摘要:The field experiment was conducted at Pulses Research Centre (PRC), Ishurdi, Pabna and Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Jamalpur during rabi 2012-2013 to find out the effect of seed rate and walkway for green pea production as relay cropping with transplanted Aman rice. The experiment was based on six seed rates @ 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 kg ha-1 and two walking ways viz. 15 cm wide walkway at 2 m interval over the plot and control with three replications. A local cultivar of pea, named Natore was used in this trial. Results revealed that the treatment with 100 kg seed ha-1 gave the highest pod yield of 5.13 t ha-1 and 4.98 t ha-1 at Jamalpur and Ishurdi locations, respectively which was similar to 80 (S4) and 90 (S5) kg seed ha-1.. Walkway had no significant variation in yield and yield contributing characters but it produced the higher yield over the control. Using walkway, 100 kg seed ha-1 (S6) and 15 cm walkway at 2 m interval over the plot (W1) produced the highest pod yield of 5.14 t ha-1 and 4.95 t ha-1 and fodder yield of 6.70 t ha-1 and 6.13 t ha-1 at Jamalpur and Ishurdi locations, respectively. Maximum gross margin of Tk. 1,06,040 ha-1 and Tk. 1,02,401 ha-1 was contributed by combinations of using 100 kg seed ha-1 and 15 cm walking way but maximum benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 3.40 and 3.43 were obtained from S5×W1 combination at Jamalpur and Ishurdi locations, respectively. It is concluded that pea cultivar can be successfully cultivated for green pod production through the use of 90-100 kg ha-1 seed with walkway of 15 cm wide in the plot after 2 m intervals. Bangladesh Agron. J. 2018, 21(1): 95-103
关键词:seed rate; walking way; relay cropping and field pea