Understanding music therapy better.
Clark, Imogen N.
Understanding music therapy better.
Welcome to AJMT Volume 29, 2018. While there was no theme set for
this year, it seems that our authors and researchers are interested in
gaining a better understanding of music therapy through evaluations with
participants, consumers, other disciplines, and registered music
therapists. We are excited to bring you 5 excellent articles authored by
experienced and emerging researchers.
The mechanisms of referral to music therapy has a large impact on
the success of our practices. Cherry Hense surveys clinicians working in
youth mental health to explore how their perceptions of music therapy
influence referral decisions. She explains the gatekeeper role of other
clinicians and suggests strategies including promotion of strength-based
approaches to music therapy in alignment with recovery models, and
supporting other clinicians to engage young people in discussions about
music. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has also had a
significant impact on community-based referrals to music therapy in the
disability sector. Juyoung Lee, Kate Teggelove, Jeanette Tamplin,
Grace Thompson, Melissa Murphy and Katrina McFerran examine
perceived access to music therapy in interviews with NDIS employees,
NDIS consumers, and RMTs. Findings indicate considerable confusion
impacting access to music therapy among all interested parties. The
authors recommend that RMTs take more responsibility for educating NDIS
staff and consumers about music therapy. These articles will be of
particular interest to RMTs wishing to gain a better of understanding of
how our services are perceived by others.
We welcome articles from two recent Masters of Music Therapy
graduates, Tom McGrath and Napak Pakdeesatitwara. Tom joins forces with
Dr Grace Thompson to report on findings from a survey exploring
differences in experiences between Masters of Music Therapy students
learning via the on campus and blended learning modes. Results suggest
that professional identity formation is comparable across the different
student cohorts. These findings are encouraging given the recent growth
and interest for blended learning in Australia and internationally.
Napak and Dr Jeanette Tamplin report on results from an international
survey examining the scope of music therapy in neurorehabilitation
contexts. The survey suggests that many music therapists are informed by
Neurologic Music Therapy approaches, and that they draw on these in
interdisciplinary therapy for diverse populations. It is interesting to
read about preferences for singing-based methods. I am sure you will
enjoy reading these contributions to music therapy research.
Finally, Tanya Silveira, Jeanette Tamplin, Simon Dorsch and Anna
Barlow describe a retrospective case study with a 74-year old retired
pianist who was admitted for rehabilitation following stroke. A
collaboration between music therapy and occupational therapy resulted in
therapy involving the use of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in
combination with an iPad app, ThumbJam, to support upper limb
rehabilitation. The promising findings from this case study have
motivated Tanya to explore ThumbJam and FES for upper limb
rehabilitation in her PhD studies. We look forward to reading further
results from this innovative research.
This year, we introduced "AJMT Advanced Online Articles",
a repository for publishing our very latest articles ahead of full
indexing. We hope that readers and authors have enjoyed this new
service. My sincere thanks to Dr. Kate Williams (Associate Editor) and
Dr. Elizabeth McLean (Copy Editor) for your continued service and
support. We are pleased to bring you this bumper AJMT Edition--please
Dr. Imogen Clark Editor, AJMT
To cite this article: Clark, I.N. (2018). Understanding music
therapy better. Australian Journal of Music Therapy, 29, i-ii. Retrieved
from https://www.austmta.org.au/journal/article/editorial-understanding-music-therapy-better
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