期刊名称:Potravinarstvo : Scientific Journal for Food Industry
出版社:Association HACCP Consulting
摘要:The food contaminants by aflatoxins are inevitable even when all precautions and good agricultural practices are applied. Samples of white rice and corn (yellow, red) grains were collected from different local markets and houses. Three Aspergillus flavus strain isolated were identified using molecular characterization of AFLR ( aflR ) toxin gene. DNA genome of the three A. flavus isolates (namely A. flavus _ YC; A. flavus _ RC; A. flavus _ Rice) which corresponds to isolates from, yellow corn, red corn and white rice respectively were used as a template for PCR to amplify Aspergillus flavus AFLR ( aflR ) toxin gene. Partially sequenced was amplified using a specific primer set to confirm its identity, phylogenetic relationships between the three isolates as well as determination of the corresponding antigenic determinants. The epitope prediction analysis demonstrated that there were 1, 2, 3 and 4 epitopes whose score were equal 1 in A. flavus _ YC; A. flavus _ RC; A. flavus _ Rice, respectively. Interestingly, there were great dissimilarity in the epitope sequences among the three isolates except in RLQEGGDDAAGIPA, SPPPPVETQGLGGD, RPSESLPSARSEQG and PAHNTYSTPHAHTQ were found to be similar between all isolates. This work articulates that the molecular identification and characterization of three A. flavus using Aspergillus flavus AFLR (aflR) toxin gene and the unique antigenic determinants that could be used for design of a broad-spectrum antibody for rapid detection of A. flavus in foods and support quality system of food safety.
关键词:PCR; Sequences; Phylogenetic tree; Protein toxin gene; antigenic determinants