摘要:This paper is concerned about the dynamic behavior for the following high order nonlinear difference equation x n = (x n-k
+ x n-m + x n-l
)/(x n-k x n-m
+ x n-m x n-l
+1) with the initial data { x - l , x - l + 1 , … , x - 1 } ∈ ℝ + l and 1 ≤ k ≤ m ≤ l. The convergence of solution to this equation is investigated by introducing a new sequence, which extends and includes corresponding results obtained in the references (Li in J Math Anal Appl 312:103-111, 2005; Berenhaut et al. Appl. Math. Lett. 20:54-58, 2007; Papaschinopoulos and Schinas J Math Anal Appl 294:614-620, 2004) to a large extent. In addition, some propositions for generalized equations are reported.
关键词:Nonlinear; Difference equation ; Global stability ; Positive solution