Empirical Evidence of the Rounding Phenomenon in Reported Pro Forma Earnings.
He, Daoping Steven
Empirical Evidence of the Rounding Phenomenon in Reported Pro Forma Earnings.
Pro forma earnings are earnings which often exclude non-recurring
items and are defined by each individual firm rather than under the
general accepted accounting principle (GAAP). Pro forma earnings
reporting is commonplace in the U.S. (Doyle et al., 2013; Bentley et
al., 2016). Items such as nonrecurring gains and losses, depreciation
and amortization expenses, write-downs, restructuring and merger costs,
stock compensation expenses, and interest expenses are often excluded in
pro forma earnings figures. Since many of these exclusions are likely to
be transitory in nature, pro forma earnings can be viewed as a better
measure of permanent earnings and have received increasing focus
recently. Research studies found that pro forma earnings are more value
relevant, informative, and better associated with stock prices than GAAP
earnings (Bradshaw and Sloan, 2002; Bhattacharya et al., 2003; Brown and
Sivakumar, 2003; Entwistle et al., 2010). However, exclusion of the
non-recurring items is completely discretionary (Doyle et al., 2013) and
managers may use the flexibility to opportunistically influence the
market's perception of the firm's recurring earnings (Dechow
and Schrand, 2004). Managers may have strong incentives to manipulate
the reported pro forma earnings to influence investors' perceptions
about the firm's future performance. This study investigates
whether managers opportunistically round up the reported pro forma
earnings and whether the rounding manipulation of pro forma earnings is
more severe than that of GAAP earnings.
Previous literature documents that managers tend to round their
reported earnings and revenues upwards to achieve key reference points
represented by N x [10.sup.k] (1) (Carlsaw, 1988; Thomas, 1989; He et
al., 2013). Empirically, this phenomenon is demonstrated by an excess of
zeros and a lack of nines as the second digit of reported earnings and
revenues numbers. Researchers cite this phenomenon as evidence that
managers engage in earnings management to mislead those who use their
financial reports.
Current literature postulates two competing explanations for the
rounding phenomenon. Brenner and Brenner (1982) suggest the valuation
perspective supported by the arguments that human beings tend to store
only the most relevant bits of information about a price due to their
limited amount of memory. In the same way that consumers perceive a
product priced at $2.00 to be much higher than one priced at $1.99,
investors perceive reported earnings or revenues of $2,000 to be much
higher than that of $1,990. Thus, managers may have incentives to round
up the reported earnings and revenues in order to raise investors'
perception of the firm's future performance. In addition, Carslaw
(1988) proposes the contracting perspective believing that lending and
bonus contracts tend to be based on ex ante estimates and are rounded to
rough figures that emphasize the first digit in the contractual number,
which provides managers strong incentives to round up the reported
earnings and revenues to meet the contractual numbers. Current studies
on rounding phenomenon in earnings and revenues are not able to
differentiate between these two perspectives since earnings and revenues
are considered for both valuation and contracting purposes. Since pro
forma earnings are often viewed as a valuation factor and seldom used in
the contract approach, the findings on rounding manipulations of
reported pro form earnings can add some insight to the discussions.
This study examines managers' incentives and rounding
behaviors in the reported pro forma earnings and finds that U.S. public
listed firms engage in rounding manipulation in their reported pro forma
earnings. Since loss firms may demonstrate different patterns of
rounding (2), this study focuses on profit firms only.
This study also compares the magnitude of rounding manipulation of
reported pro forma earnings with that of GAAP earnings of all the profit
firms listed on U.S. stock exchanges and documents that rounding
manipulations of the reported pro forma earnings is on average more
severe than that of reported GAAP earnings.
To eliminate the possible explanation that sample firms reporting
pro forma earnings generally tend to engage in more overall rounding
manipulations than the rest of the listed firms, this study compares the
rounding behaviors of sample firms on reported revenues with those of
all other U.S. listed firms (3). This study documents that, consistent
with the previous studies, both sample firms and all other U.S. listed
firms tend to round up their reported revenues. However, it provides no
evidence that the sample firms engage in more severe rounding
manipulations than other listed firms. The result supports the
explanation of the findings that the rounding manipulation of the
reported pro forma earnings is more severe than that of GAAP earnings.
This paper makes the following contributions to the literature:
First, the study extends the existing literature on the rounding
phenomenon on earnings and revenues. Unlike the discretionary accruals
approach, another popular earnings management research method which
relies on the accuracy of the estimate on the normal level of accruals,
the rounding manipulation approach examines the distributions of each
digit precisely and therefore provides direct evidence on earnings
management. Second, the SEC has had persistent concerns regarding
non-GAAP reporting over time and recently created a task force to
identify misleading non-GAAP measures (Rapoport, 2013). This study
documents firm managers' rounding behavior on reported pro forma
earnings. The findings provide additional evidence for accounting
standard setters and financial market regulators to improve reporting
transparency while restricting firm managers' opportunistic
behaviors. Third, existing studies are not able to determine whether the
valuation perspective or contractual perspective have a greater
influence on managers to engage in rounding. Because pro forma earnings
are used only for valuation purpose rather than contracting purpose, the
findings can help to distinguish between these two competing
explanations for the rounding phenomenon. Finally, although the
literature documents that earnings manipulation phenomenon exist in both
reported GAAP earnings and pro forma earnings, this study provides the
opportunity to compare the magnitudes of the manipulations between these
two earnings.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The second section
reviews the related literature and develops the hypotheses. The third
section introduces the samples and methodologies. The fourth section
discusses the empirical findings and the fifth section concludes the
The rounding phenomenon in reported earnings and revenues has been
extensively examined across industries and around the world after the
pioneering studies of Carslaw (1988) and Thomas (1989). Carslaw (1988)
investigates the rounding phenomenon in reported earnings among New
Zealand firms and documents the significant deviation of reported
earnings numbers from expectations. Thomas (1989) analyzes reported
earnings for U.S. firms and made similar conclusions. Das and Zhang
(2003) extend Thomas (1989) and document that managers exercise their
discretion to round up earnings and that firms use their working capital
accruals to round up earnings to meet the targets. Guan et al. (2008)
investigate the pattern of rounding of reported earnings across U.S.
industries and conclude that rounding manipulation occurs most
frequently among high-tech firms and least among firms in regulated
industries. He et al. (2013) examine the rounding phenomenon in reported
revenues for U.S. firms and document that rounding manipulation is also
prevalent in reported revenues. Kinnunen and Koskela (2003) investigate
rounding behaviors in reported earnings on sample of 22,000 firms in 18
countries and document firms' tendency to conduct cosmetic earnings
management worldwide.
This study extends the rounding phenomenon literature to pro forma
earnings reporting. Pro forma earnings have received increasing focus
recently. Bradshaw and Sloan (2002) find that stock returns are more
highly associated with pro forma earnings than with GAAP earnings and
that managers have increased their emphasis on pro forma earnings in
their quarterly earnings announcements. Bhattacharya et al. (2003) also
document that pro forma earnings are more informative and more permanent
than GAAP earnings. Entwistle et al. (2010) find that pro forma earnings
are more value-relevant than GAAP earnings. Whipple (2015) finds that
managers exclude even those recurring non-GAAP adjustments (e.g.
amortization expense) to create earnings metrics that are informative
for investors to value firm performance. A recent study, Leung and
Veenman (2016) document that pro forma earnings help investors
understand the nature and implications of GAAP losses and are
particularly informative in loss firms.
The freedom to report non-GAAP earnings capable of communicating
their private information also provides opportunities for managers to
employ such disclosure discretionally. Lougee and Marquardt (2002) find
that firms with lower GAAP earnings quality and negative earnings
surprises are more likely to release pro forma earnings information.
Bhattacharya et al. (2004) document that pro forma announcements are
often motivated by managers' desires to meet or beat analysts'
forecast or to avoid earnings decreases. Doyle et al. (2013) also find
evidence that firm managers opportunistically define pro forma earnings
in order to meet or beat analyst expectations.
Market participants do not respond mechanically to the pro forma
earnings disclosure (Young, 2014). Christensen et al. (2014) document
that one group of sophisticated investors, short sellers, are
particularly active in shorting stocks of firms that exclude recurring
items in their reported pro forma earnings to gain profit, showing that
short sellers can see through the pro forma window dressing to exploit
ordinary investors' failure to understand the implications of
recurring exclusions of pro forma earnings for future performance.
However, the less wealthy and less sophisticated individual investors
are the most at risk of being misled by manager reported pro forma
earnings disclosure (Bhattacharya et al., 2007).
Since managers believe that pro forma earnings are one of the most
important performance metrics disclosed to investors (Graham et al.,
2005) and investors perceive pro forma earnings to be more informative
than GAAP earnings, firm managers will have strong incentives to round
up their reported pro forma earnings if the numbers achieving the key
reference point represented by N x [10.sup.k] (1) can be valued by
ordinary investors as significantly higher. This leads to the first
hypothesis of the study:
H1: Managers tend to round up the reported pro forma earnings to
achieve key reference points.
Pro forma earnings exclude some non-recurring items and are
therefore perceived as more permanent than GAAP earnings. Existing
literature documents that pro forma earnings are more value-relevant
than GAAP earnings and market participants view pro forma earnings to be
more representative of core earnings than GAAP earnings (Bhattacharya et
al., 2003). To influence investors' perceptions about the
firms' future performance, managers may have more incentives to
manipulate pro forma earnings than GAAP earnings.
In addition, unlike net income, which is defined by GAAP, pro forma
earnings are defined by each individual firm. There is no generally
accepted guideline to follow when firms report their pro forma earnings.
This flexibility in reporting incentivizes managers to deliberately
report their pro forma earnings. Therefore, the second hypothesis is:
H2: The rounding manipulation of pro forma earnings is more severe
than that of GAAP earnings.
The initial sample is obtained from the LexisNexis Academic
database, specifically from PR Newswire for the years of 2000 through
2015. The search term is "Pro forma or Pro-forma or Proforma and
quarter". Most of the firms announce both pro forma net income and
pro forma earnings per share. Firms only reporting pro forma earnings
per share are excluded from the sample. To be qualified for the final
sample, firms need to be listed on the U.S. stock exchanges and have
available quarterly net income and revenue information on CAMPUSTAT. The
total number of qualified sample observations is 3,405. Furthermore, as
previously explained, negative pro forma earnings firms may try to avoid
to round up their earnings which is different from positive reporters.
This study focuses on profit firms and excludes those samples reporting
negative pro forma earnings. The final sample consists of 2,273
firm-quarter observations.
Table 1 describes the sample size by industry. Consistent with
previous literature (Bhattacharya et al. 2004), business services and
electronic equipment are the two industries with the most observations.
This study adopts Benford's law to generate the expected
frequency of each number in the second position of a multi-digit number.
The law predicts that the expected distribution of naturally occurring
numbers is skewed toward the number zero in the second position. Benford
(1938) postulates that the expected frequencies of a number as the first
digit in a number series can be estimated as the followings:
proportion (a is the first digit) = [Log.sub.10](a + 1) -
[Log.sub.10](a) (1)
The occurrence of a given number a as the first digit and the
number b as the second digit are approximated by the following
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (2)
To sum over all possible a values for any b value based on the
above equations produces an overall expected frequency for b as the
second digit.
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (3)
Table 2 presents the expected proportions for each digit in the
second place of a naturally occurring number. If managers manipulate
their pro forma earnings by altering the financial numbers, significant
deviations from the expected proportions in the second position would be
To test the null hypothesis of no managerial effort to round pro
forma earnings, the study compares the observed frequency for each
number x in the second place of pro forma earnings numbers to the
expected proportions of the number as predicted by Benford's law
(equations (1) through (3)). To perform a significance test of the
observed deviations from the expected occurrences, the study uses a
normally distributed Z-statistic:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4)
where p and [p.sub.0] are the observed and expected frequencies
respectively and n is the sample size. The second term in the numerator,
as a correction term, should be applied only when it is smaller than |p
- [p.sub.0]| (Thomas, 1989). The null hypothesis would be rejected at
the ten, five, and one percent level if the Z-statistics exceeds 1.64,
1.96, and 2.57, respectively.
The study adopts Fleiss (1981, p. 23) to calculate the Z-statistic
of the difference in the deviation between two variables, such as pro
forma earnings and GAAP earnings. The formula used to calculate the
difference is:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (5)
where q=1-p, p= [n.sub.i]/([n.sub.i] + [n.sub.j]), ni is the total
number of the observations of variable i, [n.sub.j] is the total number
of the observations of variable j; [p.sub.i] is the proportion of zero
as the second digit of variable i, and [p.sub.j] is the proportion of
zero as the second digit of variable j.
The first part of Table 3 presents the distributions of second
digits in reported pro forma earnings of the sample observations.
Fifteen percent of the sample observations report zero as the second
digit compared to the expected frequency of 11.97 percent. The 3.03
percent frequency deviation is statistically significant at the 0.01
level. The results show that firms reporting pro forma earnings have a
lower frequency of 8 and 9 as the second digit and have significantly
more zeros. Existing earnings management literature document that
managers have strong incentives to manipulate earnings and revenues
upward to issue securities at higher prices, to meet expectations of
analysts or investors, to profit from insider trading, and/or to fulfill
the contractual requirements, such as to increase the size of
stock-based compensations (Dechow and Schrand, 2004). However, a few
studies also provide evidence that managers sometimes manipulate their
earnings and revenues downward to smooth the reported earnings and
revenues. Fewer ones, twos, threes, and/or fours would be expected if
rounding downward was prominent in reported pro forma earnings. Table 3
presents that the frequency distributions of second digits as two and
three are less than the expected distributions, however, the deviations
are not statistically significant. In addition, the total frequency
deviations of second digits as one, two, three, and four are much less
than the total deviations as five, six, seven, eight and nine, showing
that almost all of the frequency deviation of the second digit as zero
can be explained by rounding up from five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
Therefore, the findings support the first hypothesis that managers tend
to round up their reported pro forma earnings to achieve the key
reference points.
Before comparing rounding manipulation of the reported pro forma
earnings with that of GAAP earnings, the study first replicates previous
studies on rounding manipulations in reported earnings of all U.S.
listed profit firms from 2000 to 2015 and find consistent results
reported in Table 3. Zero is reported in 12.84 percent of all of the
firm observations in the second digit of GAAP quarterly earnings
reported in COMPUSTAT and the deviation from the expected frequency is
statistically significant.
The differences in the deviations between pro forma earnings of the
sample observations and GAAP earnings of all U.S. listed firms are also
reported in Table 3. The deviation in frequency of zeros in the reported
pro forma earnings of sample observations is significantly greater than
the deviation in GAAP earnings of all U.S. listed profit firms at the
0.01 level (z = 3.04). The findings support the second hypothesis that
rounding manipulation of the reported pro forma earnings is more severe
than that of GAAP earnings.
There is concern that the significantly greater deviation in
frequency of zeros in the second digit in reported pro forma earnings
may be due to those reporters being firms which already tend to engage
in manipulative rounding in general, not just for their pro forma
earnings. To eliminate this possibility, it is better to compare the
frequency of pro forma earnings of sample firm observations with same
firm observations' GAAP earnings. However, among the sample
observations, about 30% report negative GAAP earnings, which have
different rounding behaviors than the positive ones. To solve this
issue, this study compares the revenues of the sample firms with the
revenues of all U.S. listed firms. Table 4 reports the results.
Zero is reported in 13.24 percent of GAAP revenues of the sample
observations and in 12.90 percent of GAAP revenues of all U.S. listed
firms. Both deviations from the expected frequency are statistically
significant. However, the difference in the deviations of 13.24 percent
and 12.90 percent is not statistically significant (z = 0.45). The
results indicate that the sample firms do not have a statistically
greater tendency to manipulate the rounding of their earnings numbers.
The significantly greater deviations in frequency of zeros in reported
pro forma earnings of the sample observations than in GAAP earnings of
U.S. listed firms suggest that rounding manipulation of the reported pro
forma earnings is more severe than that of GAAP earnings.
The flexibility for firms to define their pro forma earnings allows
managers to deliberately manipulate their reported pro forma earnings
numbers. Existing studies document that rounding manipulations are
common in reported earnings and revenues. This study extends the
literature to the reported pro forma earnings and finds evidence that
managers tend to round up their reported pro forma earnings. The study
also documents that rounding manipulation of the reported pro forma
earnings is more severe than those in GAAP earnings.
Rounding manipulations in reported pro forma earnings decrease the
earnings quality. The manipulations may mislead some stakeholders about
firms' current period financial performance and their intrinsic
value. Some researchers argue that the pro forma earnings are better
than GAAP earnings in that the former can be used to better predict the
firms' future performance. However, the relatively more severe
rounding manipulations in reported pro forma earnings found in this
study may hurt the ability to predict accurately.
The findings have important implications to the investors. The
study provides evidence that about 20% of those firms reporting pro
forma earnings with zero in the second digit probably engage in rounding
manipulations, compared to only less than 7% of those reporting GAAP
earnings. Even though pro forma earnings are perceived as a better
measure of permanent earnings, investors should be aware of this
rounding manipulation phenomenon and make their investment decisions
The study is limited in that the findings can only lead the
conclusions from a macro perspective. Among those firms with
zero-second-digit earnings, it is unknown which of those naturally fall
on zero and which of those are manipulated to zero. Further studies are
needed using firm-specific earnings manipulation measurements and
testing under what specific circumstances firms tend to manipulate their
pro forma earnings.
(1.) N is a positive integer from one to nine and k is an integer.
(2.) Since investors may view earnings of -2,000 as greater loss
than -1,990, unlike the positive pro forma earnings, managers may try to
avoid rounding up their negative reported pro forma earnings.
(3.) About 30% of positive pro forma earnings reporters are loss
firms, which demonstrate different rounding behaviors than profit firms.
Therefore, the study cannot compare the reported pro forma earnings of
sample firms with their own reported GAAP earnings directly.
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Daoping (Steven) He
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting and Finance
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192
[email protected]
Table 1
Sample size by industry classification
Industry Number of observations
Mining 68
Construction 14
Foods 49
Chemicals and Allied Products 134
Machinery and Computer Equipment 138
Electronic (except computer) Equipment 340
Other Manufacturing 305
Transportation & Communications 162
Wholesale 29
Retail 97
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 209
Business Services 508
Other Services 205
Others 15
Total 2,273
Table 2
Expected frequency percentage for each digit in the second places of a
naturally occurring number
Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Percentage 11.97 11.39 10.88 10.43 10.03 9.67 9.34 9.04 8.76
Digit 9
Percentage 8.5
Source: Nigrini and Mittermaier (1997).
Table 3
Distributions of second digits in pro forma earnings and market GAAP
earnings for profit firms
0 1 2 3 4 5
Pro forma
earnings 15.00 12.32 9.99 9.55 10.16 8.80
Deviation 3.03 0.93 -0.89 -0.88 0.13 -0.87
Z statistics 4.42 (***) 1.36 1.33 1.34 0.18 1.37
earnings 12.84 11.40 10.90 10.40 9.92 9.57
Deviation 0.87 0.01 0.02 -0.03 -0.11 -0.10
Z statistics 14.71 (***) 0.19 0.37 0.46 1.93 (*) 1.90 (*)
Pro forma
Difference 2.16 0.92 -0.91 -0.86 0.24 -0.77
Z statistics 3.04 (***) 1.34 1.36 1.30 0.34 1.21
6 7 8 9
Pro forma
earnings 9.11 9.41 7.52 8.14
Deviation -0.23 0.37 -1.24 -0.36
Z statistics 0.35 0.59 2.05 (**) 0.58
earnings 9.20 8.91 8.57 8.29
Deviation -0.14 -0.13 -0.19 -0.21
Z statistics 2.69 (***) 2.44 (**) 3.78 (***) 4.20 (***)
Pro forma
Difference -0.09 0.50 -1.04 -0.15
Z statistics 0.11 0.80 1.73 (*) 0.22
Notes: Table 3 presents the distributions of second digits in reported
pro forma earnings and market GAAP earnings, as well as their
(*), (**), and (***) indicate significance at the 10, 5, and 1 percent
levels respectively.
Table 4
Distributions of second digits in revenue of sample firms and market
0 1 2 3 4 5
Revenue of
sample firms 13.24 10.87 9.37 11.00 10.16 10.21
Deviation 1.27 -0.52 -1.51 0.57 0.13 0.54
Z statistics 1.84 (*) 0.75 2.28 (**) 0.85 0.18 0.83
Market revenue 12.90 11.35 10.74 10.39 9.99 9.68
Deviation 0.93 -0.04 -0.14 -0.04 -0.04 0.01
Z statistics 18.69 (***) 0.91 3.01 (***) 0.95 0.78 0.11
Sample firms vs
Difference 0.34 -0.48 -1.36 0.61 0.17 0.53
Z statistics 0.45 0.68 2.06 (**) 0.92 0.23 0.82
6 7 8 9
Revenue of
sample firms 8.62 9.50 8.05 8.97
Deviation -0.72 0.46 -0.71 0.47
Z statistics 1.14 0.73 1.16 0.77
Market revenue 9.30 8.91 8.51 8.24
Deviation -0.04 -0.13 -0.25 -0.26
Z statistics 1.00 2.94 (**) 5.64 (***) 6.02 (***)
Sample firms vs
Difference -0.67 0.59 -0.46 0.73
Z statistics 1.06 0.95 0.75 1.23
Notes: Table 4 presents the distributions of second digits in sample
firm revenues and market revenues, as well as their differences.
(*), (**), and (***) indicate significance at the 10, 5, and 1 percent
levels, respectively.
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