The Relationship Between Spiritual Intelligence and Professional Ethics of Librarians: A case study.
Moradi, Fatemeh Mohmmad ; Kazerani, Maryam ; Shekofteh, Maryam 等
The Relationship Between Spiritual Intelligence and Professional Ethics of Librarians: A case study.
Nowadays, in the wake of social developments and the emergence of
modern theories of management, the modern global values have been
introduced, with the cosmological and anthropological views of managers
changed. Thus, different organizations try to train people able to live
in the global society without bias and narrow-mindedness, believe in the
transcendental ethics and values, and respect the rights and freedoms of
others [1]. The importance and necessity of spirituality and religion,
especially spiritual intelligence (SI), are felt from different views in
the new age. One of these necessities in anthropology is attention to
the spiritual dimension of the human from the perspective of scientists,
especially the experts of the world health organization (WHO), defining
human as a biological, psychological, social and spiritual entity.
Another necessity for discussing this is the emergence of spiritual
stretch, and the search for a more vivid understanding of faith and its
use in the daily lives of individuals [2]. In recent decades,
spirituality in the organization has become the focus of the researchers
more than ever, so it is referred to as a type of intelligence.
Managers, employers and researchers [3] consider the spirituality in the
organization in the interaction with the customers and people as a
critical issue [3]. Nowadays, it is stated that emotional intelligence
(IQ) and Emotional Intelligence/Quotient (EQ) are ineffective in
explaining all human psychological issues, so there is a need for a
third factor called SI [4]. The collection of studies, evidence, and
proofs provided by psychology, neurology, anthropology, and cognitive
sciences provide a third intelligence called SI (SI) [5], [6]. SI is
effective in all spheres of human life and job and social activities are
no exception to this. The implementation of spirituality in work
environments and social organizations increases efficiency and
productivity, but unfortunately, this technology is often ignored in
today's technological societies. This exists about human and human
relationships that should be seen as humans and not as objects to reach
the organizational goals. Thus, it is important to know how people have
a good relationship within the organization and how create a society
with one another [7], [8]. SI is considered the ultimate level of human
intelligence that comes from the basic beliefs of the individual and
affects his behaviors. SI involves the highest level of growth in
cognitive, ethical, emotional and interpersonal areas, assisting the
individual to coordinate with the phenomena around and achieve internal
and external integrity [9]. Mcshare et al. argue that SI is the base of
individual beliefs, so as shaping the true form of life [10]. According
to Ahmadian, SI includes guiding and inner wisdom, intellectual balance,
and inner and outer peace, accompanied by insight and kindness. SI is
the ability to act cleverly and wisely. SI is intrinsic, but like any
other intelligence, it must grow. SI is the underlying ground for
achieving the meaning of life from the perspectives of purpose, value,
and performance of life [11].
Moreover, one of the factors with a crucial role in competence,
significance, and ability, continuity of success and social
acceptability of the professions is professional ethics. Each profession
has its own behavior and obligations extracted from its statute.
Professional ethics is defined based on widespread knowledge and an
ideal model of service to society and tries to answer the ethical issues
of different professions. Professional ethics is defined as the ethical
responsibilities of the organization, involving the dimensions of the
organization and professional ethics, based on the principle of
"people's right". Professional ethics argues, "The
environment has the right and the organization duty" [1]. Carrr
defines professional ethics as human rights - a very common definition
[12]. The nature of professions connected with referrals to user-related
professions, such as librarianship and information, becomes very
important, so attention to spirituality and professional ethics seems
necessary [13]. However, regarding the aforementioned, studying SI among
the staff of different departments of universities is a special
necessity given the importance of these organizations, whose purpose is
humanization in all aspects of existence. Academic libraries have a
unique status and considered as the focus of scientific production and
one of the factors of the growth and development of the academic
community. Librarians are the agents of library activities with a key
role in the success of library services and continuous interaction with
the scientific community of Iran. Moreover, the importance of SI in the
identification of human existential self and its key role in using human
spiritual capacities on the other make studying SI in librarians an
important research ground. The professional ethics and SI in
organizations, especially academic medical science libraries, whose
users mainly look for information relevant to the health of the
community and the unique position of medical librarians in improving the
health literacy of users, are so important. Moreover, no coherent
studies have been conducted regarding ethics of librarianship and SI in
libraries of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health
Services, so the researcher tries to examine the relationship between SI
and professional ethics of librarians in the libraries of Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. While
clarifying the status of these two components among the employees of
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, the results can identify
their strengths and weaknesses in the above categories. Thus, by
determining the relationship between these two topics, the results can
provide relevant information for senior managers in the recruitment of
human resources to help them recruit efficient forces regarding these
two key elements. In other words, knowledge of this connection can
provide the necessary information on the training of more efficient
The present study was applied in terms of purpose and a
cross-sectional study of descriptive-correlational type regarding data
collection. The population was the managers and librarians working in
the faculty and hospital libraries affiliated to Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences in 2017 who were 65 people. The data
collection tool was EI standard questionnaire of King 2008 with 4
components and 24 items. The components were critical existential
thinking, the production of personal meaning, transcendental
consciousness and the extension of consciousness. As the SI
questionnaire was standardized, content validity was not examined and
only the reliability of the questionnaire was tested and the
Cronbach's alpha was 89%, showing the appropriate reliability of
the research tool. The scoring method was encoded 5-point Likert scale
(Very low = 0, low = 1, average = 2, high = 3, very high = 4) with the
minimum score 24 and the maximum 120 points. According to the available
evidence and resources, the professional ethics questionnaire involves
the components developed based on the draft of the librarian's
professional ethics guidelines, with 11 components and 31 items. These
component were the maintenance of resources, protection of intellectual
property and copyright, defending the principles of freedom of thought
and non-censoring of resources, improving the level of literacy of
themselves and users, respecting different beliefs, observing neutrality
in the profession, and presenting the library service. Moreover, they
included providing facilities for easy and uniform access to information
for all clients, observing the privacy of individuals and the
confidentiality of their information, promotion of career goals, and
interaction with business colleagues and associates. The subject's
experts confirmed the content validity, with the Cronbach's alpha
value estimated as 0.85%, showing the proper reliability of the research
tool. Scoring was Likert with encoded with five options (very low = 1,
low = 2, average = 3, high = 4, very high = 5) with the minimum score as
31 and a maximum 155. Descriptive statistics including central index
(mean), dispersion index (range of variation and standard deviation) and
frequency distribution tables (absolute and relative), and inferential
statistics including independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient
test and regression were used for data analysis. Data were also analyzed
in spss22.
Overall, 65 people participated in the study, of whom 21.5% were
males and 78.5% females. The average age was 40-50 with 41.5% as the
highest frequency age group and 50-60 with 4.6% as the lowest. Of the
population, 52.3% had a service life of 10-20 years and a minority of
people had service years of less than 1-10 years with 23.1% frequency.
Of 65 subjects, 81.5% had studied Information Science and Science
(Librarianship) and 18.5% other fields with 49.2% holding MA degrees
education and the lowest frequency was related to the doctoral students
with 3.1%.
Table 1 shows that the level of SI of the studied librarians as
45.52, which is average. According to the average column obtained in
Table 1, the highest level of SI among the librarians' of the
libraries of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health
Services was related to the production of personal meaning with a mean
of 49.78 and the lowest was related to expansion of consciousness with a
mean of 37.16.
Table 2 shows that the overall level of professional ethics of the
librarians studied are 82.39 and at a very good level. According to the
average column obtained in Table 2, the highest component present in
librarians of the libraries of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences and Health Services was related to resource conservation with
an average of 88.92 and the lowest was observing neutrality in the
profession with an average of 77.84.
According to Table 3, as the significance level (p-value =0.061) in
professional ethics and SI is bigger than the error value (a =0.05), one
can conclude there is no correlation between SI and professional ethics
of librarians of the libraries of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences and Health Services.
Discussion and conclusion
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between SI
and professional ethics of librarians of the libraries of Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2017. The interpretation of
the results showed no relationship between SI and professional ethics.
In the present age, the value of human capital for the success of
organizations is recognized, and in recent decades, another aspect of
organizational tasks in human resources has played a role as SI and
professional ethics in organizations [14]. Most of the studies have been
on the explanation and components of SI in general. Recently, the impact
of SI and the existence of the relationship between SI and different
questionnaires and other components such as mental health,
organizational effectiveness, professional ethics in organizations,
happiness, academic success, promotion of occupational performance,
clinical competence, professional ethics of librarianship of the
employees of organizations have been examined. Moreover, the role and
the effect this intelligence has on organizational success have been
studied. In a study investigating the effect of SI on the professional
ethics of librarians, Haghiri et al. showed that components of SI could
not predict professional ethics. This means that by improving the level
of SI components, one cannot expect that the level of professional
ethics of library librarians in Tehran University increases and the
results are consistent with the present research [15].
Emami's study entitled "Studying the effect of SI and
moral intelligence on self-esteem and life satisfaction in elderly
people in Isfahan" showed that the effect of moral intelligence on
self-esteem and life satisfaction is meaningful, yet not the effect of
SI on these two variables, which is consistent with the present study
[16]. The study by Tutian Isfahani and Najafi entitled "Examining
the relationship between SI and professional ethics among employees in
Sari" showed a positive and significant relationship between SI and
professional ethics. The statistical tests used show that, the higher
components of critical existential thinking, the production of personal
meaning, transcendental consciousness, and the expansion of
consciousness, the higher the levels of professional ethics will be,
which is no consistent with the present study [17]. The study by
Dehganan et al. entitled "Examining the relationship between SI and
professional ethics with the effectiveness of NAJA staff" showed a
positive and significant relationship between SI and professional
ethics, no consistent with the present study [18]. Ebrahimi et al.
studied SI of the staff of the executive agencies and its impact on
professional ethics. The overall results showed a positive and direct
relation between the components of SI and professional ethics, no
consistent with the present study [19]. In his study entitled "The
relationship between SI with the level of management and ethical
development," Hildebrand showed a positive and significant
relationship between SI with the level of management and ethical
development, no consistent with the present study [20]. The historical
background of SI has shown that SI is the need of organizations today.
According to professional ethics studies, career service such as library
and information require professional ethics. The studies have shown that
people with higher SI are more ethical, which can lead to organizational
success [21]. Most of the studies in the field of SI between the
components of SI and components of organizational psychology and
professional ethics show a positive and significant relationship between
them. It is expected that library managers and staff should work to
further refine the components of SI and professional ethics in the
organization. Components of spiritual intelligence are not able to
predict the professional ethics of the librarians working at the
libraries of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Hence, the
managers of the libraries are recommended to train and develop this
component among the librarians working at the libraries of Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. University librarians are
associated with a highly educated range of clients, and need to increase
their self-awareness, meaningfulness, expansion of consciousness and
critical thinking to reduce stress and tension in the workplace,
although the status of the components of SI have been reported average
among the librarians. To improve this status, the following suggestions
are presented:
--As the results showed no relationship between SI and professional
ethics, it is recommended that other studies be conducted at the
national and regional levels and universities and educational
environments with different variables such as job commitment,
resilience, job performance and happiness.
--The results showed that components of SI have a moderate status.
Thus, it is suggested that the workshops on the training of components
of SI, as well as the holding theoretical and practical techniques
courses, especially in the component of the state of consciousness and
transcendental consciousness, which that scored less, be put on the
--Holding in-service training to enhance the components of the
ethics of librarianship and create professional engagement with
employees, as well as creating units to observe the implementation of
professional ethics in libraries.
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Fatemeh Mohmmad Moradi:, Department of Medical Library and
Information Science, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Maryam Kazerani* (corresponding author),Department of Medical
Library and Information Science, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Maryam Shekofteh: Department of Medical Library and Information
Science, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Sara Jambarsang: Research Center of Prevention and Epidemiology of
Non-Communicable Disease , Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology,
School of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences,
Yazd, Iran.
Fatemeh Mohmmad Moradi
Department of Medical Library and Information Science, Faculty of
Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran,
[email protected]
Maryam Kazerani * (corresponding author)
Department of Medical Library and Information Science, Faculty of
Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran.,
[email protected]
Maryam Shekofteh
Department of Medical Library and Information Science, Faculty of
Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran.,
[email protected]
Sara Jambarsang
Research Center of Prevention and Epidemiology of Non-Communicable
Disease, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Public
Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.,
[email protected]
Table 1: The librarians SI in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences and Health
Components Frequency Min. Max.
Critical Existential Thinking 65 7 26
Production of personal meaning 65 4 20
Transcendental consciousness 65 6 23
Expansion of consciousness 65 0 15
Total 65 32 84
Components Mean SD Average
score in
Critical Existential Thinking 16.98 4.25 48.52
Production of personal meaning 12.44 2.95 49.78
Transcendental consciousness 15.90 3.26 45.45
Expansion of consciousness 9.29 3.36 37.16
Total 54.63 11.76 45.52
Table 2: The librarians having professional ethics components in
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
Components Frequency Min. Max.
Maintenance of resources 65 3 10
Protection of intellectual property 65 1 5
and copyright
Defending the principles of freedom 65 7 15
of thought and non-censoring of
Improving the level of literacy of 65 5 15
themselves and users
Respecting different beliefs 65 6 10
Observing neutrality in the 65 5 15
Presenting the library service 65 9 20
Providing facilities for easy and 65 7 20
uniform access to information
Observing the privacy of individuals 65 2 10
and the confidentiality of their
Promotion of career goals 65 5 25
Interaction with business colleagues 65 4 10
and associates
Total 65 65 150
Components Mean SD Average
score in
Maintenance of resources 8.89 1.42 88.92
Protection of intellectual property 4.04 1.03 81.23
and copyright
Defending the principles of freedom 11.71 1.89 78.05
of thought and non-censoring of
Improving the level of literacy of 12.22 2.05 81.43
themselves and users
Respecting different beliefs 8.83 1.18 88.30
Observing neutrality in the 11.68 2.22 77.84
Presenting the library service 17.08 2.83 85.38
Providing facilities for easy and 15.94 2.51 79.30
uniform access to information
Observing the privacy of individuals 8.56 1.7 85.23
and the confidentiality of their
Promotion of career goals 20.23 3.9 80.92
Interaction with business colleagues 8.63 1.43 86.30
and associates
Total 127.4 2 16.92 82.39
Table 3: Pearson correlation coefficients between SI and professional
The components examined p r
Spiritual Intelligence 0.234 0.061
Existential critical thinking 209 0.095
Production of personal meaning 0.330 0.007
Transcendental consciousness 0.272 0.029
Expansion of consciousness 0.000 0.997
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