标题:Utility of Chimeric Mice with Humanized Liver for Predicting Human Pharmacokinetics in Drug Discovery: Comparison with in Vitro–in Vivo Extrapolation and Allometric Scaling
摘要:The goal of the study was to investigate whether chitosan–citrus essential oil composite works as an efficient preservative in Pacific mackerel ( Pneumatophorus japonicus ) during chilling storage. FT‐IR analysis showed that chitosan–citrus essential oil coating was successfully prepared. Our results demonstrated that chitosan–citrus essential oil coating possessed significantly higher capability of scavenging reactive oxygen species ( and OH−) than chitosan. Furthermore, Pacific mackerel coated with chitosan–citrus essential oil composite could significantly reduce parameters of corruption including physicochemical (drop loss, biogenic amine, and thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances) and microbiological parameters (total viable count), as compared with untreated and chitosan groups after 12 days of storage at −3°C. These results indicated that CS‐CEOs could work as efficient preservative for Pacific mackerel storage through ameliorating redox state and inhibiting microbial growth and suggested that chitosan–citrus essential oil composite has great potential in preservation of aquatic products during superchilled storage.
关键词:humanized mouse;prediction;pharmacokinetics;in vitro–in vivo extrapolation;allometric scaling