期刊名称:Potravinarstvo : Scientific Journal for Food Industry
出版社:Association HACCP Consulting
摘要:Parenica is a steamed, lightly smoked or unsmoked cheese wounded into a roll made from pasteurized cow's milk, with characteristic pronounced fibrous structure of curd. The aim of this work was to set up the sensory profile of smoked and unsmoked parenica cheese varieties made from pasteurized cow's milk and changes in sensory descriptors during 14 days of storage period at the temperature of 4 ±2 °C. Descriptive analysis was carried out by 18 trained assessors, who used a vocabulary of 26 terms to quantitatively describe appearance, aroma, consistency and taste of the experimental samples and also these overall sensory parameters with acceptability. Assessors evaluated the intensity of each descriptor by assigning the score on a 10 points linear scale. Analysis of variance found significant differences between cheese varieties (p <0.05) and the effect of storage period (p <0.05) on sensory quality of experimental parenica cheese varieties. The analysis showed that each sample group in observed representative sensory attributes was significantly different (p <0.05). Multiple factorial analysis showed in parenica cheese samples three selected components that explain more than 69% of the total variation in the dataset at the level of statistical significance p <0.05.