FIGURE 1 Mechanism in a Simple Example
Caption: FIGURE 2 Main Statistics as a Function of [beta] and
[tau], Perfect Information Model
Caption: FIGURE 3 Main Statistics as a Function of the Cost of
Information, C
Caption: FIGURE 4 Value Functions
Caption: FIGURE 5 Zero-Expected-Profits Prices
Caption: FIGURE 6 Limits on Borrowing Imposed by Private
Information, Examples
Caption: FIGURE 7 Welfare Gains of IT Revolution
Borrowing and Bankruptcy, 1983 and 2004
Statistics (%) 1983 2004 % Change
Mean debt-to-mean income 0.50 1.23 146.0
ratio (net worth)
Share of households with net 5.64 8.01 42.0
worth debt
Bankruptcies-to-population 0.12 0.53 341.7
Charge-off rate 2.98 4.52 51.7
Source: See Appendix.
Parameter Values
Calibration Year
Parameter 1983 2004
[[sigma].sub.[alpha]], Standard deviation of 0.205 0.294
fixed effects
[[sigma].sub.[eta]], Standard deviation of 0.089 0.114
persistent shocks
[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]], Standard deviation 0.242 0.324
of i.i.d shocks
[rho], Autocorrelation of the persistent 0.980 0.980
[??] Survival rate 0.975 0.975
[sigma], Relative risk aversion coefficient 2.000 2.000
r, Risk free interest rate 1.0% 1.0%
C, Cost of information 0.12 0
[tau], Share of income lost in bankruptcy 0.047 0.047
[beta], Discount factor 0.901 0.901
Target and Model Statistics
Statistics (%) Target Model
Default rate, 2004 0.283 0.246
Mean debt-to-mean income ratio, 2004 0.650 0.663
Default rate, 1983 0.065 0.064
Effect of Information Costs
Variable (1) Model, (2) (l)/(2)-l (2004)/
Counterfactual Model, Model (1983)-l
1983 1983 (% Change) Data
(% Change)
Cost of 0 0.120 -- --
Default rate 0.140 0.064 118.5 341.7
Share households 26.297 24.383 7.8 42.0
in debt
Debt-to-income 0.827 0.609 35.9 146.0
Charged-off rate 0.472 0.388 21.6 51.7
Share of 25.212 22.338 --
bhouseholds with
risky debt
Share of debtors 83.677 61.563 --
using screening
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