摘要:In this paper, we study the existence of positive solutions for the nonlinear fractional boundary value problem with a p-Laplacian operator D 0 + β ( ϕ p ( D 0 + α u ( t ) ) ) = f ( t , u ( t ) ) , 0 1 , ϕ p − 1 = ϕ q , 1 / p + 1 / q = 1 , and f ( t , u ) ∈ C ( [ 0 , 1 ] × [ 0 , + ∞ ) , [ 0 , + ∞ ) ) . By the properties of Green’s function, the Guo-Krasnosel’skii fixed-point theorem, the Leggett-Williams fixed-point theorem, and the upper and lower solutions method, some new results on the existence of positive solutions are obtained. As applications, examples are presented to illustrate the main results. MSC:34A08, 34B18, 35J05.
关键词:fractional boundary value problem ; positive solution ; upper and lower solutions ; fixed-point theorems ; p -Laplacian operator