出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this article, its author analyses the importance of family agriculture for the development of Brazilian rural áreas, paying attention to the South Región of Brazil. The autor analyses, firstly, the notions of "part-time agriculture" and "pluriactivity", and linkes each one of them to the different debates on farming sector along time. He shows that whereas the notion of "part-time agriculture" could be linked to the phase where the modemization paradigm was dominant, the "pluriactivity" is a notion linkedto the current debate on multiflinctionality. Secondly, he analyses the process of fanning modernization in Brazil in the sixties, and its efFects of social exclusión on small farmers. Finally, he analyses the relevance of family agriculture in the present process of rural development in the Southern regions in Brazil, and the importance of pluriactivity on the dynamization of rural áreas.
关键词:Estructura social agraria;Sociedad rural;Cambio social;Latinoamérica
其他关键词:Agricultural Social Structure;Rural Society;Social Change;Latin America