Policy recommendations for front-of-package, shelf, and menu labelling in Canada: Moving towards consensus.
Raine, Kim D. ; Ferdinands, Alexa R. ; Atkey, Kayla 等
Policy recommendations for front-of-package, shelf, and menu labelling in Canada: Moving towards consensus.
In recent decades, greater availability of low nutritional quality
foods and decreased consumption of nutrient-dense foods have negatively
impacted the nutrient profile of Canadian diets. (1,2) Canadian diets
are high in sodium, free sugars, * saturated fats, and red and processed
meats, and low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. (2,3)
Consequently, poor diet is now the leading risk factor for chronic
disease and premature death in Canada. (4)
To prevent diet-related chronic diseases, a comprehensive approach
is required, including communication of reliable, consistent nutrition
information. (5) Nutrition labelling is one policy tool for
communicating nutrition information. In Canada, notable shortcomings
exist with the implementation and enforcement of nutrition labelling
regulations. For example, consumers have identified the Nutrition Facts
table (NFt) as confusing or difficult to interpret. (6) Relatively
strong literacy and numeracy skills are needed to interpret percent
daily value information and compare nutrient profiles across similar
products. (6,7) Food labels currently provide little information about
ingredient amounts, merely rank-ordering ingredients by weight and
without stipulating the direction or size of the impact of those
ingredients on disease risks. (8) More than 158 front-of-package (FOP)
labelling systems have been documented in Canada, (9) which are applied
inconsistently and to foods with dubious nutritional quality, adding to
consumer confusion. (11) Moreover, current nutrition labelling systems
predominantly focus on pre-packaged and processed foods, leaving
Canadians with no regulated labelling system when choosing fresh foods,
or when eating in out-of-home settings, such as restaurants. (6)
Further government action on nutrition labelling, including FOP,
shelf, and menu labelling, is needed to help Canadians navigate the
complex food environment. FOP and shelf labelling refers to simple,
easily identifiable labels on FOP or shelf tags beside product prices,
which can be organized into nutrient-specific or summary systems.
(12,13) Menu labelling refers to the provision of nutrition information
directly on menus. (14)
In May 2016, we convened a consensus conference in Vancouver,
British Columbia, with experts from research, policy and practice
fields, to reach consensus on recommendations for action on FOP, shelf,
and menu labelling in Canada. Prior to the conference, we conducted an
evidence synthesis (15) to collate the best available evidence. The
conference was followed by teleconferences and circulation of drafts
before finalization of recommendations. Here, we examine the evidence,
opportunities and challenges surrounding nutrition labelling, and
present our recommendations.
FOP and shelf labelling
The United States' National Academy of Medicine ([dagger])
recommends a single, standardized FOP labelling system. (16) Research
suggests that systems aligned with these recommendations can
beneficially impact the nutritional quality of consumer food purchases.
(17,18) Although more research is needed comparing different labelling
formats, the use of interpretive systems, such as traffic-light or
star-based labelling systems, appears promising in terms of improving
consumers' ability to identify nutritious products. (12,18,19)
Shelf labelling research is also limited. However, evidence suggests
that such labels may promote healthier choices, especially if they do
not compete for shoppers' attention with other promotions.
(12,19,20) Further, FOP and shelf labelling, if well designed, may
encourage industry to provide more nutritious foods through product
reformulation, contributing to improved diets at the population level
and benefiting consumers regardless of their use of labelling. (18)
However, there are concerns that product reformulation may
unintentionally promote a reductive focus on nutrients, rather than
highlighting the holistic quality of foods. (21) Overall, the research
findings on FOP and shelf labelling should be interpreted with caution,
given several limitations of available literature, including
over-reliance on self-reported data and a lack of real-world studies
with time constraints. (18,20,22) A process for implementing mandatory
FOP labelling is underway in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, (23) but
the fact that few, if any, countries have fully implemented mandatory
FOP labelling systems to date has limited long-term impact studies.
Regardless, the potential for public health impact is sufficiently
strong to warrant government efforts to innovate.
Menu labelling
Reviews exploring the impact of menu labelling on outcomes, such as
sales or intent to purchase, have reported relatively small impacts,
with evidence suggesting effectiveness varies across population
subgroups. (22,24,25) With that said, a recent meta-analysis, including
real-world and experimental studies, found that menu labelling can
reduce calories purchased in some contexts and for some food types. (26)
In other words, it works in some restaurants, for some people, some of
the time. Menu labelling has also been found to be cost-effective, with
economic benefits of prevention outweighing costs. (11,27) Similar to
FOP and shelf labelling research, existing menu labelling research is
not without limitations (e.g., lack of real-world studies, use of few
controls, small and non-representative samples), making it difficult to
draw firm conclusions. (22,24,27)
Consumer confusion and protection
"Noise" from untrustworthy sources, such as media
headlines and advertisements, has confounded consumers'
understanding of the relationship between diet and health. With this in
mind, Canada's major health and scientific organizations, such as
the Hypertension Advisory Committee, (28) Dietitians of Canada, (29)
Canadian Diabetes Association, (30) Heart and Stroke, (31) and the
Centre for Health Science and Law, (32) have called for improvements to
nutrition labelling in the name of consumer protection.
Health equity and ethical concerns
There are concerns that a focus on nutrition labelling will detract
from broader issues of health equity, shifting responsibility away from
government and industry actions promoting the healthfulness of the food
supply, towards consumers. Our recommendations are made within the
spirit of recognizing that labelling is only one tool within a larger
tool kit promoting improved food environments. Prior to implementing
labelling interventions, broad cross-sectoral engagement is critical to
plan for unintended negative consequences, particularly from an equity
perspective. There is also a need to explore potentially beneficial
indirect effects of nutrition labelling, such as product reformulation.
The Canadian regulatory environment is already moving
In February 2016, the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs,
Science and Technology called for stricter nutrition labelling
regulations, including mandating the use of FOP labelling on foods
required to display an NFt. (33) Seven months after our consensus
conference (December 2016), Health Canada announced a consultation on a
proposed FOP labelling system, ([double dagger]) whereby warning symbols
highlight nutrients with negative health impacts in packaged foods, but
not yet fully embracing the importance of ingredients for promoting
health. (34) The proposed system takes a health protection approach,
focusing on removing negative influences on health, rather than a
broader health promotion approach, which would strive to provide
individuals with the necessary tools to take charge of their health.
Without a single, standardized approach, consumers will be faced with
FOP labels in addition to existing health logos, amplifying confusion.
(6) Further, in January 2017, restaurant menu labelling (calories) was
mandated in Ontario with the Healthy Menu Choices Act. (35) There is
potential synergy between labelling and other food environment policies
identified in Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy, including changes
to the NFt and food reformulation targets. (36) By acting on this moving
regulatory environment, windows of opportunity exist to improve the
status quo.
To help Canadians make healthier food choices that align with
current dietary guidance, we recommend that:
* Nutrition labelling, including FOP, shelf, and menu labelling, be
implemented as part of a standardized, coordinated and multi-pronged
approach to promote consumption of nutritious foods. We recommend that
such labelling systems be:
** Supported by a robust, evidence-based nutrition profiling
system, which classifies foods based on nutritional composition for
purposes related to disease prevention and health promotion (37)
** Based on and aligned with information on NFts and ingredient
** Monitored for adherence to regulations
** Accompanied by education and communication efforts, including
technological innovation (e.g., phone apps), to support consumers'
right to know and increase uptake and use of nutrition information
* The Government of Canada implement evidence-based recommendations
for nutrition labelling previously developed by expert organizations
(e.g., Sodium Working Group, (38) World Health Organization (10))
* Key stakeholders be identified and involved throughout nutrition
labelling policy development, implementation and evaluation, at stages
of the process where they can avoid conflict of interest. This includes:
** Government regulators or other regulatory bodies, during all
** Health groups (e.g., Heart and Stroke, Dietitians of Canada,
Centre for Health Science and Law), during all stages
** Independent experts, during development
** The food industry, during implementation
** Independent experts, during all stages
* In the absence of federal and provincial legislation, municipal
and regional governments implement healthy food policies and initiatives
involving shelf and menu labelling.
Specific to FOP and shelf labelling, menu labelling, and research,
we recommend that:
FOP and shelf labelling
* The Government of Canada mandate a single, standardized labelling
system, whereby labels are displayed on FOP or on shelf tags
** This system extend to all grocery food products (including deli,
bakery, prepared foods, and produce), thereby encouraging consumption of
nutritious whole foods
** This system align with National Academy of Medicine (2012)
recommendations, (16) which call for labels that are:
* Standardized: uniform provision of nutrition information,
concerning content and format
* Simple: advanced nutrition knowledge is not needed for
understanding; for example, calories are displayed based on servings
measured in common household measure serving sizes
* Interpretive: logo summarizes and distills the overall meaning of
information on NFts and ingredient lists, rather than simply restating
* Ordinal: graduated scale or ranking system is used to represent
nutritional guidance, enabling consumers to compare foods across a
variety of categories
* Visually prominent: adequate in size to attract attention and
contrast in appearance with existing packaging elements
* Consistently located: easy-to-find placement on all food packages
* Supported by ongoing, regularly updated promotion: complementary
nutrition education campaigns guide consumers in their usage
* In addition to providing a standardized system,
government-mandated stipulations prevent manufacturers and stores from
presenting competing health messages or engaging in other labelling and
shelving practices that undermine the usage of FOP labelling by
Menu labelling
* The Government of Canada or provincial/territorial governments
mandate displaying the following information on menus:
** Calorie and sodium content with appropriate formatting features
to facilitate optimal use
** An evidence-based contextual statement to help consumers
understand nutritional merits of menu items compared to dietary
requirements, and, where children's menus are used, age-appropriate
daily targets for nutrients
* Nutrition information (not just calories) and ingredients be
provided for menu items on publicly available websites and supplementary
documents in restaurants
* The impact of Ontario's Healthy Choices Menu Act, 201535 be
monitored and evaluated
* Menu labelling be eventually extended to most restaurants and
cafeterias, not just large national chain restaurants
* Robust, independent research and evaluations regarding nutrition
labelling in Canadian contexts be conducted. Specifically, conduct
** In applied real-world settings, where time constraints can
affect food purchasing decisions and decision-making time is a measured
** With diverse population groups, including improved subgroup
analysis to assess equity impacts (e.g., children, parents,
nutritionally vulnerable groups, including persons from varying
socio-economic backgrounds and new immigrants)
** Examining the intended and unintended impacts of food labelling
on food purchasing behaviours, dietary intake and health outcomes
** Monitoring and evaluating changes to food availability,
including the impact on product reformulation and introduction of new,
healthier products, as well as pricing practices by retailers.
This consensus reflects a synthesis of available evidence and
conference discussions regarding nutrition labelling in Canada as of
January 2017. To date, the current regulatory environment has observed
incremental shifts. Moving forward, we encourage government to consider
more novel policy solutions, with the aim of reducing consumer confusion
and promoting health. Implemented as part of a comprehensive approach,
our recommendations have the potential to improve the nutrition
information environment and to support Canadians in making healthier
doi: 10.17269/CJPH.108.6076
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Received: January 12, 2017
Accepted: April 21, 2017
Kim D. Raine, PhD, RD, [1] Alexa R. Ferdinands, BSc, RD, [1] Kayla
Atkey, MSc, [1] Erin Hobin, PhD, [2] Bill Jeffery, LLB, [3] Candace I.J.
Nykiforuk, PhD, [1] Lana Vanderlee, PhD, [4] Ellen Vogel, PhD, RD, [5]
Barbara von Tigerstrom, LLB, PhD [6]
Author Affiliations
[1.] School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[2.] Public Health Ontario, Toronto, ON
[3.] Centre for Health Science and Law, Ottawa, ON; International
Association of Consumer Food Organizations, Ottawa/London/Washington;
and the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), Geneva, Switzerland
[4.] Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON
[5.] Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of
Technology, Oshawa, ON
[6.] College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Correspondence: Kim D. Raine, PhD, School of Public Health,
University of Alberta, 4-077 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, 11405-87
Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9, Tel: 780-492-9415, E-mail:
[email protected]
Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge Manuel Arango, Norm
Campbell, Kate Chidester, Mary Collins, Andre Corriveau, Lucie Granger,
David Hammond, Mary L'Abbe, Janice Macdonald, Soultana Macridis,
Rachel Prowse, Kelly Stott, Jim Talbot, Mark Tremblay and Pat Vanderkooy
for participating in the consensus conference process. This study was
supported by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer through a
Coalitions Linking Actions and Science for Prevention grant. C.
Nykiforuk received support as an Applied Public Health Chair from the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research in partnership with the Public
Health Agency of Canada and Alberta Innovates--Health Solutions
(2014-2019). L. Vanderlee is a CIHR Banting Postdoctoral Fellow.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
* "Free sugars include monosaccharides and disaccharides added
to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, and sugars
naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice
concentrates". (10, p1)
([dagger]) Formerly known as the Institute of Medicine.
([double dagger]) This system is capable only of shifting consumers
away from foods highest in these nutrients with negative health impacts
(sodium, sugar, saturated fat); however, it is not consistent with the
National Academy of Medicine's recommendations for effective FOP
systems. As the labels are not listed on all foods in a supermarket,
they will likely only appear on a small proportion of packaged foods.
This system is unable to support consumers in identifying the healthiest
packaged foods, or in shifting consumers away from packaged foods to
whole foods.
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