摘要:Moral degradation in Indonesia has become nation’s problem not just individual problem. Education is one of several solution that government do to solve that problem. The goal of education is not only focused to cognitive development but also character development. Implementation of character development is integrated in student’s learning, the example is using movie. The implementation can be seen through the case study usage of drama movie media, which is biographic movie Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto in State Senior High School 3 Pamekasan. This is a qualitative research with descriptive data as the result. The result shows that movie media which has narration is suitable as learning media, such as documentary movie, drama movie, and science-fiction movie. The usage of movie as learning media leave a positive impression to student. They appreciate the usage of this media. They become eager and know the heroic figure as well as the main character of the movie. Through the movie communication process and character value cultivation occur. The result also shows that the usage of movie as learning media can become alternative to all subjects, not just limited to bahasa and civics.