Narayan, Paresh Kumar ; Narayan, Seema ; Khademalomoom, Siroos 等
Terrorism has had a lasting impact on economies and financial
markets. The literature on this is rich (see, inter alia, Arin, Ciferri,
and Spagnolo 2008; Brounen and Derwall 2010; Charles and Darne 2006;
Chen and Siems 2004; Chesney, Reshetar, and Karaman 2011; Meierrieks and
Gries 2013; Ratcliffe and Scholder 2015; Shahbaz 2013; Shahbaz et al.
2013). (1) These studies explore the effect of terrorism on economic
growth and stock market performance, and the key message emanating from
these studies is that terrorism negatively impacts economic growth and
stock market performance. Surprisingly, nothing is known about how, if
at all, terrorism affects exchange rates. The current study is a
response to this research gap. We test, using intraday (10-minute)
exchange rate data for a large number of countries, exactly how
country-specific terrorist attacks affect exchange rate returns. Our
study reveals three things previously unknown about the effect of
terrorist attacks on exchange rate behavior. First, we show that
terrorist attacks lead to both appreciation and depreciation of
currencies. Second, we show that as information on terrorist attacks
becomes stale, its effect on exchange rate behavior weakens but
persists, suggesting that the bulk of the effect of terrorist attacks is
felt on the day of attacks. Third, we show, consistent with exchange
rate theories, that for some countries the effect of terrorist attacks
on exchange rate reverses with time while for other currencies the
effect is persistent. On the whole, these results imply that terrorist
attacks influence exchange rate behavior.
Our approaches to addressing the proposed research question follows
two steps. In the first step, we construct a unique data set of
10-minute exchange rate returns and terrorist attacks for 21 countries.
In the second step, we run time-series regression models to test the
hypothesis that terrorist attacks influence exchange rate returns.
Our approaches and findings add to the literature in two ways.
First, there is a literature that models the high-frequency response of
exchange rates to macroeconomic announcements. These studies show that:
(a) unexpectedly strong macroeconomic announcements lead to appreciation
of the U.S. dollar in the short term (see Faust et al. 2007), (b)
two-thirds of the total effect of macroeconomic news on the DM/$
exchange rate are transmitted via order flow (Evans and Lyons 2008), and
(c) macroeconomic announcements influence exchange rate volatility
(Andersen and Bollerslev 1998; Ederington and Lee 1993; Melvin and Yin
2000). There is one thing common with this literature and our
study--most of these studies, like our own, are based on intraday
exchange rate behavior. However, there is also a key difference. This
literature almost exclusively focuses on the effects of macroeconomic
announcements on exchange rate behavior. We introduce into this story a
different type of unexpected event, namely terrorism, and propose the
hypothesis that terrorism as an unexpected event moves exchange rate
returns. Two theories motivate our research question. The first one
relates to the overshooting hypothesis which owes to the work of
Dornbusch (1976). The tenet of this hypothesis has roots in the idea
that an unexpected monetary contraction (which terrorist attacks lead
to) paves the way for an immediate appreciation of the currency. Over
time, though, the currency is expected to depreciate, thus converging to
its long-run equilibrium. This type of behavior is also consistent with
the uncovered interest rate parity. The key point here is that the
instantaneous response of the exchange rate to the terrorist attack will
be greater than its long-run response, thus mimicking an exchange rate
overshooting type behavior. The second theory is motivated by the
exchange rate undershooting hypothesis also known as the bandwagon
effect, which has the opposite effects to the overshooting hypothesis
(see, inter alia, Dornbusch 1976; Frenkel and Rodriguez 1982; Papell
1985). In this case, a monetary contraction due to bad news instigates
currency appreciation, the magnitude of which is less than the
currency's long-term appreciation.
Second, our study connects with studies that show that terrorism
negatively affects stock market performance (see, inter alia, Arin,
Ciferri, and Spagnolo 2008; Brounen and Derwall 2010; Chen and Siems
2004; Chesney, Reshetar, and Karaman 2011). None of these studies shows
whether the effect of terrorist attacks goes beyond stock markets to the
exchange rate market. Our study by showing that terrorism affects
exchange rate behavior complements the extant literature on
terrorism's effect on the stock market and, as a result, joins this
group of studies in establishing a strong empirical relation between
terrorism and financial markets more broadly.
We organize the remainder of the paper as follows. In the next
section, we discuss the data set. The main findings are presented in
Section III, and the final section summarizes the key messages emerging
from our paper.
We have two sets of data. The first data set is on the exchange
rate. We have 10-minute exchange rate data for 21 countries, namely,
Australia (AUD), Canada (CAD), Chile (CLP), China (CNY), Colombia (COP),
Croatia (HRK), India (INR), Indonesia (IDR), Israel (ILS), Japan (JPY),
Jordan (JOD), Mexico (MXN), Pakistan (PKR), the Philippines (PHP), South
Africa (ZAR), Sri Lanka (LKR), Switzerland (CHF), Thailand (THB),
Tunisia (TND), Turkey (TRY), and the United Kingdom (GBP). For each of
these countries, the currency is quoted (a direct quote) vis-a-vis the
U.S. dollar (USD), such that an increase (decrease) in the rate reflects
an appreciation (depreciation) of the local currency against the USD.
The data are sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History and cover the
period from January 1, 1996 (12:00 a.m.--local time) to December 31,
2014 (11:50p.m.--local time). In terms of the sample size, we have close
to a million observations per country. (2)
We calculate returns (R,) of these currencies vis-a-vis the USD
using the mid-quote price at the beginning and end of each 10-minute
frequency: E[P.sub.t] = ([P.sup.OB.sub.t] + [P.sup.OA.sub.t] +
[P.sup.CB.sub.t] + [P.sup.CA.sub.t])/4, where E[P.sub.t] is the
estimated mid-quote price at time t and [P.sup.OB.sub.t]
[P.sup.OA.sub.t][P.sup.CB.sub.t], and [P.sup.CA.sub.t] are the prices at
the open bid, open ask, close bid, and close ask, respectively.
Consequently, the return is: [R.sub.t] = log(E[P.sub.t]/E[P.sub.t-1]) x
In this way, we obtain 10-minute exchange rate returns, which are
plotted in Figure 1. (3) A summary of these data appears in Table 1.
Several interesting statistical features are reflected in these
summarized outputs. Reading Figure 1, for example, suggests that the
10-minute exchange rate behavior is heterogeneous: (a) some currencies
(AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, GBP, JOD, and JPY) are relatively stable whereas
others are extremely volatile (COP, PHP, PKR, TND, TRY, and ZAR); (b)
some currencies experience strong patterns of volatility clustering
(IDR, PHP, PKR, THB, and TRY); and (c) many cases of structural breaks
are evident in most currencies.
Over the 1996-2014 sample period, we notice that 17 of 21
currencies had depreciated against the USD; the exceptions are AUD, CAD,
CHF, and CNY, which apparently, as depicted in Figure 1, were among the
most stable currencies. The largest annualized depreciation is
experienced by the Turkish Lira (13.94%), followed by the ZAR (6.31%).
Another three currencies (COP, IDR, and PKR) depreciated by at least 4%
per annum against the USD over the sample period. The most volatile
currencies, based on the standard deviation of exchange rate returns,
turn out to be THB, IDR, and TND. In 9 of 21 currencies, skewness is
positive, suggesting that the chances of further appreciation of these
currencies are high. For the majority of currencies, however, skewness
is negative, implying that chances of further depreciation are high. The
large kurtosis statistic is symptomatic of fat tails--a feature of high
frequency exchange rate returns (see Westerfield 1977). The Jarque-Bera
test of the null hypothesis of a normal distribution is strongly
rejected for all exchange rate returns; the augmented Dickey and Fuller
(1979) test, examining the null hypothesis of a unit root, reveals that
all exchange rate returns are stationary.
A test of heteroskedasticity is implemented on residuals from a
12th order autoregressive model of exchange rate returns. Specifically,
we utilize the ARCH Lagrange multiplier test which has the null
hypothesis that there is no ARCH. The results reported in the last
column of Table 1 reveal strong evidence that exchange rate returns are
characterized by heteroscedasticity; the null hypothesis is rejected
with a p value close to zero. The first-order autoregressive
coefficient, which we use to judge persistency in returns, is reported
in the second last column. Mixed evidence of persistency, which falls in
the -0.39% to 0.38% range, is discovered. The implication is that past
returns help explain current period returns for most countries. More
specifically, we discover that for 16 of 21 currencies at least 10% of
current period returns are explained by the previous period's
Next is the terrorism data. The data on the number of terrorist
attacks begin in 1994 and are available on a consistent basis for only
40 countries. We obtain these data from the Global Terrorism Database.
(4) However, because high frequency exchange rate data are unavailable
for many countries, when these data are matched with countries for which
terrorist attack data are available we end up with only 21 countries
with time-series data from 1996 to 2014. Since terrorist attack data are
daily and not all days have terrorist attacks, on the day of the attack
for every 10-minute frequency we repeat the number of attacks. We also
create a dummy variable that takes a value of one in every 10-minute
interval on the day of a terrorist attack and zero for every 10-minute
interval on the day when there is no terrorist attack.
A summary of the data on the number of terrorist attacks is
presented in Figure 2. All summary information is obtained over the
sample period 1996-2014. Panel A plots the total number of attacks by
country which sees Pakistan lead the list of 21 countries with a total
of 10,134 attacks, followed by India (6,576 attacks), the Philippines
(3,032 attacks), Colombia (2,915 attacks), and Thailand (2,890 attacks).
The countries with the most number of attacks naturally have the highest
average--thus, Pakistan has the highest average followed by India. Panel
B plots the mean number of daily terrorist attacks by country. Pakistan
records the highest number of daily attacks, followed by India,
Colombia, the Philippines, and Thailand.
This section reports and discusses the main results that are in
response to our proposed hypothesis: that terrorist attacks influence
exchange rate behavior. The results are divided into four parts. In the
first part, we provide a cursory (univariate) analysis of the behavior
of exchange rate returns in response to terrorist attacks. The way we
achieve this is through averaging exchange rate returns on days of
terrorist attacks and comparing them with those on nonterrorist attack
days. In the second part of our analysis, we estimate time-series
regression models aimed at unraveling the contemporaneous effect of
terrorist attacks on exchange rate returns followed by a test of whether
terrorist attacks can actually predict exchange rate returns. In the
third part of our analysis, we test and identify the time period over
which the effect of terrorist attacks on exchange rate returns lasts.
The final part of the article undertakes additional analysis aimed at
(a) establishing the robustness of our findings and (b) testing if data
frequency influences the results.
A. Univariate Analysis
Table 2 documents mean exchange rate returns on terrorist attack
days (column 2) and nonterrorist attack days (column 3) together with
the standard deviation of returns. Three main messages are contained
here. First, for 19 of 21 currencies the mean returns are higher (in
absolute values) on terrorist attack days compared to nonterrorist
attack days. The exceptions are IDR and PHP. Second, the largest
difference between terrorist and nonterrorist attack day mean returns is
found for CHF, HRK, and ZAR.
Third, 18 of 21 (16/21) currencies experienced a depreciation in
terrorist (nonterrorist) attack periods; however, the magnitude of
depreciation is much stronger in the terrorist attack period for around
14 of those currencies. Three currencies (GBP, CHF, and CAD) experienced
a depreciation in the terrorist attack period and an appreciation in the
nonterrorist attack period whereas AUD and CNY experienced appreciation
in both time periods.
On the whole, the main implication emanating from these univariate
statistics on mean exchange rate returns on terrorist and nonterrorist
attack days is that there is a strong pattern in mean returns that seems
to be influenced by terrorist attacks. We explore this empirical
possibility further through regression analysis next.
B. Regression Analysis
This section explores the contemporaneous effect of terrorist
attacks (TERt) on exchange rate returns (E[R.sub.t]) based on the
following GARCH(1.1) model with a t distribution (5):
(1) E[R.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][TER.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]E[R.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]E[R.sup.2.sub.t] +
We define the conditional variance of return as: [h.sub.t] = Var
(E[R.sub.t]|[[OMEGA].sub.t-1]) = E [[(E[R.sub.t] -
[[beta].sub.1][TER.sub.t] - [[beta].sub.2]E[R.sub.t-1] -
[[beta].sub.3]E[R.sup.2.sub.t]).sup.2]|[[OMEGA].sub.t-1]) where
[Q.sub.t-1] denotes the set of all information available at time t - 1.
We use two proxies for terrorist attacks: (a) a dummy variable that
takes a value of one every 10-minute interval on a day on which a
terrorist attack takes place and a value of zero every 10-minute
interval on days when there are no terrorist attacks; and (b) the number
of terrorist attacks, such that if, for example, five attacks took place
on day t then in every 10-minute interval on that day we take a value of
five. The terrorism variables in (a) and (b) relate to domestic
terrorist attacks only. We do not consider in Equation (1) terrorist
attacks in other countries. We return to this issue later in robustness
tests (see Section III.E). Equation (1) is estimated for each country in
our sample. The results from the dummy variable regression model and the
terrorist number-based regression model are reported in columns 2 and 5
of Table 3, respectively. The results reveal the following. The dummy
variable model tells us that in 14 of 21 currencies the effect of
terrorism is a depreciation of the local currency vis-a-vis the USD and
the range of effect is 0.02%-32.6% per annum. By comparison, ten
currencies experience an appreciation, ranging from 0.007% to 155.1% per
annum. Similarly, when we consider the number of terrorist attacks as a
measure of terrorism, 14 of 21 (7/21) currencies experience a
depreciation (appreciation). The magnitudes of depreciation and
appreciation fall in the [0.001%, 22.8%] and [0.0003%, 80.4%] per annum
range, respectively.
Table 4 reports results from a regression model that aims at
establishing how exchange rates are affected (a) on the day of terrorist
attacks and (b) 1-2 days after the attacks. The exchange rate model
augmented with the contemporaneous effect takes the following form:
(1) E[R.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][TER.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]E[R.sub.t-144] + [[beta].sub.3][TER.sub.t-288] +
There are several important results contained in Table 4. First,
notice how the effect of terrorist attacks on exchange rate changes as
terrorist attacks become stale. Terrorist attacks lagged a day lead to
appreciation of 13 currencies and depreciation of 8 currencies. Second,
when the effect is tested with attacks occurring two days ago, 12 (9)
currencies experience an appreciation (depreciation). The implication of
these results is that for all currencies the effect of terrorist attacks
persists, that is, past attacks influence exchange rates in the current
period. The way to interpret these asymmetric responses of exchange
rates to terrorist attacks is from a behavioral perspective. Terrorist
attacks, and their effects, determine market confidence. If, following
an attack, markets are worried about the future of a country's
economy, then investors will sell that country's currency leading
to a fall in the value of that country's currency. However, if the
predicted repercussions of the attack are deemed not serious enough to
dent investor confidence then investors (both existing and new) will
continue to invest in the country regardless of the attack. This will
increase the value of the currency, hence an appreciation. The story
that emerges from our data suggests that exchange rate traders/investors
across the 21 countries are not homogenous in how they perceive the
economy following a terrorist attack. There are multiple reasons as to
why investors are heterogeneous. These reasons range from different
macroeconomic conditions (including credit risk profiles) to different
institutional features in each of the countries. Therefore, the manner
in which investors behave in each country following an attack is
heterogeneous thus displaying the asymmetric behavior we observe in our
The second message emerging from these results is that the initial
reaction of exchange rate to terrorist attacks is either completely
reversed, partially reversed, or that it persists 2 days following the
attacks. In the case of ten currencies, the effect persists, and for
seven (four) currencies there is complete (partial) reversal in exchange
rates. There are two ways to interpret these results. First, on the
evidence that the effect persists, the idea has roots in the investor
under-reaction hypothesis (see Hong and Stein 1999). Investors in this
situation may gradually change their beliefs about a shock and therefore
prices will continue to adjust as long as investors are updating their
beliefs about the potential impact of a shock. Second, the evidence that
the effect of terrorist attacks reverses in time has roots in theories
developed in financial economics in particular with respect to investor
overreaction (see Barberis, Shleifer, and Vishny 1998). Based on this,
we argue that if investors do indeed overreact to terrorist attacks then
they will correct this behavior resulting in the reversal of the effect
on exchange rate.
Do the Effects of Terrorist Attacks Persist? In this section, we
present results on the joint null hypothesis that the coefficients on
lagged terrorist attacks are zero. In other words, we run the following
regression model:
(2) E[R.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[gamma].sub.1] [TER.sub.t] +
[n.summation over (i=1)] [[beta].sub.i][TER.sub.t-i] +
In the first predictive regression model, we set n = 144, and in
the second model we set n = 288, representing effects of terrorist
attacks after 1 and 2 days, respectively. The implications from these
models can be traced to two hypotheses, namely, the overshooting and
undershooting hypotheses. Consider the work of Dornbusch (1976), for
example, who proposed the overshooting hypothesis. This hypothesis has
roots in the role played by unexpected monetary shocks as key drivers of
short-run exchange rate movements. (6) The immediate effect of an
unexpected monetary contraction (expansion) is an appreciation
(depreciation) of the dollar. Over time, the dollar is expected to
depreciate (appreciate) as it returns to its long-run equilibrium level,
consistent with the uncovered interest rate parity. (7) Exchange rate
overshooting results when the instantaneous response of the exchange
rate to the monetary shock is greater than its long-run response.
The opposing hypothesis is that of exchange rate undershooting.
This occurs when following a contractionary (expansionary) monetary
shock, or bad (good) news, the exchange rate appreciates (depreciates)
by less than its long-run appreciation (depreciation) (see, inter alia,
Dornbusch 1976; Frenkel and Rodriguez 1982; Papell 1985). Related to the
undershooting hypothesis is the evidence of what some studies refer to
as the bandwagon effect. (8)
The results are reported in Table 5. To investigate the prevalence
of the hypotheses, we simply compare the size of the contemporaneous
effect (column 2) against the corresponding effect on exchange rate
after 1 day (column 3) and 2 days (column 4). We observe that the
instantaneous effect of terrorism is significant for 15 of 21
countries' currencies. We also notice that the exchange rate is
still affected by terrorist attacks that took place 1 day and 2 days
ago. The 1-day effect of terrorist attacks is statistically different
from zero for 11 of 21 countries' currencies while the effect of
terrorist attacks 2 days ago is statistically different from zero for 11
of 21 countries' currencies. The message here is that, consistent
with our earlier observations, the effect of terrorist attacks on
exchange rate behavior weakens as the information on terrorist attacks
gets outdated, although the effect persists even 2 days after the
terrorist attack.
Second, we observe weak evidence of overshooting when testing the
effect of terrorist attacks a day after the attacks. Only in the case of
CLP, LKR, TRY, and ZAR, the instantaneous effect of terrorism is an
appreciation of the currency and its size effect is bigger than the net
effect (depreciation) summed over the day, suggesting exchange rate
overshooting. When testing the effect of terrorist attacks over the past
2 days, we find that the evidence of overshooting completely disappears
for only LKR but persists for CLP, TRY, and ZAR.
However, exchange rate undershooting or bandwagon effect is found
in the case of COP, JPY, PHP, PKR. and THB when we consider the effect
of terrorist attacks a day ago. In all these cases, the instantaneous
appreciations are less than the long-run appreciations.
From this, we learn that terrorism, like unexpected macroeconomic
news or announcements, can cause over- or under-shooting in the short
term. Further similar to unexpected macroeconomic news, evidence of
over- or under-shooting is thin but there is ample evidence that the
effects of terrorism on the exchange rates for some countries are
persistent two days following the attacks.
Do Fatalities from Terrorist Attacks Also Impact Exchange Rate
Behavior? In this section, we consider studying the role of fatalities
(resulting from terrorist attacks) on exchange rate behavior. Like with
terrorist attack-based dummies, we now create a dummy variable capturing
the effect of fatalities from terrorist attacks. On the day of the
attack when there are fatalities, then for every 10-minute frequency on
that day we repeat the number of fatalities. We also create a dummy
variable that takes a value of one in every 10-minute interval on the
day of a terrorist attack when there are fatalities and zero for every
10-minute interval on the day when there are no fatalities. In this way,
we end up with two proxies capturing the effect of fatalities from
terrorist attacks. The results are reported in Tables 6 and 7. Except
for Japan, for which there are insufficient data on fatalities, and for
TND, all currencies are impacted by terrorist attack-induced fatalities.
Nine currencies experience a depreciation while another nine currencies
experience an appreciation. Fatalities resulting a day ago lead to
appreciation (depreciation) of nine (eight) currencies. The results are
broadly consistent when we use the number of fatalities: at time t - 1,
eight currencies experience appreciation and another eight experience
The main message here is that regardless of whether we use
terrorist attacks or fatalities resulting from terrorist attacks,
exchange rates respond to both these events in a similar manner; that
is, some currencies undergo a depreciation while others experience an
D. Out-of-Sample Test
So far our empirical analysis has focused on in-sample evidence of
the role of terrorist attacks in influencing exchange rate behavior. An
influential literature in exchange rate economics when testing for
exchange rate predictability has almost exclusively relied on
out-of-sample predictability tests. This literature has been motivated
by the pioneering work of Meese and Rogoff (1983). We feel that to
provide completeness to our research question of whether or not
terrorist attacks influence exchange rate returns in addition to the
in-sample analysis undertaken in previous sections, an out-of-sample
evaluation is necessary. This section, therefore, dwells on
out-of-sample tests, where we compare the terrorist attack-based
exchange rate model (M-T), which amounts to setting [beta] j =
[[beta].sub.3] = 0 in Equation (1), with a constant-only exchange rate
model (MC), which amounts to setting [[beta].sub.1] = [[beta].sub.2] =
[[beta].sub.3] = 0 in Equation (1). Following Rapach, Strauss, and Zhou
(2010) and Narayan, Narayan, and Sharma (2013), we utilize a recursive
window approach; that is, we estimate the predictive regression model
for the in-sample period [t.sub.0] to t (50% of the sample) and forecast
exchange rate returns for the period t + 1. The model is then
reestimated for the period [t.sub.0] to t + 1 and forecasts are
generated for the period t + 2, stopping only at the last data point of
the sample. Multiple out-of-sample test statistics--namely, the
root-mean-squared error of M-T relative to M-C (RRMSE), the
out-of-sample R-squared (O[R.sup.2]) which is computed as one minus the
mean-square forecast error from the M-T relative to M-C (see Campbell
and Thompson 2008), and the Clark and West (2007) mean-square forecast
error adjusted test statistic (MSFE-adjusted)--are generated.
The results appear in Table 8. We begin with evidence obtained from
RRMSE: the RRMSE <1 for 12 of 21 countries. However, the O[R.sup.2]
> 0 for 12 of 21 countries, and the MSFE-adjusted test statistic
reveals that in 11 of those cases the null hypothesis that O[R.sup.2] =
0 is rejected in favor of O[R.sup.2] > 0. This implies that the
terrorist attack-based exchange rate model beats the constant returns
model in those 11 countries. In terms of consistency, we notice that all
three metrics support the terrorist attack-based model over a constant
returns-based model in 11 of 21 countries. These countries are
Australia, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, Japan, Mexico,
Thailand, Turkey, and South Africa.
E. Robustness Tests
In this section, we attempt to establish the robustness of our
results along four lines. We believe that, given the data-intensive
nature of our research question, a skeptic can rightfully question both
our empirical specification and choice of data frequency. We, therefore,
make an attempt to address these issues in this section. We begin by
first looking specifically at the predictive regression model
specification. While our empirical framework is consistent with models
used to study predictability of stock returns (see, e.g., Garcia 2013;
Tetlock 2007), the rather obvious question that arises is: are our
results sensitive to the use of the contemporaneous variable? To address
this issue, we reestimate all predictive regression models without the
contemporaneous variable. The results are reported in Table 9. There are
three observations to be made from these results. First, it is clear
that with or without the contemporaneous variable, the effect of
terrorist attacks on exchange rate behavior holds, thus rendering our
results robust. The second thing we notice is that the magnitude of
effect on exchange rate is larger with the contemporaneous variable,
suggesting that contemporaneous effects should not be ignored. Finally,
we observe that the effect from the 1-day lagged predictive regression
model most closely mirrors the results from with and without the
contemporaneous variable. This again goes to show the importance of
modeling the contemporaneous effect, particularly when the information
on terrorist attacks becomes stale--that is, when we utilize 1- and
2-day lags.
The second issue we have in mind relates to data frequency. By
using 10-minute data, we managed to depict more closely the behavior of
the exchange rate. A pertinent question in this regard is whether
different data frequencies matter for the effects of terrorism on
exchange rate behavior. We reestimate all predictive regression models
with and without the contemporaneous variable using hourly data. We
begin with a simple linear regression of the number of terrorist attacks
on hourly exchange rate returns. The slope coefficient together with the
p value examining the null hypothesis that the slope coefficient is zero
is reported in column 2 of Table 10. In 17 of 21 currencies, terrorist
attack has a slope coefficient that is statistically different from
zero, suggesting that terrorist attacks matter for exchange rate
behavior even when using hourly data. We notice that ten currencies
experience an appreciation while seven currencies experience a
depreciation from terrorist attacks. In columns 3 and 4, we report,
respectively, the joint null hypothesis that 12 lags of terrorist
attacks are statistically zero, both with and without the
contemporaneous variable. The results of the effect of each of the 12
hourly lags of terrorist attacks on exchange rate are available upon
request. (9)
The third issue regards the out-of-sample statistics. While we
addressed the robustness of the results in terms of the number of
currencies for which the terrorist attack-based exchange rate model
beats the constant returns model, the one issue that remains is the
choice of the in-sample period in generating forecasts. Previously, we
used a 50% in-sample period to generate recursive forecasts. Is
out-of-sample evidence that favors the terrorism-based exchange rate
model sensitive to the choice of the in-sample period? We answer this by
considering in-sample periods of 25% and 75%. In other words, in
generating out-of-sample statistics, we consider both a short in-sample
period and a long in-sample period. The results are reported in Table
11. The main conclusion we draw from these results is that the in-sample
period does matter for the out-of-sample evidence of predictability of
exchange rate returns, although the effect is not dramatic to change our
main findings. For example, when using a small in-sample period of 25%,
we find that in 15 of 21 countries the terrorism-based model is
preferred over a constant returns model. By comparison, when we consider
a long in-sample period of 75% in ten countries the terrorism-based
model beats the constant returns model.
The final issue is about whether terrorist attacks in the United
States influence currencies of other countries. To test this hypothesis,
we simply augment Equation (1) with a U.S. terrorist attack dummy
variable--which takes a value of one when there is a terrorist attack in
the United States and zero otherwise. The regression is then estimated
for each of the 21 countries in our sample. The results are presented in
Table 12. The first point of note is that in 18 of 21 countries,
exchange rate is affected by a terrorist attack in the United States.
Seven currencies undergo depreciation while 11 currencies experience
appreciation. Evidence of predictability at time t - 1 and t - 2 is
still strong, with 17 and 16 countries, respectively, having predictable
exchange rates.
In this study, we examine the effects of terrorist attacks on
exchange rate behavior. This is a unique question, unaddressed thus far
by the literature. The uniqueness of the research question is matched by
a unique data set that includes 10minute exchange rate returns and
terrorist attacks. Constrained by data analysis our hypothesis test is
based on 21 countries. Three new findings are unraveled. First, we show
that terrorist attacks lead to both an appreciation and depreciation of
currencies. Second, we show that as information on terrorist attacks
becomes stale, its effect on exchange rate weakens but persists. This
suggests that while the bulk of the effect of terrorist attacks is felt
on the day of the attacks, attacks that took place even 2 days ago still
influence exchange rate behavior. Third, we show, consistent with
exchange rate theories, that for some countries the effect of terrorist
attack on exchange rate reverses with time while for some currencies the
effect is persistent. The main message of our paper, and therefore its
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behavior. This evidence is built on an empirical analysis that considers
21 currencies and is robust to (a) different empirical specifications,
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UIP: Uncovered Interest Parity
USD: U.S. Dollar
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2013, 65-70.
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(1.) The effect of terrorism on tourism and foreign aid have been
studied by Raza and Jawaid (2013) and Nasir, Rehman, and Orakzai (2012).
(2.) In some cases, we have missing exchange rate data at the
10-minute frequency. Our approach here is to use the linear
interpolation technique to deal with missing values.
(3.) We use 10-minute data motivated by the discussions in the
study by Andersen, Bollerslev, and Diebold (ABD) (2007). The key message
of ABD is that one needs to strike a balance between using high
frequency data and being free of market microstructure contamination,
which if left unaddressed will bias variance estimates. Given this, ABD
recommend not using too high a data frequency (such as 1- or 5-minute).
We, therefore, avoid these frequencies and consider 10-minute data.
There are other studies, like ours, which ignore 1- and 5-minute data
modeling for the same reasons as alluded to by ABD (see, e.g.,
Chevallier 2011; Gnabo. Hvozdyk. and Lahaye 2014; Palandri 2015).
(5.) The GARCH(1.1) specification is chosen because higher order
GARCH models do not influence the main conclusions.
(6.) Dornbusch (1976) achieves this by assuming a sluggish price
adjustment in the goods market relative to exchange rate and asset
markets and the uncovered interest parity (UIP). The UIP condition
states that nominal interest rate differentials reflect movements in
exchange rate. Hence, taking the case of the Australian dollar per USD
we can state the UIP condition as:
(E[[e.sub.t+1]-[e.sub.t]/([e.sub.t])]= [r.sub.AUS] - [r.sub.US]. Here
[r.sub.AUS] and [r.sub.US] are interest rates on the Australian dollar
deposits and the USD deposits at time, t, respectively; e is the
exchange rate (Australian dollars per USD or (AUD/USD)); and E
([e.sub.t+1]) is the expected exchange rate at time t + 1 conditional on
information available on time t. The UIP suggests that a relatively high
interest rate on the Australian dollar deposit will lead to a
depreciation of the currency.
(7.) Empirical evidence of exchange rate overshooting is still
scarce. Evidence of exchange rate overshooting, for example, has been
found in studies by Eichenbaum and Evans (1995), Bonser-Neal, Roley, and
Sellon (1998), Kalyvitis and Michaelides (2001), Kim and Roubini (2000),
and Bjornland (2009).
(8.) For empirical evidence of exchange rate undershooting, see
Dornbusch (1976), Frenkel and Rodriguez (1982), and Papell (1985). More
recent studies, such as Roetheli (2002), use an autoregressive framework
to show evidence of persistence in monthly average exchange rate returns
and suggest a bandwagon effect.
(9.) We do not tabulate these results here because they span many
pages and do not add much value to what we have reported already.
Narayan: Alfred Deakin Professor, Centre for Financial
Econometrics, Deakin Business School, Deakin University, Melbourne, Vic.
3125, Australia. Phone +61 3 9244 6180, Fax +61 3 9244 6034, E-mail
[email protected]
Narayan: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Finance, and
Marketing, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University,
Melbourne, Vic. 3000, Australia. Phone +61 3 9925 5890, E-mail
[email protected]
Khademalomoom: Econometrician, Centre for Financial Econometrics,
Deakin Business School, Deakin University, Melbourne, Vic. 3125,
Australia. Phone +61 3 9651 1647, E-mail
[email protected] Phan: Senior Lecturer, School of
Business, Monash University, Bandar Sunway, 47500, Malaysia. E-mail
[email protected]
Online early publication March 25, 2017
Caption: FIGURE 1 A Plot of Spot Exchange Rate Returns
Caption: FIGURE 2 Mean and Maximum Number of Terrorist Attacks by
Descriptive Statistics
(A) Descriptive Statistics of Currency Returns
Mean SD Skew. Kurt.
AUD 0.743 0.046 -0.030 42.096
CAD 0.743 0.030 0.166 34.498
CHF 1.958 0.037 0.153 34.189
CLP -1.456 0.037 -1.063 303.843
CNY 1.400 0.006 3.491 1788.217
COP -4.480 0.072 -0.515 850.191
GBP -0.222 0.031 -0.100 31.480
HRK -1.348 0.069 0.025 37.713
IDR -5.537 0.174 -1.264 358.325
ILS -1.005 0.041 -0.290 52.513
INR -2.286 0.042 -5.140 229.365
JOD -0.203 0.018 -0.678 125.423
JPY -0.559 0.037 0.283 35.145
LKR -3.506 0.028 0.485 662.757
MXN -3.537 0.048 -0.180 575.399
PHP -2.645 0.082 -1.083 1744.969
PKR -4.291 0.049 -3.822 1199.281
THB -1.338 0.349 0.155 449.532
TND -0.064 0.116 0.385 120.309
TRY -13.944 0.085 2.788 2515.329
ZAR -6.305 0.068 -1.240 913.704
JB ADF AR(1) Hetero.
AUD <.001 -371.259 0.304 <.001
CAD <.001 -311.837 0.366 <.001
CHF <.001 -420.734 0.346 <.001
CLP <.001 -248.302 0.183 <.001
CNY <.001 -299.836 0.014 <.001
COP <.001 -197.359 -0.145 <.001
GBP <.001 -392.512 0.376 <.001
HRK <.001 -146.021 -0.259 <.001
IDR <.001 -100.909 -0.195 <.001
ILS <.001 -149.291 -0.144 <.001
INR <.001 -121.213 -0.006 <.001
JOD <.001 -116.090 -0.302 <.001
JPY <.001 -392.609 0.364 <.001
LKR <.001 -121.021 -0.111 <.001
MXN <.001 -221.244 0.084 <.001
PHP <.001 -100.985 -0.158 <.001
PKR <.001 -119.701 -0.092 <.001
THB <.001 -155.355 -0.275 <.001
TND <.001 -225.993 -0.389 <.001
TRY <.001 -94.566 -0.071 <.001
ZAR <.001 -355.472 0.136 <.001
(B) Descriptive Statistics of Terrorist Attacks
Australia 0.005 0.077 <.001 -54.545
Canada 0.005 0.073 <.001 -83.689
Chile 0.012 0.127 <.001 -70.024
China 0.028 0.600 <.001 -83.071
Colombia 0.420 1.199 <.001 -8.315
Croatia 0.003 0.059 <.001 -11.505
India 0.948 1.563 <.001 -9.312
Indonesia 0.091 0.748 <.001 -54.535
Israel 0.155 0.717 <.001 -10.452
Japan 0.006 0.106 <.001 -33.177
Jordan 0.004 0.071 <.001 -83.540
Mexico 0.036 0.280 <.001 -8.669
Pakistan 1.460 2.589 <.001 -3.362
Philippines 0.437 0.954 <.001 -4.871
South Africa 0.022 0.290 <.001 -37.768
Sri Lanka 0.162 0.492 <.001 -8.397
Switzerland 0.003 0.063 <.001 -80.559
Thailand 0.416 1.200 <.001 -13.296
Tunisia 0.009 0.110 <.001 -15.905
Turkey 0.127 0.463 <.001 -14.163
United Kingdom 0.138 0.454 <.001 -21.724
Notes: Panel A reports the annualized mean of exchange rate
returns, its standard deviation (SD), skewness and kurtosis, a
Jarque-Bera test of nonnormality of returns, a stationarity (ADF)
test, autocorrelation (AR(1)) coefficient of returns, and a test
for heteroskedasticity in returns. The evaluation period covers the
10-minute data from January 1, 1996 to December 1, 2014. The null
hypothesis of normality is based on the p values from the
Jarque-Bera test. The results (t statistics) from the ADF unit
test, which examines the null hypothesis of a unit root against the
alternative of no unit root is implemented using a model with an
intercept but no time trend. Panel B reports the mean of the daily
terrorist attacks for each country and its standard deviation,
followed by the Jarque-Bera normality test and the ADF unit root
Mean Exchange Rate Returns on Days of
Terrorist Attacks and Nonterrorist Attacks
Exchange Mean Returns on Mean Returns on
Rate Terrorist Attack Nonterrorist Attack
Days (SD) Days (SD)
AUD 26.298(10.982) 0.631 (10.534)
CAD -9.535 (9.517) 0.795 (6.837)
CHF -99.965 (9.105) 2.240 (8.387)
CLP -17.584 (8.635) -1.297(8.381)
CNY 2.394(1.166) 1.384(1.395)
COP -11.073(18.362) -2.281 (15.716)
GBP -5.639 (6.699) 0.452 (7.036)
HRK -50.598(13.231) -1.200(15.716)
IDR 5.690 (30.568) -6.254 (40.427)
ILS -3.009 (9.234) -0.789 (9.372)
INR -4.224(10.362) -0.692 (8.908)
JOD -2.502 (5.395) -0.195 (4.134)
JPY -27.067 (9.036) -0.420 (8.556)
LKR -7.279 (5.951) -2.978 (6.563)
MXN -29.836(12.915) -2.804(10.942)
PHP -1.589(16.364) -3.014(19.446)
PKR -4.988 (10.243) -3.773 (11.935)
THB -2.133 (92.869) -1.112(76.007)
TND -6.152 (27.780) -0.016(26.635)
TRY -16.968(11.186) -13.636 (20.235)
ZAR -52.135 (11.841) -5.537(15.732)
Contemporaneous Effects of Terrorist Attacks on
Bilateral Exchange Rate Returns
Terrorist p Value Annualized
Attacks and FX Effect (%)
AUD 3.30E-05 0.00 1.734
CAD -1.01E-04 0.00 -5.309
CHF -5.33E-04 0.00 -28.014
CLP -1.93E-04 0.00 -10.144
CNY 2.70E-05 0.00 1.419
COP -4.08E-07 0.00 -0.021
GBP -1.13E-06 0.00 -0.059
HRK -1.17E-04 0.00 -6.150
IDR 1.35E-07 0.00 0.007
ILS -9.58E-06 0.00 -0.504
INR 2.38E-07 0.00 0.013
JOD 2.95E-03 0.00 155.052
JPY -4.25E-04 0.00 -22.338
LKR -2.06E-05 0.00 -1.083
MXN -5.31E-05 0.00 -2.791
PHP -1.55E-06 0.00 -0.081
PKR 1.73E-07 0.00 0.009
THB 6.65E-06 0.00 0.350
TND -4.33E-05 0.00 -2.276
TRY -3.22E-06 0.00 -0.169
ZAR -6.21E-04 0.00 -32.640
No. of Terrorist p Value Annualized
Attacks and FX Effect (%)
AUD 2.28E-04 0.00 11.984
CAD -5.91E-05 0.00 -3.106
CHF -4.34E-04 0.00 -22.811
CLP -5.28E-05 0.00 -2.775
CNY -1.37E-08 0.00 -0.001
COP -2.70E-08 0.00 -0.001
GBP -5.43E-08 0.00 -0.003
HRK 2.35E-04 0.00 12.352
IDR -1.19E-07 0.00 -0.006
ILS 1.86E-07 0.00 0.010
INR 6.03E-09 0.00 0.0003
JOD 1.53E-03 0.00 80.417
JPY -3.07E-04 0.00 -16.136
LKR -3.16E-08 0.00 -0.002
MXN 5.03E-08 0.00 0.003
PHP 1.33E-06 0.00 0.070
PKR -2.08E-07 0.00 -0.011
THB -3.23E-08 0.00 -0.002
TND -4.36E-05 0.00 -2.292
TRY -2.21E-06 0.00 -0.116
ZAR -4.54E-06 0.00 -0.239
Notes: The regression model has the following form [ER.sub.t] =
[alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] [TER.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.2][ER.sub.t-1] +
[[beta].sub.3][ER.sup.2.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t] and is estimated
using a GARCH(1,1) model with a Student's t distribution. In this
regression, ER represents exchange rate returns and TER proxies for
terrorist attacks. Two proxies are used. Results reported in column
2, for instance, are based on a dummy variable that takes a value
of one every 10-minute interval on days on which a terrorist attack
takes place and a value of zero every 10-minute interval on days
when there are no terrorist attacks. Results reported in column 5
proxy terrorism with the actual number of terrorist attacks, such
that if, for example, five attacks took place on day t then in
every 10-minute interval on that day we take a value of five.
Columns 4 and 7 report the annualized effect of terrorist attacks
associated with each of the two proxies for terrorism. The
regression model controls for autocorrelation (with a one-period
lagged dependent variable) and volatility of exchange rate returns
(with a squared exchange rate return variable) directly in the mean
Contemporaneous and Lagged Effects of
Terrorist Attacks on Exchange Rate Returns
Contemporaneous [t - 1 day] [t- 2 days]
AUD 0.53 (0.00) 0.21 (0.02) 0.24 (0.00)
CAD 0.02 (0.00) 0.01 (0.00) -0.01 (0.00)
CHF -0.61 (0.00) 0.42 (0.07) 0.32 (0.23)
CLP 2.59 (0.00) -2.36 (0.00) -4.33 (0.00)
CNY -0.01 (0.02) -0.03 (0.00) -0.10(0.00)
COP -0.10(0.00) -0.07 (0.00) -0.11 (0.00)
GBP -3.53E-05 (0.00) -4.63E-08 (0.00) -4.75E-08 (0.00)
HRK -0.08 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) -0.11 (0.00)
IDR 4.45 (0.00) 2.59 (0.00) -1.91 (0.00)
ILS 0.14(0.00) 0.08 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00)
INR 1.75E-04 (0.00) 1.61E-04 (0.00) 1.53E-04 (0.00)
JOD -0.48 (0.00) -0.21 (0.00) -0.14(0.00)
JPY -0.52 (0.00) -0.02 (0.00) 0.49 (0.00)
LKR 0.03 (0.02) 0.04 (0.00) 0.02 (0.18)
MXN 2.09E-04 (0.00) -0.01 (0.00) 0.10(0.00)
PHP -2.63E-03 (0.00) - 1.81E-03 (0.00) -3.26E-03 (0.00)
PKR -8.85E-05 (0.00) 5.73E-05 (0.00) 7.23E-05 (0.00)
THB 0.01 (0.07) 0.03 (0.00) 0.04 (0.00)
TND 0.12(0.00) 0.07 (0.00) 0.09 (0.00)
TRY 0.16(0.00) 0.28 (0.00) 0.14(0.00)
ZAR 1.53 (0.00) 1.39 (0.00) 0.32 (0.00)
Notes: This table reports results based on a regression model that
aims at establishing the predictive ability of terrorist attacks,
using information on past terrorist attacks, that is, attacks that
took place 1 and 2 days ago. The exchange rate model augmented with
the contemporaneous effect takes the following form:
Joint Null Hypothesis That the Coefficients on
Lagged Terrorist Attacks Are Zero
Coefficient Sum of 144 Sum of 288
at Time t Lags = 0 Lags = 0
AUD 0.67 -2.75 3.70
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
CAD -0.09 0.61 -0.58
(0.86) (0.89) (0.90)
CHF -1.08 0.01 -0.97
(0.10) (0.99) (0.37)
CLP 1.88 -0.62 0.53
(0.00) (0.87) (0.93)
CNY -0.01 -0.05 -0.48
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
COP 2.03 26.60 4.54
(0.00) (0.01) (0.04)
GBP 0.05 -2.09 -2.42
(0.54) (0.00) (0.00)
HRK -1.17 3.25 7.52
(0.51) (0.87) (0.68)
IDR -0.24 -4.19 -2.23
(0.37) (0.09) (0.41)
ILS -1.71 92.48 98.06
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
INR 0.16 -0.31 -2.36
(0.00) (0.28) (0.00)
JOD 1.32 -4.36 -4.18
(0.08) (0.49) (0.28)
JPY 0.16 5.65 1.07
(0.46) (0.00) (0.36)
LKR 1.17 -1.16 -4.16
(0.00) (0.01) (0.00)
MXN -1.28 3.37 4.68
(0.00) (0.14) (0.02)
PHP 0.76 0.08 4.00
(0.00) (0.72) (0.00)
PKR 1.27 3.31 3.82
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
THB 31.35 24.45 31.75
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
TND -1.28 -0.60 0.75
(0.23) (0.95) (0.94)
TRY 11.32 -0.57 0.05
(0.00) (0.97) (0.99)
ZAR 1.75 -1.33 -0.11
(0.00) (0.00) (0.81)
Notes: Column 2 shows the contemporaneous effect of
terrorist attacks at time t. Columns 3 and 4 represent effects
of terrorist attacks after 1 and 2 days, respectively. All
coefficients are multiplied by 1,000 for ease of presentation,
p Values are presented in parentheses.
Contemporaneous and Lagged Effects of
Terrorist Attacks--Induced Fatalities (Dummy)
on Exchange Rate Returns
Terrorist [t - 1 day] [t - 2 days]
Attacks Lead to
Fatality and FX
at Time [t]
AUD 0.36 (0.53) 0.86 (0.09) -1.57 (0.00)
CAD -1.04 (0.00) 1.03 (0.00) 0.49 (0.10)
CHF -5.10 (0.00) -2.22 (0.00) -0.88 (0.07)
CLP -4.71 (0.00) -7.53 (0.00) 14.26 (0.00)
CNY -0.37 (0.00) -0.13 (0.00) -0.22 (0.00)
COP -0.34 (0.00) -0.58 (0.00) 1.02 (0.00)
GBP 0.20 (0.08) -0.08 (0.50) 0.26 (0.02)
HRK 0.62 (0.00) -1.08 (0.00) 1.19 (0.00)
IDR -117.81 (0.00) 130.24 (0.00) 16.05 (0.00)
ILS 0.09 (0.02) 0.19 (0.00) 0.20 (0.00)
INR 2.18 (0.00) 2.62 (0.00) 2.90 (0.00)
JOD 2.25 (0.00) -0.03 (0.87) 3.82 (0.00)
LKR -1.32 (0.00) -0.34 (0.00) -1.94 (0.00)
MXN 1.57 (0.00) 0.09 (0.00) -4.62 (0.00)
PHP -5.49 (0.00) -4.01 (0.00) 2.57 (0.00)
PKR -2.64 (0.00) 1.99 (0.00) 0.01 (0.64)
THB 0.91 (0.00) 3.73 (0.00) 1.17 (0.00)
TND -0.10 (0.82) -0.53 (0.23) 1.73 (0.00)
TRY 1.14 (0.00) -0.64 (0.00) -0.62 (0.00)
ZAR 3.68 (0.00) 4.50 (0.00) 6.76 (0.00)
Notes: This table reports results based on a regression model that
aims at establishing the predictive ability of terrorist
attack--induced fatalities, using information on past 2 days of
fatalities. The fatalities variable in this model is a dummy
variable that takes a value of one in all 10-minutes in a day if
that day had fatalities and zero otherwise. The exchange rate model
augmented with the contemporaneous effect takes the following form:
[ER.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] [TER.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][TER.sub.t-144] + [[beta].sub.3][TER.sub.t-288] +
The regression is estimated using a GARCH(1,1) model using a
Student's t distribution. All coefficients are multiplied by 1,000
for ease of presentation, p Values testing the null hypothesis that
the slope coefficient is zero are reported in parentheses.
Contemporaneous and Lagged Effects of
Terrorist Attacks-Induced Fatalities (Number of
Fatalities) on Exchange Rate Returns
No. of Terrorist [t - 1 day] [t - 2 days]
Attacks Lead to
Fatality and FX
at Time [t]
AUD 0.45 (0.12) 0.43 (0.09) -0.60 (0.00)
CAD -0.41 (0.01) 0.43(0.01) 0.20(0.18)
CHF -0.54 (0.00) -0.30 (0.01) -0.14(0.00)
CLP -7.56 (0.00) -5.94 (0.00) 8.27 (0.00)
CNY -1.22E-03 (0.00) -1.23E-03 (0.00) -4.59E-04 (0.26)
COP -0.09 (0.00) -0.39 (0.00) 0.26 (0.00)
GBP -0.01 (0.41) -0.01 (0.52) -0.18(0.00)
HRK 0.84 (0.00) -0.04 (0.87) 3.30 (0.00)
IDR -8.69 (0.00) 18.61 (0.00) -2.05 (0.00)
ILS -0.02 (0.00) -0.02 (0.00) 0.03 (0.00)
INR -0.02 (0.00) 0.14(0.00) -0.02 (0.00)
JOD -0.06 (0.00) -0.01 (0.11) -0.03 (0.00)
LKR -0.07 (0.00) 0.06 (0.02) -0.02 (0.00)
MXN -0.03 (0.00) -0.03 (0.00) 0.23 (0.00)
PHP -0.12(0.00) -0.05 (0.00) -0.06 (0.00)
PKR -0.02 (0.00) -0.02 (0.00) -0.06 (0.00)
THB 0.47 (0.00) 1.02(0.00) -0.77 (0.00)
TND -0.10(0.07) -0.05 (0.33) 0.02 (0.64)
TRY 0.06 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) 0.03 (0.00)
ZAR -1.03(0.00) 0.95 (0.00) 1.24(0.00)
Notes: This table reports results based on a regression model that
aims at establishing the predictive ability of terrorist
attack--induced fatalities, using information on past 2 days of
fatalities. The fatalities variable in this model is a dummy
variable that takes a value of one in all 10-minutes in a day if
that day had fatalities and zero otherwise. The exchange rate model
augmented with the contemporaneous effect takes the following form:
[ER.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] [TER.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][TER.sub.t-144] + [[beta].sub.3][TER.sub.t-288] +
The regression is estimated using a GARCH(1,1) model using a
Student's t distribution. All coefficients are multiplied by 1,000
for ease of presentation, p Values testing the null hypothesis that
the slope coefficient is zero are reported in parentheses.
Out-of-Sample Forecasting Results
Country RRMSE [OR.sup.2] p Value
Currencies (%)
AUD 0.9991 0.0018 0.00
CAD 0.9999 0.0001 0.00
CHF 1.0002 -0.0003 1.00
CLP 1.0000 0.0000 0.00
CNY 1.0001 -0.0002 1.00
COP 0.9972 0.0055 0.00
GBP 1.0002 -0.0004 0.97
HRK 0.9976 0.0048 0.00
IDR 1.0066 -0.0133 1.00
ILS 0.9752 0.0489 1.00
INR 0.9985 0.0030 0.00
JOD 0.9998 0.0004 0.00
JPY 0.9994 0.0013 0.00
LKR 1.0069 -0.0139 0.00
MXN 0.9992 0.0016 0.00
PHP 1.0017 -0.0035 1.00
PKR 1.0072 -0.0145 0.00
THB 0.9955 0.0089 0.00
TND 1.0002 -0.0004 1.00
TRY 0.9798 0.0400 0.00
ZAR 0.9996 0.0007 0.00
Notes: This table reports the out-of-sample (10-minute) forecast
performance results for terrorism-based model against the benchmark
historical mean model based. Forecasts are based on using 50% of
the in-sample period for recursive forecasting for the remainder of
the sample of data. Three forecast evaluation metrics, namely,
RRMSE, Fama and French (1989) [OR.sup.2], and the p value of Clark
and West (2007) MSFE-adjusted statistic are generated.
Effect of Terrorist Attacks on Exchange Rate
Returns without the Contemporaneous Effect
[t - 1 day] [t - 2 days]
AUD 0.20 (0.09) 0.19 (0.07)
CAD 0.03 (0.00) -0.11 (0.00)
CHF 0.40 (0.09) 0.52 (0.05)
CLP -1.94 (0.00) -4.38 (0.00)
CNY -0.03 (0.00) -0.12 (0.00)
COP -0.70 (0.00) -0.04 (0.00)
GBP 2.I3E-05 (0.03) 1.26E-05 (0.29)
HRK 0.29 (0.00) 0.31 (0.00)
IDR -3.09 (0.00) 1.55 (0.00)
ILS -0.03 (0.00) 0.08 (0.00)
INR -1.50E-06 (0.00) 5.37E-05 (0.00)
JOD -4.43E-03 (0.00) 0.03 (0.00)
JPY -0.04 (0.00) 0.05 (0.00)
LKR -0.03 (0.00) -0.02 (0.00)
MXN 9.67E-04 (0.00) 3.56E-05 (0.00)
PHP 0.01 (0.42) 0.05 (0.00)
PKR -5.57E-05 (0.00) -2.51E-08 (0.00)
THB -0.53 (0.00) -0.54 (0.00)
TND -0.07 (0.00) -0.06 (0.00)
TRY 0.25 (0.00) 1.18E-04 (0.99)
ZAR 1.37 (0.00) 0.27 (0.00)
Notes: This table reports results based on a regression model that
aims at establishing the predictive ability of terrorist attacks,
using information on past terrorist attacks, that is, attacks that
took place 1 and 2 days ago. The model takes the following form:
[ER.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][TER.sub.t-144] +
[[beta].sub.2][TER.sub.t-288] + [[epsilon].sub.t].
The regression is estimated using a GARCh (1,1) model using a
Student's t distribution. All coefficients are multiplied
by 100 for ease of presentation. P Values testing the null
hypothesis that the slope coefficient is zero are reported in
Robustness Test Based on Hourly Data
Terror Attack Sum of 12 Sum of 12
Contemporaneous Lags = 0 Lags = 0
(With (Without
Contemporaneous Contemporaneous
Variable) Variable)
AUD 5.34 (0.00) -0.50 (0.91) 0.80 (0.00)
CAD -10.50 (0.18) 1.10(0.01) 0.30 (0.00)
CHF -1.34 (0.73) 7.20 (0.42) -0.10(0.54)
CLP 77.73 (0.00) 2.20 (0.99) 0.00 (0.99)
CNY -0.19(0.00) -3.00 (0.00) 0.10(0.02)
COP -0.02 (0.00) -15.70 (0.00) -0.30 (0.00)
GBP -0.48 (0.00) -5.80 (0.00) 0.10(0.37)
HRK -2.18(0.64) 13.70 (0.49) 9.40 (0.12)
1DR 22.29 (0.00) -0.80 (0.00) 0.20 (0.00)
ILS 0.08 (0.00) 1.80 (0.09) -0.50 (0.00)
INR 0.05 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
JOD -1.24(0.00) -0.90 (0.00) -0.20 (0.00)
JPY 8.16(0.00) -16.70 (0.00) -3.60 (0.06)
LKR 3.81 (0.00) -4.00 (0.00) -0.01 (0.10)
MXN -0.79 (0.00) 155.30 (0.00) 0.01 (0.75)
PHP 0.04 (0.00) 0.20 (0.00) 0.10(0.00)
PKR -0.01 (0.00) 0.03 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
THB 0.10(0.00) 0.30 (0.00) 0.04 (0.00)
TND 4.65 (0.00) 2.30 (0.00) -0.40(0.11)
TRY -0.79 (0.00) -0.60 (0.97) -3.00(0.14)
ZAR 0.79 (0.57) 0.30 (0.40) -0.20 (0.20)
Notes: This table reports results from the same predictive
regression models as before; see Tables 4 and 7 for a description
of these models, but this time to establish the robustness of our
findings the model is applied to hourly exchange rate data. The
results in column 2 are for the contemporaneous effect of terrorist
attacks on exchange rate returns. Results in column 3 are those
summed-up over 12 hours from a model that includes the
contemporaneous terrorism variables while the last column has
corresponding results but from a model without the contemporaneous
variable. All coefficients are multiplied by 1,000 for ease of
interpretation, and p values are reported in parentheses.
Out-of-Sample Forecasting Results
Country RRMSE [OR.sup.2] (%) p Value
(A) Out-of-sample results based on an in-sample
period of 25%
AUD 1.0000 0.0000 0.00
CAD 0.9999 0.0002 0.00
CHF 0.9882 0.0235 0.00
CLP 0.9952 0.0096 0.00
CNY 1.0000 0.0000 0.97
COP 0.9997 0.0007 0.00
GBP 1.0003 -0.0006 1.00
HRK 0.9999 0.0002 0.00
IDR 1.0039 -0.0078 0.00
ILS 0.9991 0.0018 0.00
INR 0.9977 0.0047 0.00
JOD 1.0117 -0.0234 0.00
JPY 0.9999 0.0001 0.00
LKR 1.0066 -0.0133 1.00
MXN 0.9980 0.0041 0.00
PHP 0.9997 0.0006 0.00
PKR 0.9978 0.0044 0.00
THB 0.9904 0.0191 0.00
TND 0.9998 0.0004 0.00
TRY 0.9988 0.0024 0.00
ZAR 0.9956 0.0088 0.00
(B) Out-of-sample results based on an in-sample
period of 75%
AUD 0.9977 0.0045 0.00
CAD 1.0000 0.0000 1.00
CHF 0.9955 0.0089 0.00
CLP 0.9999 0.0001 0.00
CNY 1.0029 -0.0058 1.00
COP 0.9676 0.0638 0.00
GBP 1.0001 -0.0002 1.00
HRK 0.9998 0.0004 0.00
IDR 1.0032 -0.0064 1.00
ILS 0.9985 0.0030 0.00
INR 1.0012 -0.0023 1.00
JOD 1.0003 -0.0005 1.00
JPY 1.0000 0.0000 1.00
LKR 0.9529 0.0919 0.00
MXN 1.0002 -0.0005 1.00
PHP 0.9666 0.0656 0.00
PKR 1.0252 -0.0510 0.00
THB 1.0122 -0.0246 0.00
TND 0.9976 0.0048 0.00
TRY 0.9988 0.0024 0.00
ZAR 1.0001 -0.0002 0.00
Notes: This table reports the out-of-sample (10-minute) forecast
performance results for terrorism-based model against the benchmark
historical mean model based. Forecasts are based on using 25%
(panel A) and 75% (panel B) as the in-sample period for recursive
forecasting for the remainder of the sample of data. Three forecast
evaluation metrics, namely, RRMSE, Fama and French (1989)
[OR.sup.2], and the p value of Clark and West (2007) MSFE-adjusted
statistic are generated.
Results with U.S. Dummy for Terrorist Attacks
US Dummy No. of Terrorist
Attacks and FX at
Time [t]
AUD -0.12 * (0.00) 0.42 * (0.00)
CAD 0.32 * (0.00) 0.01 (0.87)
CHF -0.15 * (0.00) -1.96 * (0.00)
CLP -2.76 * (0.00) 0.34 * (0.00)
CNY 1.49 * (0.00) -3.41E-03 * (0.02)
COP 1.69 * (0.00) 0.09* (0.00)
GBP -0.04 (0.47) 0.01 (0.78)
HRK 0.017 * (0.01) 0.34 (0.10)
IDR 1.60 (0.26) -32.94 * (0.00)
ILS -0.38 * (0.00) 0.05 * (0.00)
INR 2.38 * (0.00) -0.27 * (0.00)
JOD -1.52 * (0.00) -0.33 * (0.00)
JPY 0.06 (0.35) 0.05 (0.74)
LKR -0.87 * (0.00) 0.03 (0.47)
MXN 0.76 * (0.00) 0.37 * (0.00)
PHP 0.32 * (0.00) 0.13 * (0.00)
PKR 0.82 * (0.00) -0.06 * (0.00)
THB -0.89 * (0.00) -0.24 * (0.00)
TND 0.58 * (0.00) 0.11 (0.67)
TRY 0.79 * (0.00) -0.03 * (0.01)
ZAR 1.40 * (0.00) 0.70 * (0.00)
[t - 1 day] [t- 2 days]
AUD 0.37 * (0.01) 0.50 * (0.00)
CAD -0.01 (0.84) -0.50 * (0.00)
CHF 0.88 * (0.00) -0.57 * (0.00)
CLP 0.20 * (0.00) -0.01 (0.79)
CNY -0.05 * (0.00) -0.11 * (0.00)
COP 0.11 * (0.00) 0.11 * (0.00)
GBP -0.01 (0.74) -0.02 (0.39)
HRK 0.40 * (0.03) -1.76 * (0.00)
IDR 47.31 * (0.00) -2.90 * (0.00)
ILS 0.03 * (0.00) -0.05 * (0.00)
INR -0.30 * (0.00) -0.26 * (0.00)
JOD 0.71 * (0.00) 1.04 * (0.00)
JPY 0.01 * (0.98) -0.11 (0.47)
LKR -0.73 * (0.00) -0.25 * (0.00)
MXN -0.05 (0.14) -0.53 * (0.00)
PHP 0.13 * (0.00) -0.20 * (0.00)
PKR -0.04 * (0.00) 0.04 * (0.00)
THB -0.23 * (0.00) -0.22 * (0.00)
TND -0.20 (0.40) 0.27 (0.31)
TRY 0.15 * (0.00) 0.02 (0.14)
ZAR 0.68 * (0.00) 0.22 * (0.00)
Notes: This table reports results based on a regression model that
aims at establishing the predictive ability of terrorist attacks
but by augmenting the regression model with a U.S. terrorist attack
dummy: [TER.sup.USA.sub.t] is a dummy variable that takes one in
every 10-minute interval on a day there is a terrorist attack and
zero otherwise. The exchange rate model therefore is of the
following form:
[ER.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] [TER.sup.USA.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][TER.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][TER.sub.t-144] +
[[beta].sub.4][TER.sub.t-2SS] + [[epsilon].sub.t].
The regression is estimated using a GARCHf 1.1) model using a
Student's t distribution. All coefficients are multiplied by 1,000
for ease of presentation, p Values testing the null hypothesis that
the slope coefficient is zero are reported in parentheses.
* denotes statistical significance at the 1% level.
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