Lauk, Kalmer ; Allik, Juri
1. Introduction
A quality of a scientific publication of any country can be
predicted, partly at least, from the GDP per capita but also from the
percentage of money that was spent on R&D by this country (Allik
2013a, King 2004, Vinkler 2018). Hence, only very rich nations spending
a considerable amount of the produced wealth on R&D afford to
produce high-quality scientific papers, which have an impact on science.
It was also noticed that open countries whose scientists collaborate
with their foreign colleagues are likely to produce scientific output of
higher quality (European Commission 2015, Moed 2005, Wagner and Jonkers
2017). Although wealth and money are important factors, countries differ
considerably in terms of the efficiency of turning financial input into
bibliometrically measurable output (King 2004, Leydesdorff and Wagner
2009, Vinkler 2008). This indicates that not all R&D money is
necessarily turned into the high quality scientific output; some of it
has been lost in translation. It was observed that countries differ in
their ability to transform scientific research into immediate economic
return (Vinkler, 2008). Besides money, achieving scientific excellence
also requires reasonable science policies, research ethos, and even a
culture that supports discovery of new ideas (Jurajda Kozubek, Munich,
and Skoda 2017, Moed 2005, Ntuli, Inglesi-Lotz, Chang, and Pouris 2015,
van Leeuwen and Moed 2012, van Leeuwen, Visser, Moed, Nederhof, and van
Raan 2003).
In the study of factors that could determine scientific excellence,
the progress of science in the three Baltic states--Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania--may be particularly informative (Allik 2003, Kristapsons,
Martinson, and Dagyte 2003). By a coincidence, all three countries
published only approximately 300 papers each year in journals covered by
the Web of Science (WoS; or its predecessor, Clarivate Analytics) around
the moment when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 (Allik 2003). Only
fifteen or so years later, Lithuania's scientists published about
1,300 papers in the peer-reviewed journals against only about 400 papers
that were authored by Latvian researchers in 2007 (Allik 2008; Figure
1). Although the three Baltic countries are often confused, the progress
in their science output, both in quantity and quality, has diverged
remarkably during the years after regaining independence in 1991. In
spite of very similar historical, political, and economic experiences,
the progress of science measured on the basis of their bibliometric
indicators have been dramatically different (Allik 2011, 2015). To a
certain extent, it looks like a natural experiment where three different
subjects experienced different treatments with a purpose to observe how
it could affect their scientific progress.
In this paper we intend to provide an overview of the Estonian
science, using Latvia and Lithuania as a benchmark, based on the latest
release (March 15, 2018) of the Essential Science Indicators (ESI;
Clarivate Analytics) covering 11 years long period from 2007 until 2017.
As we hope to demonstrate, the progress of Estonian science, especially
during the last decade, has been spectacularly fast. This progress of
turning financial input into bibliometrically measurable output can be
even called miraculous, because according to the Statistics Estonia,
investments to R&D have diminished in the past three last years,
despite the embarrassing fact that it is only 0.8% of Estonia's GDP
(https://www.stat.ee/news-release-2017-128). We are not expecting to
solve this puzzle--turning diminishing financial input into increasing
bibliometric output--completely. Instead we hope to provide some
additional knowledge how to avoid mistakes in nurturing such a delicate
process as scientific excellence.
2. Method
Data were collected from the latest ESI release (updated on March
15, 2018) covering 11 years long period from January 1, 2007 until
December 31, 2017. All journals, except universal such as Nature,
Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PANAS),
are divided into 21 scientific areas in addition to Multidisciplinary
containing papers, which are difficult to assign to any of these areas.
When ESI was designed, it was decided to exclude humanities from the
list of scientific areas. Thus, ESI data cannot tell anything specific
about the state in the humanities for any country or institution.
ESI followed more than 12 million articles in more than 12,000
journals that were published during 11-year observation period and
indexed in the WoS. Inclusion in ESI is dependent upon meeting certain
citation thresholds. Only the most highly cited individuals,
institutions, journals, countries and papers are included in ESI.
Researchers, institutions, and highly cited papers must exceed 1%
top-citation threshold to be included in ESI. For instance, to be
included as a highly cited researcher in any of 22 areas, the total
number of citations to a person's output must be in the top 1% when
compared to all other researchers in that particular area, who have
published papers in this area during the last 11 years. Thresholds for
areas are remarkably different. For example, a computer scientist enters
ESI collecting at least 322 citations to papers published during the
last 11 years while the threshold for a physicist is as high as 7,999
citations. Understandably, countries/territories and journals need to be
among the top 50% in order to enter ESI.
Because ESI includes countries/territories producing perhaps only a
small number of papers during the 11-year observation period, we
excluded from the further analysis all countries/territories publishing
fewer than 4,000 papers. For example, over 3,000 papers were published
by Senegal, Panama, Malawi, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Macedonia, Sudan, and
Burkina-Faso. It could be also mentioned that Bermuda, Seychelles, and
Vatican published each fewer than 300 papers included in ESI over 11
3. Results
Table 1 presents a list of countries who entered ESI and published
more than 4,000 documents in the period 2007-2017. The listed countries
are ranked according to the mean citations per paper (the 5th column
Cites/Paper). The 6th column (Top Paper %) show the percentage of papers
which reached the top 1% rank in their citations. The next, the 7th
column (HSDI Rank) demonstrates country ranking on the High Quality
Science Index, which was proposed to combine average citation rate with
the percentage of papers reaching the top 1% (Allik 2013a). To compute
HQSI both indicators, the mean citation rate and the percentage of top
papers, were transformed into normalized scores after which their mean
value was found. The last column show changes in the ranking position
compared to a similar ranking list for the period 1997-2007 (Allik 2008;
Table 1). Several countries (Luxembourg, Nepal, Ecuador, Qatar, Macau,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Iraq) were missing from the previous list
and we cannot compute the change in ranking for them.
Small countries such as Iceland, Switzerland, and Scotland were
able to produce science of the highest impact. Together with the
Netherlands and Denmark they produced papers with the highest mean
citation rate from which the highest percentage reached the top of
citations. If we compare rankings, 1997-2007 (Allik 2008; Table 1) with
the current one, then three countries, i.e. the Republic of Georgia,
Singapore, and Saudi Arabia have improved their position most by
increasing 50, 31, and 19 positions respectively. Three countries who
dropped most in their ranking were Vietnam (-26), Poland (-18), and
Russia (-18). Estonia improved 11 positions in the ranking while Latvia
and Lithuania dropped 13 and 16 positions respectively in the ranking
during the last 10 years.
There were worries that Americans produce higher quality science
than the EU countries, with a gap between them widening (Albarran,
Crespo, Ortuno, and Ruiz-Castillo 2010, European Commission 2015,
Leydesdorff, Wagner, and Bornmann 2014). Inspecting the table above,
there is no foundation for these fears. USA not only lost 5 rank
positions compared with the previous ranking 10 years ago, but its HQSI
rank (15) is 8 positions behind the overall ranking (7) based on the
mean citations. The negative gap can be used as a Mediocrity Index
pointing to countries, which produce unexpectedly small number of highly
influential papers compared with the total number of papers indexed in
ESI (Allik 2013a). As an example, experts noticed already several years
ago that Scandinavian countries, including Sweden, may have fallen into
the comfort zone trap producing an unexpectedly small number of highly
cited papers (Karlsson and Persson 2012). If we compare rankings on the
mean citation rate and the percentage of highly cited papers, we see
that unlike other Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Finland are
producing fewer highly cited papers than it could be expected on the
basis of the impact of their papers in general. This may indicate that
their researchers have become complaisant with regularly good papers and
do not aim to produce scientific breakthroughs.
Based on the HQSI ranking, Estonia has currently the 12th position,
which is even of a higher ranking that Sweden (14), USA (15), and
Finland (19). Latvia occupies the 56th and Lithuania the 77th position.
Russia has the 95th position, which is only three positions away from
the very bottom.
Next, we demonstrate how the mean citation rate of papers authored
by Estonian scientists has changed during the last eleven years. Figure
1 shows the percentage of the citing rate relative to the ESI average.
In 2006, Estonian papers were cited approximately 20% less than papers
in ESI on average. By the end of 2017, papers written by Estonian
scholars were cited 30% more times than papers in ESI on average. The
impact of Estonian papers increased approximately 8% faster than the
impact of all ESI papers have increased on average during the last five
years. If it had been a growth of economic indicators it would have been
a sensation.
By the number of citations per paper, Estonia shares approximately
the same position as France and Israel, which are much wealthier
countries compared to Estonia. For comparison, France had in 2017 GDP
per capita $38,578 and Israel 37,778. Estonia's GDP per capita in
2017 was about $17,853, which is approximately 50% of GDP in these two
countries. Nevertheless, Estonian authors were able to publish papers,
which were cited as frequently as papers that were written by the French
and Israeli scientists. Please note that Estonia has never won a Nobel
Prize compared to 68 Nobel Prize winners in France and 12 in Israel.
Like Finland, Estonia has a relatively high national IQ (Pullmann,
Allik, & Lynn, 2004; see also
http://www.oecd.org/estonia/pisa-2015-estonia.htm), but one of the
lowest number of Nobel prizes (Dutton, Nijenhuis, & Roivainen,
2014). It is also useful to remember that France and Israel spend
respectively 2.3% and 4.3% of their GDP on R&D. It is even
embarrassing to say that Estonia's R&D expenditures are falling
the third year in a row, below 0.8% of the GDP (Estonian Research
Council, 2017, p. 12; Figure 1.1).
It is unlikely that small countries have equal strengths in all
areas into which science is in ESI divided. Table 2 provides ESI
bibliometric statistics in each of ESI research areas for Estonia,
Latvia, and Lithuania. Estonia passed 50% citation threshold in all 22,
Lithuania in 21 areas, and Latvia in 17 research fields. Another success
story, the Republic of Georgia passed the ESI thresholds only in 11
research areas. The strength of a country can be measured by the impact
of papers measured relative to the ESI world average in this field. For
example, in 10 research fields papers authored by Estonian scientists
have a higher impact than papers on average in this field (these fields
are marked with red). Latvian scientists publish papers with above
average impact in two fields: Clinical Medicine and Molecular Biology
& Genetics. Lithuania performed above ESI average in three fields:
Immunology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, and Plant & Animal
The observations we can make are very similar to those about
science in the three Baltic States after the first decade of
independence (Allik 2003). Lithuania published the largest number of
papers (22,435) exceeding Estonia (16,818) and particularly Latvia
(6,478) by more than three times. However, in terms of the paper's
quality, which can be measured by the number of times they have been
cited, Latvia lags more than 20% behind of the ESI world average. It
seems that Lithuania failed to improve the quality of its scientific
publications because their citation rate is 36% below ESI world's
average citation rate. Thus, out of the three Baltic countries only
Estonia was able to increase not only the volume of its publications but
also their mean impact (Allik 2013a).
The mean citation rate--cites per paper--tells only a part of the
story about a country's science. There were many proposals how to
supplement the mean citation rate with additional indicators, which
could improve the quality of bibliometric indicators. For example,
researchers were concerned how much self-citation could distort the mean
citation rate (Aksnes 2003, Jaffe 2011, Thijs and Glanzel 2006). In
addition to individual self-citation, there may also be a country-level
self-citation bias: the degree to which authors from one country cite
works carried out by the researchers of their own country relative to
the work that was performed outside of that country (Allik 2013b, Jaffe
2011). In addition to the percentage of highly cited papers, the other
end of citation frequencies--the percentage of not cited papers--is a
sensitive indicator of the scientific quality (Leydesdorff and Wagner
2009, Okubo 1997). Of course, the number of researchers per each country
who have reached the top 1% cites could be an additional indicator of
the quality of research in any country. Unfortunately, the ESI's
search engine does not allow sorting researchers according to their
affiliations. We tested potential Estonian researchers one by one and
were able to identify 66 researchers with Estonian affiliation (see
Appendix 1).
Luckily, Clarivate Analytics composes another, even shorter list of
about 3,500 highly cited researchers who have reached the top of about
160 most cited researchers in each out of 21 research fields (Clarivate
Analytics, 2017; https://clarivate.com/hcr/researchers-list/archived-lists/). In 2017-year's list, Estonia was represented by seven highly
cited researchers: Martin Zobel (Environment/Ecology), Tonu Esko
(Molecular Biology & Genetics), Andres Metspalu (Ibid.), Markus
Perola (Ibid.), Urmas Koljalg (Plant & Animal Science), Ulo
Niinemets (Ibid.), and Leho Tedersoo (Ibid.). For a reference, nobody
from Latvian or Lithuanian researches were included into the list of
highly cited researchers, which is perhaps not very surprising
considering other bibliometric indicators. Although Russia outperforms
Estonia approximately 20 times in the number of published papers, only
three Russian researchers have reached the list of highly cited
4. Discussion
Even after 25 years that have passed from the collapse of the
Soviet Union, most post-communist countries are still lagging behind
their EU counterparts in the quality of science they produce (Jurajda et
al. 2017, Kozak, Bornmann, and Leydesdorff 2015, Must 2006, Pajic 2015,
Vinkler 2008). If there is one post-communist country that has managed
to escape the curse of the past, it is Estonia occupying the highest
position in rankings among all post-communist countries (Allik 2003,
2008, 2011, 2015, 2017). Although the Republic of Georgia is only two
positions behind, this was achieved by supporting science only in few
limited areas having practically no publications in others. The former
flagship of the post-communist science Hungary is on the 37th position
falling 5 compared with the situation ten years ago. Some observers were
able to foresee this decline (Izsvak, Ivics, and Mates 2006).
Usually, the lack of money is blamed for the lagging behind of the
rest of Europe. In transitional economies, however, it is very difficult
to convince policymakers to allocate more money for science because
there is no convincing evidence that investment into R&D will have
immediate return in the form of economic growth (Hatemi-J, Ajmi, El
Montasser, Inglesi-Lotz, and Gupta 2016, Solarin and Yen 2016, Yasgul
and Guris 2016). Some countries show a causal relationship from the
output of research to real GDP, but some other countries do not
(Hatemi-J et al., 2016). Although economic and scientific wealth, as we
said above, are related in general (King, 2004), there are many factors
that could intervene to alter straightforward relationship. A good
example is Estonia together with the Republic of Georgia who are two
exceptions violating a relatively uncomplicated relationship between
economic wealth and the impact of scientific papers written by
researchers in a given country. Luxembourg is a good example of the
opposite deviation because $105,914 of the GDP per capita of Luxembourg
in 2017 expects higher position than the 36th in Table 1 (King 2004;
Table 1 and Figure 2).
Because the gap between Estonia's economic and scientific
performances was so obvious, we proposed that there must be a
considerable amount of 'hidden money' (Allik 2003, 2008).
Indeed, the unrealistically low cost of scientific articles suggests
that a considerable amount of 'hidden money' must be involved,
not reflected in the official expenditures. One possibility is
collaboration with partners from more affluent countries. Typically,
these collaborative projects are chiefly financed by wealthy Western
partners and domestic contribution is primarily a qualified but still
cheap labor (Allik 2003, 2008). However, it was clear that the
'hidden money', if there was any, was not enough to fill the
gap between recorded expenses and disproportionately high scientific
The next obvious candidate to explain differences in the
counties' economic and scientific performance was the efficiency of
the R&D system to transform financial input into
bibliometrically-measured output. For instance, differences between
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in their scientific productivity and
quality, which were virtually absent in the early 1990s, can be
explained with different approaches and practices of their R&D
systems (Kristapsons et al. 2003, Martinson 2015). There are several
plausible reasons that alone or in combination with others could explain
stagnation in Latvian and inflation in Lithuanian science. For example,
one obvious mistake in Latvian science was the elimination of permanent
science financing replacing it with a temporary grant system only (Allik
2003). Lithuania, on the other hand, created its own cottage industry of
scientific journals instead of competing with the rest of the word for
publishing in the leading international journals. Although damaging, one
of the main mistakes that Latvia and Lithuania made was not building an
impartial R&D system, with the only goal of promoting scientific
As it was already mentioned, among factors that are behind the
recent success of Estonian science is a relatively strong competition
for limited funds (Allik 2015). Ever since Estonia regained its
independence in 1991, most research funding applications had to be
written in English, which allowed using foreign experts as impartial
judges. An inevitable consequence of the project-based funding is to
make the fairness of the decision-making process almost compulsory. In
addition, writing all applications in English was an invaluable practice
for writing scientifically sound articles, to say nothing about
internationally competitive and successful grant applications
themselves. For the transparency of the decision process, all scientific
assessment and decision-making in Estonia was given to panels consisting
of top-level researchers who were mandated to make sovereign decisions
that have been rarely reversed by non-scientific authorities. Panels
consisting of the best active scientists decided what question was
important to study and proposals were selected based on their scientific
merits, not what science bureaucrats typically think about the
importance for particular institutions and Estonian economy and society
in general. It is not surprising that bureaucrats, who are responsible
for science, became worried about too much autonomy and self-governance
that scientists had in Estonia. Consequently, the amount of competitive
and project-based funding was decreased in favor of more stable funding
schemes where decisions can be made by the administrators of
universities and other research institutions (Allik 2015).
Estonian politicians became very excited if foreign observers
claimed, for example, that Estonia had become the digital leader of
Europe (Gaskell, 2017) (1). Nevertheless, Estonia became the only
country whose expenditures on the R&D have decreased in the third
year in running. Local politicians even invented a story why the digital
tiger did not need to invest more money into research. It was said that
public did not understand the need for science and this is why it was
not wise to discuss this question in the context of the forthcoming
general elections. Officials declared that if Estonian scientists wanted
more money for their research they needed to provide evidences that
their research helped to increase productivity of Estonian economy. Only
after Kristjan Vassil, the Vice Rector for Research, University of
Tartu, published a paper in the largest newspaper, the tone of
politicians became slightly more apologetic (Vassil 2018).
Summarizing, the economic and scientific wealth of nations are
intimately related to each other (Allik 2013a, King 2004). Only very few
rich countries can afford mediocre science because they have faith in
their neighbors. However, as Estonia and its two neighbors, Latvia and
Lithuania, demonstrate a successful science is inevitable because of the
economic growth and prosperity. Many factors could intervene in the
process of converting economic wealth into bibliometrically measurable
scientific output. The mission of small countries is to be a trial case
from which we can learn recipes for the growth of scientific wealth and,
more important, how to avoid mistakes.
Kalmer Lauk (1) and Juri Allik (1,2)
(1) University of Tartu and (2) Estonian Academy of Sciences
Kalmer Lauk
University of Tartu Grant Office Ulikooli 18 50090 Tartu, Estonia
[email protected]
Juri Allik
Institute of Psychology University of Tartu Naituse 2 50409 Tartu,
[email protected]
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The list of Estonian researchers who reached 1% top citation rate in
one or several research fields
Researcher Institution Papers Cites Top Papers
1 Abarenkov, K UT 35 2,667 11
2 Alavere, H UT 8 2,873 4
3 Allik, J UT 104 2,286 4
4 Bahram, M UT 108 3,067 11
5 Blinova, I NICPB 22 1,293 4
6 Brosche, M UT 50 1,788 6
7 Choubey, V UT 20 3,391 2
8 Davison, J UT 149 4,098 8
9 Dubourguier, HC EULS 15 2,060 4
10 Dumas, M UT 98 1,066 1
11 Esko, T UT 193 17,554 42
12 Giammanco, A NICPB 716 21,746 48
13 Heinlaan, M NICPB 15 1,261 4
14 Helm, A UT 49 1,475 2
15 Ivask, A NICPB 45 2,592 7
16 Junninen, H UT 103 4,912 17
17 Kaasik, A UT 57 3,547 2
18 Kadastik, M NICPB 671 22,007 48
19 Kahru, A NICPB 69 3,877 9
20 Kasemets, K NICPB 32 1,867 6
21 Kivisild, T UT 85 3,834 3
22 Kohout, P UT 41 1,207 3
23 Koljalg, U UT 52 5,196 13
24 Kollist, H UT 33 1,460 6
25 Kutser, T UT 39 1,314 2
26 Koressaar, T UT 7 2,477 2
27 Laan, Maris UT 121 4,110 6
28 Langel, U UT 147 3,647 2
29 Leinsalu, M NIHD 52 6,245 12
30 Leito, I UT 125 2,205 0
31 Liira, J UT 76 2,495 3
32 Magi, R UT 116 10,904 26
33 Mander, U UT 89 2,066 4
34 Merits, A UT 83 1,369 0
35 Metspalu, A UT 282 19,436 46
36 Metspalu, M UT 53 3,137 4
37 Mihailov, E UT 73 5,755 18
38 Milani, L UT 161 7,026 14
39 Moora, M UT 64 3,126 11
40 Morris, A P UT 223 23,268 29
41 Muntel, M NICPB 315 15,631 18
42 Naatanen, R UT 71 3,250 3
43 Niinemets, U EULS 181 7,564 22
44 Opik, M UT 51 1,788 6
45 Org, E UT 30 3,912 9
46 Parmasto, E EULS 5 980 1
47 Partel, M UT 78 2,887 8
48 Parts, L UT 36 7,376 5
49 Perola, M UT 218 19,496 39
50 Punab, M UT 122 3,597 5
51 Poldmaa, K UT 22 1,102 3
52 Raidal, M NICPB/UT 731 23,728 54
53 Realo, Anu UT 73 1,986 5
54 Rebane, L NICPB 432 18,928 31
55 Remm, M UT 54 3,424 3
56 Snieder, H UT 202 9,028 19
57 Tammesoo, M-L UT 14 3,313 8
58 Tammeveski, K UT 99 2,631 5
59 Tedersoo, L UT 86 5,264 18
60 Tiko, A NICPB 572 16,960 39
61 Varnik, A ESMHSI/ 55 1,308 4
62 Veelken, C NICPB 657 20,280 44
63 Viigimaa, M NEMCF/ 53 11,024 12
64 Villems, R UT 73 3,972 3
65 Vilo, J UT 49 1,857 6
66 Zobel, M UT 119 5,694 16
Fields HCR2017
1 Env/Ecol,
2 MolBio&Gen
3 Psy
4 Env/Ecol,
5 Env/Ecol
6 Pla&AniSci
7 MolBio&Gen
8 Pla&AniSci
9 Env/Ecol,
10 Compu
11 MolBio&Gen Yes
12 Phys
13 Env/Ecol
14 Env/Ecol
15 Env/Ecol,
16 Geo
17 MolBio&Gen
18 Phys
19 Env/Ecol,
20 Env/Ecol,
21 MolBio&Gen
22 Env/Ecol
23 Pla&AniSci, Yes
24 Pla&AniSci
25 Env/Ecol
26 Biol&Biochem
27 MolBio&Gen
28 Pharm&Tox, Biol
29 ClinMed, SocSci
30 Chem
31 Env/Ecol
32 MolBio&Gen
33 Env/Ecol
34 Microb
35 MolBio&Gen Yes
36 MolBio&Gen Yes
37 MolBio&Gen
38 MolBio&Gen
39 Env/Ecol,
40 MolBio&Gen
41 Phys
42 Neurosci&Behav
43 Pla&AniSci Yes
44 Pla&AniSci
45 MolBio&Gen
46 Pla&AniSci
47 Env/Ecol
48 MolBio&Gen
49 MolBio&Gen, Yes
50 ClinMed
51 Env/Ecol
52 Phys
53 Psy
54 Phys
55 Biol&Biochem
56 MolBio&Gen
57 MolBio&Gen
58 Chem
59 Pla&AniSci, Yes
60 Phys
61 SocSci
62 Phys
63 ClinMed
64 MolBio&Gen
65 Biol&Biochem
66 Env/Ecol, Yes
Notes: UT = University of Tartu; TUT TalTech?? = Tallinn University of
Technology; NICPB = National Institute of Chemical Physics and
Biophysics; EULS = Estonian University of Life Sciences; NIHD =
National Institute for the Health Development; NEMCF = North Estonia
Medical Centre Foundation; ESMHSI = Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and
Suicidology Institute; Env/Ecol = Environment/Ecology; Biol&Biochem =
Biology & Biochemistry; ClinMed = Clinical Medicine; Phys = Physics;
Chem = Chemistry; Psy = Psychiatry/Psychology; MolBio&Gen = Molecular
Biology & Genetics; PlaAniSci = Plant & Animal Science; Neurosci&Beha =
Neuroscience & Behavior; Microb = Microbiology; ParmTox = Pharmacology
& Toxicology; Compu = Computer Science; HRC2017 = Highly Cited
Researchers 2017. Krista Fischer from University of Tartu is likely to
be included but she cannot be separated from similar name variants.
(1) https://www.forbes.com/sites/adigaskell/2017/06/23/how-estonia-became-the-digital-leaders-of-europe/#50cd890256da
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3176/tr.2018.4.01
Table1. List of countries who published more than 4,000 ESI papers
during the last 11 years, in the period 2007-2017
Web of Science
Rank Countries/Regions Documents Cites Cites/Paper
1 ICELAND 9,775 227,554 23.3
2 SWITZERLAND 281,839 5,974,440 21.2
3 SCOTLAND 149,732 3,050,642 20.4
4 NETHERLANDS 382,711 7,734,062 20.2
5 DENMARK 161,671 3,141,880 19.4
6 ENGLAND 976,296 18,091,235 18.5
7 USA 4,018,935 73,894,592 18.4
8 BELGIUM 210,940 3,843,680 18.2
9 WALES 51,446 936,240 18.2
10 SWEDEN 255,231 4,578,903 17.9
11 SINGAPORE 117,749 2,080,794 17.7
12 IRELAND 78,858 1,381,373 17.5
13 GERMANY 1,063,985 18,088,194 17.0
14 CANADA 659,943 11,134,985 16.9
15 NORTHERN 25,197 424,684 16.9
16 AUSTRIA 145,599 2,451,730 16.8
17 FINLAND 124,726 2,099,606 16.8
18 NORWAY 121,843 1,987,122 16.3
19 FRANCE 744,687 12,117,539 16.3
20 ESTONIA 16,818 273,488 16.3
21 ISRAEL 141,052 2,247,131 15.9
22 REPUBLIC OF 5,637 88,227 15.7
23 AUSTRALIA 540,607 8,417,798 15.6
24 PERU 9,186 141,639 15.4
25 ITALY 642,089 9,864,393 15.4
26 HONG KONG 124,997 1,870,561 15.0
27 NEW ZEALAND 89,996 1,345,522 15.0
28 KENYA 14,895 222,062 14.9
29 UGANDA 8,565 125,887 14.7
30 SPAIN 554,312 7,991,814 14.4
31 COSTA RICA 5,333 76,815 14.4
32 GREECE 116,369 1,627,653 14.0
33 TANZANIA 7,983 110,706 13.9
34 PHILIPPINES 11,123 149,008 13.4
35 PORTUGAL 125,877 1,665,554 13.2
36 LUXEMBOURG 8,439 110,511 13.1
37 HUNGARY 69,002 893,493 13.0
38 URUGUAY 8,684 111,700 12.9
39 JAPAN 854,526 10,751,287 12.6
40 CYPRUS 9,899 124,414 12.6
41 ARMENIA 7,391 90,356 12.2
42 SRI LANKA 6,652 78,509 11.8
43 CZECH REPUBLIC 115,152 1,316,297 11.4
44 SOUTH AFRICA 108,477 1,235,866 11.4
45 ARGENTINA 88,002 988,965 11.2
46 CHILE 68,167 759,513 11.1
47 GHANA 7,438 82,232 11.1
48 SLOVENIA 39,276 433,690 11.0
49 TAIWAN 277,054 2,949,603 10.7
50 THAILAND 68,382 724,041 10.6
51 SOUTH KOREA 519,213 5,419,516 10.4
52 LEBANON 11,052 115,357 10.4
53 INDONESIA 15,999 166,435 10.4
54 NEPAL 5,066 51,812 10.2
55 BULGARIA 25,356 253,415 10.0
56 ECUADOR 6,486 63,910 9.9
57 CHINA MAINLAND 2,168,070 21,231,438 9.8
58 COLOMBIA 35,519 346,482 9.8
59 LATVIA 6,478 62,508 9.7
60 SAUDI ARABIA 86,543 816,025 9.4
61 SLOVAKIA 34,783 327,297 9.4
62 VENEZUELA 11,948 112,289 9.4
63 CROATIA 36,711 342,701 9.3
64 MEXICO 125,334 1,166,844 9.3
65 BANGLADESH 14,928 138,281 9.3
66 QATAR 10,797 97,882 9.1
67 CUBA 8,791 79,208 9.0
68 CAMEROON 7,373 65,874 8.9
69 OMAN 5,912 52,452 8.9
70 POLAND 249,900 2,204,107 8.8
71 UNITED ARAB 16,699 147,343 8.8
72 INDIA 554,273 4,839,616 8.7
73 ETHIOPIA 9,419 81,245 8.6
74 BELARUS 11,849 101,338 8.6
75 BRAZIL 407,396 3,420,751 8.4
76 VIETNAM 22,629 187,197 8.3
77 MOROCCO 17,460 141,446 8.1
78 AZERBAIJAN 4,955 39,663 8.0
79 MALAYSIA 87,529 697,892 8.0
80 LITHUANIA 22,435 178,357 8.0
81 KUWAIT 7,749 60,473 7.8
82 EGYPT 82,585 639,236 7.7
83 JORDAN 13,048 100,485 7.7
84 SERBIA 48,720 361,052 7.4
85 IRAN 250,418 1,825,070 7.3
86 PAKISTAN 67,815 490,947 7.2
87 TURKEY 270,114 1,953,060 7.2
88 ROMANIA 76,027 539,922 7.1
89 TUNISIA 33,944 236,083 7.0
90 NIGERIA 23,821 163,055 6.9
91 UKRAINE 52,492 352,886 6.7
92 RUSSIA 332,508 2,150,853 6.5
93 ALGERIA 23,791 148,391 6.2
94 MACAU 4,693 27,961 6.0
95 BOSNIA & 4,475 26,101 5.8
96 IRAQ 7,351 38,394 5.2
97 KAZAKHSTAN 5,718 27,394 4.8
Change in the Rank
Rank Top Papers (%) HQSI Rank since 2007
1 3.05 1 5
2 2.70 2 -1
3 2.61 3 2
4 2.45 4 0
5 2.49 5 -2
6 2.16 9 2
7 1.85 15 -5
8 2.21 10 4
9 2.22 8 9
10 2.00 14 -3
11 2.46 6 31
12 2.17 13 9
13 1.72 21 0
14 1.85 18 -3
15 1.78 20 7
16 2.05 16 -1
17 1.84 19 -8
18 1.99 17 -2
19 1.62 26 -2
20 2.41 12 11
21 1.65 27 -7
22 2.54 11 50
23 1.93 23 -4
24 2.80 7 5
25 1.49 32 -5
26 1.93 24 -16
27 1.75 28 -4
28 2.05 22 0
29 1.56 33 -5
30 1.45 35 -3
31 1.56 34 -5
32 1.47 38 8
33 1.48 39 3
34 2.16 25 1
35 1.32 41 2
36 1.87 30 n.a.
37 1.40 40 -5
38 1.21 44 -8
39 0.85 55 -14
40 1.96 31 8
41 1.79 36 6
42 2.09 29 18
43 1.19 48 1
44 1.48 43 -5
45 0.96 57 -7
46 1.17 49 -13
47 1.40 45 9
48 1.15 51 5
49 0.69 70 8
50 0.93 59 1
51 0.85 63 8
52 1.47 47 11
53 1.25 52 -10
54 1.30 50 n.a.
55 1.02 60 7
56 1.59 46 n.a.
57 1.05 61 15
58 1.33 54 -12
59 1.31 56 -13
60 2.25 37 19
61 0.87 73 0
62 0.87 72 -7
63 0.94 67 5
64 0.87 74 -15
65 1.20 58 1
66 1.95 42 n.a.
67 0.73 79 0
68 0.88 75 -14
69 1.17 62 15
70 0.83 78 -18
71 1.08 64 10
72 0.61 84 -1
73 1.06 66 -8
74 1.05 69 11
75 0.64 85 -17
76 1.11 68 -26
77 0.75 80 0
78 1.21 65 16
79 1.12 71 -3
80 1.00 77 -16
81 0.80 81 -6
82 0.64 87 -4
83 0.81 82 7
84 0.86 83 -15
85 0.68 88 2
86 1.14 76 -3
87 0.54 91 -7
88 0.81 86 -15
89 0.43 96 -1
90 0.73 89 1
91 0.59 93 -5
92 0.51 95 -18
93 0.69 92 -4
94 1.98 53 n.a.
95 0.87 90 n.a.
96 0.84 94 n.a
97 0.61 97 -5
Table 2. ESI bibliometric indicators characterizing Estonia, Latvia,
and Lithuania during the period 2007-2007
Research Fields Estonia
Pap Cites C/P C/P (%) TopP
1 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 379 3,143 8.29 -6.2 5
2 BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 757 15,463 20.43 18.6 13
3 CHEMISTRY 1,479 18,801 12.71 -13.6 10
4 CLINICAL MEDICINE 1,581 42,973 27.18 107.2 83
5 COMPUTER SCIENCE 211 890 4.22 -34.2 0
6 ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 295 1,571 5.33 -36.5 1
7 ENGINEERING 732 4,328 5.91 -20.8 5
8 ENVIRONMENT/ECOLOGY 1,321 26,948 20.40 54.3 42
9 GEOSCIENCES 1,219 12,725 10.44 -16.9 11
10 IMMUNOLOGY 271 4,808 17.74 -9.2 3
11 MATERIALS SCIENCE 707 6,458 9.13 -24.7 4
12 MATHEMATICS 330 1,331 4.03 -9.2 1
13 MICROBIOLOGY 257 4,442 17.28 10.5 5
14 MOLEC. BIOLOGY & 759 37,094 48.87 96.6 46
15 MULTIDISCIPLINARY 52 686 13.19 -10.8 2
16 NEUROSCIENCE & BEHAVIOR 473 9,324 19.71 6.4 7
17 PHARMACOL. & 280 4,800 17.14 30.8 8
18 PHYSICS 1,849 34,036 18.41 59.7 64
19 PLANT & ANIMAL SCIENCE 1,675 25,635 15.30 60.7 63
20 PSYCHIATRY/PSYCHOLOGY 470 6,398 13.61 7.7 11
21 SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL 1,451 7,345 5.06 -27.2 17
22 SPACE SCIENCE 270 4,289 15.89 -13.2 4
0 ALL FIELDS 16,818 273,488 16.26 30.8 405
Latvia Lithuania
Pap Cites C/P C/P TopP Pap Cites C/P C/P
(%) (%)
1 177 1,378 7.79 -11.9 3 883 4,160 4.71 -46.7
2 215 2,209 10.27 -40.4 2 759 8,664 11.42 -33.7
3 872 5,757 6.6 -55.1 1 2,057 16,303 7.93 -46.1
4 735 16,451 22.38 70.6 38 2,731 28,824 10.55 -19.6
5 75 391 5.21 -18.7 0 583 2,575 4.42 -31.0
6 124 612 4.94 -41.1 1 1,315 7,899 6.01 -28.4
7 584 1,821 3.12 -58.2 1 3,487 13,294 3.81 -48.9
8 246 3,190 12.97 -1.9 5 981 9,263 9.44 -28.6
9 392 3,281 8.37 -33.4
10 194 5,648 29.11 49.0
11 671 4,273 6.37 -47.5 2 1,602 7,747 4.84 -60.1
12 930 2,362 2.54 -42.8
13 84 1,240 14.76 -5.6 1 251 3,666 14.61 -6.6
14 149 8,039 53.95 117.0 5 253 9,641 38.11 53.3
16 62 866 13.97 -24.6 0 259 2,972 11.47 -38.1
17 145 1,111 7.66 -41.5 1 239 2,051 8.58 -34.5
18 1,139 6,783 5.96 -48.3 12 2,946 36,069 12.24 6.2
19 440 3,300 7.5 -21.2 6 1,210 5,390 4.45 -53.3
20 44 459 10.43 -17.5 1 188 2,057 10.94 -13.4
21 262 1,472 5.62 -19.1 5 943 4,252 4.51 -35.1
22 227 2,159 9.51 -48.1
0 6,478 62,508 9.65 -22.4 85 22,435 178,357 7.95 -36.0
Notes: Pap = WoS papers included in ESI; Cites = total number of
cites; C/P = Citations per paper; C/P (%) = Citations per paper
expressed as percentage relative to the ESI world average; TopP = the
number of papers reached the top 1% citation rate.
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