标题:Undervisningstraditioner i naturvetenskaplig undervisning i relation till svenska utbildningsreformer i skolår 6 Teaching traditions in Science Education in compulsory school and its relation to educational reform in Science Education in year 6
出版社:Naturfagsenteret i samarbeid med Universitetet i Umeå
摘要:In this paper we survey different teaching traditions in Swedish Science Education. The purpose is to map and investigate patterns in teachers’ views of what constitutes “good” Science education in the middle years of compulsory school in Sweden. This is done with the background of a new curriculum with national testing and grading being introduced, which could potentially alter teachers’ views of what is relevant content. A web-based questionnaire to teachers all throughout Sweden (response rate 43%, N=796) was used. The results show that groups can be formed with teachers emphasizing different teaching objectives including emphasis on; scientific facts and concept, laboratory work, everyday knowledge, and political and moral questions, even though the groups had a lot of similarities. The teachers indicate that they changed their instruction to a considerable extent after the three parallel reforms carried out 2011-13.