Who was Emil Kraepelin and why do we remember him 160 years later?
Allik, Juri ; Tammiksaar, Erki
Who was Emil Kraepelin and why do we remember him 160 years later?
Usually, Emil Wilhelm Magnus Georg Kraepelin (1856-1926) is
identified as the founder of modern scientific psychiatry (Decker 2004,
Engstrom & Kendler 2015, Healy, Harris, Farquhar, Tschinkel, &
Le Noury 2008, Hippius & Mueller 2008, Hoff 1994, Jablensky, Hugler,
Voncranach, & Kalinov 1993, Steinberg 2015). However, it took some
time to recognize Kraepelin's other contributions to many other
areas such as psychopharmacology (Muller, Fletcher, & Steinberg
2006, Saarma & Vahing 1976, Schmied, Steinberg, & Sykes 2006,
Vahing & Mehilane 1990), sleep research (Becker, Steinberg, &
Kluge 2016) and psychology (Eysenck & Frith 1977, Steinberg 2015).
Although Kraepelin was born 160 years ago, his works have still
been cited with a frequency, which makes him one of the most influential
psychiatrists of all times. He was only 30 years old when he delivered
his inaugural speech Die Richtungen der psychiatrischen Forschung On
different approaches/schools in psychiatric research/ in the Assembly
Hall (Aula) of the University of Dorpat, nowadays known as the
University of Tartu, Estonia. In order to commemorate Kraepelin's
160th birthdate and the 130th year from his first professorship, a
conference "Emil Kraepelin 160/130" was held in the same Aula
where 130 years earlier Kraepelin expressed his views about explanations
of psychiatric illnesses (Engstrom & Kendler 2015). The conference
was organized jointly by the Institute of Psychology and the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Tartu and the Estonian Academy of Sciences. The
organizing committee consisted of Juri Allik, Erki Tammiksaar, Urmas
Varblane, Toomas Asser, and Kirsti Akkermann. The following talks were
presented on February 19, 2016:
Wolfgang Drechsler (Tallinn University of Technology) "Opening
Eric J. Engstrom (Humboldt University of Berlin) "Emil
Kraepelin's Inaugural Lecture: Contexts and Legacies"
Juri Allik (University of Tartu) "Emil Kraepelin and the
emergence of experimental psychology"
Frank Gruner and Maike Rotzoll (University of Heidelberg) "The
University of Dorpat as a Transit Space for Psychiatric Knowledge? Emil
Kraepelin and the Concept of Melancholy"
Erki Tammiksaar (University of Tartu) "University of Dorpat at
the time of Emil Kraepelin"
Nils Hansson (University of Cologne) "The godfather of
European psychiatry and no prize: Tracing Emil Kraepelin in the Nobel
Prize archive"
Ken Kalling (University of Tartu) "Emil Kraepelin's
successor Prof. V. Chizh and criminal anthropology at the University of
This special issue is composed of talks that were held at the
conference "Emil Kraepelin 160/130." However, the papers in
this special issue are in most cases much more elaborated versions of
the presented talks. One reason for the progress were stimulating
discussions between participants during and after the conference.
In this introduction, we remember some basic facts about Emil
Kraepelin's life and the impact he made in various areas, not only
in psychiatry. We also try to create a context into which papers
presented in this special issue of Trames can be placed.
Biographical facts
Emil Kraepelin (also Krapelin) was born on the 15th of February
1856 in Neusterlitz, which belonged to the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
at the time. Thus, in the year 2016 we are celebrating his 160th
birthday to say nothing about 90 years from his death. His father, Karl
Wilhelm (1817-1882), was a former opera singer and, later, a music
teacher. He also had a brother Karl (1848-1915) who was 10 years older
and who became the director of the Zoological Museum of Hamburg.
After completing the local high school, Kraepelin began his medical
studies at the Leipzig University in 1874. Under the guidance of Paul
Flechsig (1847-1929) and Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) he studied
neuropathology but also experimental psychology even before it was
recognized as an independent discipline of science. Every psychology
student knows that the first Laboratory of Experimental Psychology was
established by Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig in 1879, which is regarded as
the birth of scientific psychology (Bringmann, Voss, & Ungerer
1997). Wundt became a mentor for Kraepelin with whom he discussed
all-important decisions in his life. While studying in Leipzig,
Kraepelin wrote a prizewinning essay, "The Influence of Acute
Illness in the Causation of Mental Disorders."
Kraepelin completed his medical studies at the University of
Wurzburg (1877-1878). At Wurzburg he passed his Rigorosum in March 1878,
his Staatsexamen in July 1878, and his Approbation on 9 August 1878.
Franz von Rinecker (1811-1883) offered Kraepelin a job as medical
assistant in his clinic in 1877. However, his first impressions from the
psychiatric clinic were not very encouraging:
"At the beginning, work on the ward upset me very much. /.../
The intensity of unusual, disturbing impressions and the first feeling
of personal responsibility pursued me into my sleep and caused
irritating dreams. Therefore, after about 14 days at the clinic I told
Rinecker that I would probably not be able to stand the work for any
length of time. He only smiled and said that many other assistant
doctors had had similar problems, I would soon get used to it. In actual
fact, I overcome my accustomization difficulties after a few weeks"
(Kraepelin 1987:7).
Kraepelin then enrolled at the University of Munich for his
doctoral studies in 1879. With Bernhard von Gudden (1824-1886) as his
doctoral supervisor, Kraepelin completed his Habilitation with a thesis
"The Place of Psychology in Psychiatry" at Leipzig. On
December 3 1883 he completed his Umhabilitierung at Munich.
In 1882, Emil began work in the field of psychopharmacology at
Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory at Leipzig University. He was also
involved in the study of neurology under neurologist Wilhelm Heinrich
Erb (1840-1921).
In the same year 1883, 27-years-old Kraepelin published the first
version of what would be his life work, Compendium der Psychiatrie: Zum
Gebrauche fur Studierende und Aerzte / Compendium of Psychiatry: For the
Use of Students and Physicians/. Later it was transformed into Ein
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie / A Textbook of Psychiatry/ with the 9th
edition already one year after his death in 1926. The last edition of
his Lehrbuch had 2,425 pages, which is about ten times larger of his
first Compendium.
In 1884 he became senior physician in the Prussian provincial town
of Leubus, Silesia. In the same year, Kraepelin married Ina Schwabe
(1855-1944). They had eight children: Marie (1885-1885), Antonie
(1887-1962), Vera (1888-1890), Hans (1890-1891), Eva (1892-1983), Ina
(1894-1959), Hanna (1896-1972), and Ernst (1900-1900).
The University of Dorpat (1) in the Russian Empire appointed him as
a professor in 1886 and during the professorship he was eventually
promoted as the director of the healthcare and medical education
institute affiliated to the university. It was in Dorpat that Emil
elaborated his work on classifying mental disorders, which was started
in the Compendium.
Kraepelin left Dorpat in 1891 becoming the head of the Department
of Psychiatry at the University of Heidelberg for the next fourteen
During the period 1903-1922, he worked as a professor at the
University of Munich. When the German Society of Psychiatry approached
him, he pioneered in establishing the research centre--Deutsche
Forschungsanstalt fur Psychiatrie /The German Institute for Psychiatric
Research/ and supervised the entire process until the institution was
established in 1917.
In 1922 Kraepelin retired from academic positions.
After a short illness Kraepelin died in Munich on October 7 1926.
At the time of his death, he was working on the 9th edition of his
textbook on psychiatry that was published the following year.
A good addition to his academic work is Memoirs written during or
immediately after World War I. It provides a good panorama of his
intellectual world. He seems to have had a lot of free time during that
period, as eight scientific articles were published (Kraepelin
1987:236). Why Memoirs was not published immediately after writing and
appeared only in 1983, is not known. Memoirs were translated into
English in 1987 (Kraepelin 1987). He also wrote what is known as his
'Self-Assessment' soon after World War I. Like Memoirs, it
remained unpublished after Kraepelin's death. Eric Engstrom with
colleagues described and published this manuscript in English (Engstrom,
Burgmair, & Weber 2002, Kraepelin 2002).
Unlike many of his academic colleagues (e.g. Wilhelm Ostwald
1853-1932, working in Dorpat in 1877-1881 and then, in 1887, going to
Leipzig to receive the Nobel Prize in 1909), Kraepelin's ambitions
were not connected with politics (Kraepelin 1987:167). Nevertheless,
several social problems of scientific context, which were topical in
Europe, were very important to him, too. One of such topics was the
struggle with alcoholism, which he began to deal with in Dorpat. This
special issue of Trames does not contain any articles devoted to that
topic. However, Kraepelin was one of the first who supported the
temperance movement based on scientific knowledge which since the 1880s,
thanks to Gustav von Bunge (1844-1920), born in Dorpat, increasingly
gained support in Europe (Blocher 1920, Graeter 1952, Schmidt 1972,
Kalling, Tammiksaar 2015). Although Bunge left Dorpat in 1885, shortly
before Kraepelin arrived there, it is known that Kraepelin's
interest in that kind of problems increased in Dorpat (Kraepelin
1987:70). Perhaps it was the famous inauguration lecture entitled Die
Alkoholfrage (Bunge 1887) performed by Bunge in Basel University in 1886
that served as an impact on that. As follows from the memories of the
close colleague of Kraepelin in his Leipzig period (Kraepelin 1987:24),
the Baltic German Adolf Strumpell (2) (1925:53), the mental heritage of
Bunge was perceptible within the Dorpat University even after he had
left the town and his anti-alcohol activities were widely discussed
(Kalling, Tammiksaar 2015). The first anti-alcohol study, however, was
published by Kraepelin only at the end of the 19th century (Kraepelin
1899). Since the beginning of the 20th century, his regular studies on
the damage of alcohol on the mental health of a person appeared, several
of them were published in the proceedings of the Basel temperance
society founded by Bunge (Kraepelin 1987:234-238). As a result, these
two abstainers began to communicate with each other (Kraepelin 1987:
Against the background of views that are acceptable today,
Kraepelin was not enlightened in every aspect of the modern life. For
example, acknowledging women's rights, he nevertheless issued a
"At the same time, I have always believed that the most
valuable and indispensable characteristics of the female sex would be
seriously endangered if women were rigorously incorporated into the
bustle of the working world" (Kraepelin 2002:107).
Like many of his colleagues, he was obviously an anti-Semite. In
the 'Self-Assessment' he wrote:
"I also regarded the growing danger that Judaism posed to the
future of our folk as a matter of great concern. On a number of
occasions, the Semitic race has demonstrated a tendency to forge ahead
for the sake of superficial advantage rather than for inner
gratification. /.../1 noted with concern that the influence wielded by
Jews in the science far outweighed the proportion they represent of the
population, this was disastrous, because once again the ambition for
success and recognition took precedence over the search for truth and
knowledge. Although I entertained personal relations with numerous Jews,
and held some in great esteem, I could only regard them as the salt of
the earth, which perhaps was necessary for the development of our own
abilities. Any dominant influence of the Jewish spirit on German
science, such as sadly came to be increasingly evident, seemed to me to
pose a very grave danger indeed--a danger that needed to be countered
primarily by the systematic promotion of outstanding talent within the
German race" (Kraepelin 2002:108).
We agree completely with Engstrom and colleagues that in his
'Self-Assessment' Kraepelin turned his diagnostic methods on
himself and clinically documented his own state of mind (Engstrom et al.
2002). His state of mind, however, reflected the transformation and
radicalization of anti-Semitism in Germany after 1918. After the war, it
became significantly more virulent, manifesting itself in the wider
context of anti-modern protest and resentment (p. 97). Although
Tartu/Dorpat served as a refuge for many nationalities, it should not be
forgotten that universities in the Russian Empire introduced quotas for
Jews already at that time.
Kraepelin in Dorpat
Details of how Kraepelin was invited to Dorpat we know mainly from
an excellent article by Steinberg and Angermeyer (2001) and a special
monograph devoted to this period of Kraepelin's life (Kraepelin,
Burgmair, Engstrom, Hirschmuller, & Weber 2003).
We start this short overview from a notice that the University
Hospital of Psychiatry for 50 patients was opened on 16th of April 1881
with an agreement to open a chair of psychiatry at the university. The
first professor to be appointed was Hermann Emminghaus (1845-1904) who
was also the head of the Hospital. He studied medicine at the
Universities of Gottingen and Jena, obtaining his medical doctorate in
1869. He was invited to Dorpat in 1880 and left for Freiburg in 1886
where the new chair of psychiatry was established. From the very start,
he banned any kind of restraint on his patients and introduced modem
forms of treatment such as work therapy. Besides his administrative
skills, Emminghaus was an outstanding psychiatrist who is regarded as
one of pioneers of child and developmental psychiatry. At Dorpat he
continued to collect materials for his monograph on mental disorders in
children and adolescents, Die psychischen Storungen des Kindesalters/The
mental disorders of children from Baltic provinces/, which appeared in
Gerhardt's Handbook of Children's Diseases (Steinberg &
Angermeyer 2001, pp. 298-299).
Initially, the council of the Medical Faculty compiled a list of
candidates to appoint as Emminghaus' successor. These candidates
were Kirn (Freiburg), Kraepelin (Dresden), Moeli (Berlin), and Mercklin
(Riga) (Steinberg, Angermeyer 2001:299). However, after a consideration
Kraepelin was selected as the only candidate to whom the proposal was
sent. It is most likely that Emminghaus strongly recommended the faculty
council to elect Kraepelin as his successor because Kraepelin worked in
Wurzburg under Emminghaus. It seems that Emminghaus was impressed by
Kraepelin and it was not very difficult for him to support a young
talented colleague. Kraepelin apparently learned about his appointment
from a letter sent by Emminghaus.
According to archival data, letters of recommendation were from
Wilhelm Wundt, the Strassburg psychiatrist Friedrich Jolly and
Emminghaus. It was recognized that Kraepelin was not only very much at
home in clinical matters but also broadly experienced in the fields of
experimental psychology, as well as with electro-therapeutics and
nervous disorders. It was also mentioned that to compensate for lack of
psychiatric observation material he followed von Gudden's request
to return to the county asylum in Munich. He was also able to conduct
well-attended lectures (Steinberg & Angermeyer 2001, p. 300).
In his Memoirs, Kraepelin also devoted a considerable space, about
22 pages out of 219, to his work and life in Dorpat (Kraepelin 1987). A
portrait of Emil Kraepelin taken by Carl Schulz, a photographer of
Dorpat, is shown in Figure 1.
In his inaugural lecture, young Kraepelin refused to accept the
dominant concept that brain mechanisms are sufficient to describe any
mental disorder. Because the majority of these mechanisms were unknown
and even unreachable by the tools that psychiatry possessed in these
days, the researchers had to invent their own 'brain
mythology.' Eric Engstrom in his paper "Emil Kraepelin's
Inaugural Lecture in Dorpat: Contexts and Legacies" (Engstrom 2016)
describes how thirty-year-old Kraepelin had a courage to oppose himself
to the 'brain mythology' orthodoxy.
Perhaps it is not a coincidence that another young doctor Sigmund
Freud (1856-1939) was writing only some 8 years later a memorandum,
which is known as Entwurf einer Psychologie (usually translated into
English as the Project for a scientific psychology). In this paper,
which was published only in 1950, Freud adopted 'brain
mythology' supported by Wilhelm Griesinger (1817-1868) and Theodor
Meynert (1833-1892) who was one of Freud's teachers. However, it is
argued that although Freud later abandoned invoking hypothetical brain
mechanisms for the explanation hysteria or dream mechanisms, he still
remained, in Frank Sulloway's words, a 'crypto-biologist'
(Sulloway 1992) who thought in terms of fictional brain mechanisms.
However, the reception of one of Wundt's best students was not
universally enthusiastic by Kraepelin's Dorpat colleagues. The idea
to use experimental psychology in psychiatric, to say nothing about
psychological, research did not make everyone happy. One of Wundt's
most vocal antagonist philosophers Gustav Teichmuller (1832-1888)
occupied the Chair of Philosophy in Dorpat. Teichmuller is probably one
of the most original and internationally known philosophers who have
ever worked or lived here. Teichmuller is known as a founder of the
school of personalism, where the main statement is that only a
person's self-consciousness is a unique window through which the
world can be experienced. It is expected that Teichmuller regarded
Wundt's attempts to apply experimental methods for the study of
human psychology as completely meaningless and misleading. It is
difficult to see how Teichmuller could intervene with what was Kraepelin
teaching or studying, but Wundt was reacting empathically in their
private correspondence to how Kraepelin described his situation in
"Recently I read the preface to 'Philosophy of
Religion' by your colleague Teichmuller. I thought I could skip the
rest afterwards. I would deem it undeservedly suspicious to be treated
by this man, who calls Springer [probably a mistake instead of Spinoza]
a mental cripple, except with swear-words. Generally speaking this
philosopher's declamation rather give the impression that he will
be ready for your asylum in the near future" (Steinberg &
Angermeyer 2001, p. 304).
Nevertheless, Kraepelin was apparently satisfied with his
professional life in Dorpat. There were colleagues who welcomed him and
there was never a shortage of students who attended his lectures or were
willing to spend time on research:
"The conditions for starting a school of psychology in Dorpat
were favourable. /.../ Luckily, I found a lot of keen, self-sacrificing
students prepared to devote many, many months' work solely to their
doctoral theses" (Kraepelin 1987:4445).
He also found the general scientific life in Dorpat stimulating, as
there were always a number of younger professors present, who worked
with enthusiasm (46). The general academic atmosphere in Dorpat pleased
Kraepelin with its egalitarianism:
"With the university so close at hand, the university members
had active contact with one another. One often came in touch with
others, got to know one another better and had more or less lively
social life. As the difference in rank according to seniority in office
were not expressed in terms of titled and were completely neglected and
there was no courtly influence whatsoever an atmosphere of unconditional
equality reigned, which had a very favourable influence on mutual
relation relationship" (Kraepelin 1987:47).
Kraepelin stood in the opposition to a powerful group of Baltic
Germans who were headed by the family von Oettingen (48). This
conservative group favoured filling every vacant academic position with
local Baltic Germans avoiding the appointment of the State-Germans
(Reich-Deutsch) at all costs. Russification was a useful tool in
favouring Baltic Germans over the mainlanders because the former usually
spoke Russian sufficiently well. Nevertheless, Kraepelin seemed to be
rather popular among students:
"A gradual shift in the situation occurred with the
approaching and finally strongly established Russianization of the
university. By this time, the Baltics [local Germans] realized that the
large number of German professors at the university could help to put a
stop to this fate. On the other hand, a number of German colleagues
increasingly took sides with the Russian government and was used by the
government to undermine the resistance of the university against the
measures ordained. The struggles between these opposing factors
intensified considerably, until finally the university lost its right to
appoint positions, thus sealing its downfall. /.../ I stood in bad
repute with the government and their rector [Ottomar Meykow]. /.../ On
my departure, the students on my side wanted to make a torch procession
for me. The rector did all in his power to hinder it, but the prorector,
Alexander Brueckner [18341896], the historian, had police control over
the students, gave his permission for the procession and took over the
responsibility. The torch procession took place" (Kraepelin
Because Kraepelin considered professorial chairs in Heidelberg or
Munich the most desired goals of his academic career, he commented about
his departure from Dorpat in the following words:
"I left Dorpat light-heartedly in 1891 at the end of
March" (Kraepelin 1987:57).
Returning to the initial years in Dorpat, Kraepelin founded the
Dorpat Psychological Society in 1887, which soon had 14 members, mostly
physicians (Steinberg & Angermeyer 2001, p. 305). He also
established the first laboratory of experimental psychology, not only in
the region but also in the entire Russian Empire. He asked Alexander
Schmidt (1831-1894)3, Professor of Physiology and the Rector of the
university at that time to provide rooms for this venture. Fortunately,
a new building was just finished for the Department of Physiology headed
by Schmidt who was able to find a room for the Kraepelin's
laboratory (Ramul 1974, Steinberg & Angermeyer 2001, p. 305). Thus,
it is certain that from the beginning of 1888 at the latest the
scientific psychology arrived in Estonia. By a coincidence, the
Department of Psychology moved into the same building (Naituse 2 or New
Anatomicum) where the first laboratory of psychology was established in
2014 (see Figure 2).
It seems to be a dominant view that Kraepelin was a great
psychiatrist but he did very little if anything significant for
psychology. This seems to be a misconception because Juri Allik
demonstrates in his paper "Why was Emil Kraepelin not recognized as
a psychologist?" (this issue) that Kraepelin was also a great
A bibliometric sketch
For the evaluation of Kraepelin's contribution to modern
science, we carried out a small bibliometric analysis. The Google
Scholar is probably the largest search engine for scholarly literature.
It searches for a wide range of scholarly publications from academic
journals to online repositories, universities and other web sites.
Publish or Perish (PoP) is a software program, which was created by
Anne-Wil Harzing to retrieve and analyse academic citations. It uses
Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search as a source in obtaining
citation data for authors whose names can be uniquely identified.
A search (October 26 2016) with the search line E. Kraepelin
identified more than 700 publications (including translations and
various editions) which were cited 17,566 times. The h-index was equal
to 40. Thus, from the first Kraepelin's publication about 135 years
ago his books and papers have been cited on average 130 times each year.
Interestingly, the most cited book is the English translation of his
Dementia praecox and paraphrenia (1971), which has been cited 3,473
times. Various editions and translations of Kraepelin's Psychiatrie
or Lehrbuch have been cited altogether several thousand times.
In summary, although it is already 90 years from Kraepelin's
death, his ideas are very much alive and cited by modern researchers.
Thus, it is not surprising that Kraepelin was nominated for the
Nobel Prize for his contribution to psychiatry on at least eight
occasions from 1909 to 1926. Nils Hansson, Thorsten Hailing, and Heiner
Fangerau in their paper "Emil Kraepelin's Nobelibility"
(this issue) discuss why the prize eluded Kraepelin and what it could
mean to be prize-worthy in general and in psychiatry in particular.
Speaking and understanding Estonian
It is difficult or impossible to judge how well Kraepelin spoke or
understood Estonian. The majority of his patients in Dorpat/Tartu spoke
only Estonian or Russian. According to his Memoirs, he made an effort to
study both Estonian and Russian but soon understood that the cause is
not worth the effort to achieve it. In his Memoirs he wrote: "I
tried to learn Russian and Estonian more thoroughly, but gave it up,
when I realized that the success achieved was not in proportion to the
time and effort necessary" (Kraepelin 1987, p. 40). Kraepelin could
address his mostly Estonian- and Russian-speaking patients only with the
help of an interpreter (Steinberg & Angermeyer 2001, p. 302):
"It was very laborious for me to work with the patients,
because I had difficulties with the language. The majority of patients
suitable for teaching purposes only understood Estonian. There were also
some individual patients, who spoke Russian or Latvian. Therefore, I was
not able to communicate with most of the patients without constant
translation, although I gradually learn the most common questions and
requests, unfortunately, the patients did not always keep to my limited
vocabulary in their answers" (Kraepelin 1987:40).
In his so-called "Self-assessment", Kraepelin admitted
that mastering languages, especially in written form, was never
difficult for him. He also confessed that he was able to understand both
Russian and Estonian to a certain extent (Engstrom et al. 2002, p. 101).
At least once, he was able to demonstrate his skills in Estonian.
Perhaps in one of the funniest parts of his Memoirs, he wrote how he
visited an asylum in Constantinople, which was run by French nurses. As
an example of particularly complicated cases, he was shown a patient who
spoke a language nobody could understand. We can only imagine the
amazement of all participants when their distinguished guest suddenly
started to talk to this patient in his mother tongue:
"I was shown a man, whose origin was unclear, as he spoke a
completely unknown language. To my surprise, I realized that he spoke
Estonian, of course, he was pleased to finally find someone, who could
speak at least few words of his mother tongue with him" (Kraepelin
Perhaps Hemingway's misquote that "In every port in the
world, at least two Estonians can be found" is not so wrong after
all. (4)
Cross-cultural psychiatry
As a psychiatrist, Kraepelin was in a strange situation. To say
nothing about asylum, which required reforms, he mostly confronted
patients whose speech remained largely unintelligible to him. At least
sometimes he might felt like an anthropologist from Mars. Nevertheless,
it was Kraepelin who founded the comparative psychiatry in the search of
cross-cultural similarities and differences in the expression of mental
disorders (Jilek 1995, Machleidt & Sieberer 2013). Kraepelin
inquired and analysed clinical data from the asylum at Buitenzorg
(Bogor) on the major Indonesian island of Java finding that dementia
praecox and other mental disturbances were occurring with approximately
the same frequency as in European countries (Kraepelin 1904). In his
Memoirs Kraepelin wrote about his Java observations:
"A hasty examination showed that most of the patient
population had [no] dementia praecox to a greater extent than in Germany
and that therefore race, climate and living conditions had no decisive
influence on the origin of this disease. /.../ The auditory
hallucinations in case of dementia praecox are considered unimportant,
probably because language and speech only have a lesser influence on the
thinking process in Java. Delusions were also remarkably scarce. From
these and other experiences, I became convinced that my attempt to
prepare the way for comparative psychiatry could be successful and
intended to follow-up these ideas as soon as possible" (Kraepelin
Thus, although Kraepelin observed approximately the same frequency
of mental diseases in Java as in Germany, the symptoms of these diseases
might have peculiarities influenced by race, climate or even culture.
Fascinatingly, Kraepelin started to talk about comparative
psychiatry only after his visit to Java in 1904. In reality he had an
opportunity to do it earlier when he arrived in Dorpat and encountered
patients who did not speak any of the IndoEuropean languages. After
travelling to Reval/Tallinn he made an excursion which gave him enough
material for illuminating anthropological observations:
"This was the first time we were confronted with our new home
surroundings, the little carts with the shaggy, brisk horses, the street
names and shop signs in a foreign language, the rustic figures of
Estonians, the Russian post-office, in which one was brusquely told to
take off one's hat to the picture of a saint in the corner. The
incredibly slow, sheer endless journey to Dorpat with long pauses at
every small station gave us a good impression of the Russian railways
" (Kraepelin 1987:36).
However, there is no information that he confronted something
peculiar or noteworthy in mental disorders of his future patients who
were mainly Estonians. Already before him, one of the greatest
naturalists of the 19th century, Karl Ernst von Baer (1792-1876)
observed in his doctoral dissertation On endemic diseases of Estonians
(1814), which was defended in Dorpat many years before Kraepelin's
arrival, that rustic Estonians suffer from diseases that are rare or
unknown among Germans. At the same time, Baer spotted that, for
instance, cramps and mental diseases are quite rare among Estonians. It
remains a challenge to establish how Kraepelin's psychiatric
experience in Dorpat influenced his later views on comparative
Clinic and patients
The clinic in Dorpat was the only mental asylum in the northern
part of the Baltic provinces (Kraepelin 1987:37). The clinic was able to
accommodate about 70-80 patients who sometimes came even from Lithuania
after several days of journey (40). The clinic was, as Kraepelin proudly
noted, the only place in Russia, where one could live without a passport
Kraepelin described in details what he did to improve the financial
situation, material conditions, and especially the reputation of the
clinic (Kraepelin 1987: 37-43). Because it was a private institution,
considerable efforts were needed to overcome prejudices against mental
asylums in order to attract educated and wealthy patients. One welcomed
category was colleagues from the university who were admitted for
treatment of their nervous complaints (41).
The work of a medical scholar with his patients, providing a good
picture of his practical merits, deserves as much interest as his
academic research. The Russian writer Vikentij Veresaev has pointed out:
"As a younger student, I attended some two or three of his
[Kraepelin's] clinical lectures, simply out of interest. There was
a mentally ill patient present. Kraepelin started giving the patient
questions, at the same time carefully watching him/her?, and there, at
the same moment, with all of us present, the whole picture of the
disease opened like a valuable piece of art. The final description,
formulated by the professor, was a summary of all the questions given to
the patient, which enabled the students to derive a logical and
characteristic picture of the disease. Everything seemed so simple that
even a strange question arose: what is so special in it?" (Veresaev
Although we know quite a lot about Kraepelin's Dorpat period,
nobody has studied patient cards (Zahlkarte) that were introduced by
Kraepelin and obviously played a pivotal role in his classification of
mental disorders. These cards also provide information on diagnosing and
treatment methods and about the wisdom of Kraepelin which Veresaev
Steinberg and Angermeyer write in their article about
Kraepelin's period in Dorpat the following:
"Elmar-Johannes Karu (1903-1996) remembers that, during the
Nazi occupation, the famous German psychiatrist Kurt Schneider
(1887-1967) worked as military surgeon at Dorpat. He searched out
patient files written by Kraepelin, and many of them can still be found
in the Estonian National Archives" (Steinberg & Angermeyer
2001, p. 318).
In the Estonian National Archives, we do not find biographies of
patients of the Psychiatric Clinic of Tartu University. Patient cards
are preserved in the archives of the psychiatric clinic. Thus it is
really praiseworthy that Maike Rotzoll and Frank Gruner in their paper
"Emil Kraepelin and German Psychiatry in Multi-Cultural
Dorpat/Tartu, 1886-1891" (this issue) have studied patient cards
filled by Emminghaus and Kraepelin after so many years of their neglect
and for the first time analyse their importance and the role of their
assistant colleagues.
Academic and political situation
The time when Kraepelin arrived Dorpat in the late 1880s was mainly
marked by the transition of the Russian Empire into a nation state
(Kappeler 1992), which led to serious consequences for the Baltic
Germans and for German higher education within what the Russians saw as
simply another province of their country (Drechsler & Kattel 2000).
Already in 1856, a year after Alexander II had ascended to the throne, a
commission for the renewal of the statute of the University had been
formed by the Ministry of Public Education. The new statute of the
University was established in 1884, which marked the beginning of
Russification. The reform in Dorpat was initially carried out under the
leadership of the Curator--the representative of the government at a
university--Georg Friedrich von Bradke (1796-1862), and from 1862
onwards, by his successor, Count Alexander Keyserling (1815-1891)
(Drechsler & Kattel 2000). (5)
Keyserling's main concern, however, was the international
level of Dorpat scholarship. In his letter to his friend Karl Ernst von
Baer, Keyserling stressed that all connections with nationality must
withdraw with an aim to change Dorpat an international university
(Drechsler & Kattel 2000). There is no doubt that Kraepelin was on
the side of those whose intention was to transform Dorpat into an
excellent or German university, which were inseparable concepts at that
time. However, many Baltic Germans perceived the support of
Russification in their best interest even if it meant those who were not
able or willing to teach in Russian.
Erki Tammiksaar gives a more elaborate picture about how political
life in Dorpat looked like in his paper "Political atmosphere in
Dorpat in Emil Kraepelin's period" (this issue).
Kraepelin's successor
For the development of psychology in Tartu, it was extremely
fortunate that Kraepelin's successor was Vladimir Chizh (1955-1923)
who was the first Russian member of the medical faculty. There are
several important similarities between Chizh and his predecessor
Kraepelin. They both completed medical training, they both studied
psychology under Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, and during their
professorship in Yur'ev, they supervised doctoral theses, which
clearly belonged to psychology. Indeed, let us look only at the topics
of these successfully defended dissertations (Ramul 1974):
* Memory of tactile sensations (Loewenton 1893),
* Memory of voluntary movements (Schneider 1894),
* Study of sensing location and memory of this sensation (Bart
* Memory of visual perception (Zaborowski 1894),
* Tactual and taste sensitivity among men and women from a
different social background (Dehn 1894),
* Impact of stimuli with signalling value (Sokolowski 1898),
* Change of pulse and briefing during certain psychical states
(Girs 1899),
* An experimental investigation of the tactual sense (Hildebrand
This list alone testifies that Chizh was continuing a series of
experimental studies that were started earlier by Kraepelin.
Kraepelin and Chizh obviously shared interests in criminal
anthropology and admiration towards one of its most remarkable founders,
Cesare Lombroso (18361909). Ken Kalling tells us a fascinating story
"Emil Kraepelin's successor prof. Vladimir Chizh, his research
methods and objects" (this issue) about how Chizh tried to explain
differences in the criminal behaviour of Estonians and Latvians in terms
of their biological or racial differences.
Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Chizh was fascinated with what
was called moral statistics. It is not surprising that scholars who
disputed modernity and morality of society looked for suicide and
criminal statistics. For example, Emile Durkheim is often credited with
establishing the so-called "One Law of Sociology" or
"Durkheim's Law": Protestants always kill themselves more
often than Catholics (Lederer 2013). Like so many aspects of his
research, that particular observation derives from the work of two
Dorpat professors, in this case the moral statisticians Adolf Wagner
(1835-1917) and his colleague Alexander von Oettingen (1827-1905).
Alexander von Oettingen--two out of five of his brothers were also
professors at the University of Dorpat--was professor of evangelical
theology who published his prize-winning Moral Statistics in 1868
(Lederer 2013).
Interestingly, Kraepelin wrote a review essay about Lombroso's
L'uomo delinquente (1884). Kraepelin's view of the theory that
criminality is an atavistic characteristic was debatable in details, not
in general. Criminality is caused, as Kraepelin seemed to agree with
Lombroso, by biological, not social factors (Lees 2002, p. 151). It is
unclear how much this concept is related to Kraepelin's views about
mental disorders he so brilliantly discussed in his inaugural lecture in
Dorpat. In spite of some inconsistencies, Chizh obviously believed in
Lombroso's speculations much more faithfully than Kraepelin.
Kraepelin as a person
However, Kraepelin was not always a hero for all his colleagues. In
the 1960s, there were several challenges to the mainstream psychiatry.
One of these rebels was called anti-psychiatry because its
representatives perceived the basic psychiatric practices developed by
Kraepelin as repressive and dehumanizing. These dissidents perceived
psychiatry as a coercive instrument of oppression, which emerged from an
asymmetric power relation between doctor and patient. David Cooper
coined the term 'anti-psychiatry' in 1967, which became
popular after his book Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry was published
(Cooper 1971). Thomas Szasz, another notable representative of the
anti-establishment movement, introduced the definition of mental illness
as a myth (Szasz 1962). Characteristically, Ronald Laing in his famous
The Divided Self uses Kraepelin's technique of interviewing
psychiatric patients as an example of the worst practices used by the
mainstream psychiatry. Kraepelin is interested, Laing says, to get the
'useful information' out of the patient which is believed to
be merely 'signs' of a 'disease':
"/.../ this patient's behaviour can be seen in at least
two ways /.../ One may see his behaviour as 'signs' of a
'disease', one may see his behaviour as expression of his
existence. The existential-phenomenological construction is an inference
about the way the other is feeling and acting. What is the boy's
experience of Kraepelin? He seems to be tormented and desperate. What is
he 'about' in speaking and acting in this way? He is objecting
to being measured and tested. He wants to be heard" (Laing 1960,
pp. 30-31).
Ironically, these existential-phenomenological proclamations were
mainly heard in departments of the humanities rather than in psychiatric
wards or departments. Nevertheless, Kraepelin was often portrayed as a
rational diagnostic machine without any compassion or empathy towards
those whom he was sup posed to help. In Memoirs he used emotionally
restrained prose, especially when he briefly talked about his personal
tragedies, reinforced the impression that his humane qualities were
seriously underdeveloped. However, it is important not to confuse the
style of writing with actual feelings. In some rare cases, we can see
behind a facade of restraint and self-discipline. For example, becoming
a psychiatrist was not determined because Kraepelin's first
impressions from the psychiatric clinic, as we mentioned above, were
nightmarish (Kraepelin 1987:7).
Kraepelin was rather critical of his abilities. In his so-called
'Self-Assessment,' he assessed himself as rather slow in
comprehension, limited in grasping day-today situations, and very poor
in memorizing. He admitted that he never felt prompted to write poetry.
Acquiring knowledge of history, as he wrote, required great effort but
this knowledge disappeared with astonishing rapidity (Kraepelin 2002,
pp. 98-101). From his passions, he mentioned love of travel (p. 103).
Indeed, in his Memoirs he devoted to his journeys more space than to
psychiatry and psychology rolled into one.
Kraepelin was obviously not very enlightened concerning politics
and societal questions. He had no prior knowledge where Dorpat was and
what it meant to live in the Russian Empire. He was a German patriot
blaming the United Kingdom and other allies--Entente--of offending
German rights for existence.
Summarizing what we currently know about Emil Kraepelin, it is
necessary to agree with those critics who say that he had at least two
faces (Shepherd 1995). In science, he was a reluctant revolutionary who
attempted to remain loyal to traditions and especially to his mentor
Wilhelm Wundt. There is no doubt that he reformed psychiatric asylums by
liberating patients from many literal and metaphoric chains. At the same
time, he was accused of lacking empathy and compassion to his patients.
Kraepelin was apparently honest and uncompromised in the pursuit of
scientific truth. Nevertheless, he was an opinionated and narrow-minded
conservative regarding many societal and political issues. We hope that
this special issue helps to understand Emil Kraepelin in all his
complexity and controversy.
Juri Allik
Institute of Psychology
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
[email protected]
Erki Tammiksaar
Baer House
Veski st. 4
Tartu 51005, Estonia
[email protected]
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(1) Dorpat was the official German name to the town in the Estonian
area (from the 13th century to 1893). In the course of the Russification
of the Baltic provinces in 1893, the town was renamed Yur'ev (also
Jurjew). Since 1919 it has been called Tartu.
(2) Father of Adolf Strumpell (1853-1925), Ludwig Strumpell
(1812-1899) was the professor of philosophy (1843-1871) at Dorpat. His
Die Natur und Entstehung der Traume /Nature and formation of dreams/
(1874) was an inspiration for Sigmund Freud's own concept of
dreams. Interestingly, Adolf Strumpell wrote a sympathetic review about
Studies on Hysteria (1985) by Freud and Breuer in which he proposed that
doctors might suggest sexual causes of hysteria to receptive patients
(Sulloway 1992:81-82).
(3) Schmidt was a world-class scientist who demonstrated that blood
coagulation is an enzymatic process in which fibrinogen transforms into
(4) The actual quote from Hemingway's book To Have and Have
Not (1937) is much better: "No well-run yacht basin in Southern
waters is complete without at least two sunburned, salt bleached-headed
Esthonians who are waiting for a check from their last article."
(5) Charles Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species about Keyserling:
"In 1853 a celebrated geologist, Count Keyserling ("Bulletin
de la Soc. Geolog.," 2nd Ser., tom. x. p. 357), suggested that as
new diseases, supposed to have been caused by some miasma, have arisen
and spread over the world, so at certain periods the germs of existing
species may have been chemically affected by circumambient molecules of
a particular nature, and thus have given rise to new forms."
(Darwin, 1959/1859, p. 68).
Juri Allik [1] and Erki Tammiksaar [1,2]
[1] University of Tartu and [2] Estonian University of Life
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