Strategic Conceptualisation and Planning Transformation for e-Governance Implementation.
Jha, Chandan Kumar
Strategic Conceptualisation and Planning Transformation for e-Governance Implementation.
ICT implementation in public sector is undergoing a colossal
transformation with the advent of sophisticated and reliable technology
solutions, ably complimented by briskly maturing service delivery
process models. The e-Governance (and Digital India) roadmap framed by
respective State and Central Governments in the last decade bears
testimony to the fact that citizens can expect a radical shift in
Government functioning; resulting in noteworthy upliftment of policy
framework mechanisms. A robust implementation strategy encasing the best
practices and lessons learnt is therefore essential during the
conceptualisation and planning phase of any e-Governance initiative to
ensure the efficacy and attainment of the overall vision. The key
benchmarks of such a strategy would encompass a redefined procurement
charter, customised implementation model, reformed financial/payment
framework and efficient governance/monitoring mechanism. In this paper,
these essential planning phase parameters and possible solution to the
bottlenecks and deadlock circumstances are discussed in detail.
The implementation of e-Governance project is an extremely
intricate process demanding provisioning of hardware and software,
networking, data digitisation, process re-engineering, change management
and several other complex procedures in a very regulated Government
environment (Bhatnagar, 2002). Therefore the efficacy, dependability and
consistency of the planning phase are important evaluating criteria
while monitoring the success of any e-Governance initiative.
"Strategic planning for project management is the development of a
standard methodology for project management, a methodology that can be
used over and over again, and that will produce a high likelihood of
achieving the project's objectives"(Kerzner, 2001:16).
The learnings attained via implementation of 33 Mission mode
projects (Central and State level) under NEGP (refer DeitY website,
Ministry of Communications and IT, GoI) in recent years need to be
translated and incorporated in upcoming deployment models. This would
ensure the readiness of the Government units to tackle the risks and
issues encountered in the past and avoid any 'deadlock'
situations during implementation. According to Heeks (2003), nearly 50%
of e-Governance projects are partial failures and 35 per cent total
failure. While the list of challenges and bottlenecks is long and might
be of distinct nature due to the environmental dependencies; still a
structured analysis of the same would elucidate four broad categories of
pain areas that beckon substantial diligence during the planning phase.
These four categories are:
1. Procurement -Infrastructure and Services
2. Implementation and Technical Solution Deployment
3. Legal Financial/Payment Model
4. Governance and Monitoring
In this paper, a quantitative based approach elucidating several
e-Governance implementations (MMPs) across Central and State level has
been utilised to investigate the potential threats and their possible
solutions across aforementioned categories during the planning stage.
These broad categories are a function of several sub-components, each of
which is an important activity/factor during the deployment stage. A
study of these sub-components highlights the underlying issues; further
leading to a diagnostic solution (facilitated by best practices) to
address these concerns (Rabaiah and Vandijck, 2009). Thus, directly
ensuing better fund utilisation, on time delivery and superior quality
of solution implementation. Guidelines have been drafted in accordance
with the roles and responsibilities of major stakeholders in a typical
e-Governance initiative viz., state/department, SI/vendors and
consulting partners.
In the subsequent sections, each of the above planning phase
modules have been explained in detail.
Procurement-Infrastructure and Services Sub-Contracting
The geographical scope of e-Governance project demands deployment
of resources-human and infrastructure at remote locations; quite distant
from the regional offices/headquarters of industrial stalwarts. Since
most of the IT organisations do not have the desired level of regional
penetration; hence they resort to subcontracting of project components
viz. data digitisation, site preparation of network and IT
infrastructure, training etc. These subcontractors are local/regional
vendors who deploy compromised quality resources to maximise their share
that they leverage from large IT houses. Many e-Governance projects have
witnessed unwarranted delays due to performance issues of the
sub-contractors (Song, 2004; Reddick, 2010). In many cases, these
subcontractors delay the compensation to their employees; thus resulting
in the stoppage of services. In scenarios, where there is no such
hindrance the quality of the deliverable is always under scrutiny. In
extreme cases, these subcontractors further delegate (subcontract) the
services to some other vendor; creating a chain or 'multiple tier
subcontracting architecture'. It is to be understood that with each
delegated level of subcontracting the value and quality of the services
depreciate exponentially. Let us take an example, consider a scenario
where the primary system integrator says 'X Technologies' is
charging Rs. 100 to the State for digitisation of one government record.
Now X technologies has subcontracted this service to Y at Rs. 50; thus X
is still able to leverage Rs. 50 from the transaction. Further, Y has
subcontracted to Z at Rs. 30. Assuming that there is no further
subcontracting involved, we observe that a service which was valued at
Rs. 100 by the state has been delivered in equivalence to Rs. 30 service
due to multiple levels of subcontracting. Evidently the state
experiences an inferior quality product delivered in spite of paying a
premium amount for the same.
The project champions need to envisage this scenario proactively in
the planning phase and draft reasonable guidelines/norms in the
RFP/contract. In accordance with the scope of e-Governance
implementation; the state/department needs to perform due diligence as
to how many layers of subcontracting can be permitted. Unless deemed
necessary, the state can choose to avoid any subcontracting at all
depending upon the geographical scope, project anatomy, and
environmental characteristics. In cases where subcontracting cannot be
avoided; the primary system integrator should be the single point of
contact for the state. Under no circumstances; SIs should engage the
state/departments to deal with the subcontractors. The state would hold
the primary SI responsible for any deviation committed by the
subcontractors and may penalise accordingly. The SIs should be mandated
to guarantee uninterrupted and consistent service quality benchmarks and
seek approval from the department in lieu of appointment of any
subcontracting agency. The state/department would not be dependent or
liable to honour any financial transactions committed by the primary SI
to the subcontractors. All such commitments between the SI and third
party contractors would be deemed as their internal affairs where
state/department has no concern/jurisdiction.
RFP/Contract- Interpretation and Adherence
A Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation for suppliers, often
through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific commodity
or service.
This document contains:
1) Project requirements including service levels, implementation
plan, functional and technical and hardware requirements.
2) Terms and conditions.
3) Legal terms governing the contract between procurement entity
and the selected vendor.
It has become a standard industry practice by system integrators
and consulting firms to propose superior resources (human and
infrastructure) in the technical bid but deploy mediocre supplements
during the implementation stage for e-Governance projects. The
RFP/contract are considered as a single source of truth but it has been
observed that SIs/consulting firms/vendors typically interpret the
clauses in their favour to realise unreasonable advantage (Ujaley,
2016). The final resources that are deployed are no way close to the
proposed list. Resources are replaced without taking necessary approval
from the department. The client facing team can somehow be deemed
acceptable but these services firm maximise their profits by deploying
below par less experienced resources in the backend group. Due to
scarcity of domain consultants, the deliverables submitted by system
integrator are of extremely low quality. When challenged by department,
SIs tend to suspend work and demand additional compensation for
augmentation of resources (Khan and Srivastava, 2014). Further, physical
infrastructure at end locations viz., network equipment, desktops,
printers etc. are also of an altered make and model vis-a-vis agreed in
the contract resulting in huge opex cost during operations and
maintenance stage.
It is very important to ensure clarity of RFP/contract clauses to
avoid future litigations. Multiple checkpoints and monitoring units
should be activated that spans from the central to bottom of the pyramid
i.e., district level. These monitoring units operating at ground level
need to be educated and empowered with basic project management skills
so that issues are reported and escalated in a timely frequency. The
state/department also needs to be sensible during the procurement stage
by quoting requirements in line with their business necessity so that
vendors/SIs are also benefitted in the process. If the demands are
unreasonable then the SIs (in pursuit of winning the Bid) might promise
something that cannot be fulfilled; resulting in a 'deadlock
situation' during later phases. Hence, the state/department need to
be extremely cautious during the technical and financial bid evaluation
stage in order to ensure that bidders are neither 'under
quoting' nor 'over quoting' for any service or product.
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) have an obligation to
ensure uninterrupted supply of committed physical infrastructure at
project sites. Depending upon the sanctity and assurance of this
agreement between the OEMs and SIs; contract is awarded to respective
party during the bidding process. However, OEMs do not shy away from
dishonouring this agreement in cases where they are threatened by
external environmental factors having a direct impact on their margins.
A very common example of the same is observed during the exchange rate
fluctuation in global economic scenario (Kandil and Mirzaie, 2003).
During the procurement stage, the hardware and software are priced in
accordance with the current/ongoing currency (dollar) valuation. Further
at the time of delivery if global market undergoes appreciation in
currency values then the OEMs try to pass on this loss to the SIs; who
in turn transfer the same to their respective government clients. It may
be noted here that the SIs/OEMs will never transfer the profits to their
clients in case of currency fluctuations in their favour; however they
expect the clients to bear the brunch in unfavourable situations. In
other cases, it is also observed that SIs request departments for a
change in make and model of original OEM product; because the products
of make and model that were agreed in the contract have reached
'End of Life' and an upgraded/substitute version is only
available in market (Khan and Srivastava, 2014).
Rational observation of the above situations says that global
macro-economic situation is unpredictable and most of the clients have a
responsibility to support the vendor partners/OEMs from excessive
burden. At the same time, departments need to ensure that they are
seeking undertakings from the OEMs and SIs during the award of contract
to ensure these deviations are minimal. In cases where the products need
to be substituted, a superior version should be offered with
null/negligible price difference. The guaranty/warranty clauses need to
be appropriately reviewed to avoid any litigation during the operations
and maintenance phase.
Implementation and Solution Deployment Integration and
Integration of government departments/functions is gaining traction
due to the focus on reducing data duplication and simplification of
public service delivery gateways. Depending upon the feasibility and
business need, department need to choose between COTS and bespoke
technology alternatives to facilitate such complex business processes
integration. The respective departments needs to collaborate and reach
to an agreement regarding the data, infrastructure and human resource
etc. sharing models
(Goldkuhl, 2008). If the project chooses to avail COTS product;
then a detailed study needs to be conducted to understand the
feasibility of the offered functionalities vis-a-vis government business
process under consideration. Some of the government units also apt to
re-engineer their business process to align with the product
functionalities and transform their public service delivery mechanisms.
In most of the e-governance projects, the COTS product has to undergo
significant level of customisation to meet the business need. This would
encompass not only technological handshake but a cultural integration as
well. State data centres, reusable software components, NSDG, SWAN,
e-Mission teams are steps in the right direction to build a congenial
platform for promotion of integration initiatives.
Requirements Overspill
The state/department needs to be careful while outlining the scope
of any e-Governance implementation. Integrating a myriad of business
functions within a single implementation is a magnificent vision but can
be a trap if not planned meticulously. It is commonly observed that
departments go for a big bang full-fledged e-Governance implementation
and fail to achieve even the basic outputs and outcomes in the process.
The requirement gathering phase should be structured meticulously in
order to capture the priority objectives and avoid too much
customisation. Each of the requirements should be clearly documented and
signed off periodically to avoid any scope creep and subsequent delays.
In case of mammoth scope, the project should be phased accordingly
without congesting all the project requirements in one single release.
It has also been observed that departments sometimes prolong the sign
off process of technical documents like business requirement
specifications, functional requirement specification, technical
requirement specification etc. further contributing to the delay in the
implementation phase.
Network Connectivity Infrastructure
Network connectivity at end locations is the backbone for
supporting e-Governance projects. In a developing country, most of the
network service providers do not have the desired level of regional
coverage. Further, both leased line and wireless networks come with own
set of prominent challenges; especially in remote regions. Service
providers like BSNL who have penetration and coverage in remote
locations are flooded with service requests. Some of remote locations
experience service availability once in a day or week. Maintenance of
routers, switches, LAN cables etc. is another major challenge. Many
projects like 'Crime and Criminal Tracking and Networks
System' have resorted to offline mode of the application as an
alternative solution to maintain service continuity. With the
implementation of SWAN and other initiatives; these primary networking
issues need to get resolved (Rao, 2004). A backup network aided with
streamlined maintenance cycle is needed at all Government bodies to
avoid any service disruption. Considering the impact of network failure,
strict adherence of the SLAs is expected from the service providers.
Digitisation and Migration Framework
In the first phase of e-Governance adoption, most of the government
units aspire to start the journey by digitisation of their respective
departments' records. Considering the scale of services delivered
to the masses on a daily basis; it as an extremely lengthy procedure to
convert the existing records into its digital equivalent (Dilmegani,
Korkmaz and Lundqvist, 2014). Further, the physical condition of the
paper records makes it even more challenging to decipher the content. In
states, where government records have already been digitised in the
past; a new e-Governance implementation would impart that the old
records need to be migrated from the legacy applications to the more
recent ones. It is very important to ensure that the exact paper content
is being replicated into the system without any error. Since most of the
digitisation personnel are external parties having a very limited
understanding of government functioning; hence a domain expert from
department must be present at digitisation centres to help decipher the
terminologies and content. Multiple levels of data verification must be
performed to minimise the possibility of errors. The department might
choose to digitise records spanning between a particular time frame. Due
measures need to be taken to ensure data security because in most cases
third party vendors are hired by department/SIs and the technical
infrastructure viz., desktops, storage etc. is deployed by these third
party agencies/subcontractors. Department must ensure that these
agencies are not allowed to store any data permanently as it would
violate the data protection commitment of the Government towards the
citizens. The entire digitisation activity should be performed under the
supervision on department's 'Digitisation in-charge' for
that particular centre. The digitisation in-charge should also be
responsible for resolving issues on site and report daily progress of
the activity. During the verification activity, systematic approach
should be adopted for data analysis and the SI should not be burdened by
rejecting the entire data set in case of minor errors which can be
easily corrected; SI should be given due opportunity to cleanse the data
wherever possible. The roles and responsibilities of Government
vis-a-vis System Integrator in case of subcontracting as already been
explained in the earlier sections.
PMU-SI-Department: Internal Dissention
Consulting firms are hired by the department to lend technical
expertise and facilitate/streamline the project management activities.
They are expected to manage/monitor the project progress and report to
department in case of any deviations. The hired consultants who
constitute/represent the 'Project Management Unit' are
responsible and answerable to department if they fail to track/report
any existing lacuna in the project. Subsequently, these Project
Management Units deviate from their primary responsibility of
facilitation and transform into 'Fault Finding Investigation
Units'. There is always a tussle between Consulting Firms and SIs
during the lifespan of the project. The department personnel who are in
charge are under constant ambit of financial audits by duly appointed
Government bodies; hence they choose to abide by the consultants advice
in most cases. Therefore, the focus shifts from the original intent of
'implementing the project' to 'scrutinising the
performance of the SI/vendor'. In order to avoid this situation,
department should ensure to link the payments of the consulting firms
with the project milestones (as in the case of SI); however due
precaution should be observed to ensure that there is no unethical
handshake between the SI and consulting firm for their menial benefits.
Further, departments need to appreciate and respect the SIs as their
vendor partners and should refrain from choking them in difficult
circumstances. In a PPP model, Government bodies are expected to relax
their bureaucratic culture and leverage upon the best practices (service
delivery models) offered by the private industry partners.
Legal Financial/Payment Model
Fund Utilisation and Payment to System Integrator
Although, substantial funds are pumped into e-Governance and
modernisation initiatives by respective Ministries; yet the low fund
utilisation status in most of the states signify that the funds have not
been disbursed into pre-allocated heads due to stringent payment terms
imposed by the Government units on the vendor partners. In the last 10
years, most vendor partners have undergone substantial pressure and some
of them have even distanced themselves from Government line of business.
As a result, many e-Governance projects go for retendering due to the
less number of bidders. The payment process is cumbersome which takes
months and sometimes years to seek the necessary approval in the
bureaucratic chain. In the absence of 'liquid cash', some
vendor partners/SIs are even forced to quit the project implementation
and thus undergo huge losses in the process (Ujaley, 2016). Some of the
vendors are further blacklisted on grounds of non-performance by
respective state/departments which implies that they will succumb to
unfavourable risk of 'negative market reputation' in their
other line of businesses too. On the other hand, a glimpse of corruption
can also be noticed as each signoff authority expects some favours
before they provide their consent/approval. It is also observed that
centrally driven projects witness more success as compared to the state
Legal Payment and Penalty Clause
Most e-Governance projects prefer fixed bid concept vis-a-vis time
and material model. The stringent financial clauses imply that payment
could be initiated only after successful completion of a major
milestone. Consider a case where the SI is expected to deliver desktops
at 1500 police stations of the state; going by the clause if SI fails to
deliver even one desktop in any single police station then the entire
payment could be stalled. Further, too many 'show cause'
notices and penalty clauses does not help the cause either. The need of
the hour is a 'prorata mode' of payment which means that the
SI is paid immediately for the quantum of work accomplished. The
existing projects can switch to this model if they find that their SI is
reeling under the stringent payment clauses specified in the contract.
Governance and Monitoring
Project Management Framework
The knowledge of project management concepts is extremely low among
officials constituting the e-Government Project team (Raza, Shah, Khan
and Khalil: 2011). Barring a few departments/projects such as
engineering and irrigation-government projects cease to follow
standardised project management implementation frameworks. Project
progress is monitored between one meeting to another and the tasks
listed between the projects 'steering meetings' are only
undertaken on priority. A structured 'Governance mechanism'
and 'Escalation Matrix' need to be established for immediate
resolution of issues. Monitoring teams need to be established at
Central, State, District levels; these teams should be leveraged with
modern project management technology suites and required technical
expertise. These teams should be further accountable to any quality
deficit or deadline failure. The monitoring team at different levels
should meet frequently to monitor the progress and report risk/issues
pertinent to the project.
Technical and Financial Evaluation
Technical and financial evaluation are important gateways that
determine the success/failure criteria of e-Governance projects. Most of
the time there is negligible difference in the technical and financial
proposal of the bidders; hence they resort to 'street smart'
ways of fine-tuning/interpreting the RFP criteria to gain edge over the
competitors. It may be noted that these measures might not be deemed
unethical as they fall (abide) within the RFP clause/requirements
without violating any terms and conditions. Let us see an example - it
is becoming a common practice of the SIs to quote the hardware with an
escalated cost in comparison with other enabling factors such as
software customisation, data digitisation, training, change management
etc. Now according to the contract clause, SI will receive bulk of the
payment on the basis of hardware delivery and commissioning only and
other associated activities mentioned might languish. Thus, the SI tries
to minimise the risk by allocating high prices for less risk items such
as hardware delivery and commissioning; and quote less price for
complicated activities viz., software customisation, data digitisation,
training, change management etc. Such an agreement might increase the
risk of SI leaving the work incomplete in the middle of project
execution after receiving bulk of the payments.
Intra Department Project Awareness and Change Management
Injazz J. Chen, Karen Popovich, 2003 mentioned about the three
pillars of business transformation viz., people, process and technology.
We have to understand the fact that technology is just an enabler and
the primary duty/purpose of the Government departments is to deliver
public service. A survey conducted by IBM (Making Change Work Study:
Continuing the enterprise of the future conversation from IBM Global CEO
Study, 2008) highlights the fact that changing organisational culture,
mindsets and attitudes is the biggest challenge during the course of the
projects. The task becomes even more challenging if we add factors such
as shortage of manpower, lack of skilled resources, bureaucratic and
complex governance culture. In some cases, the officials pose huge
resistance as they have apprehensions about the change; in other cases
they are threatened by the refined, transparent and non-bureaucratic
ways of working. Top leadership commitment, employee engagement, honest
and timely communication are the key factors to instill positive culture
of change within the department. These need to be complimented by
efficient training programmes/workshops and adjustment of performance
measure for successful delivery; monetary and non-monetary benefits also
show positive results in some cases. Handholding support is provided at
few places (E-District, Passport Seva and CCTNS Projects) in order to
acquaint the officials with transformed mechanisms/channels of public
service delivery. The identified personnel for training also known as
'Change Agents' need to be taken into complete confidence as
the department's adoption of the change largely depends upon the
word of mouth imparted by these change agents. Appropriate
infrastructure arrangements need to be facilitated for such training
programmes as these are the initial forums where department officials
get a first-hand view of the things to come.
Measurable and Quantifiable Milestones/KPIs
KPI determination is the basis of setting milestones in a project.
The November 1981 issue of Management Review jorunal contained a paper
by George T. Doran which coined a term called S.M.A.R.T. way to write
management's goals and objectives. The milestones and KPIs are
interlinked to the payment schedule so each parameter should be clearly
elaborated to avoid any misinterpretation. The performance criteria and
SLA need to be specifically outlined to set benchmarks accordingly. All
the project stakeholders need to be duly educated about the relevant
KPIs; further they should be communicated about the progress of each
parameters in due course of time. Departments should refrain from
constraining the SIs for non-achievable KPIs.
Implementation Closure and Transition Management
Typically the SI is obligated to execute the operations and
maintenance for 2-3 years before complete handover to department. Cases
where in depth level of technical expertise is deemed necessary,
department may choose the same or different vendor to continue the
operations. state/department not only needs to ensure a safe technical
transition but also smooth legal and financial closure with the existing
vendors. The state needs to prepare a transition plan wherein they focus
on the stability of the systems in the first phase; service improvement
in the second and resource optimisation in the last phase. A
comprehensive checklist encompassing staffing requirements, knowledge
transfer, risk assessment, quality management, etc. need to be adhered
and accomplished for a successful closure. The guaranty/warranty clause
should be relooked and special provisions need to be made regarding data
transfer/protection. Finally, questionnaire and surveys may also be
initiated among the target audience to determine the impact of project
and identify the areas of improvements.
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Chandan Kumar Jha (*)
(*) Senior Management Consultant, Indian Institute of Management,
Indore E-mail:
[email protected]
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