Assessment of services quality in Tabriz central library from the users point of view based on LibQual model.
Ziaei, Soraya ; Korjan, Fateme Ranjgar
Assessment of services quality in Tabriz central library from the users point of view based on LibQual model.
In today's developing world, libraries must also adapt
themselves to these rapid changes, and targeted and strategic planning,
tailored to the needs of the community, can bring libraries in line with
these developments, and the degree of coordination between libraries and
Raising the quality of services provided to assess the attitude and
satisfaction of referrals from library services is observed. Therefore,
the results of this research can indicate the level of service quality,
performance and the level of library performance, and management can use
this research to improve the quality of library services.
The main objective and mission of the public libraries is to
provide users with quality services. Librarians should recognize the
needs of their users. The assessment of service quality is considered
necessary, and identifying the needs and opinions of library members can
lead to a library achieving the desired quality of service in accordance
with user expectations. On the other hand, the central library of each
province has the most visitors, and their satisfaction reflects the way
in which public libraries operate in the service and because of the
concern about the satisfaction of members of Tabriz central library. The
minds of the authorities are, therefore, appropriate and necessary
Satisfaction of clients with this library as well as the quality of
services. By analyzing the differences between expectations and services
provided, it can be taken as an effective step to speed up the quality
of library services.
With the advancement of the library service evaluation process,
various tools have been devised for evaluation. One of these tools is to
contribute to the development of the "Leib Coal Model." The
present study aimed to evaluate the quality of Tabriz central library
services for users based on the Leib Koel model. Librarians use this
model to request, track, understand, and act on user opinions about
service quality. This tool helps the library to evaluate, improve
library services, and change organizational culture and since it has not
been scientifically resorted to satisfaction at Tabriz Central Library,
it has been decided to use the Leib Koala model to measure the
satisfaction of clients Examined.
Research background
Searching for databases has provided numerous Persian backgrounds
that refer to a number of them:
A study was conducted to assess the quality of library services in
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences using the European Quality
Management Quality Model (EFQM). The results of the research indicate
that the activities of the library services of Hamedan University of
Medical Sciences show a progressive trend. But these libraries need to
work in terms of managing and improving human resources, evaluating
staff and improving their performance. Effective (Vakili Singh et al.,
A study was conducted on the quality of services provided by social
welfare libraries and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Findings
show that the next dimension of the service of libraries is the average
distribution of the minimum level of expected services, the current
level of services, and the maximum level of expected services with each
other. And in hospital libraries, the information control aspect,
including easy access to information for use, should be given special
attention and the conditions for access to electronic resources may be
made even on the patient's bedside for diagnostic and therapeutic
staff (Rakhsh Fariba et al. 1393).
A study titled "The Quality of Library Services in Iran,
Investigating the Libec-Kuala Model in Iran". This study uses
content analysis method to investigate the research on the quality of
service of libraries with the model and the results of the research show
that libraries in all dimensions do not provide desirable and ideal
services and in many cases the minimum Services, and sometimes even
lower than the minimum expected service users are accountable for. The
quality of services in academic libraries is weak in terms of
information control in public libraries, in all components and in
specialized libraries, from the aspect of information control and
library management (Esfandiari Moghadam et al., 2013).
A study titled "The Quality of Library Services in Iran,
Investigating the Libec-Kuala Model in Iran". This study uses
content analysis method to investigate the research on the quality of
service of libraries with the model and the results of the research show
that libraries in all dimensions do not provide desirable and ideal
services and in many cases the minimum Services, and sometimes even
lower than the minimum expected service users are accountable for. The
quality of services in academic libraries is weak in terms of
information control in public libraries, in all components and in
specialized libraries, from the aspect of information control and
library management (Esfandiari Moghadam et al., 2013).
A study entitled "Assessing the quality of library services
from the point of view of the user and the librarian The use of Layeb
Qawal in Tehran University of Medical Sciences "was carried out.
The findings showed that the quality of current services was lower in
terms of users than librarians. The superiority gap in all components
was about 2.8 and the gap between perceptions Librarians and users'
needs were very low (Mardani and colleagues, 1391).
A study titled "Evaluation of the quality of public library
services in Tabriz city using Leib Koala tool". The results show
that libraries have been able to provide at least the level of
satisfaction expected by users in all cases, but they are far from
reaching the desired status. Also, the results show that the
satisfaction of employees with resources and space is in a more
favorable situation. The results show that there is a significant
difference between expectations and perceptions of users from library
services, taking into account the degree of education Users do not
exist, and all users have about one level of satisfaction with the
services provided (Deram Nesari, 1390).
In a study entitled "Investigating the Inference from Members
on the Quality of Academic Library Services: A Case Study at the
University of Paung University, Malaysia", considering the
competition between educational institutions, to review the steps taken
to improve the quality of library services and their relationship with
the degree of consent of the members. they have payed. The findings
showed that the quality of services provided exceeds the expected level
of members in providing the minimum services and their requested
services. (Suzienna Matt Dahan et al., 2015).
A study entitled "Quality dimensions of library services: a
standardized analysis of the Leib Coul's standards" was
published in the Journal of Al-Zawira. A two-factor model was suggested
that three factors could be useful. Considering that now laiequal
standard standards are widely used in libraries around the world to
measure the expectations of members of the quality of library services,
this article presents a unique view of the analysis of previous models
as well as topics It introduces a new theory in the transformation of
final models (Fagan, 2014).
In a study entitled "Reviewing the standards of laieber-duel,
they conducted another analysis of the quality and quantity of the
results of a survey conducted at the University of Mississippi
America," which was published in the same year in the Journal of
Elsevier. This article can be considered as a continuation of a
long-term review of the quantitative and qualitative data of the
Laibewall Standards since 2011. In the research, these data were
compared with the data collected by other libraries, which did not
accept the results of the Leib Kuala standard, and it was concluded that
a more specialized local investigation might be required to complete Or
replacing laiequal standards is useful (Grindaud et al., 2013).
A research entitled "Leib Coal in Ireland: Evaluation
Performance and Improvement Services in Irish University Libraries.
"The findings showed that the service impact component had the
highest score and library component as the lowest score in each of the
seven libraries. In the control component of the information,
users' expectations were greater for resources and The library
collection referred to, and in the six libraries, the weakest library
performance was the absence of a quiet space for individual work
(McCuffy, 2013).
Therefore, the present method seeks to answer the following
* What is the user's perspective about the staff of Tabriz
Central Library?
* What are the views of users about the resources of Tabriz Central
* What is the view of users about the location and space of the
central library of Tabriz?
* What is the quality of the services provided by Tabriz Central
Library from the point of view of users?
Research Methodology
The present study is a applied research method that is conducted by
a survey method. The present study population is composed of members of
Tabriz Central Library. The sample size was calculated from Morgan and
Karl's estimates. According to this table, a sample of 11927 people
was selected for a sample of 375 people. Sampling is randomly selected
among members who have come to the library. In the research The data
gathering method was categorized by Leib Kowal questionnaire consisting
of 28 components, in three dimensions: "Impact of services",
"Information control", and "Library as a place".
Each of the 20 components is measured in three scales ranging from 1 to
9. For each of the 20 Leib Koval components, the mean scores marked by
respondents are calculated, and thus for each component, three meanings
mean the "minimum acceptable service level", "the most
favorable level Accepted services "and" current level of
library services. "The difference between these three meanings
reflects existing gaps and the last eight components of the
questionnaire are questioning questions in which users rate or disagree
on the proposition The proposed Cronbach Alpha coefficient in our
research dissertation (948/0) is shown and shows that the questionnaire
has a better reliability.
Research findings
Question 1: How is the user's perspective about the employees
of Tabriz Central Library (next: Service Impact)?
The average scores allocated from users to employee references are
as high as u se rs expect from existing ones and the existing library
level is higher than the minimum expectation of users (Table 1).
What is evident is the relative satisfaction of most users of
library staff. So that in most cases, the distance between the maximum
expectations of users and their current level is less than the gap
between the current level and the minimum level of user expectations. In
all areas of service gap service gap and gap the advantage has been less
than 1 and this shows that the central library of Tabriz has been able
to meet at least the expectations of users from the current level and
has had a shorter distance to reach the maximum expectation of users.
Question 2. How is the view of users about the resources of Tabriz
Central Library (Second dimension: Service Control)?
The average scores assigned by users to library resource references
are as high as users expect the current level, and the current level the
existing library is above the user's minimum expectation. (Table 2)
According to the findings, users' relative satisfaction with
library resources is such that the level of expectations in the maximum
expectations of users in this component is more than at least the
existing level. In fact, the Tabriz Central Library has succeeded expect
minimum user expectations from the existing level, but to reach the
maximum expectation of users there is a gap from the existing level, and
the superiority gap in some cases was greater than the gap in service
Question 3 What is the perspective of users about the location and
space of the Tabriz Central Library (Third Dimension: Location and
The average scores assigned by users to library and library related
quotes are the highest expectations of users from the existing level of
received and the available level is higher than the minimum expecting
users, with the exception of the "social space for group
learning", which at least expects users to be more than the
existing level. (Table 3)
According to the findings, users are satisfied with the
library's space. But at least they expect users to be in the
library's space and space, except for the existence of a social
space for learning a group that has an existing level of minimum waiting
users have been less. But it's far from reaching the maximum
expectation of users. The maximum expectations of users from the current
level are longer than the existing level with the user's least
Question 4: What level of service provided by the Tabriz Central
Library is from the perspective of users.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics on the overall quality of the
library and its three dimensions
From the viewpoint of users in the area of service impact, the
average real level of service is +4.8 times the expected minimum of
expected services and -3.8 is less than the expected maximum level.)
Table 4
In the central library, employees have not only been able to meet
users' expectations, but the library's existing level is also
higher than the user's minimum expectation. In the area of service
control, the average real service level is +4.5 the amount of the
minimum expected service is expected, and -8.06 the amount of the
maximum expected service is lower. Namely at the central library of
service control (resources) at least the user has been expecting users,
but they have to work harder to reach the maximum expectation. The gap
has been greater.
In the space and space dimension, the average real level of
services is +0.2 of the minimum expected service, and -4.86 is less than
the maximum expected service, which means that the central library of
library space and space has provided the users with the least
expectations. To reach the maximum expectation, users are also
struggling to do more, and the gaps in excellence are lower than the gap
in service adequacy, and finally, the average points awarded by users to
the overall quality of the library; at the current level, the quality of
service is higher than the user's minimum expectation (Average
difference = +0.48). And in the maximum quality of expected services is
less than the current level of the library (Mean difference of -0.84).
That is, the existing library level is between the minimum and maximum
expectations of users. In general, the quality of the central library
has been better.
The users' overwhelming satisfaction with the overall quality
of the central library has been less than the expectation of users from
the maximum expectation of users to the existing level and the current
In this research, from the total sample of respondents, 180 persons
(48%) were female and 193 were equal (51.5%) and 2 (0.5%) were
unanswered. The age of respondents between the age of 18 years old and
Over 45 years old and 30-30 years old were the most frequent. The level
of education of respondents was below the Masters (23.5%) and Ph.D
Discussion and conclusion
The research findings showed that in the dimension of impact,
service quality of service was more satisfactory, so in most cases the
distance between the maximum expectation level of users and their
current level is less than the gap between the current level and the
minimum level of user expectations. And the service excellence gap
(maximum expectation of users) was less than 1 in the services affecting
categories. Tabriz central library was closer to the impact of services
to reach the maximum expectation of users, and with the findings of
Omidyfar (2010) Wikipedia Singh et al. (1394), Deram Nasari (2011),
Shoev (2011), Greenwood et al. (2011), and the highest score of users is
the presence of polite employees with 7.63. Kazempour (2006), Mohammad
Beigi (2009) also achieved the highest score in terms of having polite
employees and respected the findings of the researcher, and the lowest
score in the field of staff related to the presence of staff who
responded to customer questions They have enough knowledge with a score
of 7.05. Each of the researchers presented different propositions and
did not match our findings. From the analysis of this sub-component, it
follows that clients expect employees to be more The deal with them and
the lack of sufficient knowledge of the staff has been of little
importance for them. And by examining the findings on the control of
such services, it has been found that in all cases related to the
control of services, relative satisfaction and more than the minimum
users have been the sources of Tabriz central libraries, so that the
level of expectations in the maximum expectations of users in this
component is more Has been at least at the level of the level, and the
service superiority gap has been closer to and above 1 in the majority
of cases, and with the findings of the Iranian research, Derm Nasari
(1390), Omidifar (2010), Vakili-Movert et al. (1394) And external
research Suziana Metdahan et al. (2015), Kiyongo and Jones (2008), Pussy
(2009), and the highest score for the balloon Easy access to information
equation (47.7) was consistent with the results of Huran (2012) and the
lowest score was related to audiovisual material such as CD and DVD
(6.25), and with findings Others have not been in line. It follows from
the analysis of the following component of service control that more
users expect to have easy access to information and resources of the
library, and the availability of audiovisual facilities such as CD and
DVD are less relevant to them. Also in the library space The central
point is also the average of the scores allocated from users to library
and library items, the maximum expectation of the respondents is higher
than the existing level and the minimum waiting time for the attendees
is lower than the existing level, except for the degree of social
learning to learn Group) that has an existing level of foot It is more
than the user's minimum expectation, and with the findings of the
Iranian research, Derm Nasari (1390), (Omidifar, 2010), Vakili-Movert et
al. (1394), and foreign research Suzilana Matt-Dahnan et al. (2015),
Kiyongo and Jones (2008), Pussy (2009), and the service excellence gap
was closer to and above 1. The highest percentage of users in the
library space was related to a comfortable, attractive and attractive
place (30.7), and the lowest user rating for the library space was due
to a social class for group learning (57/6), and the analysis of this
The question is that having a comfortable, pleasant and attractive place
It is very important and having a social and group environment is of
little importance. In assessing the overall quality of the library, the
average scores assigned by users to the overall library quality at the
real level are higher than the minimum services expected by the users
and is lower in the maximum expected service than the actual level. The
optimum level of the library is between the minimum and maximum
expectations of users. Among the library items, the highest score under
the staff component is the presence of polite employees with 7.63 of the
service impact, and the lowest score is the component of the presence of
audiovisual materials such as Davy Di , CD (25/6). In general, the
quality of the Tabriz Central Library suggests that customers are paying
more attention to the staff of the library and are in the first place
and that they have less importance to the existence of resources,
including the presence of audiovisual material, and the greatest gap The
subset of the existence of social space for group learning was 1.73. It
is inferred from the location and space of the library that more clients
are expected to have an attractive and pleasant atmosphere for
individual activities, and this is their first priority. Pupils from the
library to have a suitable social environment for learning Expect less
emotional. However, it was observed that clients considered the
existence of a social space for learning and group study as a necessity.
The results of this study are based on Hariri, Afnani's (1999)
study on three components of laiequalogue, a limit of 0.13 and a gravity
of 2.75, which is compared with the present study (margin of 48/48 and a
limit of -0,84), the gap is less than the adequacy and the superiority.
In other words, the three components of the Kayal in the central library
of Tabriz in terms of the limit and the limit of superiority to the
central library (university Medical Sciences of Iran, Shahid Beheshti
and Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch).
Hariri's research is in desirable and better condition, as well as
the findings of Dermat Dari (2011), Mardani et al. (2012) and foreign
research Suziana Matha Dahan (2015) , Schoeb (2011) has been in a
favorable position. Findings of Esfandiyari Moghadam et al (1392),
Rastakar (2011), Omidifar (2010), Hariri and Shahvar (2010), Rajabi Pour
Meybodi 2009), Njaghobolnejad (2008) and foreign studies by Melissa
Denis et al. (2013), McAfee (2013), Keyongo and Jones (2008) have not
been better at library service quality.
Research suggestions:
1. Study of the consistency of the collection of Tabriz central
library resources with the needs of users
2. The continuous continuity of the present research in one
year's period of time to examine the progress of Tabriz Central
3. Performing similar research for all public libraries and
comparing the quality of libraries in East Azarbaijan province
4. Perform dedicated research for each dimension of staff,
resources and space from the user's point of view
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Soraya Ziaei (Ph.D), Fateme Ranjgar korjan
(1.) Asisstant Profssor, Faculty of the Payam Noor University.
(2.) Master of Information Science and Knowledeg, Payam Noor
Corresponding Author:Fateme Ranjgar Korjan
soraya ziaei
[email protected]
Fateme Ranjgar korjan
[email protected]
Caption: chart 1. Comparison of the expectations of users under the
library services impacting component
Caption: Chart 2. Comparison of users' expectations to the
different components of the library service control component
Caption: Chart 3. Comparison of users' expected levels of
separation from the sub-component of the location and library service
Table 1. Descriptive Descriptions of Users' Perspectives on Employees
of the Central Library of Tabriz
Minimum Maximum
1-Existing people who create trust and 6.23
confidence in the customers
2-Paying attention to one-by-one visitors from 5.93
the library staff
3-The presence of employees who are always 6.64
4-Readiness of librarians to answer the 6.19
questions of clients
5-Existing users who have sufficient knowledge 5.73
to answer the customer's questions
6-Existence of people who deal with kind and 6.29
loving patrons
7-There are employees who understand the needs 6.03
of their clients
Table 2. Descriptive Descriptions of Users' Perspectives on Tabriz
Central Library Resources
Minimum Maximum Level
8-Easy access to information 6.13 7.47 6.63
9-There are collections of print 5.27 6.76 5.74
or electronic publications that
are necessary for employees
10-and the electronic information 5.03 6.54 5.46
resources I need
11-There is a web site in the 5.71 6.95 6.37
library that helps me find the
location of the information I
12-There are print resources that 5.43 6.91 6.17
are required for the employee
13-audio and visual materials such 4.70 6.25 5.27
as CDs and DVDs
14-There are modern equipment that 5.41 6.71 5.74
allows me to easily access the
information I need
15-Availability of access tools 5.65 6.80 6.30
(databases, computer lists,
databases, Internet) that allow
me to personally find the
16-Accessing online resources to 5.31 6.81 5.45
meet the information needs
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of User's Perspectives on the Location
and Space of the Central Library of Tabriz
Minimum Maximum Existing
17-There is a quiet space for 5.95 7.15 6.23
individual activities
18-Existence of a suitable space in 5.91 7.11 6.15
the library that encourages the
19-Existence of social space for 5.25 6.57 4.84
group learning
20-comfortable, delicious and 5.97 7.30 6.04
attractive spaces
Chart 4. See the difference in average levels
of service quality
Comparing quality Difference with
of the services Max
Min 5.73 1.32
Existing Level 6.21 0.84
Max 7.05 9
Note: Table made from bar graph.
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