标题:Aligning Quality Indicators of Management Practices vis-a vis the Criteria of Performance Excellence Among Non-Accredited Recoletos Schools in the Philippines
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This research undertaking assessed the Management Practices of Non-accredited Recoletos Schools in the Philippines, to generate information on the management practices and administrative support to various areas concern based on the criteria of performance excellence as cited in the PAASCU standards.Quantitative methods of assessments were utilized, including the evaluation of relevant policies and procedures from the Recoletos Educational Apostolate in the Philippines (REAP) manuals and other documents from the schools under study.School administrators of non-accredited basic education schools, must seek pathways for its programs to seek or reaffirm accreditation; complete their self-study report which will give them an appraisal of their internal review and examination of their organization’s mission, educational objectives and performance with respect to the standards established by the accrediting body, to be assured of attaining the learning outcomes of subjects offered in the curriculum towards the achievement of the Recoletos Educational Apostolate in the Philippines as cited in the REAP documents.The appraisal of the various areas is only generally good , a strong call to align quality indicators of management practices based on the criteria of performance excellence from accrediting agencies in the Philippines because excellent performance which are required by the millennial environments for all academic institutions of learning in the Philippines.Consequently, because of the full implementation of the K-12 mandate, the school administrators are challenged to seek pathways for its programs and reaffirm accreditation. Moreover, it is recommended that REAP, through its religious and lay administrators, must seriously design proactive monitoring schemes for its annual strategic plans, and vigorously harness intervention strategies towards the attainment of Key Performance Indicators for each of the sections that were evaluated.
关键词:Non-accredited Recoletos Schools; PAASCU; REAP; Philosophy and Objectives; Faculty Qualification; Instructional Facilities; Administrative Performance; School and Community Involvement