其他摘要:ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effect of water temperature on the physiological condition and growth performance of freshwater eel elver Anguilla bicolor bicolor (McClelland, 1844). This study was conducted in March 2017 at the Physiology Laboratory of Aquatic Animal, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University. The study used a completely randomized design with five different levels of temperature (22 ° C, 24 ° C, 26 ° C, 28 ° C, and 30 ° C) as treatments with two replications. The size of elver was 2‒3 g. Fish were fed with 1 mm pellet containing 45% of protein. The feeding level was 7 % of fish biomass and the feeding frequency was two times a day. The results showed that temperatures range from 24‒30 ° C could be used for freshwater eel elver rearing and 28‒30 ° Cwere the best temperatures to support survival and growth performance of eel elver. A temperature of 24 ° C was the best temperature that could reduce the metabolism rate and did not cause stress on the elver.
其他关键词:elver; physiological conditions; growth performance; metabolism; temperature