Business Group Affiliation and Firm Performance--Evidence from Pakistani Listed Firms.
Waseemullah ; Hasan, Arshad
Business Group Affiliation and Firm Performance--Evidence from Pakistani Listed Firms.
This study analyses the financial performance of business group
affiliated firms relative to stand-alone firms in Pakistan. The
investigations are done across the sample period of 19932012 The study
employs Chop shop' methodology to construct the excess values
(performance measure); in order to compare the results with earlier well
documented studies of both developed and emerging countries. Both
univariate and regression analyses clearly demonstrate that group
affiliated firms are trading at discount (underperform relative to
standalone firms) during the sample period. Despite the historical
success in the past, the findings suggest that business groups evolve
differently in the post financial reforms and privatisation programs era
The findings are consistent with the market failure argument and agency
theory. However, the study finds a little evidence of efficient internal
markets of Pakistani business groups.
Keywords: Business Groups, Group Affiliation, Excess Value, Market
Failure Theory, Agency Theory, Chop Shop Methodology
Research, on the role of business groups is one of the most
extensively investigated areas in the fields of corporate finance and
firm strategy. [Chang and Hong (2000); Khanna and Palepu (2000a); Soo,
et al. (2010)]. Business groups play an important yet poorly understood
role in the economies like South Korea, China, Indonesia, Chile, India,
and Pakistan [Khanna and Yafeh (2007)]. Business groups are defined as
the coalition of legally independent firms that are linked to each other
by a constellation of formal (ownership) and informal (social) ties and
are accustomed to taking coordinated actions [Granovetter (1994); Khanna
and Rivkin (2001)].
A number of researchers propose theoretical perspectives to support
the argument that business group affiliation improves firm performance
in emerging economies [Kali and Sarkar (2005); Gadhoum, et al. (2007);
Mishra and Akbar (2007)]. A prevalent view suggests that affiliation
with a business group enhances firm performance in the countries with
extensive market failures and excessive associated transaction costs
[Leff (1978); Hovakimian (2011)]. Khanna and Palepu (1997) opine that
business groups serve as substitute of missing business, supporting
institutional environment in the developing countries. Khanna and Palepu
(2000a) document that advanced countries possess developed and well
functioning capital, labor and product markets. In contrast certain
institutional voids, for instance information and contracting problems,
poor law enforcement and weak regulatory and corporate governance
systems, etc., exist in emerging economies like South Korea, China,
India and Pakistan. Business groups substitute for these missing
institutional voids. These are well diversified across various
industries and facilitate affiliated firms to internalise market
transactions and thus create internal networks of value enhancing
mechanism, by providing access to scarce group resources and
capabilities. These resources may include information, skills and
management, markets, brand names and finance [Mahmood, et al. (2011);
Lamin and Dunlap (2011)].
The business groups' headquarters are not only concerned with
the profit maximisation but also serve for group stability and survival.
Estrin, Poukliakova, and Shapiro (2009) present that resource sharing
within group affiliates minimises transaction costs and reduces risk.
Khanna and Yafeh (2005) provide evidences for risk sharing role of
business groups through reallocation of funds from one affiliate with
excess cash flows to another having shortage of cash flows and further
these help in smoothing income flows among their affiliates. Resource
based view suggests that recurring transactions among group firms lead
to richer flow of information and thus improve resource allocation
[Guillen (2000)]. These privileges are unavailable to stand-alone
(unaffiliated) firms and these may contribute positively to the
financial performance of group affiliated firms relative to their
counterpart stand-alone firms.
The institutional setting plays a vital role regarding group
affiliation-performance relationship. As the institutional environment
changes, the performance impacts of group affiliation strategy are also
expected to evolve differently [Chakrabarti, Singh, and Mahmood (2007)].
Lee, et al. (2008), Purkayastha (2013) and Khanna and Palepu (2000b)
find evidences that group firms perform better than stand-alone firms
during the early periods when institutional environment was
underdeveloped in the country and however, these group firms tend to
show lower performance in the latter periods as market institutions got
In Pakistan, financial reforms and privatisation programs were
initiated in early 1990s and these had dramatically changed the economic
landscape for business groups. The business groups had to restructure
their group affiliation related strategies, owing to institutional
setting that had facilitated them in corporate control until pre-reforms
era. Having enjoyed highly privileged licenses and quota systems, big
business tycoons, having dominated the corporate sector, have to face
much needed stiff market competition and further those business groups,
thrived on rent seeking and other inefficiencies in the pre-reforms
period, may have suffered in the post reforms era.
A growing number of studies contend that group affiliation harms
firm value. Lopez-de-Silanes, et al. (1999), La Porta, et al. (1997,
1999) and Waseemullah, et al. (2017) among others document that the
unique business group structure often forms pyramidal ownership
structures. Such ownership structures allow an apex firm to achieve an
ultimate control over many other firms simultaneously, without making
commensurate cash flows investments. The ultimate controller attempts
private benefits consumption at the expense of external shareholders;
thus posit costs of group affiliation, particularly in emerging markets
where legal institutions are poorly developed [Faccio, et al. (2001);
Joh (2003); Holmen and Hogfeldt (2005); Djankov, et al. (2008); Gohar
and Karacaer (2009)]. This may engender agency conflicts among the
shareholders and the centre of the corporate governance shifts away from
traditional principal-agent (P-A) conflicts to principal-principal (P-P)
conflicts e.g., conflicts between ultimate controlling shareholders and
external shareholders [Claessens, Djankov, and Lang (2000b); Bae, et al.
(2002); De Holan and Sanz (2006)].
Bertrand, Mehta, and Mullainathan (2002), Ikram and Naqvi (2005)
and Dow and McGuire (2009) propose that tunneling is prevalent, although
not universal in the business groups of the emerging countries and
obviously this activity destroys firm value. Some other researchers
argue business groups as in-efficient organisation depending on rent
seeking, facing a burden of excessive coordination and bureaucratic
costs, concentration of incompetent management and inefficient resource
allocation among the group affiliated firms.
A number of researchers examine the group affiliation-performance
relationship by applying a unitary lens. However, a unitary theoretical
perspective provides partial view of the relationship and thus it is
immensely required to investigate the relationship by applying
multi-theoretic lens of market failure theory in a changed institutional
perspective and agency theory [Wright, et al. (2005); George and Kabir
In Pakistani context, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the
group affiliation-performance relationship. Ghani, Haroon and Ashraf
(2011) and Ahmad and Kazmi (2016) find superior performance (measured by
ROA) whereas Gohar and Karacaer (2009) observe lower performance of
group affiliated firms than stand-alone firms. Further, there is an
increasing concern regarding the endogeneity problem and selection bias
in group affiliation-performance relationship [Choe, et al. (2014)]. OLS
has been used in earlier studies that does not appropriately handle
these issues and the present study attempts to address them.
The study is primarily concerned with exploring the comparative
financial performance of group affiliated firms relative to stand-alone
firms in Pakistan. An effort is made to explore whether group
affiliation creates value/value loss (premium or discount) in an
emerging economy with changed institutional setting in the country. One
major concern in performance comparison is matching of the group firms
with standalone firms of varying characteristics. In order to resolve
that issue, Chop shop methodology has been used in the earlier studies
conducted in the advanced countries. The principal contribution of the
study lies in adopting the modified "Chop-shop" methodology of
Berger and Ofek (1995), proposed for measuring the excess values (group
affiliation premium/discount). Chop-shop valuation approach is widely
used in the finance literature to estimate the imputed value of a group
firm as it operates as an average stand-alone firm in the industry and
then finding if group firm outperform or underperform than an average
standalone firm in the same industry.
A lot of literature on the surge of group affiliation-performance
relationship appears but there is still disagreement of the researchers
whether group affiliation creates or destroys firm value. A number of
researchers suggest that group affiliated firms outperform stand-alone
firms [Hoskisson, et al. (2004); Castaneda (2007); Ghosh (2010); Waqar,
Ghani, and Haroon (2011); Shi (2015)] whereas some others argue that
opposite is true [Laeven and Levine (2007); van Lelyveld and Knod
(2009); Schamid and Walter (2009); Gohar and Karacaer (2009)] and a few
of them observe mixed evidences and each scholar can point to empirical
support for his position [Khanna and Rivkin (2001)]. A few studies
reveal that group affiliation-performance relationship is not universal
and these show mixed evidences. Khanna and Rivkin (2001) explore the
effect of group affiliation on firm profitability by taking a sample of
14 emerging markets and observe that group affiliation enhances firm
profitability in 6 countries whereas it is harmful in 3 countries and
even is ineffectual in the remaining 5 countries. Kim (2012) and Hyland
and Diltz (2002) reveal that group affiliation itself may not be value
enhancing or value destroying activity and that differences in firm
characteristics might influence firm value.
Khanna and Yafeh (2005) document that business groups serve not
only for the profits maximisation but also helps in reduction of risk
for their affiliates. They find evidences of risk sharing role of
business groups in many emerging countries for instance South Korea,
India, Thailand, Taiwan and Brazil. They suggest that risk sharing is
occurred through shared resources, dividends and intra group transfers
through flexible loans and receivables. Gopalan, et al. (2007) document
that group affiliation provide coinsurance function. Similarly, group
affiliated firm get benefits of tax shield [Gramlich, et al. (2004).
Institutional setting plays a key role in explaining group
affiliation-performance relationship. In developing countries, business
supporting institutional environment is underdeveloped. The business
groups substitute for the external environment and fill the gap of
missing labor, capital and product markets [Leff (1978); Khanna and
Palepu (1997)]. Chang and Choi (1988) find superior profitability of
diversified group affiliated firms relative to stand-alone firms in
Korea. They observe 2 percent higher accounting profits for firms
affiliated with large business groups than unaffiliated firms. Khanna
and Palepu (2000b) find that firms affiliated with the largest business
groups perform better than stand-alone firms in India. Large diversified
business groups could internalise the bureaucratic and coordination
costs associated with the management of diverse operations of the
business group more efficiently and are consequently able to generate
more value for their affiliated firms.
Claessens, et al. (2000a) employ a data set of 2,187 firms from 9
East Asian countries including high income countries (Japan, Singapore,
Hong Kong and Taiwan) and low income countries (Thailand, Philippines
and Indonesia). They find significantly higher excess values for group
firms in low income countries whereas lower excess values for higher
income countries. The findings confirm market failure argument that
arrangement of finance is critical for firms in the countries with
underdeveloped capital markets and business group fills that gap
efficiently which results in higher firm performance. Similarly,
Buysschaert, et al. (2004) find superior financial performance of group
affiliated firms in Belgium and however, they discover an inverse link
of intra-group financing with firm performance which suggests that
business groups face problems in allocation of funds among their
affiliated firms.
A number of studies on group affiliation-performance relationship
conclude that changes in institutional environment matters. The
relationship between strategic choices and financial outcomes is dynamic
and contingent on the institutional environment [Chakrabarti, et al.
(2007); Purkayastha (2013)]. A few researchers observe that group firms
show superior performance during the period of underdeveloped
institutional environment and conversely these firms underperform than
stand-alone firms in the latter periods when market infrastructure is
remarkably developed. The study of Lee, et al. (2008) observes that
Korean chaebols reveal a declining trend in performance relative
stand-alone firms. They find that group firms were trading at premium
(higher excess values for group firms than stand-alone firms), started
from 1980s until through early 1990s. They observe a declining trend in
group premium which finally turned into discount in the mid-1990s. Their
findings support market failure theory that group firms decline in
performance with the development of institutional infrastructure in
South Korea.
The same trend is shown in the study of Khanna and Palepu (2000a).
They find higher profitability for group affiliated firms than
stand-alone firms in Chile and however, there is a gradual decrease in
performance with the development of market infrastructure in the
country. Kumar, et al. (2008) employ a data set for a period of 19902006
and observe that group firms decline in performance, corresponding to
stand-alone firms in the post financial reforms era in India. They
demonstrate that group firms tend to decrease in performance with the
development of market institutions in the country. Moreover, they
observe that older group firms perform relatively better in these
situations of institutional transitions. Pattanayak (2009) confirms
lower performance of group affiliated firms than stand-alone firms in
India. They argue that advantageous effect of group affiliation
disappears as capital markets get matured.
Lee, et al. (2002b) attempt answering few questions regarding the
emergence and performance of business groups in South Korea. They focus
how business groups emerged and then what happened with them that they
declined in performance. They propose that business groups emerged in
response to market failures. Further, business groups facilitate their
affiliates entering in the new markets which were formerly monopolised
by the forerunning businesses. They document few reasons behind the
decline in the performance of business groups. They suggest that
performance of business groups decreases over the time with the
development of institutional setting in the country. Moreover, group
firms suffer from in-efficient investment drive that leads to agency
conflicts among the shareholders.
Lins and Servaes (2002) observe a significant discount for
diversified business groups relative to single segment firms in 7
emerging markets. They suggest that ultimate controllers in group
affiliated firms enjoy excess control rights than cash flow rights and
that they are motivated in expropriation of firm resources from one firm
where they have least cash flow rights to other firms where they have
higher cash flow rights. Betrand, Mehta, and Mullainathan (2000)
document tunneling evidence in the Indian business groups. Bae, et al.
(2002) find that wealth is transferred to dominant shareholders at the
expense of minority shareholders within Korean chaebols.
In Pakistani context, the earlier studies show mixed results.
Ghani, Haroon and Ashraf (2011) take a sample of KSE listed firms for
the years 1998 and 2002 and find higher financial performance (ROA) of
group affiliated firms than stand-alone firms. Similarly, Ahmad and
Kazmi (2016) document that group firms outperform stand-alone firms in
Textile Sector of Pakistan. In contrast, Gohar and Karacaer (2009)
employ a sample of 166 K.SE listed firms for a period of 2002 to 2006
and find that group firms underperform than stand-alone firms. The
results suggest that group firms fall into serious problem of agency
conflicts among the shareholders. These contrasting results stress the
need to investigate the group affiliation-performance relationship on a
dynamic longitudinal data, by applying relevant methodology of Chop shop
in a country facing remarkable changed institutional setting. Both of
the earlier studies have ignored the Chop shop methodology that had been
widely used in the studies conducted on group affiliation-performance
2.1. Hypotheses of the Study
H [1.sub.a]: There is a significantly lower financial performance
of group affiliates than stand-alone firms.
H [1.sub.b]: There is a significantly higher financial performance
of group affiliates than stand-alone firms.
The study sample consists of 367 (including 159 stand-alone firms
and 208 group affiliated firms belonging to 60 business groups)
non-financial firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange covering a period
of 1993-2012.
The study modifies the widely used 'Chop Shop'
methodology of Berger and Ofek (1995) to determine group premium or
discount so that study results can be compared with the earlier studies,
for instance Lang and Stulz (1994), Ferris, et al. (2003) and Lee, et
al. (2008). The excess value is obtained through two main steps. In the
first step, imputed value of a group firm is estimated as multiplying
the group firm's earnings before interest and taxes with the
capital value to earnings before interest and taxes ratio for median
stand-alone firm operating in the same industry. (1) In the second step,
excess value is calculated as the natural log of the ratio of
firm's actual value (defined as market value of equity plus book
value of liabilities) to its imputed value. (2) The positive excess
value suggests that group affiliation enhances the performance of the
group affiliates whereas negative excess value shows that affiliation
with a business group harms firm value.
There are some issues in estimation that are needed to be addressed
carefully. One of the major issues is that there may be endogeneity
problems (omitted variables, selection bias and reverse causality).
Besides the observable factors like group affiliation, there may be some
unobservable factors like managerial skills among others that may affect
the firm performance but may not be included as regressors in the value
equation. In addition, there may be regressors (group affiliation in
this case) that may be correlated with the error term.
Most importantly, group affiliation may be endogenous [Bae, et al.
(2011)] because there are certain factors like firm profitability, risk,
growth prospects and/or firm size among others that motivate a business
group to acquire/select a firm under his control; and these factors
affecting the propensity of a firm to be a group affiliate may also
influence firm performance. Hence, selection of a firm to be a group
affiliate or not may not be random rather it is based on some firm
specific factors [Choe, et al. (2014)] and further, firm performance may
be dynamic in nature [Mishra (2014)].
Therefore, the study employs both system Generalised method of
moments (GMM) and treatment effects of endogenous self-selection
(Heckman selection styled model) to investigate the impact of group
affiliation on firm performance. In GMM models, lag dependent variable
and explanatory variables are used as instruments following Arellano and
Bond (1991); Javid and Iqbal (2008). The treatment effect models
consider the effect on an endogenously chosen binary treatment, in this
case the choice to be a group affiliate, on another endogenous
continuous variable, in this case an indicator of firm performance,
conditional on two sets of independent variables. The first set of
variables is used to estimate a selection equation that describes the
group affiliation choice. The estimates from the selection equation are
then used in the value function.
In lines with Yu, Ees, and Lensik (2009), the study uses Heckman
styled self-selection treatment effect model as follows:
[] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] [] +
[[beta].sub.2] [] + [[epsilon]] (1)
Where [] is the dependent variable (performance indicator
e.g., Excess value-EBIT) for firm I at time t, [] is the binary
independent variable ([] = 1 for group affiliated firm and
otherwise [] = 0 for standalone firm i at time t). []
are the control variables for a firm i at time t (e.g., list age,
leverage, size, risk, profitability and growth) that affect firm
performance and [[epsilon]] is the error term.
The group affiliation decision (selection equation) is given below:
[D.sup.*] = [delta][] + [[mu]] (2)
[] = 1 if [D.sup.*] > 0 and [] = 0
otherwise. [] are the variables that affect the group
affiliation decision of the firm, [[mu]] is the error term.
By substituting [] in Equation (2) with Equation (3); firm
performance model is as follows:
[] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] ([delta][] +
[[mu]]) + [[beta].sub.2][] + [[epsilon]] (3)
If [D.sup.*] > 0; [] = 1 and
[] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.2] [] +
[[epsilon]] (4)
Where [D.sup.*] [less than or equal to] 0; [] = 0
In line with the reasoning of Heckman's (1979) two step
procedure, the study employs two-steps procedure to estimate the
regression coefficients of Equations (3) and (4). In the first step, the
probability of group affiliation is found and obtaining the estimates of
selection correction--called lambda (hazards). In the second step, the
lambda (hazards) estimates from the first step are included in the
regression model of firm performance.
Fig. 1. Variable Definitions
Excess Value-EBIT
It is calculated as natural logarithm of actual value to imputed value
ratio (as discussed above). The positive value implies that group
affiliated firm outperforms than standalone firms operating in the same
industry (group affiliation premium) and negative value indicates that
group affiliated firm underperforms than stand-alone firms operating
in the particular industry (group affiliation discount) [Lee, et al.
Group Affiliation
Dummy A dummy variable of 1 is given for firms affiliated with a
business group and 0 if a firm is stand-alone. Group firms are
selected on the basis of ultimate control of members under the
umbrella of a particular group. The ultimate control is determined
by examining the social ties, management, cross directorate-ships,
cross shareholdings and pyramidal structures.
List Age
Natural logarithm of the number of years till 2012 from the date of
firm listing on the stock exchange [Yu, Ees, and Lensik (2009)].
Leverage is defined as total liabilities/total assets [Yu, Ees, and
Lensik (2009)],
The natural logarithm of market capitalisation is taken as a proxy of
firm size.
Risk is the standard deviation of return on capital employed.
Firm profitability is measured by earnings before interest and
taxes/total sales [Lee, et al. (2008)].
Growth is calculated as market value of equity/book value of
equity [Manos (2001)].
Table 1 demonstrates the information pertained to Pakistani
business groups included in the sample. The statistics show the number
of business groups covered in the study sample every year, average
number of firms and minimum/maximum number of firms belong to each
business group every year.
Table 2 presents the information related to composition of sample,
categorised into group firms and stand-alone firms every year. The
figures show that sample comprises of group (stand-alone) firms of 124
(84) in 1993 which significantly expand to 177 (114) during the sample
period until 2012. The same trend is expressed in Figure 2.
Panel A in Table 3 presents the univariate analyies. A comparison
of Excess value-EBIT is done across stand-alone firms and group firms.
The statistics show that both mean and median excess values-EBIT are
remarkably lower for group firms than their corresponding stand-alone
firms and the differences of mean and median values are highly
significant. The findings clearly show that group discount is present
during the sample period. The underperformance (discount) of group firms
than stand-alone firms in the post financial reforms era supports
Hypothesis la and is consistent with the market failure argument and
agency theory.
Panel B in Table 3 highlights the financial demographics across
group firms and stand-alone firms. The statistics show that group firms
underperform than stand-alone firms in terms of market performance
measure of Tobin's Q, consistent with the above results and
however, these show superior performance in terms of accounting
performance measure of ROA (return on assets). Group firms are paying
higher dividends than stand-alone firms and these firms exhibit higher
listing exposure. Group firms are significantly different in financing
policies. The financial leverage is significantly lower for group firms
than stand-alone firms. In Pakistani market, larger part of debts comes
from the banks and other financial institutions which required higher
level of monitoring and transparent financial reporting to safeguard
their investment. The ultimate group controllers avoid such monitoring.
They use complex pyramidal ownership structures to achieve and maintain
their ultimate control over many firms simultaneously with the least
capital invested. Group firms exhibit significantly lower level of risk
relative to stand-alone firms. These findings are consistent with risk
sharing and group stability arguments of Khanna and Yafeh (2005) and
Estrin, et al. (2009). Group firms are larger in terms of both total
assets and sales. Group firms show relatively higher liquidity (measured
by current ratio) consistent with resource sharing argument. These can
transfer surplus funds from one firm to another firm with shortage of
Table 4 presents the correlation metrics among the variables. The
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) procedure confirms that there is no
strong correlation among the explanatory variables indicating that there
exists no serious problem of multicollinearity. (3)
Table 5 reports the pooled OLS and GMM regression results. Group
affiliation dummy is -0.0155 (p<0.10) and -0.0158(p<0.05) which
suggest that group firms tend to show lower Excess value-EBIT (group
discount) than their corresponding stand-alone firms in Pakistan during
the 1993-2012 period. The findings suggest that group firms underperform
than stand-alone firms during the post financial reforms period despite
a historical success in 1950s and 1960s. Consistent with univariate
results, the empirical results support Hypothesis l (a).
The presence of group discount is consistent with market failure
theory that group firms decline in performance because their
advantageous effect disappears with the development of institutional
setting in the country during the post financial reforms and
liberalisation period. The regression results support Hypothesis
[l.sub.a] consistent with the studies of Khanna and Palepu (2000a) for
Chile; Lee, et al. (2008) for South Korea; Pattanayak (2002) for India
and Purkayastha (2013) for India and Japan. Further, the findings lend
support to the agency theory that business groups form pyramid
structures and the ultimate controllers in these group firms are engaged
in tunneling. They plunder firm resources away from the minority
shareholders for their personal benefits. The findings strongly support
to the earlier studies of Bertrand, et al. (2002); Bae, et al. (2002);
Lee, et al. (2002b) and Lins and Servaes (2002).
Leverage is significantly positively related to firm value,
consistent with tax shield argument and pecking order theory. However,
firm size is negatively related to firm value. The impact of risk is
negative as per expectations. However, firm profitability is negatively
associated with firm value. The negative relationship confirms the
presence of earning management practices adopted by firms in Pakistan
and further it indicates the lack of confidence of the investors at the
reported earnings. The findings are consistent with the earlier
studies' results for instance Lee, et al. (2008). Moreover, firm
growth positively affects firm value.
Table 6 reports the regression results of treatment affects models.
At first step, a binary dependent variable of group affiliation dummy is
regressed on firm characteristics to determine the firms'
propensity to be a group affiliate. At the second step, the obtained
estimates are used in the value regression. The results show that group
affiliation dummy variable is strongly negative and significant even
after controlling the endogenous self-selection, indicating that group
affiliation harms firm value.
Table 7 reports the regression results of interaction analysis to
highlight the role of internal markets of business groups in affecting
their affiliated firms' performance, relative to stand-alone firms
in Pakistan. The impact of firm characteristics like firm listing
exposure, leverage, size, growth and profitability may affect firm
excess value differently for group firms than stand-alone firms,
depending upon the strength of business groups in providing the internal
markets. Group affiliated firms may get benefits from the value
enhancing internal networks of resource sharing. These firms may share
resources like information, skills, finance, markets and these may even
help each other in getting loans [Guillen (2000); Khanna and Palepu
The sign of interaction between group affiliation and list age is
positive and significant whereas it is insignificantly negative for list
age variable. It shows that firm listing exposure positively affects
group firms' value and however, it seems ineffectual for
stand-alone firms. Similarly, both leverage and interaction between
group affiliation dummy and leverage are significantly positive. This
suggests that impact of leverage is positive for both stand-alone and
group firms (consistent with pecking order theory) but the strength of
relationship is stronger for group firms. Business groups may transfer
surplus funds from one firm to another firm having shortage of funds and
thus timely availability of funds may help in availing the opportunities
and reduction in cost of funds, risk and uncertainty [Estrin, et al.
(2009); Khanna and Yafeh (2005)]. The use of external funds contributes
positively to the excess value if the internal capital markets are
efficient [Peyer (2002)]. Similarly, interaction between group
affiliation and size variable is significantly positive indicating that
firm size is significantly positively related to firm value. The
findings provide evidence that group firms are efficient networks of
internal markets that help each other by providing inputs, assets and
other valuable resources.
More interestingly, both profitability and interaction between
group affiliation and profitability variables are significantly negative
which propose that firm profitability is negatively associated with firm
value. These results are consistent because earnings management
practices are well pronounced in the firms of the countries with weak
corporate governance and regulatory system. Moreover, the ultimate group
controllers are more entrenched that further augment the potential of
earning management practices which may ultimately hamper group
firms' value [Shah (2009)].
Table 7 reports the interactive regression results of Treatment
effect models. These results are highly consistent with the above GMM
Like many other emerging economies, business groups are ubiquitous
in business environment of Pakistan. Business groups are endogenous
response to weak legal system, underdeveloped financial system and
missing other market institutions which support business environment.
Financial reforms and other privatisation and liberalisation programs
initiated in early 1990s strengthen the financial sector. This study
sheds light on the group affiliation-performance relationship in a
changed institutional environment which is expected to evolve
differently. The study extends and supports the institution-based theory
of group affiliation and agency theory by adding a dynamic, longitudinal
and temporal component.
The results confirm that group firms are trading at discount and
affiliation to a diversified business group harms firm value in
Pakistan. The results support the market failure argument that business
groups decline in performance because the institutional environment got
gradually developed in the post financial reforms and liberalisation era
in Pakistan. The group affiliation benefits, owing to market failures,
disappear and these business groups face stiff competition from the
external markets and have to frame policies according to the changing
institutional environment for their survival. The results are highly
consistent with the market failure theory. The study also finds an
empirical evidence of severe agency conflicts among the ultimate
controlling shareholders and external shareholders. The ultimate
controllers in these business groups engage in tunneling firm resources
for their personal consumption that detriment to the external
shareholders' wealth.
However, the study finds a little evidence in favor of business
groups' internal markets argument. The internal networks permit the
affiliated firms sharing valuable resources, like information, inputs
and capital which may be a source of value creation. The study finds
both positive and negative traits of business group affiliation and
however, negative attributes outweigh the positive and net effect of
group affiliation is clear. Group affiliation is seen as a value
destroying economic organisation.
The study is very important in Pakistani context as it provides
guidance to managers, practitioners and investors and further it
contributes to the existing finance literature. The business groups have
to restructure and modernise their activities related to group
affiliation, instead of depending upon rent seeking or other
inefficiencies in order to compete in the changed institutional setting
of capital, labor and product markets. Further, it also sheds lights on
an important corporate governance issue that business groups are engaged
in tunneling firm resources that detriment the firm value and cause
severe agency conflicts among the controlling shareholders and external
This study excludes the financial service firms and further it is a
firm level study. In future it is important to examine the performance
relationships within business groups. Other sources of costs and
benefits to group affiliation, like financial constraints,
internationalisation strategy, among others are required to be explored
in future. Moreover, agency conflicts among the ultimate group
controllers and minority shareholders should be explored further in
future studies.
Waseemullah <
[email protected]> is Lecturer at
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[email protected]> is
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(1) Following Qerger and Ofek (1995) and Lee, et at. (2008)
industry median is derived from the sample of standalone firms.
(2) In order to eliminate the firms with extreme excess values, the
study follows Ferris, et al. (2003) and Lee, et al. (2008). Those firms
with excess values more than four times the firm's imputed value or
one-fourth of the imputed value are excluded from the sample.
(3) VIF procedure is adopted and however, the results are not
reported for brevity.
Caption: Fig. 2. Sample Compositions: Group Firms vs. Standalone
Table 1
Information of Pakistani Business Groups in Each Year
Year No. of Avg No. Median No. Min No. Max No. of
Business of Firms of Firms of Firms Firms
1993 45 2.7560 2 1 10
1994 45 2.7780 2 1 10
1995 45 2.6222 2 1 9
1996 46 2.7177 2 1 9
1997 45 2.9333 2 1 10
1998 46 2.9133 2 I 10
1999 47 2.8722 2 1 10
2000 47 2.9155 2 1 10
2001 56 3.5000 3 1 13
2002 56 3.5000 3 1 13
2003 56 3.4820 3 1 13
2004 56 3.4290 3 1 13
2005 56 3.3930 3 1 13
2006 56 3.4111 3 1 13
2007 56 3.3755 3 1 13
2008 56 3.3578 3 1 13
2009 56 3.3578 3 1 13
2010 56 3.3578 3 1 13
2011 55 3.3090 3 1 12
2012 55 3.2180 3 1 12
Note: Author Source.
Table 2
Number of Group Firms and Standalone Firms in Each Year
Year Group Firms Standalone Firms
1993 124 84
1994 125 89
1995 118 87
1996 125 91
1997 132 97
1998 134 100
1999 135 98
2000 137 98
2001 196 150
2002 196 149
2003 195 147
2004 193 146
2005 190 144
2006 191 146
2007 189 135
2008 188 133
2009 188 132
2010 188 126
2011 182 120
2012 177 114
3303 2386
Note: Author Source.
Table 3 Panel A
Comparative Excess Value-EBITfor Standalone Firms and Group Firms
Variable Firm Mean Median St. Dev.
Excess Value-EBIT Standalone 0.0849 0.0662 0.2391
Group 0.0458 *** 0.0358 *** 0.2521
All 0.0613 0.0500 0.2478
Note: T-tests are used for comparisons of means, and Wilcoxon
signed-rank tests are used for comparisons of
medians. ***, ** and * denote significance of differences
at 1, 5 and 10 percent levels, respectively.
Table 3 Panel B
Comparative Financial Characteristics for Standalone and Group Firms
Variables Firm Mean
Tobin q Standalone 1.3470
Group 1.1110 ***
All 1.2100
ROA Standalone -0.0100
Group 0.0110 ***
All 0.0020
Dividend Standalone 0.1150
Payout Ratio Group 0.1750 ***
All 0.1500
Dividend Standalone 0.0190
Yield Group 0.0340 ***
All 0.0280
List Age Standalone 27.2120
Group 30.6280 ***
All 29.1950
Leverage Standalone 0.9120
Group 0.7490 ***
All 0.8180
Growth Standalone 0.15
Group 0.16
All 0.16
Risk Standalone 0.2310
Group 0.1670 ***
All 0.1940
Total Assets Standalone 1136.0000
Group 3105.0000 ***
All 2279.0000
Sales Standalone 971.0000
Group 2682.0000 ***
All 1965.0000
Group Standalone 1.0000
Diversification Group 8.5620 ***
All 5.3900
Current Ratio Standalone 1.1850
Group 1.3680 ***
All 1.2910
Fixed Assets Standalone 0.5730
Ratio Group 0.5340 ***
All 0.5510
Variables Firm Median St. Dev.
Tobin q Standalone 0.9710 1.6130
Group 0.9190 *** 0.9160
All 0.9380 1.2620
ROA Standalone 0.0030 0.1620
Group 0.0170 *** 0.1280
All 0.0100 0.1430
Dividend Standalone 0.0000 0.3920
Payout Ratio Group 0.0000 *** 0.4040
All 0.0000 0.4000
Dividend Standalone 0.0000 0.0580
Yield Group 0.00 *** 0.0710
All 0.0000 0.0660
List Age Standalone 21.0000 12.8320
Group 25.0000 *** 35.4460
All 23.0000 28.3060
Leverage Standalone 0.7200 0.9490
Group 0.6680 *** 0.6040
All 0.6890 0.7720
Growth Standalone 0.0360 0.6200
Group 0.0860 *** 0.5360
All 0.0680 0.5720
Risk Standalone 0.0510 0.5540
Group 0.0570 0.4240
All 0.0540 0.4840
Total Assets Standalone 392.0000 2732.0000
Group 910.0000 *** 7989.0000
All 656.0000 6413.0000
Sales Standalone 385.0000 1936.0000
Group 1020.0000 *** 6661.0000
All 684.0000 5295.0000
Group Standalone 1.0000 0.0000
Diversification Group 7.0000 *** 6.0660
All 3.0000 5.9400
Current Ratio Standalone 0.8740 1.4830
Group 0.9990 *** 1.6760
All 0.9480 1.6000
Fixed Assets Standalone 0.5960 0.2390
Ratio Group 0.5390 *** 0.2200
All 0.5580 0.2290
Note: T-tests are used for comparisons of means, and Wilcoxon
signed-rank tests are used for comparisons of medians.
***, ** and * denote significance of differences at 1, 5 and
10 percent levels, respectively.
Table 4
Variable Excess Value- Group List Age Leverage
EBIT Affiliation
Excess Value- 1
Group -0.0771 1
Affiliation 0.0000 --
List Age -0.0056 0.1251 1
0.7432 0.0000 --
Leverage 0.2354 -0.0574 0 0217 1
0.0000 0.0007 0.2014 --
Size -0.1348 0.2558 0.1820 -0.2255
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Risk -0.0205 -0.0599 0.0335 0.1945
0.22X1 0.0004 0.0485 0.0000
Profitability -0.4852 0.0700 0.0451 -0.0968
0.0000 0.0000 0.0080 0.0000
Growth 0.0708 0.0410 -0.0392 -0.1049
0.0000 0.0158 0.0212 0.0000
Variable Size Risk Profita- Growth
Excess Value-
List Age
Size 1
Risk -0.1766 1
0.0000 --
Profitability 0.1475 0.0825 1
0.0000 0.0000 --
Growth 0.2568 -0.0718 0.0892 1
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 --
Note: All coefficients greater than 0.05 values are significant
at 1 percent significance level. P-values are in italics.
Table 5
Pooled OLS and GMM Results of Group Affiliation and Excess Value-EBIT
Pooled OLS GMM
Variable Model Model
Excess Value-[EBIT.sub.t-1] 0.3316 *** 0.3208 ***
0.0000 0.0000
Group Affiliation Dummy -0.0155 * -0.0158 **
0.0786 0.0457
List Age 0.0020 0.0025
0.7363 0.7146
Leverage 0.1418 *** 0.1479 ***
0.0000 0.0000
Size -0.0067 ** -0.0061 *
0.0190 0.0576
Risk -0.0235 * -0.0299 *
0.0798 0.0698
Profitability -0.1408 *** -0.1153 **
0.0000 0.0334
Growth 0.0221 *** 0.0237 ***
0.0000 0.0000
Intercept -0.0276 -0.0427 *
0.2084 0.0752
Adjusted R-squared 0.2216 0.2203
F-statistic 93.7112 ***
Prob(F-statistic) 0.0000
Hansen J-statistic 9.7420
Prob(J-statistic) 0.1359
Note: ***, ** and * denote to coefficients significant at 1, 5 and
10 percent respectively. P-values are in italics.
Table 6
Treatment Effects' Results of Group Affiliation and Excess Value-EBIT
Variable Model 1
Group Affiliation Dummy -0.3158 ***
List age 0.0014 ***
Leverage 0.1417 ***
Size 0.0043
Risk -0.0643 ***
Profitability -0.1100 ***
Growth 0.0191 ***
Intercept 0.1018 ***
Group Affiliation Dummy as
Dependent Variable:
List Age 0.0090 ***
Leverage 0.0050
Size 0.1851 ***
Risk -0.0783
Profitability 0.2495 **
Growth -0.0166
Intercept -0.8539 ***
Athrho 0.7936 ***
Lnsigma -1.3006 ***
Wald Chi-squared 371.6900 ***
Rho 0.6604
Sigma 0.2724
Lambda 0.1799
Wald test of Rho=0 13.8100 ***
Note: ***, ** and * denote to coefficients significant at 1, 5 and
10 percent respectively. P-values are in italics.
Table 7
GMM Results of Interaction Analyses
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Excess Value- 0.5804 *** 0.3329 *** 0.3188 ***
[EBIT.sub.t-1] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Group -0.1105 *** -0.1056 *** -0.0475 **
Affiliation Dummy 0.0050 0.0000 0.0165
List Age -0.0051 0.0006 0.0030
0.5304 0.9255 0.6527
Leverage 0.1197 *** 0.0851 *** 0.1507 ***
0.0000 0.0074 0.0000
Size 0.0092 *** -0.0015 -0.0106 ***
0.0031 0.6020 0.0090
Risk 0.0015 -0.0212 -0.0314 **
0.9524 0.1474 0.0442
Profitability -0.3440 ** -0.1370 ** -0.1173 **
0.0000 0.0124 0.0287
Growth 0.0132 ** 0.0189 *** 0.0240 ***
0.0329 0.0002 0.0000
Group Affiliation 0.0299 **
Dummy*List Age 0.01 SO
Group Affiliation 0.1404 ***
Dummy*Leverage 0.0002
Group Affiliation 0.0062 **
Dummy*Size 0.0578
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation
Intercept -0.0759 ** -0 0118 -0.0241
0.0346 0.6865 0.3802
Adjusted 0.1849 0.2262 0.2204
Hansen 7.1442 9.5461 9.7998
Prob(J-statistic) 0.4140 0.2158 0.2002
Variable Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Excess Value- 0.3197 *** 0.6161 *** 0.5645 ***
[EBIT.sub.t-1] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Group -0.0229 *** 0.0044 -0.0302 ***
Affiliation Dummy 0.0000 0.6448 0.0005
List Age 0.0008 0.0041 0.0085
0.8976 0.6718 0.3761
Leverage 0.1523 *** 0.1194 *** 0.1256 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Size -0.0062 ** 0.0137 *** 0.0099 ***
0.0470 0.0000 0.0006
Risk -0.0546 * 0.0059 -0.0077
0.0542 0.8465 0.7750
Profitability -0.1150 ** -0.1214 * -0.3710 ***
0.0395 0.1048 0.0000
Growth 0.0222 *** 0.0135 ** 0.0106 *
0.0000 0.0140 0.0656
Group Affiliation
Dummy*List Age
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation 0.0402
Dummy*Risk 0.3066
Group Affiliation -0.5576 ***
Dummy* 0.0000
Group Affiliation 0.0046
Dummy*Growth 0.5795
Intercept -0.0360 -0.1360 *** -0.1130 ***
0.1336 0.0007 0.0017
Adjusted 0.2199 0.1789 0.1917
Hansen 10.2821 7.5728 7.0537
Prob(J-statistic) 0.1731 0.3718 0.4233
Note: ***, ** and * denote to coefficients significant
at 1, 5 and 10 percent respectively. P-values are in italics.
Table 7
Treatment Effects' Results of Interaction Analyses
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Group Affiliation Dummy -0.3556 *** -0.3302 *** -0.3293 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
List Age -0.0003 0.0014 *** 0.0014 ***
0.5110 0.0000 0.0000
Leverage 0.1420 *** 0.1248 *** 0.1416 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Size 0.0026 0.0041 0.0026
0.5130 0.2810 0.6040
Risk -0.0617 *** -0.0631 *** -0.0643 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Profitability -0.1100 *** -0.1123 *** -0.1101 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Growth 0.0200 *** 0.0187 *** 0.0192 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Group Affiliation 0.0029 ***
Dummy*List Age 0.0000
Group Affiliation 0.0344 *
Dummy*Leverage 0.0950
Group Affiliation 0.0026
Dummy*Size 0.5990
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation
Intercept 0.1308 *** 0.1100 *** 0.1100 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Group Affiliation Dummy as Dependent Variable
List Age 0.0083 *** 0.0089 *** 0.0089 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Leverage 0.0048 0.0093 0.0041
0.9330 0.8700 0.9420
Size 0.1860 *** 0.1857 *** 0.1844 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Risk -0.0748 -0.0780 -0.0784
0.2010 0.1830 0.1820
Profitability 0.2359 ** 0.2461 ** 0.2502 **
0.0270 ** 0.0200 0.0160
Growth -0.0167 -0.0164 -0.0166
0.2770 0.2840 0.2790
Intercept -0.8480 *** -0.8593 *** -0.8505 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Athrho 0.7458 *** 0.7668 *** 0.7942 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Lnsigma -1.3186 *** -1.3092 *** -1.3005 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Wald Chi-squared 387.3800 *** 372.2500 *** 370.8500 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Rho 0.6326 0.6451 0.6608
Sigma 0.2675 0.2700 0.2724
Lambda 0.1692 0.1742 0.1800
Wald test of Rho-0 7.3600 11.8500 12.6000
0.0067 0.0006 0.0004
Variable Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Group Affiliation Dummy -0.3139 *** -0.2276 *** -0.3230 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
List Age 0.0014 *** 0.0012 *** 0.0014 ***
0.0000 0.0020 0.0000
Leverage 0.1423 *** 0.1467 *** 0.1406 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Size 0.0042 0.0004 0.0042
0.2710 0.9260 0.2690
Risk -0.0791 *** -0.0632 *** -0.0655 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Profitability -0.1103 *** -0.0570 *** -0.1098 ***
0.0000 0.0010 0.0000
Growth 0.0188 *** 0.0193 *** 0.0153 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0010
Group Affiliation
Dummy*List Age
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation 0.0330
Dummy*Risk 0.1180
Group Affiliation -0.1910 ***
Dummy*Profitability 0.0000
Group Affiliation 0.0068
Dummy*Growth 0.2130
Intercept 0.1011 *** 0.0737 *** 0.1066 ***
0.0000 0.0010 0.0000
Group Affiliation Dummy as Dependent Variable
List Age 0.0090 *** 0.0090 *** 0.0090 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Leverage 0.0053 0.0032 0.0046
0.9270 0.9560 0.9360
Size 0.1856 *** 0.1932 *** 0.1847 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Risk -0.0788 -0.0703 -0.0780
0.1720 0.2310 0.1840
Profitability 0.2415 ** 0.0363 0.2494 **
0.0220 0.6870 0.0170
Growth -0.0164 -0.0169 -0.0174
0.2860 0.2740 0.2540
Intercept -0.8563 *** -0.8850 *** -0.8514 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Alhrho 0.7737 *** 0.5663 *** 0.7972 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Lnsigma -1.3070 *** -1.3710 *** -1.2997 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Wald Chi-squared 373.6800 *** 396.3500 *** 372.9500 ***
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Rho 0.6491 0.5126 0.6625
Sigma 0.2706 0.2539 0.2726
Lambda 0.1757 0.1301 0.1806
Wald test of Rho-0 12.7800 5.1300 13.6200
0.0004 0.0236 0.0002
Note: ***, ** and * denote to coefficients significant at
1, 5 and 10 percent respectively. P-values are in italics.
COPYRIGHT 2018 Reproduced with permission of the Publications Division, Pakistan Institute of Development Economies, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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